Not Friends Quotes

Surround yourself with love not friends.

Predictability and great design are not friends.

Satanic forces are here and they are not friendly!

Money brings you food but not appetite; medicine but not health; acquaintances but not friends.

Fundamentalists are not friends of democracy. And that includes your fundamentalists in the United States.

The cavalry in particular were not friendly to the aeroplane which it was believed would frighten the horses.

I hate people who cry around me. I'm not friends with them anymore. Especially girls. Cuz girls are crying all the time. It's like 'Shut up.'

If they came sorrowing and wanting sympathy in a complicated trouble like the present then they would be felt as a shadow in all these houses of intimate acquaintances not friends

I'm going to do my job and I don't care if I'm not friends with anybody. I don't need to be best friends with all my co-workers to do a good job.

Believe it or not friendships are difficult to write in fiction. They can easily come across as forced particularly if they involve too much explication and too many overt gestures of affection.

Friends are born not made.

Friends are not made but recognized.

Of friends however humble scorn not one.

Drunks do not have friends but accomplices.

My horses are my friends not my slaves.

Friends might be rare but they're not irreplaceable

He who reckons ten friends has not one.

A journey is measured in friends not miles.

Misfortune shows those who are not really friends.

Seek the companionship of virtuous friends not virtual friends.

You talk to your enemies not just your friends.

Count your age with friends but not with years.

If you like soggy cereal then we not friends.

Think of strangers as friends you not met yet.

I'm not infatuated with frivolousness. We're just good friends.

Friends should be judged by their acts not their words.

There is a scarcity of friendship but not of friends.

One not need make peace with friends only with enemies

Where you have friends you should not go to inns.

Friends will not only live in harmony but in melody.

We were never friends. Not for a second. I loved you.

I'll photograph weddings friends - I'm not too good for anything.

From a social perspective I am looking for friends not acolytes.

Peace is not made with friends. Peace is made with enemies.

Many are friends to the success of reformation not to reformation.

The Bible tells us to forgive our enemies not our friends

Friends show their love in times of trouble not in happiness.

I'm not trying to make friends I'm trying to make money.

I'm shy although I'm not shy with my friends and family.

There are very few honest friends--the demand is not particularly great.

I didn't go in to make friends or not make friends.

What are friends for if not to help bear our sins?

There's not a word yet for old friends who've just met.

When you are an executive my friends that is not leadership.

We secure our friends not by accepting favors but by doing them.

The loss of enemies does not compensate for the loss of friends.

What draws friends together does not conform to the laws of nature.

Clothes do not make the man; friends and engagement with life do.

I desire the good-will of all whether hitherto my friends or not.

Friends are like fiddle strings; they must not be screwed too tight.

Courage my friends; 'tis not too late to build a better world.

The United States of America does not have friends; it has interests.

Friends are rare for the good reason that men are not common.

I'm very social. It's just most of my friends are not actors.

Find friends and not lovers; you will win the game of life.

Cousins are part of your life so stick with cuz not friends.

A great country worthy of the name does not have any friends.

They say men and women can't be friends but that's not true.

Tell him we are not devils but we have friends who are.

A good motto is: use friendliness but do not use your friends.

but good friends are nothing to each other if they are not supportive.

We console ourselves with several friends for not having found one real one.

Stop tolerating in your leaders what you would not tolerate in your friends.

One does not permit one's friends to be slandered in time of trouble.

I loved Carl Perkins Jerry lee Lewis... not only were they personal friends.

I'm not homophobic at all and I have a lot of gay friends.

If you and sin are friends you and God are not yet reconciled.

So now she and I are friends - not with benefits but memories.

Open your minds my friends. We all fear what we do not understand.

Idealists are not the good friends of the truths; they create their own truth.

I'm terrified to get married. I'm not getting married till my gay friends can.

There are wounds of self-love which one does not confess to one's dearest friends.

Do not give to thy friends the most agreeable counsels but the most advantageous.

Whoever committed the act of 11 September are not the friends of the American people.

Count your age by friends not years. Count your life by smiles not tears.

I read stuff. Books are not my only friends but we're friendly. So there.

My friends said 'You're crazy enjoy single life.' But that's not for me.

They Servedreliving memoriesthat will not diegiving their allfor you and I -friends takenlives shaken

I die adoring God loving my friends not hating my enemies and detesting superstition.

