Movement Quotes

There are always two parties; the establishment and the movement.

Handwriting is more connected to the movement of the heart.

I was very active in the peace movement still am

The Republican Party was founded in 1854 as an abolitionist movement.

'Powell movement.' What do you think 'PM' stands for?

Every great movement must experience three stages: ridicule discussion adoption.

Gone are the days when reality fed the feminist movement.

I'm part of an important movement that needs to happen.

Where there is movement there is reach. Reach engenders communion.

The Occupy movement is - it was a big surprise.

I don't think the riots derailed the civil rights movement.

I've never been involved in any kind of political movement.

The soreness I have is expected. I have total movement.

EFT is at the forefront of the new healing movement.

Social evolution is demonstrated by movement towards unity not separatism.

Opposition is different from terrorism. Opposition is a political movement.

Every party and every movement tends to need a hero.

The women's movement hasn't changed my sex life. It wouldn't dare.

There is always a delightful sense of movement vibration and life.

. . . as long as there are movement and harmony there are words.

The 'peace movement' exists only in the fantasies of the paranoid.

The greatest enemy to the movement of Jesus Christ is Christianity.

Any movement in history which attempts to perpetuate itself becomes reactionary.

Dance is the movement of the universe concentrated in an individual.

Everything in this world is designed to oppose your forward movement!

The treasures of the earth were movement courage laughter and love.

Architecture exists like cinema in the dimension of time and movement

Feminism is a movement to end sexism sexist exploitation and oppression.

Life is movement. Once you stop moving you're dead. Choose life.

Socialism has never and nowhere been at first a working-class movement.

My movement from painting to film was a very conscious one.

Ballet really taught me so much about the power of movement.

I'm excited to be a part of the Olympic movement again.

Al-Nahda is a movement; it is not just a small party.

In silence and movement you can show the reflection of people.

First coffee then a bowel movement. Then the Muse joins me.

I am not a communist and neither is the revolutionary movement.

I think there's a mystery about what a social movement is.

Music is the art of sounds in the movement of time.

You can't start a movement but you can prepare for one

I'm interested in the movement of the eyes across the painting.

The movement of life has to rest in its own music.

Rap is just a movement within the larger culture of hip-hop.

If the dance is right there shouldn't be a single superfluous movement.

I was making a lot of independent movies before the independent movement.

I think the open software movement (and Linux in particular) is laudable.

The end of the surrealism movement was so political so artistically pure.

Solidarity was the movement that turned the direction of history I think.

To be part of building a movement you have to keep moving.

Because it has such a ragged movement. It suggests something like that.

Each movement is only learned after you've perfected the one before it.

His heart danced upon her movement like a cork upon a tide.

Wrong is an addictive repetitive story; Right is where the movement is.

I was the hero of the young insurgent working class art movement.

Importunate praying is the earnest inward movement of the heart toward God.

Ballet costumes are easier that opera because they are designed for movement.

All movement of every creature comes from the desire after something better.

In cultural history the civil rights movement came before the women's movement.

The dance is a poem of which each movement is a word.

Change is REFINEMENT. Change is GROWTH. Change is MOVEMENT. Change is OPPORTUNITY.

You have to join every other movement for the freedom of people.

Consciousness is only possible through change; change is only possible through movement.

Eight years after Reagan's nomination for president the conservative movement is directionless

The soul is characterized by these capacities; self-nutrition sensation thinking and movement.

The first movement ballerina should be a paradigm of strength and authority.

The history of the women's movement in America follows a consciousness-amnesia cycle.

Your background has a lot to do with your approach to movement.

Clothe an idea in words and it loses its freedom of movement.

In some parts of the world there is very little tidal movement.

A leader can create a company but a community creates a movement

And that of (the initiation of) any movement is in its timeliness.

Falling on your face at the very least is a forward movement.

Every great movement of God can be traced to a kneeling figure.

I'm too busy playing to worry about the movement or the fingerboard.

Well Clive it's all about the two Ms - movement and positioning.

My hair is naturally really thin and dead straight with no movement.

No barrier was strong enough to keep out the movement of time.

Chess can be described as the movement of pieces eating one another.

My love for the female hip hop movement has always been genuine.

Yoga is both the movement toward and the arrival at a point.

My ultimate goal in life with my music is to make a movement.

The labor movement has a great role to play in our country today.

I have become a pupil of the AA movement rather than the teacher.

