Golf Quotes

Golf is a good walk spoiled.

While playing golf today I hit two good balls. I stepped on a rake.

A kid grows up a lot faster on the golf course. Golf teaches you how to behave.

Golf's for everybody.

Golf course design is exciting.

Golf is a mental disorder.

Golf and dating don't mix.

Golf is the Great Mystery.

Golf is you against yourself.

Golf is typical capitalist luncay.

Golf is played with the arms.

Golf is my boyfriend right now.

Golf is deceptively simple and endlessly complicated.

Golf's three ugliest words: still your shot.

Golf like measles should be caught young.

Golf is evolving every day every shot.

Golf is 20 percent talent and 80 percent management.

Golf always makes me so damned angry.

Golf's Holy Grail - a genius course.

Golf is tougher than my first wife.

Golf is a puzzle without an answer.

Golf is meaningless but it means so much.

Golf isn't just my business it's my hobby.

Golf will grow so long as it's fun.

Golf is something I do selfishly for myself.

Golf is the Lord's punishment for man's sins.

Golf is an indispensable adjunct to high civilisation.

Golf: The most ... perfect expression of National Stupidity.

Golf is a bloodless sport-if you don't count ulcers.

Golf is an expensive way to make yourself miserable.

Golf is an ideal diversion but a ruinous disease.

Golf's the only sport that comes with a slave.

Golf may be a hussy but I love her.

Golf is hugely important as it keeps me going.

Golf courses sell real estate and that's why they're built.

Golf is social. It brings a lot of people together.

Golf isn't supposed to be work. It's to have fun.

Golf has probably kept more people sane than psychiatrists have.

Players need to remember they didn't make golf. Golf made them.

Golf is like solitaire. When you cheat you cheat only yourself.

Golf is a day spent in a round of strenuous idleness.

Golf - a young man's vice and an old man's penance.

Golf made me feel like a loser. So I dismissed it.

Too many people asking too many questions in tennis. Golf is better.

Golf at its measured pace permits an electric excess of mental activity.

Golf is like smoking I have been trying to quit for years.

Golf tip: Lay off for three weeks and then quit for good.

Golf is a great way for someone to learn discipline responsibility and sportsmanship.?

I think golf is literally an addiction. I'm surprised there's not Golf Anonymous.

Golf is my profession Show business is just to pay the green fees.

Golf without bunkers and hazards would be tame and monotonous. So would life.

Golf is a lot of walking broken up by disappointment and bad arithmetic.

I think the hardest part about Golf is being committed to your wife

Golf without Jones would be like France without Paris: leaderless lightless and lonely.

Golf is flexibility and I notice more guys injured. You can overdo this conditioning.

Golf: A plague invented by the Calvinistic Scots as a punishment for man's sins.

Golf is the only sport that a professional can enjoy playing with his friends.

Golf is a weird sport. Some days you got it. Some days you don't.

Golf is like eating peanuts. You can play too much or play too little.

Golf is the most fun you can have with out taking your clothes off.

Golf has made me and shaped me into the person I am here today.

Golf is like a chain. You always have to work on the weakest links.

Golf is a passion that will stay with me forever. That's all I know.

Golf is more fun than walking naked in a strange place but not much.

Golf is a lot like life. When you make a decision stick with it.

Golf has humbled humiliated and just about licked all the great athletes who tried it.

Golf is the only opportunity that middle-aged WASPs have to dress up like a pimp.

Golf is all about patience - one tournament is four days long 18 holes a day.

If you don't believe in the living dead how do your explain the Golf Channel?

Golf gives you an insight into human nature your own as well as your opponent's.

Golf and sex are about the only things you can enjoy without being good at it.

Golf is like life in a lot of ways - All the biggest wounds are self-inflicted.

Golf is based on honesty where else would you admit to a seven on a par three?

Golf got complicated when I had to wear shoes and begin thinking about what I was doing.

Golf is good for the soul. You get so mad at yourself you forget to hate your enemies.

Golf is not about the quality of your good shots it is about the quality of your bad shots.

Golf is to me what his Sabine farm was to the poet Horace - a solace and an inspiration.

