Over You Quotes

you can't know the meaning of the lesson until class is over!

What happened yesterday is over. What happens today is up to you ...

Choose being kind over being right and you'll be right every time.

We're all sinners. Everybody you meet all over the world is a sinner.

Your sacred space is where you can find yourself over and over again.

You do not pursue potential conflict unless you hold power over your foe.

You can have no influence over those for whom you have underlying contempt.

Practice and practice and practice and you'll make friends all over the world.

I always encourage over-tipping if you can afford it because... share the wealth.

When you reach 95 after you get over your surprise you start looking back.

You will never have a greater or lesser dominion than that over yourself.

You are redeemed and you are also victorious over your sins in Jesus.

Ever hold your hand over a torch (sorry a flashlight for you Americans).

You're traveling all over the world but to be home is something special.

You can be sure that the American spirit will prevail over this tragedy.

Music doesn't solve your problems..but allows you to dance all over them

You get hit over the knuckles enough you don't stick them out anymore.

Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over.

You get better as an actor over time if you're growing. Like singers.

A good vacation is over when you begin to yearn for your work.

Don't try to win over the haters; you are not a jackass whisperer.

You cannot cast a vision that has not cast a spell over you.

If you keep running into the same wall over and over again turn.

You can only get over your fears if you attack them head on

You can never take too much care over the choice of your shoes.

Will You help me hear the song You're singing over all this noise?

You can see over time whether people are prepared to differ or not.

Once you get over that peak of puberty you hit a nice stride.

The pool of people you care about is going to shift over time.

You know how to tell if the teacher is hung over? Movie Day.

You'll know what kind of bird I am when I fly over you.

Coincidence is what you have left over when you apply a bad theory.

If you ever care about things that means they have power over you.

You get over your first love by falling in love with something new.

Slay that dragon once and he will never have power over you again.

The promises you speak over your children can take on the weight of destiny.

Words they climb all over you/'Til they uncover you From where you hide.

I say to you quite frankly that the time for racial discrimination is over.

Visit the port of goodness often; if you can cast your anchor over there!

There's few things that get you over your own crap more than working hard.

my kingdom for a kiss upon your shoulder" lover you should have come over-

(B)ut who can start over when memories never leave you? â??Ruth Mendenberg

I'm going to take over the world. Everyone watch out you're in big trouble.

My tolerance for tears is very little when you're beautiful and crying over nothing.

Determine to pray more words over your marriage than you speak about your marriage.

What you call flaws are really just scars and wounds accumulated over a lifetime.

If you have complete control over the damned thing you're not going fast enough.

You don't lead by hitting people over the head - that's assault not leadership.

But you know I'm presiding over an institution that was designed not to work.

I prefer playing in the studio because you have much more control over things.

You have to step over the boundaries sometimes just to find out where theyare.

I've missed you too Graystripe. I watch over you every day and every night.

you trace a finger over my scar and uncloak me like a timid star

If you aren't happy with yourself find a way to be victorious over yourself.

When you cross over on fandoms people don't know what to do with themselves.

Somehow as a writer you tend to use words to paper over structural cracks.

Hell will freeze over before I send you any money for this unwarranted bill.

When you need an answer look over your left shoulder and ask your death.

If you fail the first time that's just a chance to start over again.

God will not look you over for medals degrees or diplomas but for scars.

Music is the journey. You never arrive in music; the work is never over.

You need not hang up the ivy branch over the wine that will sell.

If you can maintain the diet over a period of time that's very good.

Only by facing your demons can you stop them from having power over you.

With a rock band you play the same things over and over and over.

We're grown ass men you don't need to be falling all over the place.

Pull over to the side of your journey and look how far you've come

Did you know that there are over three hundred words for love in canine?

The people who make you cry are the people who aren't worth crying over.

You are not required to start over but you are required to keep going.

Do you have any control over being conscious? Do you know how you will?

I believe in mind over matter and doing anything you set your mind on.

You only have control over the storms you are able to have peace in.

That cat will write her autograph all over your leg if you let her.

A defining moment takes a long time to get over if you ever do.

The tide of my love Has risen so high let me flood over You.

You leap over the wall of one ghetto and find yourself in another ghetto.

Your imaginings can have as much power over you as your reality or even more.

Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

You can find Calcutta all over the world if you have the eyes to see.

If you can buy the best companies over time the pricing takes care of itself.

When it's all over it's not who you were ... it's whether you made a difference.

Just because you're in the driver's seat doesn't mean you have to run people over.

Sorry to bother you " Bella said over the wailing. "But she wants her daddy.

The chances of you winning are the same as the chances of HELL freezing over.

With voice-over you have to pretend like youre three except you can talk and read.

You never get over bein' a child long's you have a mother to go to.

