These Days Quotes

Why is electricity so expensive these days? Why does it cost so much for something I can make with a balloon and my hair?

I like the guitar better these days. I like the bass too but it's hard to fit a bass amp in a small car.

These days most women have jobs that last way too long. A lot of people in New York barely have time to get laid.

These days cry out as never before for us to pay attention so we can move through them and get our joy and pride back.

Do not hurry too fast in these early winter days - a quiet hour is worth more to you than anything you can do in it.

I'm a perfectionist. I need to be needed. I need to do things for a man. But I don't need to do them as much these days.

The trouble with plays these days is that they're too easy to understand.

Life could be cruel enough these days without the truth making it worse.

Most of the books I read these days are children's books at bedtime.

There's a lot of revisionist history that goes on these days about Iraq.

It kills me how these days everyone has clinical justification for their strangeness.

Everybody gets high everybody gets low these are the days when anything goes.

Comics seem to be cooking these days. It's like being a rock star.

Good actors need better projects and these days there aren't enough going round.

There are only moments. Live in this one. The happiness of these days.

One of these days... One of these days... Pow! Right in the kisser!

Feeding our energy appetite is top of mind for many people these days.

If you've got the chops people these days are more accepting of you.

I've got to watch myself these days. It's too exciting watching anyone else.

Divorce these days is a religious vow as if the proper offspring of marriage.

Angelina Jolie and I love each other. IF that's unusual these days that's sad.

Live every day as your last because one of these days it will be.

The children have to save themselves these days because the parents have no clue.

Motor racing's less of a sport these days than a commercial break doing 150 mph.

These days I'm probably happiest when I see my two daughters loving one another.

It's a just don't see young people doing anything outside these days.

We all come from dysfunctional families and these days I guess that's pretty normal.

It is a common mistake these days to politicize anything and everything including music.

These days meals are more open to personal preferences. People like to serve themselves.

Most rappers these days is actors And I can't keep watching the same movie.

I'm not photographing anything naked these days. I haven't been concentrating on bodies recently.

I am always outside and couldn't care less about what's on TV these days.

You can forge anything these days and we're living in a fake news era.

Young people these days don't trust anything at all. They want to be free.

The money players are on these days is immoral but you can't knock it

There's no doubt about it - gardeners are the only true artists these days.

There is such pressure on kids these days to be the best at everything.

Oh these vast calm measureless mountain days inciting at once to work and rest!

I would rather not know about how one gets parts in movies these days.

Kids these days don't know as much about music as they think they do

People's attention spans are a little shorter these days. Same thing with food and movies.

Cherry trees will blossom every year; But I'll disappear for good One of these days.

Nobody these days holds the written word in such high esteem as police states do.

These are beautiful days. Folks ask what I'm doing. I tell them I'm doing family.

One of these days the dam of Gods mercy will give way to his justice.

I don't know what a guy needs to do to impress a girl these days.

Dance music is one of the biggest export products in the Dutch economy these days.

Everyone has played video games at some point these days and video games are fun.

TV does so much these days. It is such a great platform for an artist.

Most films these days are men's stories. Women are for add-on romance. That's very hard.

It's far less important to me to be liked these days than to be understood.

The memoirs of call girls are much in demand these days - a millennial craze.

I see an incredible abuse of close-ups in many films these days. Why is that?

I'm all for it. In these days regional marketing is the only way to survive.

Individualism is going around these days in uniform handing out the party line on individualism.

We just seem to have lost all our morals and principles and values these days.

The way money goes so fast these days they should paint racing stripes on it.

On days like today you realize that you just can't keep these hypergrowth stocks down.

Silence is golden and gold is up these days so silence is a solid investment.

I keep thinking Naruto... That one of these days your going to finally grow up!

Traveling these days has a lot of problems and also it wears you out more.

Were it not for music we might in these days say the Beautiful is dead.

He who hears the rippling of rivers in these degenerate days will not utterly despair.

Dating is tricky these days. Everyone plays by different dating rules so don't assume anything.

What else has a journalist to do these days after all but report life's miseries?

These days there's all too much coverage of pesudo-events about extraordinarily inauthentic people doing inauthentic things.

