Melissa Etheridge Quotes

There will always be someone else with a different view than you. I appreciate them and would never say that they are wrong. I hope that they would give me that courtesy also.

I feel my heart break to see a nation ripped apart by it's own greatest strength - it's diversity.

To deserve this fate what have I ever done?... All I want is just a little piece of mind but the angels won't have it.

I don't think anyone masters parenthood.

Once I overcame breast cancer I wasn't afraid of anything anymore.

I'm not one for big public displays of affection anyway. Straight gay whatever.

On the road as a 'rock star ' there's superficial attention and adulation is thrown at you for a couple of hours - then you're alone in your room and it's lonely.

In country music there are certain female artists like Gretchen Wilson where you're going to find lesbians because they're responding to that more aggressive side.

I adopted a healthier diet. I take at least a tablespoon of apple-cider vinegar a day. It's an old wives' tale but it really is one of the best things you can put in your mouth.

Laughing is a medicine. It releases this amazing stuff.

The sign says do not enter no trespassing allowed. With visions of redemption I walk against the crowd.

Im one step ahead of my past two steps behind my dream.

The night is black as black as night.

My kids and I love to listen to Bill Cosby.

What people don't get is that hair is such a big part of our identity.

We have a choice every day between fear and love.

We all want to judge; it's an intrinsic part of our society and human nature. I'm not surprised that talent shows are hits but I'm glad some of them aren't so brutal.

Our society where we are right now our minds are junkyards. We watch TV and sit on the computer all day and barely have an original thought.

To be completely stripped bare of any image power or my hair. To step onstage and get the response that I got blew any problems I had about self-image out the door.

Somebody bring me some water/can't you see I'm burning alive.

I taught Brad Pitt how to fly-fish in my swimming pool!

I've sold my soul for freedom. It's lonely but it's sweet.

I stand before you a totally healthy person.

Don't let anyone tell you that you have to be a certain way. Be unique. Be what you feel.

Be strong believe in who you are;

I'm so cool that the kids come to my bedroom and go 'Mom! Turn the music down!

I think Patsy Cline made country music classy. She just opens her mouth and it's just heavenly.

I have found that I'm just political just by being who I am.

I definitely feel we're moving forward. There's a lot more understanding... there's less fear and we're working on there being less hatred.

I think it has done us more harm believing in the huge differences between left and right Democrat and Republican.

Believe in yourself and what you feel. Your power will come from that.

This is the only naked man that will ever be in my bedroom.

I would never say I had a bad childhood at all.

You are more powerful than you know; you are beautiful just as you are.

It was tough being a single mom. It was tough being in a divorce with children. Very very hard.

My ultimate joy and happiness is being a wife and mother.

I think being a parent is knowing how to love. Sometimes love is discipline sometimes it's humor sometimes it's listening.

I think I've been on a path ever since I was born a path of high stress. I put myself my career it was a big old juicy carrot right in front of me for all of my life.

I write songs for people who drive in cars. I really do.

I could have been you you could have been me. One small change that shapes your destiny.

I have days when I say 'I'm going to have five chocolate chip cookies today.' I'll have a salad every day but every week I have a cheat day.

Chemotherapy tests your sanity.

It's the closest to death I have ever been. The chemotherapy takes you as far down into hell as you've ever ever been.

The subject and the reality of having children came at the height of my career.

There is no fear when you choose love. The more you choose love the more love is in your life. It gets easier and easier.

Christmas comes during a season when the Earth is in its darkest time. It's a holiday for the family and for everyone.

I look forward to exercising my American civil liberties and getting fully completely and legally married this year to my true love of over three years Linda Wallem

I'm so close to Heaven this Hell cannot be mine.

Go on and close your eyes go on imagine me there She's got similar features with longer hair And if that's what it takes to get you through Go on and close your eyes it shouldn't bother you

Empty and cold but it keep me alive. I gave it my soul so that I could survive.

I'm one of those people that will say 'My cancer was a gift.'

I've been a rock star since you were very young. But I've never encountered anything as powerful as cancer.

Cancer Is an opportunity to sit down and look into yourself and find the answers. Yes it's serious but it's not the end-all.

I had to go see the Glee concert with my daughter - oh my God shoot me.

What I do believe in is other worlds and spirits. There is some other power in control - levels of energy that perhaps we don't see.

The songs are inspired by my experiences. Sometimes they are more than my real-life and conversely my life is more than just my songs.

I wanted to be out so I could relax and be me.

I'm only lonely when I'm driving in my car. I'm only lonely after dark. I'm only lonely when I watch my TV. I'm only lonely occasionally.

All men and women and everything in between are created equal.

I'm for gay marriage because I'm for gay divorce.

I can be a rock star with a television show and still have a self-esteem problem. So it's nice to have your dad go 'Hey Melissa I'm proud of you - you're doing good.'

I believed in Obama for social issues. I believe he brought our nation together and healed our racial divide. Martin Luther King's dream came true when he was elected. That's huge.

Don't let people who live in fear and hate govern how you live.

Instead of taking five or six of the prescriptions I decided to go a natural route and smoke marijuana.

There's been so many different types of musicals and it's a funny genre because there's a fine line between clever and stupid. It really takes a genius to know how to do it.

Gay people are born everyday. You will never legislate that away.

I am a songwriter. I do get to put my personal experiences in song.

Cancer's like the ultimate excuse. Who's gonna say 'Oh no you have to show up for this one?' 'Hey I got cancer. I can't be there.' It's the ultimate eraser.

I'm very fortunate that I have a wonderful family around me and loved ones.

Life is full of wonder love is never wrong....

Weight isn't a factor in nutritional health.

I can feel the thunder underneath my feet

My belief is that cancer comes from inside you and so much of it has to do with the environment of your body. It's the stress that will turn that gene on or not.

I kind of thought when I was 30 that you're as good as your going to get. And that's not true.

I hope that you know in your heart how you feel about things and you don't let the people that live on fear and hate govern the way you live.

I was constantly around all those religious images and to me angels exist. I feel we were definitely guided and helped and I'm always referring to them in my work.

When I grew up there were no songs about gay people.

We are getting older and we are getting wiser and we are getting freer. And when you get the wisdom and the truth then you get the freedom and you get power and then look out. Look out.

Life happens and I write about it wherever I am.

The sweetness is in having success with something you truly believe in.

No one to hear you might as well scream.

I think I'd like to be inspirational to anyone who has a dream anyone who wants to make more of their life than maybe what is set out in front of them. And you can!

When you grow up in one town and your life revolves around it you are very aware of any darkness on the edge of town. That's because it's scary and it's inviting.

My friends have always told me that rock stardom was wasted on me.

When you realize that we're the spirit that's in our bodies and our bodies are like the vehicles that take us around you realize that you have to take care of that body.

There's a point when your tape of life runs off the reel and there's this stillness of your own - I got to know myself.

I have a very strong opinions about health and our responsibility to our own health and I will always say what I feel.

Your own personal health is your own personal choice all the way down the line.

Realizing I was gay was a long sort of waking up.

The only thing that stays the same is change.