Golf seems to me an arduous way to go for a walk. I prefer to take the dogs out.

Golf seems to be an arduous way to go for a walk. I prefer to take the dog's out.

Confidence is king in golf.

Forget your opponents; always play against par.

Of all the hazards fear is the worst.

I didn't know much about golf growing up.

The only thing a golfer needs is more daylight.

The most important shot in golf is the next one.

Playing polo is like trying to play golf during an earthquake.

It's a funny thing the more I practice the luckier I get.

My swing is so bad I look like a caveman killing his lunch.

They call it golf because all the other four-letter words were taken.

Writing is like playing golf - you have to keep working at your swing.

Competitive golf is played mainly on a five-and-a-half-inch course... the space between your ears.

The older you get the stronger the wind gets and it's always in your face.

The most rewarding things you do in life are often the ones that look like they cannot be done.

These greens are so fast I have to hold my putter over the ball and hit it with the shadow.

As you walk down the fairway of life you must smell the roses for you only get to play one round.

You're only here for a short visit. Don't hurry don't worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.

Mickey Mantle was a very good golfer but we weren't allowed to play golf during the season; only at spring training.

It took me seventeen years to get three thousand hits in baseball. I did it in one afternoon on the golf course.

Hockey is a sport for white men. Basketball is a sport for black men. Golf is a sport for white men dressed like black pimps.

I've had the luxury of playing golf around the world and I've spent a lot of time evaluating how to play all kinds of courses.

I learned one thing from jumping motorcycles that was of great value on the golf course the putting green especially: Whatever you do don't come up short.

To be consistently effective you must put a certain distance between yourself and what happens to you on the golf course. This is not indifference it's detachment.

If you are caught on a golf course during a storm and are afraid of lightning hold up a 1-iron. Not even God can hit a 1-iron.

I've always made a total effort even when the odds seemed entirely against me. I never quit trying; I never felt that I didn't have a chance to win.

In tennis you can make a couple of mistakes and still win. Not in golf. I played three rounds in that Tahoe event and I was drained. Mentally not physically.

I get as much fun as the next man from whaling the ball as hard as I can and catching it squarely on the button. But from sad experience I learned not to try this in a round that meant anything.

I made nothing happen very slowly

Faith sir she looks like the Old Course

I could only hit balls thrown down at my feet

The name speaks for itself. He stands for all the good there is ingolf

I have told Tiger and his parents when they asked me that I think physically his game is at a level where he can play and succeed on the professional tour

Anthology construction is one of the pleasantest hobbies that a person who is not mad about golf and bridge - that is to say a thinking person - can possibly have

I've worked with it. I took three putts and hit the first one about 3 inches fat. The second one I hit it and I hit the third 15 inches fat. That was it

I loved junior golf.

Tiger's a horrible golf teacher.

Agriculture is the new golf

My parents didn't play golf.

Baseball reveals character; golf exposes it.

It's cool now to play golf.

The 'enemy' in golf is tension.

Few learn golf in a lifetime.

I'm addicted. I'm addicted to golf.

Just remember golf is flog spelled backwards.

I can't even pretend to play golf.

Good golf begins with a good grip.

I want to keep playing good golf.

Self-love is a big part of golf.

My manager always preaches golf comes first.

I like golf hiking camping boating and fishing.

Have you ever noticed what golf spells backwards?

Playing golf is like learning a foreign language.

A major golf tournament is 40 000 sadists watching 144 masochists.

Tennis and golf are best played not watched.

One thing that golf teaches you is humility.

I've played golf with three U.S presidents.

Apart from golf it was a great week.

I like to play snooker golf as well.

Timing is everything in life and in golf.

If you play golf you are my friend.

I love America. I wanted to play golf.

For me 'choking' is just another term in golf.

A golf swing is a collection of corrected mistakes.

I learned you can't drink whiskey and play golf.

I just want to be me and play golf.

When I'm not working I like to play golf.

Sometimes I play a round of extremely poor golf.

Nothing dissects a man in public quite like golf.

The coma ward was boring yet difficult. Like golf.

The beauty of golf you're in charge out here.

My hobbies and leisure activities include cars and golf.