I regret not death. I am going to meet my friends in another world.

People come to my places to eat dinner with their friends not with me.

Sincerity may not help us make friends but it will help us keep them.

But when I cut off my hair I even had friends not recognize me.

It is difficult because the school I go to my friends do not attend.

My friends: let us have faith in each other. Let us not grow weary.

It is a wealthy person indeed who calculates riches not in gold but in friends.

You may choose your friends but not your unlikely saviors � Magnus said cheerfully.

He who loves his enemies betrays his friends; this surely is not what Jesus meant.

Sometimes the most hurtful thing is the silence of friends not the words of enemies

For true happiness it is not enough to be successful oneself . . . one's friends must fail.

True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends but in the worth and choice.

I'm not good enough to write about my friends who are all brilliant and sophisticated.

I don't doubt the sincerity of my Democratic friends. And they should not doubt ours.

Even your religious friends do not want to hear about God during a medical diagnosis.

Not one amongst the doctors as you'll see For his own friends desires to prescribe.

My friends. They help me so much. I would not be here without my friends.

I always had good friends but I did not feel like a cool girl ever.

It is not enough that we should succeed but our friends must fail as well.

I know many of my female friends do not like being referred to as "ladies.

We do not lose our friends when they die we only lose sight of them ...

Accept your friends for who they are not for who you want them to be.

The zeal of friends it is that razes me And not the hate of enemies.

They're betting on how long I'll live!' I burst out. 'They're not my friends!

The talent of making friends is not equal to the talent of doing without them.

My friends would howl if I claimed I was androgynous - I'm not tall enough!

I realize more and more I miss my 'Survivor' friends when I'm not around them.

Of what shall we be proud of if we are not proud of our friends?

Of what shall a man be proud if he is not proud of his friends?

In generosity we are equally singular acquiring our friends by conferring not by receiving favours.

We should not talk about our friends: otherwise we will talk away the feeling of friendship.

The enemies of your enemies are not always your friends but they can still be useful.

Don't tell your friends about your indigestion. 'How are you' is a greeting not a question.

Male friends do not always face each other; they stand side by side facing the world.

That's what friends should do. cherish the good and pretend not to notice the harmless rest.

Friends Romans countrymen lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar not to praise him.

True friends are not mirrors where we can always see ourselves reflected in a positive light.

Ladies and gentleman are permitted to have friends in the kennel but not in the kitchen.

Acquaintance I would have but when it depends; not on number but the choice of friends.

Get not your friends by bare compliments but by giving them sensible tokens of your love.

Among my friends I'm not a little Boy Scout and they love my humor thank God.

Avoid being seized by the police. The cops are not your friends. Don't tell them anything.

Never loan money to friends or family that you are not able to write off entirely.

If one's friends do not openly laugh at him they are not in fact his friends.

A good writer possesses not only his own spirit but also the spirit of his friends.

Every man can tell how many goats or sheep he possesses but not how many friends.

If you can't be friends with a lover then forget it. It's not going to work.

Rock'n'roll is not red carpets and MySpace friends rock'n'roll is dangerous and should piss people off

I will always be open to receive my friends. I will not force myself on them.

We make our money out of our friends. Our enemies will not do business with us.

I got to know Sugar Ray but I certainly would not say we were good friends.

In time of prosperity friends will be plenty; In time of adversity not one in twenty.

You can't ever know the real anybody unless you're friends with them. And sometimes not even then.

It is not hard to deceive ministers relatives and friends. But it is impossible to deceive Christ.

My friends are very rich. Elizabeth Taylor sends flowers the size of the bathtub. I'm not kidding.

You must therefore love me myself and not my circumstances if we are to be real friends.

Thy books should like thy friends not many be/Yet such wherein men may thy judgment see.

Those who wish well towards their friends disdain to please them with words which are not true.

I do not mix up Bush's America with the American people. The American people are our friends.

Fine than I will not have to blame you for killing my friends with your stupidity. -Haymitch

Do not repine my friends said Mr. Pecksniff tenderly. "Do not weep for me. It is chronic.

I started blogging as a hobby not really thinking anyone would read my site just my friends.

My friends tease me because I don't like clutter. I'm not someone who gets attached to things.

We do not tell old friends beneath our roof-tree that they are an offence to the eyesight.

