Levels Quotes

Therefore wheat products elevate blood sugar levels more than virtually any other carbohydrate from beans to candy bars.

In Count Julian I simply proposed to create a text which would allow for diverse levels of reading.

Paul and I know each other on a lot of different levels that very few people know about.

Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.

Your body's really only meant to compete at the highest levels of combat sports for a few years.

America needs education reform on all levels to expand quality schools build on past successes and lower college debt.

The acceptance of vertical differentiation with the built-in principle of self-determination must apply on as many levels as possible.

Becoming a good listener you are able to connect with others on more levels and develop stronger deeper relationships.

Crime family dissolution welfare and low levels of social organization are fundamentally a consequence of the disappearance of work.

There's different levels of where we do well throughout Europe. Fortunately for us it's pretty great all throughout it.

Throughout the season I look into my players eyes to gauge feelings confidence levels and to establish instant trust.

Effective readers even at their earliest levels read in five to seven word phrases rather than word by word.

Little by little bit by bit family by family so much good can be done on so many levels

Poetry should be able to reach everybody and it should be able to appeal to all levels of understanding.

Danny and I worked really hard in the beginning of the relationship to find different levels of this couple.

We live on two levels ... the realistic level and the fantastic level and which is the real one really?

We got to mediate our greedy levels Cause the lust of currency can have us sleepin with the devil.

As an actor you always want to do the juicy stuff. But it's important to get the levels right.

Rebellion per se is not a virtue. If it were we would have some heroes on very low levels.

However steep or ramshackle they may be don't ever despise the stairs which take you up to higher levels!

I have to be cautious have my thyroid levels checked and as long as I do that I'm fine.

I truly believe that we have infinite levels of power that we don't even know are available to us.

I really feel that we need to scale back and get to what is important on so many levels.

To take charge of destiny means to play a very convoluted chess game on multiple levels of consciousness and existence.

Earth allows several levels for Soul to gain experience in life including the mineral plant fish animal and human stages.

For many years quantum physics had been giving indications that there are levels of reality other than the material level.

The great scandal of American life is that we pay for German levels of government without enjoying the related benefits.

New York has always been a sense of eclectic kind of freedom and expression on a lot of different levels.

One study found that people who just thought about watching their favorite movie actually raised their endorphin levels by 27 percent.

New levels bring new devils. Stay unapologetically committed to your goals and let go of anyone who poisons your spirit.

Production cutbacks have remained in place in the third quarter and this has helped to further reduce inventory levels worldwide.

Information is just simply bootstrapping itself to higher and higher levels of self-reflection and self-coordination using whatever means are necessary.

If you can take something to levels that very few other people can reach then what you're doing becomes art.

Leadership is the art of creating a working climate that inspires others to achieve extraordinary goals and levels of performance.

We're improving and taking our levels of customer satisfaction higher and higher....Our customers are happier than they were before.

Forget I ever referred to my mother and screwing in the same sentence. That's just .... wrong. On so many levels.

Without play at many levels of language from phonemes to logical structures a poem is merely prose with linebreaks added.

With age life becomes complex and difficult often fraught with risk on several levels from the practical to the fiscal.

Menopause is your return to where you were before when your hormone levels are the same as a pre-adolescent girl's.

The matter of social security and these grants is to help to address the levels of poverty in the country.

The backwardness of our religious and social developments is undoubtedly holding back the development of the intellectual and political levels.

Governments at all levels and the whole society should act more vigorously to protect the land our lives depend on.

I think New York has the most diverse and best quality representation of so many different cuisines at all levels.

Every civilized human being whatever his conscious development is still an archaic man at the deeper levels of his psyche.

Tuvalu's future at current levels of global warming is already bleak. Any further temperature increase will spell its total demise.

Children from a given family background when put in schools of different social compositions will achieve at quite different levels.

We all come from different levels and I think every human has their own relationship to violence athletic violence and fighting.

Nobody can teach you love. Love you have to find yourself within your being by raising your consciousness to higher levels.

The people who really run organizations are usually found several levels down where it is still possible to get things done.

You can have relatively high levels of class consciousness with a lower level of class militancy than one would have expected.

Spirituality can not be separate from how we treat our bodies construct our lifestyles and keep our energy at higher levels.

Winning companies win because they have good leaders who nurture the development of other leaders at all levels of the organization.

The best parts about writing a show are [its] first second and 10th anniversaries. Everything else is relative levels of hell.

Leadership is the ability of a single individual through his or her actions to motivate others to higher levels of achievement.

Americans are making coffee a bigger part of their lives expanding attitudes and behaviors that are driving new levels of consumption.

This is the feeling for syllable and rhythm penetrating far below the conscious levels of thought and feeling invigorating every word.

51 Martin [guitar] sounded pretty good as new guitar. Martin has several levels of guitars now and this one is pretty good.

The wonderful thing about films is how they can be understood by so many different people on so many different levels.

Rethink Success: Most people will never achieve past their existing levels because they don't understand the importance of changing their Mindset

And people do enjoy the plays at completely different levels. And likewise they enjoy the authorship question... at completely different levels.

On so many levels [S.E. Cupp]â??s a perfect demonstration of the necessity of the work Planned Parenthood does.