The Son of Man has authority over whatever has you paralyzed. Get up and walk.

You can play lacrosse all over the world provided you know where the goalposts are.

Mind you I'm going into the bedroom now to talk things over with Heavenly Father

over protective? a butler in a grade- B movie? someones jewish mother? you got it

Cunning is a short blanket--if you pull it over your face you expose your feet.

If you aren't in over your head how do you know how tall you are?

No boy is worth crying over and the one who is won't make you cry.

A belief system is nothing more than a thought you've thought over and over again.

Words are wind Brienne told herself. They cannot hurt you. Let them wash over you.

How many married couples do you know who met over accounting books in a Starbucks?

All you've got to do is decide to go and the hardest part is over.

You might be a redneck if you're still scalping tickets after the concert is over.

I will write peace on your wings and you will fly all over the world.

To be upset over what you don't have is to waste what you do have.

There's man all over for you blaming on his boots the fault of his feet.

When there is a start to be made don't step over! Start where you are.

You need eagles wings to get over things that make no sense in this world.

Come over to my house with your sister baby and I'll show you who's gay!

If you want to shine over the world first let the wisdom shines over you!

If you were handed power on a plate you'd be left fighting over a plate.

Deja vu tell you what I'm gonna do When they reminisce over you my God.

You might as well fall flat on your face as lean over too far backward.

Over deliver in all you do and soon you will be rewarded for the extra effort.

For me the music dictates the melody. Give me a riff to sing over you know?

Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind it doesn't matter.

Are you happy here with me? Because if not we can scoot over a few feet.

Over the course of a season a miscue will cost you more than a good play.

It is impossible for you to take power over the future because it isn't even real.

Why won't you run in the rain and play let the tears splash all over you?

You must gain control over your money or the lack of it will forever control you.

The addict will screw you over and lie to you and do all kinds of things.

Consistency is what counts; you have to be able to do things over and over again.

You sound like a man with a vision. Care to pass that bong over this way?

Christmas is never over unless you want it to be... Christmas is a state of mind.

When you have nothing left but God you have more than enough to start over again.

Every time you touch those who have power over the media they seek to stop you.

Love can smack you like a seagull and pour all over your feet like junk mail.

You get a sense of how the show works and then let your personality take over.

Remember sex is like a Chinese dinner. It ain't over 'til you both get your cookie.

You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and by falling over.

Don't ever go to war. Even if you win the battle is never over inside you.

You don't get over hating to cook any more than you get over having big feet.

Getting over what you did to me is not why I get out of bed anymore.

I hope you are never victims but I hope you have no power over other people.

Look I'm over 40 I'm single and I work in musical theater - you do the math!

I've loved you ever since that day you broke your slate over my head in school.

In fact as a spin bowler you have to work on the batsman over after over.

If you're shy get the hell over it: You're slamming the door in your own face.

When you hit a wall find ways to go under and over but never give up.

You have mourned over others; now sit down for a while and weep over your own self.

The world has only as much power over you as you give it. Rebel. Go beyond duality.

To esteem what makes you holy over what makes you happy - that is the greatest dare.

I don't like symbolism that hits you over the head. A symbol should not be a cymbal.

Rock 'n' Roll might not solve your problems but it does let you dance all over them

It is true I worry about the hype. The only person more over-hyped than me is you.

If you can't go around it over it or through it you had better negotiate with it.

You shouldn't be able to do a swim at the North Pole it should be frozen over.

The only way to silence a room that's laughing at you is to sort of take over.

Don't push me I've got a corner at my back I've nowhere to go except over you.

I like poems you can tack all over with a hammer and there are no hollow places.

Every girls dream is to have two hot guys having a bit of a barney over you.

You got to start by doing little things if your quest is to take over the world.

Once you pass forty a dime isn't worth bending over to pick up if you drop one.

Those days are over. I have to be won all over again every time you see me.

George if you had to do it all over would you fall in love with yourself again?

You are not just for the right or left but for what is right over the wrong.

You always want to be a little in over your head and be challenged to get better.

One thing I can tell you is you have to be free. Come together right now over me.

If you don't like or care about your job what's the big deal? I am so over it.

You're such a big BABY. So cry me a river build yourself a bridge and GET OVER IT

If you can't get an intro to a VC hang up your cleats now. You're done GAME OVER

Even if you are on the right track you will get run over if you just sit there.

You can't get good at anything unless you do it day in and day out over and over.

I can see you in the kitchen bending over a hot stove and I can't see the stove

This is the end. This is as far as you can go. After this it all starts over again.

If you don't have time to do it right when will you have the time to do it over?

I've got a good mind to go out and join a club and beat you over the head with it.

Yes I will go. I would rather grieve over your absence than over you.

