Was Quotes

It was fun to be clever.

I was a coward on instinct.

I was raised to farm work.

No. I was an only child.

She was nice. Nice is good.

I was born to play baseball.

Next to music beer was best.

All I was was a mechanism.

Any time gone by was better.

I was tired of being me.

I wish I was better looking.

I was a homebody growing up.

I was terrible at desk jobs.

I was living a charmed life.

I was always my own teacher.

I was a dummy in school.

I was raised on Bruce Lee.

My mom died when I was 8.

I was the law and order.

He's my man he was great

I was hired as a penciler.

It was her. It was Teresa.

I was a very lucky actor.

I was a very unique child.

I was quaking in my boots.

I was born with the gift.

I was a very scared child.

I was in detention a lot.

My second hit was a flop.

It was a pleasure to burn.

I was in love with loving.

I was dying when you came.

I was bitten by an octopus.

There was no Lo to behold.

History is not was it is.

I was not funny growing up.

My mom was a single parent.

I wish I was old Hollywood.

I was big time into Barbie.

Birth was the death of him.

I was a handful growing up.

Life was meant to be lived.

Bambi to a kid was scary.

I was born in a blender.

I'm glad I was a teacher.

She was a genius my mother.

I was a big Transformers fan.

I was never up four percent.

I was put here to sing.

I was not a trained actor.

Der Mensch ist was er ißt.

death was the price of life.

The sky was pure opal now.

I was a normal American nerd.

My dad was good with actions.

Fear of change was a weakness

My father was a great actor.

I was a very shy child.

I was born black and female.

I was always a God guy.

I was always the class clown.

It was a sh*t sandwich.

I wish my Google was faster.

To be young was very heaven!

It was a boy's name first.

I was born in New York.

It was just wet not stinky?

I was a huge Internet junkie.

In school I was pretty fast.

The Eagle he was lord above

I was glad I liked chemistry.

By ancestry I was born to rule.

My dad was a big card player.

I was very much of a tomboy.

He was a man of great statue

I was a stunt man for 35 years.

I was born to murder the world.

I was my own buddy in camp.

It was a kiss from the past.

Rome was not built in one day.

I said it was simple. Not easy.

The heart was made to be broken.

I was always on my oddy knocky.

I'm glad I was in the Navy.

My father was a saint I'm not.

I was a loser in high school.

Just maybe I was worthy of love.

She was the captain of her soul

I'm sure Proust was a big bore.

I knew it was all or nothing.

My mother was the making of me.

Jacob was a gift from the gods.

No man was ever wise by chance.

I was a man by middle school.

Dally was so real he scared me.

I was a bit of a sleeper-inner.

I was born with music inside me

I think I was the best drummer!

Music was my one way to vent.

The past was so past it hurt.

I was born with an evil face.

I was raised by a single mother.

This car was a very pretty lie.

I was painfully shy as a child.

Every game I played was a bonus.

I think I was a born scientist.

I am the best there ever was!

I always knew what I was doing.

I thought I was a good kid.

My hair was famous before I was.

I was there when I said it.

I came I saw I was confused.

It was a dark and stormy night.

I felt like I was in charge.

My only hope was to be polite.

I was tired of an outlaw's life.

Who told you I was a musician?

I was never a hippy per se.

I was taught that pain is bad.

I was never born I didnt die.

I was born a poor black child.

I was never part of the crowd.

At the finish it was all over

I never said I was a genius.

She was by nature a sunny soul

I was pretty quiet as a child.

I was never out of my Bible.

I was such a geek in school.

I was madly in love with life.

I was aborted and did not die

I was going to be a scientist.

In a way I was safe writing

I wish my name was Tom Kite.

I was born when you kissed me.

I was not born to be forced.

It was not war it was murder.

I was rather a fat little boy.

Jazz was uplifted by what I did.

The past is not what it was.

I wish our love was right now.

I am a life that was changed.

He was the toast to her butter.

To know her was to love her.

I was a pretty feisty young kid.

I believe I was born to breed.

I had a mustache when I was 13.

I was struck all on a heap.

I was ill before I fell ill.

I was never the girl next door.

I never was a very good singer.

I was a good student in school.

I'm glad I was never an heiress.

Never was a miser a brave soul.

It was a salad bar of phobias

I was born to end up alone.

I was born in a Negro town.

I was a geek in high school.

I was you and never knew it.

I always thought I was so fit.

I was a bit of a rebel.

I lived at home till I was 29.