Quebecers have rarely in their history been better represented than they are right now-at the highest levels of the federal government.

If the natural environment is changed and the electromagnetic radiation levels increase then it may cause illness and disease in humans.

Healthy relationships should always begin at the spiritual and intellectual levels - the levels of purpose motivation interests dreams and personality.

When you look back at your career there are moments that are levels that you hit and you bounce off them.

Where'er a noble deed is wrought Where'er is spoken a noble thought Our hearts in glad surprise To higher levels rise.

We want free trade but we want free trade that is good. We want free trade that levels the playing field.

If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to Earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.

There is no greater prediction in the research of our levels of happiness than the breadth and depth of our relationships.

There is no reason to think today's levels of [drug] addiction are anywhere near the levels that would be reached under legalization.

Without sounding pretentious it's nice to always be surrounded by creative people who inspire me and keep my levels of creativity charged.

Women are still not reaching the most senior levels of corporations. This is not the shortcoming of women. We're talented and smart.

About fifty million years ago...geological evidence indicates CO2 levels were several thousand ppm much higher than now. And life flourished abundantly.

When we realize that Jesus is the one who takes the initiative and invites us to follow him everything changes-on multiple levels.

Most museums in Moscow like Tretyakov were established by philanthropists whose passion for art allowed the development of culture on many levels.

It's difficult to have any animosity towards someone if you recognize that on so many levels they're exactly the same as you.

Pseudoscience is like a virus. At low levels it's no big deal but when it reaches a certain threshold it becomes sickening.

To reach levels of success you've never reached before you must be committed at a level you've never been committed at before.

I feel like I've had so many successes on so many levels even if it is just my relationships with my friends.

There is no such thing as being done with an artistic life. Frustrations and rewards exist at all levels on the path.

If the government is going to mandate levels and punish schools for failing they should send that money to the school system.

I'm not from a lower social level but I think I relate more to lower levels then to people who've got money.

We can fight over what the taxation levels should be but the tax system should be very very simple and not distortionary.

The person of power uses their power to open up their mind to higher levels all the time which creates tremendous happiness.

In the past I've never tried to discount or stop what people are saying because on some levels I find it interesting.

My passion should be clear and please know it runs deep within all levels of my consciousness. I feel it. I feel everything.

When the will to learn from the ordinary is present a seeker may indeed gain entrance into levels of awareness that are extraordinary.

In varying degrees and and upon different levels all gods and goddesses represent aspects of One God Which is both 'male' and 'female'.

Adopting a new healthier lifestyle can involve changing diet to include more fresh fruit and vegetables as well as increasing levels of exercise.

Women have so many levels. There's the physical level which is a lot of fun. There's this emotional level which is extremely mercurial.

The thing about global warming is that you can address it on a great number of levels - in fact you have to.

On all levels American society is rigged. I am troubled by the cynical immorality of my country. It cannot survive on this basis.

On the environmental front there's concern about global warming and high levels of carbon dioxide and trees take in CO2 and store carbon.

I look at my contemporaries and we're all at different stages and levels and all choosing different routes different ways to do things.

The levels of technology investment in the energy sciences pales compared to the kinds of investment we make in the computer and bio-sciences.

But despite historic levels of obstruction President Obama was able to bring the economy back from the verge of a second Great Depression.

Success is not a matter of mastering subtle sophisticated theory but rather of embracing common sense with uncommon levels of discipline and persistence.

High levels of homeownership have been shown to foster greater involvement in school and civic organizations higher graduation rates and greater neighborhood stability.

I believe that people of my income group should pay more and I explained why but that won't necessarily lift overall wage levels.

There are lots of levels of fear and complaint about the government getting involved in business. First and foremost of course is incompetence.

You can be a model to the masses but to go to the higher levels of influence you have to work with individuals.

If we build our military up to Ronald Reagan levels [Vladimir] Putin's not going to push us anywhere because he can't match us.

I crave fit disposition for my wife; Due reference of place and exhibition; With such accommodation and besort As levels with her breeding.

It takes someone with a vision of the possibilities to attain new levels of experience. Someone with the courage to live his dreams.

My mother died when I was 17 and I moved in with my dad to make a 12-month pig's ear of retaking my A-levels.

I was never concretely aware of the extent of anti-Semitism in the United States and in the upper levels of the State Department.

Spending longer thinking about the problem before you dive in is likely to lead to higher levels of creativity in the final product.

Greenhouse gas emissions: Ultimately stabilisation - at whatever level - requires that annual emissions be brought down to more than 80% below current levels

We have made a great effort to maintain all levels of Buddhist education; it has helped us have a kind of renaissance really.

My ministry's always been one of social activism. I think a responsible minister must be at some levels involved in the social order.

Great spiritual teachings do not change but we do. As we grow older and wiser we can receive the teachings at deeper levels.

I started studying shyness in adults in 1972. Shyness operates at so many different levels. Out of that research came the Stanford shyness clinic in 1977.

The German birthrate is below replacement levels meaning the population is shrinking meaning fewer and fewer people of age to join the labor force.

I'd like to see college debt levels drop by a lot but I'm not quite sure what the best way to do that is.

Wit makes its own welcome and levels all distinctions. No dignity no learning no force of character can make any stand against good wit.