My golf is woeful but I will never surrender.

At one point I had 14 pairs of golf shoes

If I could explain golf I'd be a genius.

When I'm not paralytic I like to play golf.

I thought Manual Labor was a Mexican golf pro.

Swimming is fun. It's a lot funner than golf.

As your golf improves your concentration will improve with it.

To find a man's true character play golf with him.

Media access to us is more regulated than in golf.

New Zealand has a great reputation in America for golf.

Thinking instead of acting is the number one golf disease.

I regard golf as an expensive way of playing marbles.

I'm just more into playing golf. It's a great thing.

On the value of blind shots to golf course design.

I play golf - even though I'm awful at it.

I don't play golf and I'm not into horse racing.

Dan would rather play golf than have sex any day.

Half of golf is fun; the other half is putting.

I like to play golf. I like to shoot hoops.

I don't play golf. Mark Twain is golf to me.

Keeping the head still is golf's one universal unarguable fundamental.

If I did that playing golf would drive me crazy.

If I have a day off I will play golf.

A round of golf is the ideal antidote to stress.

[On golf:] One of the most distressing defects of civilization.

Pawn endings are to Chess what putting is to golf

He has the finest fundamentally sound golf swing I've ever seen.

I don't play golf. I have more fun singing and dancing.

Good golf is easier to play-and far more pleasant-than bad golf.

Al Sharpton chases the spotlight the way Obama chases golf balls

I love horse racing I play golf and I love travelling.

The amateur has an infectious contagious enthusiasm for golf and life.

I like the Miami because I could play golf all winter.

The most successful way to play golf is the easiest way.

I would rather play Hamlet with no rehearsal than TV golf.

If you think golf is relaxing you're not playing it right.

It's Star Wars golf. This place was designed by Darth Vader.

My golf must be improving I'm not hitting as many spectators.

I wish to emphasize that there are no secrets to golf.

Don't play too much golf. Two rounds a day are plenty.

The secret of golf is to turn three shots into two.

I don't like golf. It's not for me it's too quiet.

I just wanna be me and play golf. I'm just Bubba.

I like to play golf but not at a country club.

I know the other side. I know what awful golf is.

The worst advice in golf is 'Keep your head down.'

I like trying to win. That's what golf is all about.

If it wasn't for golf I'd probably be a caddie today.

What I like about golf is there are no bad calls.

His golf bag does not contain a full set of irons.

I play bad golf for good charities like the LA Police.

I can't afford to be a member of a golf course.

We learn so many things from golf: how to suffer for instance.

Some emotions cannot be endured with a golf club in your hands.

I move around and play different golf courses. I just enjoy it.

I've always said the harder the golf course the better I play.

I like to play golf. I like to cut my own grass.

Playing from deep grass is a fact of life in professional golf.

Playing golf is like chasing a quinine pill around a cow pasture.

In golf as in no other sport your principal opponent is youself.

I always say golf's a really good exposer of a player's personality.

I don't enjoy playing video golf because there is nothing to throw.

Anybody who plays golf will tell you that you play against yourself.

There are no shortcuts to good golf. The better players realize this.

It's really football tennis and golf that I watch other than hockey.

Actually performing is a lot like golf. You are alone so vulnerable.

All I want to do is do my shows and play golf.

If you break 100 watch your golf. If you break 80 watch your business.

Playing golf is like eating. It's something which has to come naturally.

Weathermen merely forecast rain to keep everyone else off the golf course

Retirement means no pressure no stress no heartache... unless you play golf.

Not even Barbra Streisand celebrates herself as tirelessly as golf celebrates itself.

A great deal of unnecessarily bad golf is played in this world.

The greatest single lesson to be learned from golf is mental discipline.

This is one of the most special golf courses in the planet.

Retire to what? I already play golf and fish for a living.

He who has the fastest golf cart never has a bad lie.

To Sally who showed me the benefits of the sport of golf.

I found golf was too time consuming but I did enjoy it.

The great players have a set of golf clubs in their feet

There has to be a better use for titanium than golf clubs.

When you are too old to play golf you had better die.

Sam had a great time this weekend but the golf was lousey.