These are the days when the Christian is expected to praise every creed except his own.

History is moving pretty quickly these days and the heroes and villains keep on changing parts.

The food world is more crowded these days but I think that there are more opportunities.

It's not exactly courageous to be an anti-racist these days; a hundred years ago it was.

One of the big things in television these days is there's no main title sequence anymore.

Kids shouldn't see all the violence they do these days. But the industry just doesn't care.

I think arriving at or departing from any airport in America is just horrendous these days.

These days I am a teetotal mean-spirited right-wing narrow-minded conservative Christian bigot but not a racist.

Most people doing the decathlon these days are quite boring so people don't relate to them.

War money and greed that is the modern heinous Trinity and they are inseparable these days.

In these days of widespread illiteracy functional illiteracy... anything that keeps people stupid is a felony.

Orwell is almost our litmus test. Some of his satirical writing looks like reality these days.

These days her entire life was about making people believe she was someone she wasn't anymore.

These days the Rolling Stones still have an edge but that fangs-out ferocity has mellowed considerably.

Independent films are really one of the greatest resources these days to actually find unfiltered truth.

The choice so often these days is to believe something that seems insane or go insane.

Sydney spent a lot of time on my bed these days. Unfortunately it wasn't with me.

With the price of life these days you've got to get everything for free you can.

These days she simply did the best job she could accepting the good with the bad.

It's so hard for cool people these days. They just don't want us to be hip.

I'm very organised these days and I keep my life in my handbag like most women.

I think more and more people these days go for the safe option in film making.

Being attached to America these days is like being in a pen with a wounded bull.

People are doing what they can these days and looking for creative ways to sell music.

I like these cold gray winter days. Days like these let you savor a bad mood.

The Oscars have become such a big deal these days that it's just used as adjective.

TV programmes are so bad these days even idiots are getting rid of their idiot boxes.

The conception of background music is changing. You use less and less of it these days.

But the United States did not keep its word. Is an American's word reliable these days?

I know now one thing only matters in these days... true love... love and love alone.

Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place and I can picture it after all these days.

I don't want to produce anymore small or independent movies because it's just too hard these days.

I don't really think kids care much these days - they just tell you to f*** off.

The music I turn out these days is the kind of music I want to hear myself.

It's the only thing that keeps me going these days travelling. Changes of scene changes of faces

A diplomat these days in nothing but a head waiter who is allowed to sit down occasionally.

I'm actually embarrassed to tell people I'm Russian these days because it's become such an awful place.

It is dry hazy June weather. We are more of the earth farther from heaven these days.

I'm open to whatever. I think sometimes when people collaborate these days it's a little bit convenient.

I don't drink these days. I am allergic to alcohol and narcotics. I break out in handcuffs.

I have a real issue with radio these days. I just am not into the current music.

It is extremely difficult to get movies that cost more than $40 million to be made these days.

These days I wonder more and more why people are pessimistic when American history actually supports optimism.

I'm not careful with my money at all these days. I buy people a lot of dinners!

That was okay [ working with George Clooney]. One of these days I'll work with a good director.

There's Tommy Tommy Lee the rock star and Tommy the dad. I'm wearing several hats these days.

These are days of special perplexity and depression and the path of public duty is unusually rugged.

Everyone's nervous these days. Ronald McDonald has hired six bodyguards and that's just to protect his buns.

Bolton are an established team in the Premiership these days and well respected by the other sides.

Maybe these are my glory days and I'm not ever realizing it because they involve a ball.

It just seems OK these days to throw women under the bus. Like we're a bargaining chip.

These days no one can make money on the goddamn airline business. The economics represent sheer hell.

In these days half our diseases come from neglect of the body in overwork of the brain.

I've been in the water so much these past few days I swear I'm growing fins & scales.

It is customary these days to ignore what should be done in favour of what pleases us.

I cannot comprehend the neglect of a family library in such days as these." - Mr. Darcy

I think it's real easy to be famous these days; it's not real easy to sustain success.

Unless you have kids you actually have no idea what kids are watching on TV these days.

The hell of these days is the fear of not getting along especially of not making money.

