Drink Quotes

Sleep - the most beautiful experience in life - except drink.

A little in drink but at all times your faithful husband.

Like most women I remember my first drink in tender minutiae.

I would rather commit adultery than drink a glass of beer.

But you can't stop at one you wanna drink another woman!

Some people eat some people drink some people smoke. I Pledge.

Anyone can drink beer but it takes intelligence to enjoy beer.

Somehow I always get stronger when I'm on my second drink

I drink from a small spring / my thirst excedes the ocean.

I seldom took a drink on the set before 9 a.m.

Life's too short to drink bad wine or smoke poor cigars.

Live in the sunshine swim the sea drink the wild air.

What I need... is a strong drink and a peer group.

Take your vitamins. Don't drink vodka. Get used to empire waistlines.

I never trust a fighting man who doesnt smoke or drink.

Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow you may be dead.

After the White House what is there to do but drink?

It's just that I'd rather die of drink than of thirst.

But she told me she was never going to drink again.

I drink and smoke and I am two hundred percent fit.

I feel like a drunken man who doesn't have a drink.

I can't drink a wine if it has an ugly label

If I could drink only one wine it would be Champagne.

We take a drink only for the sake of the benediction.

I think I could drink my own blood. Is that weird?

I don't eat carbs after 17h00 and I drink skimmed milk.

Eat drink and love...the rest is not worth a nickel

Life is a drink and you get drunk when you're young.

I drink to the general joy o' the whole table." Macbeth

It's like trying to drink whisky from a bottle of wine.

When I lose I drink and when I win I celebrate.

If you drink enough beer everything turns in to a bed.

Sir if you were my husband I would poison your drink.

When I drink I think; and when I think I drink.

How honest is it that we drink until we are dehydrated?

I'm gonna drink lots of beer and stay out all night.

The truth lies in between the 1st and the 40th drink

Milk are for babies when you get older you drink beer.

Our loving God wills that we eat drink and be merry.

There are many wines that taste great but do not drink well

Hard working people stopping for a drink on the way to work.

I don't drink liquor but I do like chocolate ice cream soda.

i drink caffeine" she said calmly "lot's of it gives you pep

Power is like saltwater; the more you drink the thirstier you get.

Let's sink another drink cause it will give me time to think.

I rarely drink from the bottle but I'll smoke a little weed

I think my character rallies people together to go out and drink.

I suppose in London they all drink from the same watering holes.

I fear it as little as to drink a cup of tea.

I had the drink after I fell out of bed. It hurt.

I'm a workaholic only instead of working I like to drink liquor.

Why don't I drink from a straw? Because straws are for suckers.

It is better to be full of drink than full of food.

I have to drink this much to be as unfunny as you.

I'm not really allowed to drink a lot of caffeine because I'm 11.

He who aspires to be a serious wine drinker must drink claret.

Quick how do you pick up a cat?" "Buy her a drink.

Where in this pukehole can a man get a drink? he said

Don't drink in the hotel bar that's where I do my drinking.

I cannot rest from travel; I will drink Life to the lees.

I drink exactly as much as I want and one drink more.

Life would be so colourful if only I had a drink problem.

I have to wake up and drink chamomile tea to slow down.

I don't smoke I don't drink two out of three ain't bad.

You have problems you think drink helps then you have two problems.

I'd much rather eat pasta and drink wine than be a size 0.

People can drink with their eyes; I can eat with my nose.

What I like to drink most is wine that belongs to others.

Have you ever found anything that gives you relief?"... "Yes. A drink

I sit and think with a drink about how I'm gonna win...

British people would die for their right to drink themselves to death

I no longer prepare food or drink with more than one ingredient.

I'm a little thirsty can I go drink out of your toilet?

One drink is to many for me and a thousand not enough.

I don't like to drink alone 'cause there's nobody to fight with.

In heaven there is no beer. That's why we drink ours here.

I shall drink no #"? wine before it's time! OK it's time.

You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning.

Do you drink?" "Of course I just said I was a writer.

Come sit with me! Let us drink the holy wine of happiness.

There are two things to do in Juneau drink and get drunk.

I don't drink. I don't kiss girls. These things do an athlete in.

I can't drink whiskey like I used to back then that's for sure.

I have no warm up exercises other than to take an occasional drink.

I'm a winemaker and a wine collector so I usually just drink wine.

Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing.

I drink when I have occasion and sometimes when I have no occasion.

She was like a crinkled poppy; with the desire to drink dry dust.