Steroids can seem necessary to compete at the highest levels and the quick rewards can outweigh the long term consequences to the user's health.

If your intent is that athletics and sports are tools or devices to reach higher levels of mind then your workout sessions become meditation.

While this may seem peculiar the combo of work and distraction leads to levels of innovation not often generated by structured focused thinking alone.

Reduce the stress levels in your life through relaxation techniques like meditation deep breathing and exercise. Youll look and feel way better for it.

When the conscious mind expands to embrace deeper levels of thinking the thought wave becomes more powerful and results in added energy and intelligence.

It is possible that strong levels of belief in God gods spirits or the supernatural might have given our ancestors considerable comforts and advantages.

The Cox Report documents a systematic well-planned effort by the Chinese military at the highest levels to target and acquire technology for military modernization.

The MDGs have been useful in moving human rights and development discourse together and in highlighting the need for greater accountability at all levels.

The main problem with the Democrats is their utter negativity. They're made up of schumucks and hypocrites. They also have higher levels of immorality.

Demonic activity levels? Do they have a device that measures whether the demons inside the house are doing power yoga?� -Simon pg.340-

Leaders at the highest levels of our government are undertaking a deliberate and systematic effort to redefine our government our economy and our country.

A society in which there are high levels of voluntary activity will simply be a better happier place than one where there are not.

I think Governor Romney has a two-part budget plan that very much levels with voters far more so than any candidate in my lifetime.

It doesn't matter how many A-levels you have what kind of a degree you have if you have good manners people will like you.

There are eight levels of charity.... The highest is when you strengthen a man's hand until he need no longer be dependent upon others.

When we are adding to those around us the world ourselves it feels good and right on levels we cannot even consciously connect with.

By keeping most tax rates at present levels Obama and the Democrats will claim that they have championed tax cuts for the middle class.

When we awaken to the beauty of nature the doors to our true self are opened up wide for divine healing on all levels.

If your goal is to avoid pain and escape suffering I would not advise you to seek higher levels of consciousness or spiritual evolution.

Too many of Disney animators and a lot try to emulate Disney are trying to hit what they call quality levels. They're boring mannerisms.

Increased awareness and education could be a great help toward improving spending and saving habits and increasing participation and contribution levels to retirement plans.

Don't think that just because you made it to the next level that the haters and naysayers disappear. Remember new levels bring new devils.

I try to work out daily in the morning hours. This drives up energy levels dramatically. You'll feel more inspired. And you'll need less sleep.

I do love fish and I thought it was healthy without understanding the high mercury levels that fish like tuna swordfish and halibut can contain.

Small men seeking great wealth or power have too often and too long turned even the highest levels of public service into mere personal opportunity.

It appears easier to talk about protecting women than it is to fully include women at all decision-making levels in peace talks and post-conflict planning.

When a sports movie really works it gets you on all levels because the stakes are high. It's black and white. It's win or lose.

I've learned that ayahuasca works in levels a little like peeling an onion. It is complex and something you really have to experience to understand.

It's life isn't it? You plow ahead and make a hit. And you plow on and someone passes you. Then someone passes them. Time levels.

In the United States both the upper levels of the Republican and Democratic Parties are in the pay of the corporate media and communication giants.

Celibacy and suicide are a similar levels of understanding suicide and a martyr's death not so by any means perhaps marriage and a martyr's death.

The Blood Type Diet has made such a difference - not so much to my shape but to how I feel and my energy levels.

It's about human imagination and curiosity. What's out there? What's in the great beyond? What exists at levels we can't see with our five senses?

The day that you stop learning is the day that you start decreasing your rewards and start suffering from frustration and lower levels of satisfaction.

I am more and more convinced that some people are put in our lives solely to try our patience and tamper with our tolerance levels.

A university should not be an island where academics attain higher and higher levels of knowledge without sharing any of this knowledge with its neighbours.

Kitsch is deceptive. It has many different levels and some of them are high enough to be dangerous to the naive seeker of true light.

Those who advocate devaluation are calling for a reduction in the wage levels and the real wage standards of every member of the working class.

The truth is that creative activity is one that involves the entire self - our emotions our levels of energy our characters and our minds.

Nothing is true in self-discovery unless it is true in your own experience. This is the only protection against the robot levels of the mind.

These people have elevated audacity to symphonic and operatic levels. The Florida Supreme Court relied on new law to resolve the election dispute down there.

The various levels of problems and issues are interwoven so that solving any one of them without simultaneously addressing the others rarely works for long.

I have become increasingly unnerved by the depth of corruption that exists at many different levels. I'm less upset with politicians than [with] the media.

After 32 years as a priest I think its fair to say that most institutional churches are very limited in addressing higher levels of spiritual consciousness.

I think that strength levels go hand in hand with building a great physique. You've got to lift heavy weight to get big - period.

Ambient Music must be able to accommodate many levels of listening attention without enforcing one in particular; it must be as ignorable as it is interesting.

On human levels of consciousness one may emphasize getting and having as the prime goals in spiritual consciousness he seeks the way of giving and being.

Chile is a country that sells cheap and buys expensive because we have to pay for manufactured goods from countries at much higher levels of development.

I like keeping my work so open that it can be interpreted on different levels. Art can't be compared with journalism; it can't discuss concrete issues.

