Sallie Krawcheck Quotes

Women tell us that they do feel patronized. They do feel like they don't have the time and the space to have their questions answered.

Typically when you ask a financial adviser sitting with a couple: Do you treat the man and woman differently? They say "No!

Your adrenaline starts to go when the market opens in the morning. It's like sports programming.

If you're not making some notable mistakes along the way you're certainly not taking enough business and career chances.

There is absolutely nothing that beats hard work.

Greater diversity drives better business results.

Networking is the No. 1 unwritten rule of success in business.

I had very good bosses very good companies for which I worked. I worked in industries where the results really mattered; it wasn't the perception of results it was just the facts.

A computer can have so much more in its brain that a human can.

Women girls and young ladies tend to be as good or better at math than boys but you didn't think that either...

If a woman was successful she wasn't helping other women.

In our corporate culture because someone may have to take some flexibility because of family issues somehow we continue to believe they aren't fully dedicated.

People say to me 'Has being a woman helped or hindered your career?' And the answer is yes.

I want to buy a house. I want to retire well. I want to have baby...

Women have different characteristics and needs than men do.

Women tend to collaborate in my experience more easily than gentlemen do.

We don't recognize the power of compounding.

What I saw a thousand times during the downturn was 'We'd like to give her that opportunity but we need to go with the sure thing - we can't afford diversity right now '

Fundraisers treat men completely differently than women. As a matter of fact many of them have the default on their direct mail set up to read "Mister " and it really rankles a lot of women.

Emerging investors want to invest differently. They want to have their dollars - their investment dollars - do double duty.

I love what's going on these days with these powerful women who are really working to make a difference.

If it comes down to your ethics vs. a job choose ethics. You can always find another job.

I prefer the word "engagement." Instead of empowerment it's enabling women to engage in business.

Technology is going to play an increasingly increasingly increasingly important role in every industry. And it's good.

Companies that put a mandated parental leave in place save money in the first year FIRST YEAR. Because they don't have to hire to replace the woman.

Nothing bad happens when women are in positions of power.

If you haven't had a major fail in your career - face-plant level - you aren't trying hard enough.

I think that indicates why men tend to invest more wealth. If he loses some there's more coming in. Whereas for women it's like "Ugh I gotta keep this.

I would say one of the reasons that women don't invest to the same extent that men do is because we still think of it in some ways as a male pursuit.

When I started on Wall Street there was pretty good diversity in those junior ranks. And you know what? It hasn't made it to the top.

Women tend to very much very much think of money as a means to an end not as an end in itself.

As we work together and pool our resources there's room for everyone to be successful.

I can tell you that my experience has been that the gentlemen are more likely to come and ask for the order ask for the raise ask for the promotion and that the women are less likely to do so.