These days it seems that if you're not already in place you can't get there from here.

These days people seek knowledge not wisdom. Knowledge is of the past wisdom is of the future.

Now everybody is mafia. You got the Russian mafia the Mexican mafia. Everybody is mafia these days.

Truth and integrity must be so rare these days that it confuses people when they hear it.

These days there's so much technology and ways you can learn. There are videos and CD roms

O heresy in fair fit for these days A giving hand though foul shall have fair praise.

It is not enough these days to simply QUESTION AUTHORITY. You have to speak with it too.

Marvellous what ideas the young people have these days. But I don't believe a word of it.

It's very difficult to speak to a large group of people these days and not offend someone.

So many kids are fat drug addicts these days it's almost as if Rush Limbaugh had puppies.

It's very difficult to make a living in music these days. All it takes is somebody paying.

The trouble with being a hypochondriac these days is that antibiotics have cured all the good diseases.

It is the fashion these days to make war and presumably it will last a while yet.

I've written six novels and four pieces of nonfiction so I don't really have a genre these days.

There are many who stay away from church these days because you hardly ever mention God any more.

Everything's a risk by the way these days. Every film you make is a risk. There's no guarantee.

We grew up in the good old days before kids had these damn computers and actually played outside.

By the Angel it just crushed Sophocles " noted Will. "Has no one respect for the classics these days?

Religion is so focused on family. These days for many people being gay is also focused on family.

I don't agonize over decisions as much these days. The criteria of what's important to me is clear.

There are relatively few experiments in atomic physics these days that don't involve the use of a laser.

For a young artist to really make it and make money is a lot more difficult these days.

Someday I'm gonna be famous. Do I have talent well no. These days you really don't need it.

These days and times you can't do eclectic records. In the '60s you could but not anymore.

Of all the sounds that touch my soul these days the most beautiful one of all is silence.

It's not the '90s anymore. I think the gay community is a lot more accepted these days.

We hear so many records these days that are done with click tracks as opposed to a drummer.

I am an atheist myself. A simple faith but a great comfort to me in these last days.

People haven't got the interest in long long works these days. A lack of interest which I share.

I suppose kids probably know less boredom these days - or at least a different kind of boredom.

Not two strong men the enormous weight could raise - Such men as live in these degenerate days.

Besides anyone with an Internet connection feels they have the credentials to critique or belittle anything these days.

Hollywood is a changing world these days. This is one of the things that ought to be changed.

These days you have to have a gimmick to do the weather. You have to have an act.

These days when Christians bicker they exaggerate passion into a legalistic belief and prosperity into a lukewarm belief.

These days it's hard to look at a poodle without thinking what a good meal he would make.

By all these lovely tokens September days are here With summer's best of weather And autumn's best of cheer.

I think he lives in such a rarified bubble these days he doesn't understand what reality is any more.

There's no worse crime in journalism these days than simply deciding something's a story because Drudge links to it.

These were the days when I powerfully believed Breyers and Entenmann's to be pioneers in the field of antidepressants.

Kids grow up connected to nothing these days plugged in and living lives boosted to them from other people.

I love what's going on these days with these powerful women who are really working to make a difference.

These days everything is magnified very quickly by the media - the slightest slip can turn into a catastrophe.

If 'Hamlet' had been written in these days it would probably have been called 'The Strange Affair at Elsinore.

Causality is a pointless superstition. These days it would take more than one book to persuade anyone of that.

In this society these days women are widely accepted in all kinds of cross-gender areas. So yeah it's time!

Especially these days where everything is so polite and so proper I think that rites of passage are good.

These days I am obsessed by sculpture! I believe I have glimpsed a complete renovation of that mummified art.

I would like to teach music. It's weird the way they teach music in schools like Julliard these days.

It's too easy to do your own site to not have one these days. I guess everyone has one.

I'm not desperately looking for a man but I'm sure one of these days I'll find my Mr. Right.

Seems like the only kind of job an American can get these days is committing suicide in some way.

I'm still searching for an angel with a broken wing. It's not very easy to find them these days.

I have always enjoyed drawing and painting but I don't always find the time to do much these days.