You don't know what thirst is until you drink for the first time.

My kids don't drink and don't smoke. For me that's a great blessing.

The forbidden love is the sea let your thirsty eyes drink from it.

I already have a drink. Do you think he'd buy me mozzarella sticks?

I never had a drink in my life. I don't smoke or anything.

Have a drink Tom and then you won't feel so foolish to yourself.

I drink about 30 cups of tea a day. I'm a complete tea addict.

All I want to do is drink beer and train like an animal.

I've never had a drink of alcohol or any drug in my life.

My father was ruined by hard drink - he sat on an icicle.

My only regret in life is that I did not drink more wine.

Why sip from a tea cup when you can drink from the river.

I try not to drink too much because when I'm drunk I bite.

A man who doesn't drink is not in my opinion fully a man.

Did your mother never tell you not to drink on an empty head?

I don't drink anymore... I freeze it and eat it like a popsicle.

I spent 90% of my money on women and drink. The rest I wasted

I don't smoke I don't drink I don't do drugs. I shop okay?

I don't have a drinking problem 'Cept when I can't get a drink.

Wine we need for health and the health we need to drink vodka.

Who would drink from a cup when they can drink from the source?

I never see the glass half empty because I drink out the bottle

The dyspeptic and the drunkard do not know how to eat or drink.

I don't ever wanna drink again I just ooh I just need a friend

I try to stay in good physical shape I don't smoke I don't drink.

Unlike in my young days I'm not able to eat drink and sleep tennis.

Getting an education at MIT is like taking a drink from a fire hose.

I want to have more sex travel more drink more wine and love life.

Why would you go out and not drink? Just stay home and sit there.

I like to drink wine more than I used to. Anyway I'm drinking more.

I have no desire to drink anymore. I just don't want to feel altered.

You know up until later on today I never really knew how to drink.

I'm just online too much. I drink too much. A lot of bad things.

I used to drink from my little sister's bottle when she was a baby.

I think we should take a break fill our little tummies and drink up.

I like whiskey. I always did and that is why I never drink it.

Ed Balls is like a drunk trying to drink his way out of alcoholism.

One of these nuts is a meal for a man both meat and drink.

I donâ??t tweet for a very simple reason which is that I drink.

Baby shut up and let me drink the wine from your fur tea cup.

I drink blood you eat tacos get the f*ck over it!" -Michel Glass

You have only so many bottles in your life never drink a bad one.

War and drink are the two things man is never too poor to buy.

I'm not the type that won't drink but I will drink once in awhile.

Stopping is a spiritual art. It is the refuge where we drink life in.

My nose itched and I knew I should drink wine or kiss a fool.

I drink a lot of protein shakes and do a lot of weight lifting.

I don't want to be that guy mumbling into his drink at a bar.

Cider was my drink because I liked the taste and it made me stupid.

I have to think hard to name an interesting man who does not drink.

We are born to love as we are born to breathe and eat and drink.

The glass I drink from is not large but at least it is my own.

I drink wine on stage to sort of loosen my grip on reality a little.

We meet a lot of people we drink lots of stuff and have lots of fun.

If I had all the money I've spent on drink ? I'd spend it on drink.

I have not had a drink for four years which for me is a long time.

If you can't eat it drink it smoke it or snort it... then f*ck it!

Drink because you are happy but never because you are miserable.

Drink wine not labels.

Drink poison rather than worry.

Drink heavily with locals whenever possible.

Drink wine drink poetry drink virtue.

Drink promises you everything but gives nothing ...

Drink live like the Greeks eat gorge.

Drink to forget; don't forget to drink.

Love is a river. Drink from it.

Take what people give you. Drink their milkshakes.

Drinking every night because we drink to my accomplishments.

Drink from me and live forever. Lestat de Lioncourt

Drink from the well of yourself and begin again.

Don't drink to get drunk. Drink to enjoy life.

Here thou incestuous murderous damned Dane Drink off this potion!

Drink! For you know not whence you came nor why.

Accept what people offer. Drink their milkshakes. Take their love.

Drink the first. Sip the second slowly. Skip the third.

Drink from the presence of saints not from those other jars.

Drink in the moon as though you might die of thirst.

Busy curious thirsty fly Drink with me and drink as I.

I will not Drink more than fourteen alcohol units a week.

Drink from the stars and toss your hat over the moon.

Drink is the feast of reason and the flow of soul.

Drink today and drown all sorrow; you shall perhaps not do tomorrow.

Drink is not a fashion in India as it is in the West.