We in Government have begun to recognize the critical work which must be done at all levels-local State and Federal-in ending the pollution of our waters.

I'd say people respond to me on four levels and four levels only; they want to pray to me be me do me or kill me.

And I suggested to change very simple way to Olympic Games in one competition two different levels. Separate from until sixteen and after sixteen years old.

The best advice I can give women at all levels is increase training. There are still areas where we have to break through that glass ceiling.

As a DJ I am never 100 percent in charge of the sound. The sound levels are controlled by someone at the sound board of the venue.

What I do believe in is other worlds and spirits. There is some other power in control - levels of energy that perhaps we don't see.

Honestly Flav is not much of a video game player these days. BUT I used to spend hours on Time Crisis. I beat all levels man.

Every single organization - or career for that matter - exists on three levels: WHAT you do HOW you do it and WHY you do it.

All our parents have levels of deviousness. We're driven to write about this discrepancy between the bright shining selves they invented and the monsters lurking underneath.

When you let intution have its way with you you open up new levels of the world. Such opening-up is the most practical of all activities.

It seemed to me that people do a rather good job of creating levels of hell all by themselves and this was something worth writing about.

I like the idea of federal employees licensed to carry weapons who are also heavily medicated; it just works for me on all sorts of levels.

The contents of the massive banks behind these successive revetments makes it quite clear that the material was derived from the incorporation of earlier occupation levels.

The PS3 is a total disaster on so many levels I think It's really clear that Sony lost track of what customers and what developers wanted.

A lot of great people come to Facebook. In our business we're about how do we help connect our companies to great people across all levels.

We know that advanced economies with stable governments that borrow in their own currency are capable of running up very high levels of debt without crisis.

Essentially by 2050 we need all activities outside agriculture to be near zero carbon emitting if we are to stop carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere growing

The true miracle of modern medicine is diabolical. It consists in making not only individuals but whole populations survive on inhumanly low levels of personal health.

People generally report higher levels of stress depression and tension after watching TV. It seems that TV's main virtue is that it occupies the mind undemandingly.

Nobody got murdered before lunch. But nobody. People weren't up to it. You needed a good lunch to get both the blood-sugar and blood-lust levels up.

It's such an intimate experience being a director artistically. It's deep and it's satisfying and it's wonderful on so many levels but it's also really scary.

In this world people are at different levels of evolution. The more advanced soul has learned that fulfillment does not come from simply leading a physical life.

Even in Heaven the most perfect City in the World there are going to be different levels different classes different stages some very high some very low.

The only inequalities that matter begin in the mind. It is not income levels but differences in mental equipment that keep people apart breed feelings of inferiority.

Today nearly every combat brigade located within the United States would report that they are not ready for duty. They are at the lowest levels of readiness.

Activities are a real blessing to a family. They provide a way to have fun together relieve tensions and develop relationships on new levels with one another.

Apparently there are three levels of brain activity. Level 1 is the lowest level - the amount of concentration required to say delete emails or serve in congress.

The history of science has been one long series of violent brainstorms as successive generations have come to terms with increasing levels of queerness in the universe.

Heading the show very thrilling personally and an incredibly rare opportunity for growth on many levels in terms of workload and just pure skill. It's been fantastic.

It's always challenging when you're shooting a film. Shooting things out of order and keeping continuity on all levels is always for me the most challenging thing.

Terrorism is a big danger to Pakistan's independence. We will fight this danger for the sake of independence of Pakistan and will defeat it at all levels.

Any one who wants to live in peace and freedom will be to live by toil demonstration of high levels of discipline and tolerance for one another.

You are able to create an environment so that the creative process can take place and that you can get people to perform at their highest levels.

Foreign news is one of the most expensive kinds of news and unlike in colonial days one of the categories with the lowest levels of audience interest.

If enough of us stop looking away and decide that climate change is a crisis worthy of Marshall Plan levels of response then it will become one.

A snowball is simple direct and familiar to most of us. I use this simplicity as a container for feelings and ideas that function on many levels.

You don't know whether chimps are going to kill you or kiss you. They're very open on some levels and much more evil in a certain way.

We have more to learn today from the spectacle of a great man at a great moment than from any number of monographs on ancient wage levels.

I want to experience a performance on all levels - I want goose bumps and I want to leave the movie or play arguing about something that's unresolved.

If a scene doesn't work on three levels - it's not advancing the story the characters and telling me something new - then put it in the trash.

When you're doing the same scene over and over all day long you need to keep your levels up for your own performance and for the other actors.

You may think things didn't change much after the 60s 'revolution' - but they did. The levels of prescriptive disapproval for anyone who stepped outside the norm receded.

We are getting used to levels of violence we are getting used to seeing these horrific things going on all the time. I think it's tough. It's rough.

I never talk much about my family but my grandfather was friendly with these guys with magicians and ventriloquists on the highest levels and I was just interested.

The complexity embedded in the different levels of meaning that go along with the words "I love you" ought to be a whole mindfuck of a video game

Love sets our energy free. It opens us and puts us in a flow with spirit and life on many levels. Love is the true secret behind manifestation.

The one impulse in man which cannot be erased is his impulse toward freedom his impulse toward sanity toward higher levels of attainment in all of his endeavors.