God's canopy is over you and will cover you at all times preserving you from evil.

Once a new technology rolls over you if you're not part of the steamroller you're part of the road.

Whenever you argue with another wiser than yourself in order that others may admire your wisdom they will discover your ignorance.

When the creative impulse sweeps over you grab it. You grab it and honor it and use it because momentum is a rare gift.

Do not say things. What you are stands over you the while and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary.

Being on stage is magic. There's nothing like it. You feel the energy of everybody who's out there. You feel it all over your body. When the lights hit you it's all over I swear it is.

You can't lose sleep over should-of's and could-of's.

You have no right to criticise Russia over Chechnya.

As actors you become an expert at starting over.

Childhood is over when you know you're gonna die.

Don't beat yourself up over what you dream about.

Would you have a great empire? Rule over yourself.

When you are in love' hypocrisy won over principle.

If you over-plan you close the door on possibilities.

Without passion the powers-that-be can run roughshod over you.

If this sounds impressive to you you're over thirty.

Move over Lucifer I'm more ruthless leave you toothless.

If you're good you're always looking over your shoulder.

Acknowledge your limitations or they will tyrannize over you.

Things get better--hurt less--over time. If you let them.

Always get over heavy ground as lightly as you can.

If you aren't getting flak you aren't over the target.

Risk is trying to control something you are powerless over.

Childhood's over the moment you know you're going to die.

Sometimes over the years you know things come to surface.

Never ask anyone over 70 how they feel. They'll tell you.

You could warm Mars up over time with greenhouse gases.

You can't worry about things you have no control over.

After about 15 minutes you feel that you're winning them over.

Over time loneliness gets inside you and doesn't go away.

May hope rise within you. May peace wash over you.

May you find the grace of triumph over any situation.

...you could have knocked me over with Michael Huffington's brain.

You're a transsexual fighting with a hermaphrodite over a mistress.

You realize you have no control over how you're perceived.

You have authority over every storm you can sleep in

Do you blame a vulture for perching over a carcass?

When you're in touch with spirit you put feeling over results.

No matter where you from there's ghettos all over the place.

Don't despair not even over the fact that you don't despair.

To gain a reputation for virtue grieve over those you injure.

Good doctors get a mechanic's pleasure in making you tick over.

Unless you feed your mind those suffering states will take over.

Once you turn something into something its universal usage is over.

I'll stand over your grave 'til I'm sure that you're dead.

[When to have a facelift:] If you're tripping over your neck.

You can't just play the same thing over and over again.

To be an overachiever you have to be an over believer.

The greatest victory you can win is over your own mind.

Your religion is what you do when the sermon is over.

Work with your mind; don't let your mind work over you.

If you want to gather honey don't kick over the beehive.

Tomorrow I'll get over you if I just get through tonight.

Your former Fathers the Spaniards have now no further Authority over you.

You can turn over a new leaf every hour if you choose.

London's like a black-browed brute that gets an unholy influence over you.

When you take responsibility over others you have to be actually Selfless.

Your ethical muscle grows stronger every time you choose right over wrong.

Sign over the gates of hell: "Doesn't mean you're a bad person.

When you do a low budget movie you get a little over-ambitious.

If you are a Christian your search for approval should be over.

In Montana a policeman will pull you over because he is lonely.

Choose to be kind over being right and you'll be right everytime.

You can have no dominion greater or less than that over yourself.

There's nothing wrong with reading a book you love over and over.

You come out hurting all over and what didn't hurt didn't work.

Watch over Honoria will you? See that she doesn't marry an idiot.

The sky's the limit if you have a roof over your head.

Over there!" "Where?" Enna asked in mock panic "Do you see something?

The good thing about directing yourself is that you get over yourself.

Don't let failure get you down. Babe Ruth struck out over 1 300 times.

If you paint a man leaning over your own back must ache

Faith is the staff that will support you over the rockiest terrain.

Always choose style over fashion: wear something that makes you look beautiful.

What you see but can't see over is as good as infinite.

May you live to see the green grass growing over your grave.

Sometimes you just wait for the night to be over and endure.

If you strive for the moon maybe you'll get over the fence.

You can either keep peddling get off the bike or fall over.

Don't let a man put anything over on you except an umbrella.

Over coaching is the worst thing you can do to a player.

When you become a lover of what is the war is over.

Every minute you invest in kids you get back four times over.

If you hold back in hurdles you are going to fall over.

You words affect generations after you. Speak blessings and favor over them.

Take complete control over the messages you allow into your conscious mind.

You can't be disappointed unless you try something to be disappointed over.

Gentleman you have come sixty days too late. The depression is over.

Fear-filled words will defeat you but faith-filled words will put you over!