I was made to rule the darkness.

There was just no fear in her.

Ray Rice was beat up last year

I was very shy. I'm still shy.

And once by God I was a Marine!

I was lucky to have a great dad.

I was born in the age of "alas".

I was at the foot of my class.

I was not always a man of woe.

I was not a member of the SS.

I wish that I was where I am.

I was a good liar as a child.

i was ok in the seaput me back

I was in a convent for a year.

I was so ashamed of who I was.

How wild it was to let it be.

I was born to race and to win.

No more than I was to be born.

I thought I was funny as a kid.

I think I was 5ft 9in at birth.

They told me I was not to draw.

What if I said there was a way

I was no good at being a child.

I was a bad boy as a child.

I was so young when I was born.

I'm glad I was never in a band.

I was shy. I was more than shy.

As far as he knew I was dying.

I was into comic books as a kid.

Was zu beweisen war.

Was ich bekomme nur einen?

Was unheilbar vergessen sei es!

Was Ortsgebrauch / Das tue auch.

Was ever grief like mine?

Was I asleep? Had I slept?

Was the fun in the fall?

Was wirklich zählt ist Intuition

Was that you or the duck?

Was wäre das Leben ohne Hoffnung!

Was it me that Botticelli imagined?

Was ever poet so trusted before?

Was ist dein Beruf? Gut zu sein.

Really? Was that how you quit me?

Was du tun willst das tue bald.

I wish the rent Was heaven sent.

Was it magic? Of course it was.

Vintage was brilliant!

Performing was terrifying.

Intention was everything.

this was business.

Competence was attractive.

My close-up was magnificent!

The darkness was memory.

She was incurably dishonest.

His Christianity was muscular

I was very rebellious.

Unhappiness was my god.

Prince Kanta was crazy!

I was skydiving horizontally.

Van Gogh was impulsive.

My swag was phenomenal.

Hitler was a teetotalitarian.

My childhood was appalling.

Solitude was corrupting me.

It was deliciously pagan.

Hitler was a vegetarian.

Well that was sucktastic

That was liquid football

Your apocalypse was fab.

Mickey Mantle was baseball.

I was always opinionated.

Fitzgerald was a modernist.

Nature was my kindergarten.

Never was strumpet faire.

I was incredibly stubborn.

Our mantra was simplicity.

Procrustes was an editor.

My childhood was extreme.

I was unbelievably lucky.

Jesus was a cross-dresser.

But Death was cunning.

Ragtime was my lullaby.

Hemmingway was a jerk.

The king was pregnant.

I was a jock.

Rap was my drug.

Plato was a bore.

Sei was du bist!

Progressive rock was happening.

I was very studious.

Jesus was a pacifist.

Thoreau was an idiot.

Hemingway was a jerk.

Richtig ist was funktioniert.

Misfortune was my god.

Jesus was a crackpot.

Sadness was so claustrophobic.

I was briefly bitter.

My family was perfect.

I was a disinterested student.

Sometimes love was not enough.

Life's bloomy flush was lost.

How plotless real life was!

My father was a journalist.

Fashion was never my forte.

Hitler was never a socialist.

Before Elvis there was nothing.

I was Europe's last chance.

Her face was her chaperone.

Very good. It was perfect.

Who said love was reasonable?

I was raised around music.

Love was life's secret purpose.

Freud was just a novelist.

The Queen Seeker was back!

I was an overnight sensation.

Gene Roddenberry was a genius.

Eternity was a restless bitch.

Liberace was a lovely guy.

I was always the mediator.

My father was an agnostic.

Theatre was always my passion.

Time was God's first creation.

It was a sobering experience.

If I was your boyfriend <3

My grandpa was a preacher.

My work was entirely nonfiction.

I was fearless...and lawless.

Love was like a toothache.

I was a functional addict.

Johnny Unitas was my hero.

His descent was like nightfall.

Woman was God's second mistake.

Man was formed for society.

Voltaire was a smart cookie.

Happiness was born a twin.

Life was small but good. (15)

Somebody was using the pencil.

Yes Sept 11th was unfortunate

My best friend was Aboriginal.

I was always an overachiever.

There was a beautiful time...

My first love was basketball.

French was my first language.

Sei was Du scheinen willst!

Saving was slow and painful.

Jesus [was the] first American

Ms. Sophia was evil bananas.

I believed I was invincible.

In the beginning was rhythm.

Calamity was ordained for man.

Pain was a fascinating horror

Hitler was the first superstar.