Kugel was a firm believer that death was not always a bad thing - that life often reached such levels of crapitude that dying was preferable to living.

A trait which differentiated New York from European cities was the incredible freedom and ease in which life including sexual life could be carried on on many levels.

With the coldest winter ever recorded with snow setting record levels up and down the coast the Nobel committee should take the Nobel Prize back from Al Gore

We do live all of us on many different levels and for most artists the world of imagination is more real than the world of the kitchen sink.

American experience seems to suggest that people are virtually unlimited in their need to give themselves away on various levels. Some just prefer to do it in secret.

The work to eradicate corruption must begin from the top. It is spread like termite in our country. We have to work at all levels to eradicate corruption

Take chaotic mathematics for instance. The universe is chaos. But chaos is whimping out. There is no chaos. There are just different levels of order in the universe.

Gradually football has seen its appeal slip at the most basic levels. Pediatricians are advising parents not to let young children play organized football too early in life.

By the time executives get to high levels they are good at making others feel confident in their judgment even if there's no strong basis for the judgment.

I think it is incumbent on anyone who can to lift human dignity to the highest possible levels maintaining one's own and helping to raise that of others.

If you are pure in intention and in alignment with beauty and love in body and mind the highest levels of your spiritual self will subsume your weaknesses.

To ask for power is forcing uphill a stone which after all rolls back again from the summit and seeks in headlong haste the levels of the plain.

Wisdom is a true activity of compassion. And so meditation is the act of loving kindness. It is the activity where loving kindness is applied on all levels.

There is only one person with whom to compete and that is yourself. Keep aiming to surpass your own best performance and ever strive to reach higher levels.

The Kyoto theorists have put the cart before the horse. It is global warming that triggers higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere not the other way round.

As a result ways out of the crisis are being intensively searched for at all levels - ways which however aim at maintaining the whites' control over the country.

All physical activity begins with the body's core. I maintain the strength in my core so that I can jump run start stop and accelerate at the highest levels.

I think it's very very tough to compare postseason and in-season just for the simple fact that there's the heightened levels of energy on both sides of the ball.

Such leadership occurs when one or more persons engage with others in such a way that leaders and followers raise one another to higher levels of motivation and morality.

I love involving actors at all levels - and they have to know that I want to hear their contributions with dialogue with story suggestions with script changes whatever.

The tragedian will always be a limited tragedian if he has not learned how to laugh. The comedian who cannot weep will never touch the highest levels of mirth.

The job of taste was to thin the insane torrent of human creativity down to manageable levels. But the job of appetite was never to be happy with taste.

We need women at all levels including the top to change the dynamic reshape the conversation to make sure women's voices are heard and heeded not overlooked and ignored.

When one person is having a low energy day the other can step it up. There's a collective amount of energy and we're each on different levels each day.

There are literally several levels of SCO being wrong. And even if we were to live in that alternate universe where SCO would be right they'd still be wrong.

My energy levels are off the charts. I can run all day I breathe well and I sweat a lot so the toxins and impurities come out of my body.

I think 'The Thing' is so good because it's not just a scary movie. It's also social commentary which works on multiple levels which is something I really respond to.

I don't think there is a particular responsibility on designers that is not on other professions... I think there's a responsibility for all of us to engage on all levels.

If with the nation watching three black women at three different levels can't get justice... for this community you tell me where you're going to get it in our country.

Teachers at all levels encourage the idea that you have to talk about things in order to understand them because they wouldn't have jobs otherwise. But it's phony you know.

The teacher is not a person; they're a field of energy. They're a series of levels of attention. While they have a body and appear to be there they're not.

Once upon a time government budgets were balanced our money was sound the streets were safe and taxes imposed by all levels of government took less than 10% of our income.

The deeper side of the study occurs on levels of attention your mind is not aware of but that your superconscious mind is - what don Juan calls the nagual.

I don't think people realize that what we eat and your stress levels impact the way that you look. Not just your body but your face and your overall well-being.

Engel & Volkers is unlike any other real estate company I have known and I am proud to be part of an organization that raises the bar to such high levels.

I learned a long time ago that place matters to me on many levels and maybe more than it should but it is generally counter-productive for me to resist it.

It is the photographer's decision at the two levels of seeing the picture - when it is shot and when it is chosen and printed that determines his personal style.

A Mozart symphony is very much like a Pixar movie - in the sense that Pixar movies are hugely successful because they operate on several levels at the same time.

People who are making decisions about the future often don't have access to some of the best ideas in the company which may be at the periphery or at lower levels.

We know for a fact that the body is able to process colloidal silver quite well if it is made correctly and the dosage levels and concentrations are not too high.

I am about as pro-Google a person as you're going to find in the media. I've had friends at all levels of the company since its founding and still do now.

Times of happiness bliss and sheer delight intensify as the higher levels of our minds are opened within us One our life on earth is over these levels keep rising forever.

The spirits talk of many levels. It's not a physical level where you go up the steps to get to the next one. It's consciousness and how evolved spiritually you are.

You unlock the door to greater levels of excellence and success when you accept who you are. It is from the point of acceptance that we can create a masterful life.

My hope is that the music will serve as a metaphor for the actions taken by the inhabitants of this wonderful planet as a call for world harmony on all levels.