Having a talent is not enough: one must also have your permission to have it--right my friends?

Every man has some reminiscences which he would not tell to everyone but only to his friends.

The most hurtful thing is not what comes from our adversaries it's what comes from our friends.

Believe me a thousand friends suffice thee not; In a single enemy thou hast more than enough.

friends are like stars. You do not see all the time but you know they are there

It is such a letdown to rise from the dead and have your friends not recognize you.

I like to stay cozy with my paranoia not pass her around to my friends and family.

We cherish our friends not for their ability to amuse us but for ours to amuse them.

All friends are not for life but if you have a true friend you have a life.

They were not my friends after all. They were just the people I went to school with.

I said it would be better if we weren't friends not that I didn't want to be.

It's not how many friends you can count it's how many of those you can count on.

Shall there be truth between us as two men? Not as friends but as enemies and equals?

Real samadhi is off the game board friends. It is not something you are even aware of.

It's not winning or losing. It's the friends and the people that you meet along the way.

God has lots of children in the church today; I'm honestly not sure He has many friends.

It is not so much our friends' help that helps us as the confidence of their help.

To exact revenge for yourself or your friends is not only a right it's an absolute duty.

I haven't got any friends from where I grew up but that's not to do with fame.

Some of my oldest friends are actors. But that's not the only place my friends come from.

It's a sad thing not to have friends but it is even sadder not to have enemies.

I have musician friends who play too much golf and they're not as good at music anymore.

Things that matter in this life can not be bought. Friends truth and a passion for life.

For the most part we carnivores do not eat other carnivores. We prefer to eat our vegetarian friends.

I need to see my friends or I'm gonna go crazy. I'm not gonna stay home and work.

If you want to be liked get a dog. The people you work with are not your friends.

You create a community with music not just at concerts but by talking about it with your friends.

If you pour oil and vinegar into the same vessel you would call them not friends but opponents.

I blend in the backgroud. when I arive for lunch my friends are surprised i'm not already there.

In the End we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends.

We had been friends. We could not become strangers. It left only one thing: we must be enemies.

Why are you being so mean?""Friends tell friends the truth.""yeah but not to hurt to help.

At least I make decisions based on what I think is right not who my friends might be.

Always remember this: If you don't attend the funerals of your friends they will certainly not attend yours.

Aa is for animals friends not food. We don't eat our friends. They would find it quite rude!

Why not work with your friends? It's working with people you know and you share the same sensibility.

True friends are those who love you not in spite of your faults and imperfections but because of them.

Our friends have nothing to do with the business. Some of our closest friends in Florida are not stars.

Friends should be weighed not told; who boasts to have won a multitude of friends has never had one.

Most of my friends aren't actors - and not one of them is overly impressed with what I do.

I don't like politics. I am not aligned to any political party. I have friends in all political parties.

My life is not packaged Not tidy. There are leftover strands and jagged Edges that cut even my friends.

Come come come. Without a monster or two it's not a quest merely a gaggle of friends wandering about.

Men will not receive the truth from their enemies and it is seldom offered to them by their friends....

Imparting education not only enlightens the receiver but also broadens the giver - the teachers the parents the friends.

The difficulty my friends is not in avoiding death but in avoiding unrighteousness; for that runs faster than death.

I'm friends with everybody. I love everybody. I trust everybody because they don't give me a reason not to.

When giving treats to friends or children give them what they like emphatically not what is good for them.

My most treasured possessions are not things; they are only things my friends family and animals are what counts.

Animals generally return the love you lavish on them by a swift bite in passing-not unlike friends and wives.

You can't be happy if you're not tolerably happy with yourself. The addition of friends adds immeasurably to life.

Friends who mock your dreams are not qualified to keep dusting your door step with their footprints every time.

My endorsement of Senator Obama will not be welcome news to my friends and family at the Clinton campaign.

Friends genuine friends have much more to do with whether we have a warm heart not money or power.

Wagner used to read the libretti of his operas to his friends; I am glad I was not there.

May I never sit on a tribunal where my friends shall not find more favor from me than strangers.

It is necessary to me not simply to be but to utter and I require utterance of my friends.

Bruno: We're not supposed to be friends you and me. We're meant to be enemies. Did you know that?

If you are a leader it is not possible to be at peace with all and friends with everyone.