Use your imagination " I tell my students these days "or someone else is going to use it for you.

A living skeleton isn't enough for you is it? What does it take to impress young people these days?

Pleasure is hard to come by but pain is everywhere these days I must learn to subsist on it.

My love for the band is still there. It hasn't changed maybe that's why it's so painful these days.

That's how things are these days: everything must move aside to make room for the new all the time.

You can keep as quiet as you like but one of these days somebody is going to find you.

Gosh all a kid has to do these days is spit straight and he gets forty-thousand dollars to sign.

Serious musicians are finding it harder and harder to have a voice in the world of music these days.

These are the days when birds come back a very few a Bird or two to take a backward look.

Their scrambled attention spans struck me as a metaphor for the way we get our doses of reality these days.

London used to be reasonably priced clean and a decent place to live. These days it's polluted and utterly unbearable

These days it's often women in uniform - moms wives even grandmothers - who deploy and leave their families behind.

Hopefully I'll be able to mature one of these days get serious and at least have them [kids] pretty fast.

Anyone who still wants to experience fairytales these days can't afford to dither when it comes to using their brains.

Four hundred years of losing out on the girl of my dreams isn't sitting very well with me these days.

It's harder and harder to make a well-done romantic comedy these days because the conventions have been so played out.

What's so good about a heaven where one of these days you're going to get your embarrassing old body back?

No seriously I really don't have much ill-will toward anyone these days; I just ignore the people that I dislike

It is the rare fortune of these days that one may think what one likes and say what one thinks.

People have always thought of me as a passer of the ball but you can't just be that these days.

I am partly to blame for the decking boom and I am sorry I know it?s everywhere these days.

Fans these days seem to almost expect a response from band-members any time they tweet or leave a comment etc.

It's just different today. Nobody seems to last too long these days. I wouldn't know how to get started today.

In the material sciences these are and have been and are most surely likely to continue to be heroic days.

Some days you exist like the last speaker of an extinct language. These are the silences that litter the heart.

One of these days will become a this day. And that day will be the preeminent of days to come.

Good fiction challenges us as much as it entertains and these days we could do with both of these things.

These days if you happen to be a poet you have to sing your words to get your ideas out.

Mike Bloomberg may be a Republican these days. But he has been a Democrat for most of his adult life.

How does one make a movie about decadence these days? Now that we're allowed to do it it's too late.

It's still possible to be a cockeyed optimist these days - you just have to be a little more cockeyed.

To sacrifice the moral to the physical as is done in these days is to sacrifice reality for a shadow.

Unfortunately it's hard for me to be a fanboy for anything these days just because I see so much music.

The man who has ceased to learn ought not to be allowed to wander around loose in these dangerous days.

You know all 'The Karate Kid' fans from the original are parents these days. I think it's a cool thing.

I have always been a sucker for ballads but you have to be careful these days you can't overload people.

God guide me through these days. I need You so much. I need Your strength to help me through this.

Gratitude not only encourages our hearts it produces peace. And we could all use a little more peace these days.

Really the F word in a song - it should be the least of the worries of parents these days.

If you're lucky and not a lot of actors are these days you get the chance to create a character

Students do everything on laptops these days so I definitely think electronic books are a trend that's going to expand.

(A)nything not acting as a propaganda arm for the Democrats or the Leftist agenda is considered conservative these days.

The truth of these days is not that which really is but what every man persuades another man to believe.

Happiness is a good business these days more you talk crap about happiness the large number of crowd you will gather.

Tai Shimano visited Shunryu Suzuki. "How are you feeling these days?" Suzuki replied "They have a new name for me: Cancer!

Headphone aren't big enough these days. Why not just throw a couple of stereo speakers in a full face motorcycle helmet.

These days the problem isn't how to innovate; it's how to get society to adopt the good ideas that already exist.

O hasten Lord these promised days When Israel shall rejoice And Jew and Gentile join in praise With one united voice!

Life is so fast these days and we're exposed to so much information. Television makes us a witness to such misery.

What I like doing these days is spending more time with coaches because I think it's important to work on yourself.

No picture no footage no story. The people these days require some visual evidence in order to believe what they read.