One of the most valuable things you can do to create higher levels of trust is to trust others more. Don't wait for them to prove themselves to you. Trust them.

When people get hungry and desperate things get ugly. And I'll tell you where it's really going to get ugly: crime is going to go to levels we've never seen before.

I am working right at both the levels- with the most wealthy clients in the world but also the poorest. I spend half my time designing for people that have nothing.

Ego is one of the biggest weapons that is used to take us down. It's self-destructive. It's a problem on all levels - even regular people can have big ego problems.

But the real growth I must say in terms of the public sector for the Labor Department is really at state and local levels. That's where the real opportunities are today.

The most important thing for me is the moment going from one thing to the next and hitting all the different levels and different points that make the whole what it is.

In any case decisions on troop levels in the American system of government are not made by any general or set of generals but by the civilian leadership of the war effort.

I asked Mr. Vann which O levels you need to write situation comedy for television. Mr. Vann said that you don't need qualifications at all you just need to be a moron.

There are two levels of vampirism: one is the regular vampire which is just like it has always been; and then there's the super vampires which are a new breed we've created.

If we were building our navy rather than reducing our navy to pre-World War I levels China would not be thinking about increasing its navy to take over the South China Sea.

Ask José Mourinho he wouldn't know a thing about me my sport - he knows football and to get to high levels you have to be insane nothing else means anything.

Even when I am forced to conform - we all are on many levels - that line is definitive. It says exactly what it means: Be an individual you know? Be yourself.

When you recognize the many types of abundance in your life more abundance will flow to you through all levels of your life and amongst all of the people in your life.

I Never Liked You. I think that's my best book. I think it works the best as a story and I like the drawing. It works on both levels for me at least.

I've never had a movie that got great reviews. I've had movies that got different levels of good and bad reviews but you can more or less count on plenty of bad reviews.

A self that is very robust that has many many levels of organization from simple to complex and that functions as a sort of witness to what is going on in our organisms.

The ten thousand states of mind that we talk about in Zen are all levels of perception. You can think of each of the ten thousand states of mind as a dimensional plane.

A person who has power has an open mind. Their mind is open and they can see on other levels. Seeing is a quality that comes to a person who has personal power.

I look at each episode in two ways - from a design standpoint and from an entertainment standpoint - this is TV after all. We usually succeed on at least one of the levels.

The party has to be rebuilt on all levels. In a way maybe it's to be expected when you've had a governor in office for 12 years and he and his people are stepping down.

As soon as you're at the higher levels of budgeting you've got to get the film made and the only way to support the film is to have actors who can support the budget.

All we need to do reader or writer from first line to final page is be as open as a book and be alive to the life in language - on all its levels.

The whole idea is just to continue to make movies that I enjoy playing and that audiences are going to enjoy me in just to put out quality on a lot of different levels.

Mark how the ready hands of Death prepare: His bow is bent and he hath notch'd his dart; He aims he levels at thy slumb'ring heart: The wound is posting O be wise beware.

We have played a very good side playing at the sort of level we are aspiring to. We need to come up a couple of levels ourselves because at the moment we are not there.

God is a metaphor for that which transcends all levels of intellectual thought. It's as simple as that.

Love one another and help others to rise to the higher levels simply by pouring out love. Love is infectious and the greatest healing energy.

The Four Levels of Comedy: Make your friends laugh Make strangers laugh Get paid to make strangers laugh and Make people talk like you because it's so much fun.

Levels are just numbers. In this world strength is just an illusion. There are more important things -Kirito

As Far As People Who Ran The Show It Was The Highest Levels of NATO the U.S. MI6 CIA And The Pentagon

I didn't want to be the rebel who was bottom of the class so I worked hard. They wanted me to stay on for A-Levels but football came calling - that was my real love.

I need good grades because I want to go on to do A-Levels. I'm just not sure yet about whether I will go to university because I really want to see what happens with the acting.

I think multiple levels of undo would be wonderful too.

I believe we should appeal to people at the higher levels.

There is no such thing as perfect security only varying levels of insecurity.

Nature uses human imagination to lift her work of creation to even higher levels.

Trust your hunches. They're usually based on facts filed away just below the conscious level.

The inability to delegate is one of the biggest problems I see with managers at all levels.

Our daily decisions and habits have a huge impact upon both our levels of happiness and success.

People are approaching electronic levels in music; although not all of it happens to tickle my fancy.

The man who has done his level best... is a success even though the world may write him down a failure.

If you improve a teacher's self-esteem confidence communication skills or stress levels you improve that teacher's overall effectiveness across the curriculum.

When we learn new behaviors and break through to higher levels of consciousness and love we can fulfill the deeper spiritual hunger within.

When you massage someone the levels of oxytocin go up in the brain and oxytocin is one of the chemicals that drives attachment.

Reduce the stress levels in your life through relaxation techniques like meditation deep breathing and exercise. You'll look and feel way better for it.

The infinite vibratory levels the dimensions of interconnectedness are without end. There is nothing independent. All beings and things are residents in your awareness.

Although technical discussions are interesting to composers I suspect that the truly magical and spiritual powers of music arise from deeper levels of our psyche.