Drink in the beauty and wonder at the meaning of what you see.

I saw a notice that said "Drink Canada Dry" and I've just started.

Drink to me. Drink to my health. You know I can't drink any more.

I drink because I'm thirsty

Happiness is good health and a bad memory.

Work is the curse of the drinking classes.

Sometimes too much to drink is barely enough.

I drink to make other people more interesting.

Come gentlemen I hope we shall drink down all unkindness.

I never turned to drink. It seemed to turn to me.

Some people drink from the fountain of knowledge others just gargle.

One drink is too many for me and a thousand not enough.

When I read about the evils of drinking I gave up reading.

Drink moderately for drunkeness neither keeps a secret nor observes a promise.

Milk is for babies. When you grow up you have to drink beer.

The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind.

You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on.

I exercise strong self control. I never drink anything stronger than gin before breakfast.

Be wary of strong drink. It can make you shoot at tax collectors... and miss.

An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools.

First you take a drink then the drink takes a drink then the drink takes you.

The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.

Old wood best to burn old wine to drink old friends to trust and old authors to read.

One reason I don't drink is that I want to know when I am having a good time.

When I'm hungry I eat. When I'm thirsty I drink. When I feel like saying something I say it.

It's tough to stay married. My wife kisses the dog on the lips yet she won't drink from my glass.

It takes only one drink to get me drunk. The trouble is I can't remember if it's the thirteenth or the fourteenth.

The most important things to do in the world are to get something to eat something to drink and somebody to love you.

Ham shook his head sitting down pouring himself something to drink. "I don't get it El. Why'd she attack him?" "She's loony " Spook said.

You can live to be a hundred if you give up all the things that make you want to live to be a hundred.

Whoever drinks beer he is quick to sleep; whoever sleeps long does not sin; whoever does not sin enters Heaven! Thus let us drink beer!

To drink away sorrow.

I never drink... wine.

Think beer; drink beer.

Think champagne drink champagne!

Sherry the civilized drink.

Eat sleep and drink music.

Give me to drink mandragora.

Good people drink good beer.

I don't drink hot beverages.

I don't drink before shows.

My people must drink beer.

Be smart drink your wine.

My favorite drink is sake.

I drink therefore I am.

They never taste who always drink.

Always drink upstream from the herd.

Pity makes a thin drink indeed.

I drink to forget I drink.

Some crave grief like strong drink.

Cerevisiam Bibat! (drink beer for health)

If you thirst you may drink.

My nerves could use a drink.

more you drink more you want

They who drink beer will think beer.

I drink so the others become interesting.

Each mans spills the drink he loves.

Hefeweizen. Never drink something you can't spill.

They are sharing a drink called loneliness.

They flat their fifths we drink ours.

Never accept a drink from a urologist.

Someone ought to get Haymitch a drink.

Joy all creatures drink At nature's bosoms...

Only fools and passengers drink at sea.

Stop your nonsense and drink your whiskey!

I'm the straw that stirs the drink.

I drink to make other people interesting.

If you are thirsty come and drink.

I could drink a case of you.

I watch what I eat and drink.

I drink no more than a sponge.

A drink is shorter than a tale

Life is a sport...drink it up.

I drink for the thirst to come.

Eat drink and remarry is my motto.

I must have a drink of breakfast.

Every night is a time for drink.

You work you get paid you drink.

What America needs now is a drink

I drink to not giving a damn . . .

Eat bread at pleasure drink wine by measure.

Whenever people eat or drink together it's communion.

Many contemporary authors drink more than they write.

The Christmas spirit is not what you drink.

I'm a special drunkard... I drink too much.

Teaching has ruined more American novelists than drink.

Once you drink one glass you want another.

Eat not to dullness drink not to elevation.

Another little drink wouldn't do us any harm.

Walk groundly talk profoundly drink roundly sleep soundly.

Liberalism is just Communism sold by the drink.

That little green drink inspired hallucination is right!

Really can anyone drink several martinis at lunch?

The more they drink the more they thirst.

I drink to keep body and soul apart.

I am willing to taste any drink once.

I like to drink to suit my location.

Get off your horse and drink your milk.

I never trust a man that doesn't drink.

I drink a fair amount of ramen noodles.

At times like this adults need a drink

Life is too short to drink bad wine.

Well as he brews so shall he drink.

I do not drink more than a sponge.

I like the effect drink has on me

I drink no cider but feast on Philadelphia beer.

