Nathan Fielder Quotes

The type of thing that one person would get mad at another person would laugh at is a good kind of zone to be in.

In life a lot of great ideas sound insane or absurd at first.

If Edison was worried about his candle customers he would have never invented the light bulb.

I have a business background. I have always wanted to open my own business.

I'm very bad at ending sentences. A lot times I just want to say 'That's the end of my sentence. I have nothing more to say.'

A lot of the time people think I'm really dumb or really uncomfortable talking to them which is kind of a real thing.

I just don't have this magnetic personality that everyone is drawn to. I don't make friends easily... I'm just not one of those people.

Everyone's default state is this pleasantry state. My goal in the show is to undercut that as quickly as possible. If you really do let it sit it's sometimes amazing what comes out of people.

Social interactions have always been a bit of a difficult thing for me. I think I have a natural tendency to make people not 100 percent super comfortable.

I agree that someone falling down is really funny and I can go on YouTube and watch people falling. It makes me laugh.

If I find something funny and make an older woman laugh I love that for some reason.

I used to trade stocks online and I kind of felt gross like all I'm doing is making money off other people's creativity and I'm not creating anything myself.

I don't like getting people upset so that's not my goal. But I like putting people in situations where how they respond says a lot about them.