A person acting from a motivation of contribution and service rises to such a level of moral authority that worldly success is a natural result.

There's always ways of motivating yourself to higher levels. Write about it dream about it. But after that turn it into action. Don't just dream.

The highest levels of performance come to people who are centered intuitive creative and reflective - people who know to see a problem as an opportunity.

With participation in politics so low at the moment I think Christians should ensure their views are represented at all levels and not leave it to others.

The world's a mean place. It's unfair then it's fair. It's hateful then it's loving. It's a very peculiar place on philosophical and metaphysical and religious levels.

Men and women are most alike at their most mature and soulful levels. Men and women are most different only at their most immature and merely physical levels.

Global warming has melted the polar ice caps raised the levels of the oceans and flooded the earth's great cities. Despite its evident prosperity New Jersey is scarcely Utopia.

A Christian high school is just like any other high school in the sense of the politics and all of these levels of who's cool and what to wear.

And it was a great experience you know to travel the world and compete at a certain level. It teaches you discipline focus and certainly keeps you out of trouble.

I would hope it's better but I'm actually acknowledging now that I want to explore all these levels from a whisper to a scream with this gift I've been given.

The basic Buddhist stand on the question of equality between the genders is age-old. At the highest tantric levels at the highest esoteric level you must respect women: every woman.

In a perfect world you would be able to hold onto everyone. But It's not realistic. The changes with NYPD have been progressive and have taken the show to new levels.

Life isn't fair. It's true and you still have to deal with it. Whining about it rarely levels the playing field but learning to rise above it is the ultimate reward.

You are not alone with a guy until you are a proper age. You don't go to certain levels with men until you are married or you have a certain relationship.

The effort to understand the universe is one of the very few things that lifts human life a little above the level of farce and gives it some of the grace of tragedy.

When kids can't afford to see it anymore maybe we'll have a whole resurgence of garage bands all over America and this New Wave thing will start to mean something on a grass roots level.

There are many levels of truth.

We all have levels of performance.

Roll back federal spending to 2008 levels.

The highest levels of consciousness are wordless.

Testosterone levels are highest in the morning.

We should have A-levels in vocational subjects.

I've generally got low levels of embarrassment.

Well there are different levels of love.

Men in high levels of government seldom surf.

The higher the levels the higher the devils.

Life levels all men. Death reveals the eminent.

My existence went up about 12 levels of intensity.

College softball each year reaches new levels of interest.

Education levels the playing field allowing everyone to compete.

People have different emotional levels. Especially when you're young.

Elevate your thinking and you'll levitate to greater levels

Wit makes its own welcome and levels all distinctions.

I'm easily destroyed and I operate on emotional levels.

Babies have much higher levels of stress in childcare.

Combating climate change requires collaboration with many levels of government.

Children who are readers will develop acceptable levels of literacy.

To be inclusive you must accommodate different levels of sophistication.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are on entirely different levels.

Life is lived on levels and arrived at in stages.

Thought word and deed are the three levels of creation.

The story of evolution unfolds with increasing levels of abstraction.

I got eight O-levels at school...zero in every subject.

Hope comes as a surprise at several levels at once.

I can tell women's confidence levels rise when they wear heels.

Just like music sports elevates us to new levels of achievment.

Things you call wrong describe your levels of acceptance and understanding..

It's difficult for them to do a deal at these levels.

The jealousy I feel twards Orlando Bloom exists on many levels..

Horses have different levels of intelligence and different levels of work ethic.

There are levels of poverty in South Africa that are totally unacceptable.

Staying with empathy we allow speakers to touch deeper levels of themselves.

Even if virtually anything can be art there are levels of quality.

You just can't help topping your own levels of crazy can you?

I've got many many demons that affect me on many many levelsâ?¦

There is a single theme behind all our work-we must reduce population levels

I don't like to be crazy on different levels all of the time.

Everyone is in the same situation at different levels and in different places.

I still hate [the Eagles]". There's levels of evil in it to me.

The greatest leverage for healing is found at the subtlest levels of function.

I am concentrating on my fitness levels so that I don't look old.

Every mountain that every Christian ever faces the Lord levels with sufficient grace.

Crime in multi-storey car parks. That is wrong on so many different levels.

[We need] to keep immigration levels measured by population share within historical norms.

For danger levels man and brute And all are fellows in their need.

Rising inequality is a cultural and economic cancer on a lot of different levels.

No matter how many levels of consciousness one reaches the problem always goes deeper.

Love is the linchpin that connects the material world with higher levels of existence.

You have the ability right now to exceed all your previous levels of accomplishment

To provide optimal levels of protective micronutrients a diet must be vegetable-based not grain-based.

There is intersubjectivity woven into the very fabric of the Kosmos at all levels.

Our choices at all levels-individual community corporate and government-affect nature. And they affect us.

Obama is ratcheting up his class warfare to levels that would make Marxists blush.

The same set of statistics can produce opposite conclusions at different levels of aggregation.

The debate over troop levels will rage for years; it is...beside the point.

I didn't have any qualifications when I left school - I had three O-levels.

Work means independence. It allowed me to shape my life on so many levels.

Churches are like announcement factories that pump toxic levels of noise pollution into the atmosphere.

Afghanistan had collapsed and everyone's life now lies broken at different levels within the rubble.