Nicklaus plays a kind of golf with which I am not familiar.

I do not let a bad score ruin my enjoyment for golf.

I'll watch golf while I work out. I'm your average golf fan.

I thought I would just become a pro at a golf course.

The real success in golf lies in turning three shots into two.

The income tax has made liars out of more Americans than golf.

I have played a handful of rounds of golf with Wayne Gretzky.

There is no room on the golf course for anger or self-pity.

Painting is like golf; the fewer strokes I take the better the picture.

In golf as in life it's the follow through that makes the difference.

There are three types of golf: golf tournament golf and Major championship golf.

If a caddie can help you you don't know how to play golf.

If there is any larceny in a man golf will bring it out.

They have been playing golf for 800 years and nobody has satisfactorily said why.

I like going there for golf. America's one vast golf course these days.

Some people play golf. Some are artists Some jog. I like to write.

I don't see myself playing or adjusting my schedule for senior tournament golf.

You have Obama that wants to play golf instead of deal with people.

You do what you need to if you're serious about playing great golf.

Feel is the most perplexing part of golf and probably the most important.

Play it as it lies is one of the fundamental dictates of golf

The mental aspect of golf is what makes golf such a great sport.

I get in my golf cart with my dogs I have five dogs.

You have the opposite of poker face. You have like.. miniature golf face.

McIlroy's taken the standard of golf to one level beyond where Tiger was.

I like going there for golf. America is one vast golf course today.

If there is one thing golf demands above all else it is honesty.

The only time my prayers are never answered is on the golf course.

Some of us worship in churches some in synagogues some on golf courses.

The problem with golf is I have to deal with a humiliation factor.

It's nice to worry about playing golf and not all the other stuff.

Prejudice hasn't changed to this day not in golf. Maybe in other sports.

I enjoy now doing what I do... playing golf relaxing a little enjoying life.

I played many sports but when that golf bug hit me it was permanent.

I've come a long way since 2007 when I kind of launched my golf career.

The golf course is always in good shape. Paul Latshaw does a reasonable job.

In golf 'close' is like the north and south rim of the Grand Canyon.

Every rock'n'roll band I know guys with long hair and tattoos plays golf now.

We were all born with webbed feet and a golf club in our hand.

Now I do bowling golf and tennis. I want to be a good bowler.

Playing golf is like raising children. You keep thinking you'll do better next time.

I don't need to know where the green is. Where is the golf course?

The best quick tip in golf is to focus on your rhythm and balance.

There are a number of golfers who are playing great golf in their 40s.

All I've got against golf is it takes you so far from the clubhouse.

There is no type of miracle that can't happen at least once in golf.

On one hole I hit an alligator so hard he's now my golf bag.

The business man - the man to whom age brings golf instead of wisdom.

The only thing I fear on a golf course is lightning...and Ben Hogan.

It is impossible to imagine Goethe or Beethoven being good at billiards or golf.

But I do have time to pencil in golf and we've got four excellent courses.

The difference in golf and government is that in golf you can't improve your lie.

Women are everywhere. We're letting them play golf and tennis now. It's out of control.

The difference between golf and government is that in golf you can't improve your lie.

They say golf is like life but don't believe them. It's more complicated than that.

The object of golf is to beat someone. Make sure that someone is not yourself.

I've seen the bottom and I know the difference between good golf and bad golf.

Ours is a youth culture and like a golf tournament we honor only low scores.

I've played with some very famous bandits in my time on the celebrity golf circuit.

My son's an idiot. He sprained his ankle playing golf. He fell off the ballwasher.

Actually I love golf clothes! I think this is the most interesting part of golf!

It's amazing how many people beat you at golf now that you're no longer president.

I like playing a bit of golf. But if people went around beating people to

There are more 'Don'ts' in golf than there are in any other avocation in life.

I don't like to watch golf on television because I can't stand people who whisper.

Very few blacks will take up golf until the requirement for plaid pants is dropped.

I don't think golf has ever been any pressure as far as having to succeed.

A big part of managing a golf course is managing your swing on the course.