We started a movement... to build character citizenship and confidence in young people.

The Nazi movement is in many respects one which has my warmest sympathy.

I think I would have died if there hadn't been the women's movement.

The Nazis learned their propaganda from the progressive movement in the United States.

Legal gun ownership always prevails over the emotionalism of the gun control movement.

Every little detail to every little movement must be perfect. Perfection in movement.

I got interested in politics during the civil rights movement and then Vietnam.

The labor movement can be rebuilt as has happened before after sharp declines.

Relax and calm your mind. Forget about yourself and follow your opponent's movement.

I am a product of the "Hippie" theater movement of the '60s.

Know how weather especially humidity can affect the movement of doors and windows.

Men are like Geneva watches with crystal faces which expose the whole movement.

The purpose of the environmental movement is to establish control over the people.

Writing and performing are to me what water and movement are to sharks.

So May 4th in the labor movement has always been an important date.

Never never never join a movement that persecutes people because of their faith.

Each movement reminds us that every moment invites a new opportunity for change.

The women's movement had already paved the way I think for my coming.

Every natural movement is graceful. Did you ever watch a kitten at play?

In an age of constant movement nothing is more urgent than sitting still.

The women's movement is a non-hierarchical one. It does things collectively and experimentally.

The conservative movement is like a country club based in Washington D.C.

The difference between fashion and art is that fashion is art in movement.

We have a movement going on folks. I will never let you down.

Time is not a movement in space. Space is a movement in time.

For me jazz will always be the soundtrack of the civil rights movement.

Mine was an apparent forward movement whereas Burley's was a continuous serpentine movement.

Sure we'll have Fascism here but it will come as an anti-Fascism movement.

I think a lot of romanticizing has gone on with the women's movement.

Without doubt in animation each frame is important every movement defines the character.

Thought can never capture the movement of life it is much too slow.

Presumably a movement is more polite than a revolution and a lot slower.

Remember the Bob Dylan rule: it's not just a record it's a movement.

People have been writing premature obituaries on the women's movement since its beginning.

Whatever is is a movement; man is a movement-to something other than man.

The freedom movement is built around the principle of democracy and universality of freedom.

Some people come in and really freak. There's movement everywhere even a dancing housekeeper!

We know more about the movement of celestial bodies than about the soil underfoot.

Could women's liberation ever be a revolutionary movement not rhetorically but on the ground?

Designers are to be in connection with what's happening with the movement of society.

Today's global justice movement may be the biggest most diverse and energetic in history.

Like the burlesque comedian I am abnormally fond of that precision which creates movement.

People don't want to commit until they have clarity but clarity comes with movement.

The consciousness-raising the advocacy the passion the youth of your movement is so critical.

The climate change movement is a river overflowing seeping into every nook and cranny.

Learning is not the accumulation of knowledge. Learning is movement from moment to moment.

Of all the frictional resistances the one that most retards human movement is ignorance.

Students for a Democratic Society was also affiliated with the civil rights movement everywhere.

For me purity of movement wasn't enough. I needed expression more intensity more mind.

Surrealism: An archaic term. Formerly an art movement. No longer distinguishable from everyday life.

During the 60's I was in fact very concerned about the civil rights movement.

This movement is not about the destruction of law but the construction of law.

Happiness is not a state of being. Happiness is a vector it is movement.

If it wasn't for the women's movement I wouldn't be where I am today.

Lightness of movement is the cardinal demand one has to make on a dancer.

The scaffold has never yet and never will destroy an idea or a movement.

To see the clothes in movement like that to create for dancers is special.

The idea of the vital movement of the world and its movement is simultaneity.

Each one of us should lead a life stirring enough to start a movement.

Without movement there is no Life...We should use our energy to the fullest.

Don't do what you sincerely don't want to do. Never confuse movement with action.

People come and go all the time; the world has always been in movement.

There's no time to waste. Every day there needs to be movement on something.

In my stillness I am the eternal possibility. In my movement I am the cosmos.

It's only when they join together in a forward movement that this country moves ahead...

I stick to safe controlled movement. If it's not safe I just won't do it.

The LGBT movement has been coopted by the very institutions it once sought to transform

The anti-Semitism of the new movement was based on religious ideas instead of racial knowledge.

According to the virginity movement men have no self-control when it comes to anything sexual.

The movement of the progressive societies has hitherto been a movement from Status to Contract.