Real Friends' are someone who are right next to you when you got in emergency not in only parties.

It is not necessary to have enemies if you go out of your way to make friends hate you.

I have a lot of girl friends who are very adept at making friends and guys are just not.

The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies but also to hate his friends.

I'm not on good terms with any of my exes. That's why we're not together anymore. We're not friends.

You are not responsible for what your friends do but you will be judged by the company you keep.

I maintain that if everyone knew what others said about him there would not be four friends in the world.

The idea of the divine-human friendship originated with God. Had not God said first 'Ye are my friends?' (John 15:14)

We are not greatly pleased that our friends should respect our good qualities if they venture to perceive our faults.

I am not somebody who likes to give advice or anything like that unless it's my closest friends or family.

My other friends are in music relaxation class which I do not attend because smooth jazz makes me angry sometimes.

If I could walk into the 'Friends' audition again and go or not go I have to say it's 50-50.

The rest of the crowd were friends of my fortune not of me. [Lat. Caetera fortunae non mea turba fuit.]

Politicians as a class are dangerous that people who are seeking power over us are not by definition our friends.

A politician knows that his friends are not always his allies and that his adversaries are not always his enemies.

Amy Poehler and I have been friends for so long we're like Oprah and Gale. Only we're not denying anything.

Among the tortures and devestations of life is this then - our friends are not able to finish their stories.

I moved around 13 different times before I was in fifth grade not having money not having a lot of friends.

You have thousands of friends and all of them will be part of your history but not with your destiny.

Friends create the world anew each day. Without their loving care courage would not suffice to keep heartsstrong for life.

It is not the role of the United States to dictate change but to enter into discussions with our friends.

I'm not sure I even need a lover male or female. Sometimes I think I'd settle for five good friends.

I tend to only read comics written by friends or people I've known. And I'm not a great comic reader.

I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world.

You're not a little kid anymore. You need to make friends get out of the house and live your life.

Unruly ambition is deaf not only to the advice of friends but to the counsels and monitions of reason itself.

People who are friends with me and who know me know a side of me that is totally not cold.

Friends and family will tell you why your ideas won't work. Most are left-brained employees and specialists and NOT entrepreneurs.

You and I will always be friends." "Yet you poisoned me with a book once. I should not forgive that.

I have feelings but not when it comes to basketball. I'm here to win. I'm not here to make friends.

If 'Pygmalion' is not good enough for your friends with its own verbal music their talent must be altogether extraordinary.

They have had such a crazy life living with me as their dad. Not crazy but different from their friends.

Liberation movements - prizing ends over means - are not always particular about their friends or scrupulous about their transactions.

You could know a man not by what his friends said about him but by how he treated his servants.

Relationships are interesting to me. Not just between men and women but fathers and sons brothers and sisters and friends.

I would be happy living on a massive ranch in Montana and not seeing anyone except my friends and family.

I'm a girl who enjoys a great meal with great friends so I'm not really that concerned about weight loss.

As I've gotten older I've found that I can have men as friends. I used to not be able to.

The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.

I do not need any friends. I prefer enemies. They are better company and their feelings towards you are always genuine.

There were rules among friends commandments really and the most important one was Thou Shalt Not Lust After Thy Friend's Sister.

Breast cancer is not just a woman's issue - it affects all of us: the brothers husbands fathers children and friends.

Golf is like hunting and fishing. What counts is the companionship and fellowship of friends not what you catch or shoot.

Regard as your most faithful friends not those who praise everything you say or do but those who criticize your mistakes.

My time with Ferrari was wonderful. I have found friends and had experiences that I would not want to be without.

However near and dear to you may be your wife children friends they are not you; they are outside of you.

The wine I produce is not for keeping. Its the wine you want when meeting friends for a game of cards.

We read that we ought to forgive our enemies; but we do not read that we ought to forgive our friends.

I will not vote to send my sons or your sons daughters brothers sisters or friends to fight for a stalemate.

Men will not accept truth at the hands of their enemies and truth is seldom offered to them by their friends

The key to keep a great friendship is not to make friends with the people who are really not your friend.

But remember when it comes to friends it's not how much time you spend with them just how you spend it!

By praying with friends you will be able to hear and see facets of Jesus that you have not yet perceived.