Public unions are the country's foremost advocates for increased taxes at all levels of government.

Madness is confusion of levels of fact. . . . Madness is not seeing visions but confusing levels.

A total population of 250-300 million people a 95% decline from present levels would be ideal.

We're not all nice and there are a lot of levels of ambition and niceness.

Tim Curley and Gary Schultz operate at the highest levels of honesty integrity and compassion.

God blesses us all with different views and perspectives and levels of influence and power.

Life is sacred to me on all levels. Abortion does not compute with my philosophy.

Canada more than any nation will be affected by rising sea levels from global warming.

There is nothing like fear to complicate one's consciousness inducing previously unknown levels of reflection

The second you change the way you look at a situation your stress levels drop.

Consciousness like a complex system of software has thousands of levels of nested self-accessing subroutines

Hanging a noose on my door reeks of cowardice and fear on many many levels.

We're going to have a tax cut. Today's American family is overtaxed at all levels.

Television is a big roulette table on so many levels. That's all it is for actors.

Do I think I'm under-educated? Academically absolutely. I never took any exams no O- or A-levels.

Economic storm is coming and the stress levels are going to increase because of financial worries.

Diabetes is all about insulin levels and sugar levels and what you put in your body.

It is one of the glories of America that we move to higher levels of awareness.

Edward Heath and Richard Nixon took personal awkwardness with each other to new and excruciating levels.

Humor levels the playing field. I understood that early on - that was something I had.

There are three levels of happiness: the pleasant life the good life and the meaningful life.

I think we have reached such saturation levels the money at this point doesn't swing election.

You got to remember that slavery's very complex. It has a lot of levels to it.

Training is a universal right. It's not just targeted at those with the worst skill levels.

Fashion is my passion and I respect the creativity that you find in its different levels.

A dynamic praying church must be built from the inside out employing all four levels of

Stand-up comedy is like the lowest medium in all of show business in levels of respect.

Men now monopolize the upper levels... depriving women of their rightful share of opportunities for incompetence.

I didn't go to university. Didn't even finish A-levels. But I have sympathy for those who did.

Our sport becomes not just what we do but an integral symbol-on all levels-of who we are.

In lower levels things are dark gray experiences are shallow. You become alienated from those around you.

Poverty is not only about income levels but for lack of freedom that comes from physical insecurity

When leaders put control into the hands of their people at all levels they unlock incalculable potential.

There is no debating that under President Obama corporate profits are at their highest levels in decades.

We're all in the same game just different levels. Dealing with the same hell just different devils.

There's 5 levels of fatness! Fluffy is one of the levels. There's big healthy husky fluffy and damn.

During meditation our breathing slows our blood pressure and heart rate decrease and stress hormone levels fall.

The mind has these four levels: physical vital buddhi higher mind. The Supermind is far above these.

They say that a few minutes each day of petting your dog can raise your serotonin levels.

[My novels] introduce levels of intelligence ... moral doubt [and] self-doubt which may not pertain [to real-world espionage].

Meditation is a vehicle for opening to the truth of this impermanence on deeper and deeper levels.

I was able to make many different kinds of movies. They enriched me on many different levels.

As we progress various shades of meaning and deeper levels of understanding will complement this initial effort.

No organism can afford to be conscious of matters with which it could deal at unconscious levels.

I really want to have actors contribute their own ideas with phrasings and ideas on all levels.

Your environment (your home your office the magazines you read etc.) dramatically affects your levels of achievement

Raising the debt limit on some levels is a ministerial act. It doesn't involve any new spending.

Romania is an interesting place because I think it has been abused on so many different levels.

About the different levels of skill involved. You have to practice before you become a great masturbator.

There are levels of outrage and there's a point at which you can't be trespassed upon anymore.

We all operate on different levels of awareness. Half the time I don't know what I'm doing.

We've seen the weakest economic recovery since World War II and massive levels of inequality and debt.

Excessive (population) growth may reduce output per worker repress levels of living for the masses and engender strife

If you dont measure yourself by achievement how are you going to set achievement levels for other people?

Blossoming out through one's comfort zone should be well meaning so as to achieve newer levels of excellence

Normally what you're envious of is a book not a writer: standards ideas levels "¦ almost nonexistent things.

Reality is but several levels of consciousness that can be accepted or dismissed depending on what one perceives.

The development of the individual can be described as a succession of new births at consecutively higher levels.

Food brings people together on many different levels. It's nourishment of the soul and body; it's truly love.

According to the University of Illinois' Arctic Climate Research Center global sea ice levels now equal those of 1979.

L.A. is full of screenwriters. I don't know why. On many levels it's such a thankless occupation.

I'm not an autobiographical writer but I am a writer who deals with human emotion on all levels.

Scholars have long debated whether capital markets lead to appropriate levels of saving and investment for future generations.

New York has been the best gift in that the city pushes me to so many next levels.

The career of a young theoretical physicist consists of treating the harmonic oscillator in ever-increasing levels of abstraction.

There were so many levels to the unknown from safe to dangerous to outright nebulous scariest of all.

Sustainability is the key to our survival on this planet and will also determine success on all levels.

Truth ain't be in secret site to be found.It lies within certain levels of understanding and knowledge.