I didn't want to imitate anybody. Any movement I knew I didn't want to use.

Show me a movement that doesn't hate somebody and I will join it at once.

The environmental movement's focus on the Keystone XL pipeline issue really used to baffle me.

Keith Ellison is the future of the Democratic Party the future of the progressive movement.

There appears to be something to do with vehicles and movement that stimulates my writing.

A liberation movement that is nonviolent sets the oppressor free as well as the oppressed.

It is probable that democracy owes more to nonconformity than to any other single movement.

Since the design of the movement is paramount shape for me should have no significance.

The essence of the stage is concentration and penetration. Of the screen action movement sweep.

It doesn't matter who you are. Everyone has something to offer the movement of justice

In terms of the history of a far reaching movement 20 years is not that long.

The youth movement is aware that old visions can not take Egypt into the future.

I think of the Catholic worker movement and Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin and others.

People call me the painter of dancers but I really wish to capture movement itself.

In actual life a downward movement may sometimes be made the beginning of an ascent.

There is apt to be a lunatic fringe among the votaries of any forward movement.

It's time for a 21st-century abolitionist movement in the U.S and around the world.

I don't think that the feminist movement has done much for the characters of women.

The horse the horse! The symbol of surging potency and power of movement of action.

You can't have problems with hand movement if you're going to be a good putter.

You can't tell the story of the women's movement through the story of one woman.

Narrative identity takes part in the story's movement in the dialectic between order and disorder.

any peace movement must have behind it a higher passion than the desire for war.

At its core conservatism is not an anti-government movement and it's not a no-government movement.

The labor movement is organized upon a principle that the strong shall help the weak.

We divide those between the person that we love and the movement that we hate.

[I like] Victor Jara and the music of Chile and the social movement in Chile.

I begin with movement... ...I believe that all human visual experiences are born from movement...

The 'movement' is paramount the concept of 'family' is the symbol we wish to project.

One thing the gay rights movement taught the world is the importance of being visible.

The female body was designed as a source of pleasure fertility movement strength and wellbeing.

I donâ??t think you can talk about progress in artâ??movement but not progress.

But what is of great importance to me is observation of the movement of colors.

To be honest bread constipates me and I like to have my daily bowel movement.

Language is what books do very well and movement is what movies does very well.

The pride of the hipster food movement is sort of annoying but it fascinates me.

The parallel development in American blues to the British movement has resulted in Johnny Winters.

I think a lot of the basis of the open source movement comes from procrastinating students...

There will be no equity without solidarity. There will be no justice without a social movement.

I was now successful in proving that a direction of movement is localized in the cerebellum.

Young people have been at the forefront of every great social movement in our country's history.

Every movement has radicals. But the important thing is that the radicals are not the leaders.

To pray 'your kingdom come' at Jesus' bidding meant to align oneself with his kingdom movement.

You can't get any movement larger than five people without including at least one flippin idiot.

Light comes to us by the sensibility. Without visual sensibility there is no light no movement.

President [Barack] Obama is a man who had certain advantages because of the civil rights movement.

In the first movement alone I took note of six pregnancies and at least four miscarriages.

Time could truly be made to stand still. Texture could be retained despite sudden violent movement.

I really wanted to be a part of that movement or better yet create that movement.

The vitality of a new movement in Art must be gauged by the fury it arouses.

In Iran the whole reform and democracy movement has been based on the emerging free press.

Part of me looks at the gay movement now and worries that we're losing our individuality.

Every great and commanding movement in the annals of the world is a triumph of enthusiasm

Part of the western movement is this desire that we Americans have to keep pressing on.

Hey nothing grows to the sky. There will be a successor movement. Right now its nascent.

And I also see how this body influences external images: it gives back movement to them.

Nothing can doom man but the belief in doom for this prevents the movement of return.

I wanted to sound new and exciting - the punk movement was over with for me.

When I went to college in the 1970s the Women's Liberation movement was all the buzz.

Hey nothing grows to the sky. There will be a successor movement. Right now it's nascent.

We're all put here for a reason. And one little movement changes your way of life.

My first idea of movement of the dance certainly came from the rhythm of the wave.

The movement is contagious and the people in it are the ones who pass on the spirit.

Music has just as much to do with movement and body as it does soul and intellect.

When somebody grabs a movement you're kind of locked into it. It's all par for the course.

I don't run straight at a constant pace; soccer is always a change of pace and movement.