The pleasure was all yours.

his parabatai rune was bleeding

his voice was centuries old

Joe Paterno was a dictator.

I was an illegal immigrant.

Long jesting was never good.

What happened? Satan was busy?

My first vocation was dance.

I was wracked with insecurity.

My father was a bullfighter.

Nothing was made in Trinidad.

Divine grace was never slow.

I was a precocious reader.

I was terrified of funerals.

I was a mother's boy.

My life was pretty rough.

I was not a politician.

I was born 10 years old.

I was adored once too.

I was a late bloomer.

I was never a writer.

I was never a critic.

God was in the details.

I was a disruptive child.

So. How was your week?

She was stronger alone"¦

But it was an ending.

And the tree was happy

I was an expert horseman.

I was stained by failure.

Alles was ist ist gut.

Papa died when he was 77.

I was a precocious child.

I was rapping at eight.

Guilt was its own prison.

Dude that was bad ass.

Acting was my first love.

I was an awkward kid.

I was not an activist.

to hope was to expect

My father was a lawyer.

It was a titanic effort.

I was famous from birth.

I was an only child.

I was a class clown.

My father was a doctor.

I was a teenage godmother.

I thought I was loved.

My cradle was a shoe.

My life was very Japanese.

Dmitri was in my arms.

I was a single mom.

I was always a player.

Nobody knew who I was.

Jazz was my first love.

I was born in revolution.

Who was Jesus? God saves.

I was an English major.

I was terrible at school.

I was raised to pretend.

God was bored by him.

I was in chemical jail.

Time was made for slaves.

I was a Girl Scout!

I was cured all right.

That was a real fireball.

I was a spiritual kid.

I was never a prodigy.

I was a closet stutterer.

Humor was the enemy of desire.

Every monster was a man first.

All I had was natural ability.

Arafat was a barrier to peace.

Nixon probably was a nice guy.

Every thought was once a poem.

I wish I was more adventurous.

Cinema was my rite of passage.

I was a high school throw-out.

My father was a manual worker.

I was a big Oasis fan.

I was a gymnast for years.

Radio was theater of the mind.

Her sunny side was always up.

I was born a character actor.

I told you I was sick.

I was not an easy kid.

Giving up was never an option

I was raised on the internet.

I was always the serious kid.

I wasn't raised I was built.

It was either therapy or die.

I was more of a weightlifter.

His future now was all horizon

I was actually a Cowboys fan.

My first car was a motorcycle.

My father was a beautiful man.

Now or never was the time.

I was always the second heavy.

Her skin was white as leprosy.

I was quite naughty at school.

We left Germany when I was 11.

God! Whose hand was I holding?

In the beginning was the myth.

What always was must always be.

Ive had Malcolm since I was 12.

Everything in my life was luck.

I was determined to know beans.

I was never a rail-thin person.

I thought Europe was a country?

Nobody ever said life was fair.

I was taught to be anti-Jewish.

The bringer of fear was afraid.

I was unlucky like my country.

Percy was not feeling the love.

I wasn't born I was unleashed.

One kiss I was totally hooked.

The lawn was white with doctors

Satan was the originator of sin

Alles was ist ist vernünftig.

My grandfather was a great chef.

My dad was a Methodist minister.

I was a Political Science major.

that voice was a deathless song.

Dementia was like a truth serum.

Accept what it forget what was.

My first character was Mr. Toad.

This town was built on nepotism.

Might was the measure of right.

I was raised on NBC television.

I was not an attractive child.

Fidel Castro was a born rebel.

My mother was my greatest fan.

I never said I was consistent.

He was screaming like my wife.

Jesus Chris was more than man.

The result was I went nowhere.

No one was normal not really.

All history was at first oral.

The man was allergic to sleep.

I was made for action movies.

Modesty was made for the ugly.

Marley was dead: to begin with.

I was an emotional basket case.

Every harlot was a virgin once.

Every letter was a love letter.

'Never give in' was my mindset.

I was dreaming of Craig Carton.

I was born into public service.

I've been tired since I was 15.

I was born and raised Catholic.

Sadness was a very heavy thing.

In the beginning was the image.

It was all cheese and applause.

Did you think I was immortal?

My dad was a great dad.

My mom was a problem solver.

Tell them it was a foul.

I was raised in the church.

As a kid I was creative.

I was just an okay person.

Life was meant to be happy.

Every word was once a poem.

I was reared on folk music.

Well I was a drama kid.