Aphrodisiacs come in many forms: food drink the internet...

I hope you accidentally drink leukemia at a picnic.

Prohibition? I drink to its health whenever I can.

We drink VB Victoria Bitter which is way better.

I drink because I wish to multiply my sufferings.

What do drunkards do? They... drink... themselves... to... death.

When the wine is ready that's when we'll drink.

I learned you can't drink whiskey and play golf.

A well-balanced person has a drink in each hand.

We drink one another's health and spoil our own.

People who don't drink are afraid of revealing themselves.

If you don't take risks you don't drink champagne.

Men who drink herbal teas are seldom serial killers.

Whom drink made wits though nature made them fools.

Of course one should not drink much but often.

Why do I drink Champagne for breakfast? Doesn't everyone?

Why don't Jews drink? It interferes with their suffering.

Some writers take to drink others take to audiences.

I always drink at lunchtime. It helps my imagination.

I drink to separate my body from my soul.

They drink with impunity or anybody who invites them.

I drink for the honorable purpose of getting bagged.

Basically this guy was a saint so we drink.

I have only interest in things I could drink.

I don't drink anymore - just the same amount.

I don't drink now I'm too busy. It sucks.

One more drink and I'll be under the host.

Love is like wine drink it as you rhyme.

We drink and we die and continue to drink.

Nancy if I were your husband I'd drink it.

Set wide the window. Let me drink the day.

We eat light drink it in through our skins

I'd like to help you but you don't drink.

Shoulder the sky my lad and drink your ale.

I don't drink. I don't do drugs. I'm innocent!

I'm not an alcoholic. I just drink that way.

We used to drink an awful lot of alcohol.

Life is too short to drink the house wine.

O thou the drink of gods and angels! Wine

Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.

Beer it's the best damn drink in the world.

What you eat and drink is 50 percent of life.

I resolve not to drink liquids before donning the Bat-suit.

I've been drinking. Now I'm going to drink some more.

We drink [to] one another's health and spoil our own.

On this lovely lovely Hanukkah drink your gin and tonica.

Beer's intellectual. What a shame so many idiots drink it.

Of course it's alright for librarians to smell of drink.

You gotta be think'n Sam Adams not drink'n Sam Adams

There are three cures for ennui: sleep drink and travel.

Businessmen they drink my wine come and taste my herb.

College: A fountain of knowledge where all go to drink.

Take me down to the bar! We'll drink breakfast together!

I drink cup of sunlight every morning to brighten myself.

I don't smoke no drugs and drink red wine occasionally.

I never drink without a thirst either present or future.

You can't drown yourself in drink. I've tried you float.

I drink with impunity...or anyone else who invites me.

The best seasoning for food in hunger; for drink thirst.

The connoisseur does not drink wine but tastes its secrets

Learn to drink the cup of life as it comes.

American-style iced tea is the perfect drink for a hot

I don't even drink Coke. It tastes like robot sweat.

Everybody thinks I drink beer but I actually like cider!

I lie when I drink and I drink a lot

Jews don't drink much because it interferes with their suffering.

Teetotallers lack the sympathy and generosity of men that drink.

I'm not going to go home and drink rat urine.

I don't drink I don't take drugs I don't smoke.

Never drink if you've got any work to do. Never.

Love is not all; it is not meat nor drink.

Where the drink goes in there the wit goes out.

One more drink and I'd have been under the host.

I don't drink I don't smoke and I don't party.

I don't do clubs. I don't drink. I don't smoke.

I hate to see a beautiful woman drink bad wine

I don't go clubing. So I don't smoke or drink.

And I will make it felony to drink small beer.

Never name the well from which you will not drink.

I don't drink to get drunk. That's just not cute.

I think I think too much. That's why I drink!

I suppose I'll be able to get a drink there.

One can drink too much but one never drinks enough.

There can be nothing more frequent than an occasional drink.

I cannot drink or do anything that changes the mind.

Madam if you were my wife I would drink it.

Temperate men drink the most because they drink the longest.

Do not pass by the oasis without stopping to drink.

I drink to stay warm and to kill selected memories

I drink alone in my study huddled close to the brazier.

To drink is a small matter. To be thirsty is everything.

We need a new cosmology. New gods. New sacraments. Another drink.

Never drink to feel better only drink to feel even better.

The wine they drink in Paradise They make in Haute Lorraine.

I never trust a fighting man who doesn't smoke or drink.

It's a great advantage not to drink among hard drinking people.

This violent rage that turned inward cannot be helped by drink.