All my friends say I have to get right back on the bike. And I keep saying "Maybe not a bike!

Friends are to be feared not so much for what they make us do as what they keep us from doing.

You have to be polite with your friends and your family but in your art it's important to not be polite.

I am a stranger. You do not need to lie to me or pretend. Only with friends do you need masks..

We are not loved by our friends for what we are; rather we are loved in spite of what we are.

I enjoy small towns I've got my friends there. I have friends in L.A. too but I'm not much on traffic.

We are the friends of reform; but that is not reform which in curing one evil threatens to inflict a thousand others.

Can you buy friendship? You not only can you must. It's the only way to obtain friends. Everything worthwhile has a price.

You can't fill your emails with crap at least not with my friends because they're brutal. If something sucks they'll tell you.

That's the terrible thing about growing up. You lose friends. It's inevitable. It's not like it's a surprise. But it is terrible.

I still give my friends relationship advice of course and I'm not bad at it. 'Anyone's crisis but mine' is my motto.

Hate not your enemies; love thy rivals for this is the only way to convert them into your friends and your partners!

Indeed we do not really live unless we have friends surrounding us like a firm wall against the winds of the world.

I'm a conservative Republican and I'm not a member of the Tea Party Caucus but I have very good friends that are.

We ought not to make those people our enemies who might have become our friends if we had only known them better.

He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare while he who has one enemy shall meet him everywhere.

So many of my friends tell me they're not religious. I'm like Of course you're religious. You watch Oprah Winfrey don't you?

When we are old our friends find it difficult to please us and are less concerned whether we be pleased or not.

Friends are like a pleasant park where you wish to go; while you may enjoy the flowers you may not eat them.

May you be surrounded by friends and family and if this is not your lot may the blessings find you in your solitude.

Perhaps he does not want to be friends with you until he knows what you are like. With owls it is never easy-come-easy-go.

People have just assumed that... if we call our Facebook acquaintances our friends we must be influenced by them too. But we're not.

Some people have recognized their friends in my paintings but I'm not directly responsible for any hooking up as far as I know!

God evidently does not intend us all to be rich or powerful or great but He does intend us all to be friends.

Be conscious of one another and everything that we are connected to in this world of ours (not just your relatives and friends).

I've got actor friends who didn't get breaks who struggle and worry about things that I'm fortunate not to have to worry about.

My friends life is so serious that if you are not aware of whom you are your "youniversity" will be prestigious but unknown!

It is important to our friends to believe that we are unreservedly frank with them and important to friendship that we are not.

Remember: In the end you're not living to impress your friends or your relatives or your coworkers. All of life is for Jesus.

I try to remember as I hear about friends getting engaged that it's not about the ring. It's a grave thing getting married.

I can cook; but not well. I figure I have six years until my children discover what their friends' mothers make for dinner.

I just want choices. Its not about making money and having a lot of friends in Hollywood; thats the last thing I want.

I have friends who vote Tory and I'm appalled but that's not to say they're not great people in so many other ways.

People are still tied to their hoods and it's usually not the artist it's usually the friends and instigators who get it popping.

I just want choices. It's not about making money and having a lot of friends in Hollywood; that's the last thing I want.

The Savior taught us to love not only our friends but also those who disagree with us- and even those who repudiate us.

Thus dear friends I have said it clearly enough and I believe you ought to understand it and not make liberty a law...

I'm just an Orange County girl from a loving family making music with my friends. It's not really that big of a deal.

All of my friends in the business ask 'Why is this woman not a star? Why is she not a household name?'

You must act in your friends' interests whether it pleases them or not; the object of love is to serve not to win.

I lost some friends when I made the move but if that's what matters to them then they're not really friends at all.

I think it is vital to fight to do something you want to do despite not gaining your community's or your friends' approval.

This is a sickness rooted and inherent in the nature of a tyranny: that he that holds it does not trust his friends.

Books and teachers are always "right" and we learn only from them not from any other resource in the room such as our friends.

A real education takes place not in the lecture hall or library but in the rooms of friends with earnest frolic and happy disputation.

The fruit of meditation is not the absence of thoughts but the fact that thoughts cease to harm us. Once enemies they become friends.

I wouldn't not listen to something because it was country. I usually listen to stuff that friends give me if I admire their taste.

I have never written anything in one draft not even a grocery list although I have heard from friends that this is actually possible.