To me there's two kinds of music these days. There's ephemeral music and there's music that has lasting power and depth.

The democratic and pedestrian character of the new Mass itself seems to invite the ditties that pass for hymns these days.

A woman isn't complete without a man. But where do you find a man - a real man - these days?

Calling a young artist 'great' these days can give one the heebie-jeebies: The word has been denatured in the past decade.

I never was in love - yet the voice and the shape of a woman has haunted me these two days.

The way defences are operating these days the other team'starts picking you up when you walk out of the hotel lobby.

I've always been a bit insecure about my smile but its days like these where all I wanna do is smile.

My attitude these days is if you write a bad song what are they gonna do throw you in songwriter jail?

Love is in the air these days so we thought we'd give a try to make your day a little brighter.

These days I mostly worry "?bout my bank account/I ain't backin' out "?til I own a bank to brag about.

Even though these days I'm very selective about what roles I want to do I will do Stargate anytime they call.

These days people spent too much time striving to understand their feelings - and then ended up with none that were genuine.

These days I live in three worlds: my dreams and the experiences of my new life which trigger memories from the past

Kids are much more intuitive these days. Not that I'm crazy about what's on TV but they know so much these days.

These days - with the decline of the traditional churches - I'm concerned about where we obtain some form of moral direction.

There's not much TV these days where you really get that element of surprise. There are so many spoilers all the time.

One of these days we're gonna have to grow up have to get real jobs and be adults someday just not today.

The car was the iPhone of the 20th century. Kids these days don't have to drive anymore. They just go there virtually.

One of these days the people of Louisiana are going to get good government - and they aren't going to like it.

It's hard to tell these days what gender people are. You don't know if they're gay if they're straight or Bruce Jenner.

There's a demon in me and he's still around. Without the dope we have a bit more of a chat these days.

I realize that I'm a mature woman and one of these days incredible diet or not I'll be a little old lady.

I really have paid my dues. When I get to stay in fancy hotel suites these days I remind myself of that.

When runners win a big race these days they get a car. When I won a big race I got a ride.

Everyone's attention span these days is limited to how long it takes to flick the iPod wheel on to the next song.

The girls show more skin these days but I think generally they behave the same way as when I was growing up.

Lord make us mindful of the little things that grow and blossom in these days to make the world beautiful for us.

When I say 'serve you better ' I mean 'increase our profits.' We newspapers are very big on profits these days.

These days you don't just break into comics once. You have to break in again and again after each job is finished.

Feminism is such an incredibly awkward word for us these days isnt it? Not to be feminist would be bizarre wouldnt it?

I should add that it is open to debate whether what we call the writing of history these days is truly scientific.

I don't know how people do it these days - paparazzi and that kind of thing. That's something I can't even imagine.

Delayed gratification is the one thing we ignore these days. And if you delay it it becomes more pleasurable later in life.

Don't let the whirlwinds drag you down. These are your days - to stand strong as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Kids these days are kind of going back to Tupac and Snoop Doggy Dogg as examples of people that stand for something.

I get less and less sleep these days so when I have any down time all I want to do is sleep!

No part of Manhattan these days really has the same vibe I get from a Ramones song or a Velvet Underground song.

Video games are so popular these days getting the opportunity to star in one is something special. More people should do it.

The match would have to be made at 165 pounds. Sean can't make 160 any more even though he's drinking lite beer these days

I go in the butchers and there's not a lot of meat I can eat these days with having all the animals.

In these days there is no time to pray; but without time and a lot of it we shall never learn to pray.

There is a limbo of the lost through which American males of a certain age and status almost inevitably must pass these days.

Nature is an old lady with few friends these days and those who wish to make use of her charms she rewards passionately.

Rock music seems to be very fragmented these days I can't say that I ever really hear anything that just knocks me over.

At one time I'd been to every park except Baltimore and Houston but can't even keep track of who plays where these days.

You know I am just a musician and I have no idea these days what good and bad is in terms of labels.

The sirens sing sotto voce these days and the young already have enough wax in their ears to pass them by without danger.

I think older women still have a full life. Maybe the writers don't address it these days but it doesn't change the fact.