I think I was given a gift to play golf and to be mentally strong

They say that golf isn't a contact sport. Not the way that we play it

Real golf is the 20 million people who play once a week or once a month.

The uglier a man's legs are the better he plays golf. It's almost a law.

I'm in love with golf and I want everybody else to share my love affair.

All my life I wanted to play golf like Jack Nicklaus and now I do.

I treat golf as a sport. I let other people treat it like a hobby.

The trouble with golf is that you are only as good as your last putt.

I am very proud of the fact I do not cheat when I'm playing golf.

The right way to play golf is to go up and hit the bloody thing.

Instead of playing with army men or whatever I played golf like for hours every day.

The reason they call it 'golf' is that all the other 4 letter words were used up.

If you hit a hole in one every hole you wouldn't play golf for very long.

Relax? How can anybody relax and play golf? You have to grip the club don't you?

My philosophy is to enjoy yourself. Do the things you want to do like play golf!

When Lee and Jack win it is good for golf. When I win it is better.

I'm not feeling very well - I need a doctor immediately. Ring the nearest golf course.

I've studied golf for almost 50 years now and know a hell of a lot about nothing.

The three things I fear most in golf are lightning Ben Hogan and a downhill putt.

I'm a golf junkie but I'm a sports fan. I'll watch pretty much everything that's on.

Life is great and golf has been one of the great parts of it for me.

In golf the customs and etiquette and decorum are as important as the rules of play.

The reason they call if 'golf' is that all the other 4 letter words were used up.

It was cool for a couple of weeks but how much bad golf can you play?

Iâ??m going to pass a law that no one can ask me my golf score.

I can't stand Tiger Woods. He is the most selfish man I've ever played golf with.

This golf course you miss a shot a little bit off-line it's going to bite you.

A smart girl is one who knows how to play tennis golf piano -- and dumb.

You know the way I play golf it's a good I do these things for charities.

I hate golf. I do not understand how anyone can enjoy it much less love it.

Polo is like playing golf with a saddle and there are a lot of moving parts.

As long as I keep enjoying my golf then hopefully I'll be able to play well.

No matter what kind of day I've had at school I always look forward to golf.

There are two things you can do with your head down - play golf and pray.

Professional golf is the only sport where if you win 20% of the time you're the best.

There have been so many great moments in golf that you even forget some of them.

The good chip allows you to whistle while you walk in the dark alleys of golf.

I don't play much golf anymore. I can't - if I break 80 I'm doing pretty well.

I didn't push any of my kids into golf and they played golf because they wanted to.

The only thing you should force in a golf swing is the club back in the bag.

The head has no purpose in the golf swing. It simply goes where the body takes it

I went to play golf and tried to shoot my age but I shot my weight instead.

Be funny on a golf course? Do I kid my best friend's mother about her heart condition?

I did 'Formula 51' because I got to run around Liverpool in a kilt with golf clubs.

I never knew what top golf was like until I turned professional. Then it was too late.

Sex and golf are the two things you can enjoy even if you're not good at them.

One thing about golf is you don't know why you play bad and why you play good.

I'm not interested in a film about golf but I am interested in golf as a metaphor.

Someone once told me that there is more to life than golf. I think it was my ex-wife.

I'm not going to lie I love TV. I watch a ton of it - golf HGTV football.

I am what I am. I love golf I love my life I love my family and friends.

I trained more than anybody ever in a golf film ever made - my swing is pretty hot.

The golf swing is like a suitcase into which we are trying to pack one too many things.

The only way to enjoy golf is to be a masochist. Go out and beat yourself to death.

I suck at golf and a variety of other things I go out and do with my friends.

The fun you get from golf is in direct ratio to the effort you don't put into it.

I do plan to return to golf one day. I just don't know when that day will be.

If he's got golf clubs in his truck or a camper in his driveway I don't hire him.

I've got a great life. It's a shame the work gets in the way of the golf really.

It's nice to win. I'll never win again. I may have to take up golf - take on Tiger.

I just enjoy playing in wind grew up in it and it makes the golf a bit more fun.

In golf I am one under; one under a tree one under a rock and one under a bush.

I play golf five days a week. I find that if I play seven days a week I get stale.