I just don't have this magnetic personality that everyone is drawn to. I don't make friends easily... I'm just not one of those people.

Get rid of the friends who want you to spend your whole day doing nothing with them. They're not your friends. They're your enemies.

Every child needs to have for itself not only its loving parents and siblings and friends of its own age but a grown-up friend.

I don't really believe in pretending to be happy when you're not. Mostly I believe that you should burden your friends with your problems.

Look around you: there is not a doctor who desires the health of his friends not a soldier who desires peace for his country.

I don't go on lunch dates with friends. I hear about people having dinner parties but I never do that. I'm not really human.

I am not afraid if people think Matt LeBlanc in 'Episodes' is who I am - my friends and family know who I am.

God would never have let us long for our friends with such a strong and holy love if they were not waiting for us.

When you ask God for a gift Be thankful if he sends Not diamonds pearls or riches but the love of real true friends.

The book which you read from a sense of duty or because for any reason you must does not commonly make friends with you.

I hope that reading 'Rosa ' people will remember their own family and friends and talk about what they did and did not do.

Every day I work at not taking this fame thing seriously. Fortunately I have a great group of friends who help me do this.

I grew up in a place where a lot of my friends had horses so I grew up riding. But I'm not an expert.

Gandalf thought of most things; and though he could not do everything he could do a great deal for friends in a tight corner.

Avoid those who seek friends in order to maintain a certain social status or to open doors they would not otherwise be able to approach.

I remember as a kid not ever wanting to have friends around to my house because it was for want of a better description disheveled.

Maybe that's why people have friends at all. Not because they like them so much but because they don't make them feel so much worse.

I got kicked out of my church and lost all of my friends but I realized that I had to obey God and not man.

My grandchildren are on social media all the time and they think they have friends. But it's not what I would've called a friend ever.

On a friendship with former president George W. Bush: He's a personal friend but we've all got the right not to agree with our friends.

I try not to become friends with musicians but life happens and dinner happens and going out happens - it becomes interwoven in L.A.

There will be but few people who when at a loss for topics of conversation will not reveal the more secret affairs of their friends.

The adult who is constantly changing friends and changing mates is immature. He/she cannot stick it out because he/she has not grown up.

A messy house is a must - it separates your true friends from other friends. Real friends are there to visit you not your house!

There's not an instruction manual on how to deal with success so you just have to rely on having great friends and a good team.

Sometimes minor characters are based on people I know on friends of mine. But I'm not writing a thinly veiled version of my own life.

When I got near teen age I was so happy with my friends and the African-American culture that I couldn't imagine not being part of it.

We...we could be friends.' We COULD be rare specimens of an exotic breed of dancing African elephants but we're not. At least I'M not.

As many of you know I travel a good bit and do not get to see my friends and family as much as I would like.

An adult woman should not be so possessive of her own birthday that she begrudges her friends the chance to get married on the same day.

Your lost friends are not dead but gone before advanced a stage or two upon that road which you must travel in the steps they trod.

We should all live as if we were never going to die for it is the deaths of our friends that hurt us not our own.

It's not so much that I don't like traveling it's just that I love being home. I love being able to spend time with my friends.

The reason we do not let our friends see the very bottom of our hearts is not so much distrust of them as distrust of ourselves.

If thou wilt lend this money lend it not As to thy friends; for when did friendship take A breed for barren metal of his friend?

You find out who your true friends are not when you are on top of the world but when the world is on top of you.

I grew up not really having anything so the idea that I can take care of my family and my friends now is a really cool bonus.

We're supposed to lose our friends to time at an age when we're ready to agree to the terms of having lived a long life. Not now.

If a cause be good the most violent attack of its enemies will not injure it so much as an injudicious defence of it by its friends.

Whether I'm a bit of an old soul or not I am who I am and that doesn't change whether I'm with adults or with my friends.

I'd just like to be able to walk outside as everyone does and enjoy time with my friends not feel bad for not wanting to take a picture.

People only look at me as a Beatle but my friends look at me as a whole person. That's how life works but it's not bugging me anymore.

It's easy to not work on my album. I go out to the cinema catch up with friends eat watch "Curb Your Enthusiasm" - that sort of thing.

I grew up as the only child and we did not have a large family. So for me and my mother our friends tend to become our family.