I love films that make you feel good when you come out and in my opinion there's not enough of them these days.

In these days a man who says a thing cannot be done is quite apt to be interrupted by some idiot doing it.

I think kids need to be allowed to be more creative and learn more about artists these days so I'm all about that.

There are journalists I share a whole history with so I tend to be generous to these guys but those days are over...

But this is my truth; I who am Morgaine tell you these things Morgaine who was in later days called Morgan le Fay.

Chart numbers can be deceiving. An album doesn't have to sell that much these days to show up really high on the charts.

I prefer cash but so many places only take cards these days it forces you down a line and I don't like that.

A lot of my early pictures are I think quite funny. And these days I tend to look for comedy more and more.

The only way to get ahead in the music business these days is to call up all your friends. To pool your resources.

One of these days I'm going to write a book on drops. That ought to sell. The shot's become more popular than putting.

You're a very amusing fellow " he told Halt. "I'd like to brain you with my ax one of these days." Erak to Halt.

You know what days these are? The days of Elijah. We are in the days of Elijah! Fire is falling down from heaven!

I b'lieve in religion and one of these days when I've got matters tight and snug I calculates to tend to my soul ...

Far too many people have been swept into the post-9/11 system of fear that is the basis of all public policy these days.

What I really miss these days in music - is the music. I prefer to listen to melodies and songs not just sounds.

I think with modelling and acting these days the lines are blurred. Everyone can do all sorts of things so why do just one?

I do a lot of yoga. There's more and more guys getting into yoga these days and I find that helps me as well.

What we get in punk these days are layers of 'anti-' and so many of them are so self-serving. It's not about larger freedom.

You changed my life. You changed my ways. I don't even recognize myself these days. It must be a reflection of you only you.

I am a little jet lagged from my trip to Malaysia...The lengths we have to go to to get CNN coverage these days.

I don't get why prom is like a mini-wedding these days...No one should spend that kind of money for a high school dance.

These days all you need is the ability to watch television and hold a potato at the same time to call yourself a designer.

The world is moving so fast these days that the one who says it can't be done is generally interrupted by someone doing it.

One of these days you're going to fall in love with some guy and you're not going to know what to do with yourself.

These days I seem to think about the things I forgot to do for you and all the times I had a chance to.

Spend time with those you love. One of these days you will say either 'I wish I had' or 'I'm glad I did.'

One of these days I'm going to publish a book of all the pictures I did not take.

I am happy that the young girls have a lot more choices these days and an opportunity to feel better about themselves.

To say that I'm enjoying a millionaire's lifestyle-well I can tell you I guess a millionaire's income doesn't go very far these days.

The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says it can't be done is generally interrupted by someone doing it.

There's one thing we need above everything else; it's something we don't talk about these days. We need a mighty avalanche of conviction of sin.

Books are easy to find and easy to buy. A paperback these days only costs six or seven dollars. You can borrow that from your kids!

I think that people want peace so much that one of these days government had better get out of their way and let them have it.

When I listen to music these days and I hear Pro Tools and drums that sound like a machine - it kinda sucks the life out of music.

These are not dark days: these are great days - the greatest days our country has ever lived.

Ironically the only people anyone believes these days are the skeptics.

In these latter days knighthood was an honor few Englishmen escaped.

That's the tricky thing these days: being able to surprise people.

It's very conventional to say that you're a contrarian these days.

One in 150 kids is autistic these days. The autism spectrum is growing.

The SOAP stack is generally regarded as an embarrassing failure these days.

Unbelievable how silly this Formula 1 is these days with this stupid overtakes.

Arguably the only goods people need these days are food and happiness.

These days most nature photographers are deeply committed to the environmental message

Your honor blinds you Tempus to what's right and wrong these days.

Constant contact is what people require these days. Its tough on artists.

Britain does not normally these days play a huge part in peacekeeping.

People are making better and better small budge independent films these days.

It's much harder these days as a start-up to do physical devices.

Ya' know these days kids seem to be getting younger and younger.

Being in Hollywood is like being in the Christian right these days.

I like going there for golf. America's one vast golf course these days.