I believe in the universality of freedom and therefore want to be involved in the freedom movement.

I was in college in the '60s and the whole feminist movement had swept me up.

It's only the last turn of a bolt that tightens it - the rest is just movement.

Yet humanitarianism is not a purely Christian movement any more than it is a purely humanist one.

There is a backlash against me and everyone who has done buildings that have movement and feeling.

A literary movement: five or six people who live in the same town and hate each other.

If we stand for change we can spark a popular movement with power influence magic and genius.

The day of reckoning is not just coming for Saddam Hussein. It's coming for the anti-war movement.

What drew me to both study and activism was the formative experience of the civil rights movement.

You have to simply become aware of the movement of the mind which begins this endless trouble.

There would be no need for the women's movement if the church and Bible hadn't abused them

Let's start a movement - a movement of men who aren't afraid to stop violence against women.

The women's movement was coming but I didn't know it in 1956-1957 when I began to write.

I do believe that when dancing is right the movement possesses a logic common to us all.

I love the freedom of movement that my phone gives me. That has definitely transformed my life.

In the days that follow it's movement not stillness that helps to keep the grief at bay.

Dance is movement is action and like all action it reveals us to ourselves in the doing.

Learning is never cumulative it is a movement of knowing which has no beginning and no end.

I wish that I had bridged the feminist movement and the anti-war movement better than I did.

The women's movement is just a symptom of basic changes in the economy that are favoring women.

In the cycle of nature there is no such thing as victory or defeat; there is only movement.


There can be no revival apart from the Holy Ghost; He is the author of every Heaven-sent movement.

It is to be hoped that the leaders of this movement will place the nation above the party.

The Republican Party would be really smart to absorb as much of the Tea Party movement as possible.

True the movement for women's rights has broken many old fetters but it has also forged new ones.

My timing in life has been extraordinary. I've ridden the crest of the wave of the women's movement.

If you look at any movement Hip Hop would be the most influential in the last maybe 15 20 years.

If the women's movement can be summed up in a single phrase it is 'the right to choose'.

The only way to know the truth of a movement is to do it on your own body.

The best tonic for soreness is to do the movement that got you sore in the first place.

The crown jewel of Dr. King`s movement was to protect the right to vote for all citizens.

We are now on the threshold of a newer movement with a newer hope and a new inspiration.

INTO THE WILD was a lot of fun but challenging 'cause you can get lost in the movement.

It takes more than a great church to reach a city it takes a great movement of churches.

United we stand divided we fall is one of the oldest and truest slogans of the Labour movement.

No movement can afford to be caught in a time warp and exist in a state of suspended animation.

In movement class you had to lie on the floor and get your alignment in to pass the class

We do not need to kill or destroy to win. We are a movement that builds and not destroys.

If there is any truth to my parenting the dreamwork movement it comes from the power of the press.

I think my customers my fans are really like my family now - it's like a movement of fabulosity.

What is the future of the woman's movement? How in the hell do I know? I don't run it.

Jersey Boys' was a lot of running around and a lot of energy but it was more stylized movement.

We would also lean on Turkey to ensure that it closes its border to the movement of jihadi groups.

In the end I wonder if the true movement of the world might not be a voice raised in song.

I mean the shoe - there is a music to it there is attitude there is sound it's a movement.

I had a great movement teacher - he showed me how to walk so I wasn't becoming like a cartoon.

A lot of men got upset at the feminist movement because they had all the toys and we wanted some.

If a movement is to have an impact it must belong to those who join it not those who lead it.

Light in Nature creates the movement of colors.

Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue.

Change means movement. Movement means friction. Only in the frictionless vacuum of a nonexistent abstract world can movement or change occur without that abrasive friction of conflict.

Movement eases turmoil.

Movement is tranquility.

Movement overcomes cold.

Movement isn't progress.

Movement is the essence of life.

Accept The Movement Everything Is Ok.

Movement will fail sooner than usefulness.

Movement is the universal language of personal freedom.

Movement is life; without movement life is unthinkable.

Im a child of the Civil Rights Movement.

Movement in new direction helps find new cheese.

Without Revolutionary theory there can be no Revolutionary Movement.

I was never Vice Chair of the Troops Out Movement.

This is Not Another Revolution. This is a Civil Rights Movement

Movement is the only way you can effect the world around you . . .

I don't think there Is a way politically to beat "Insurgent Movement Of Populism".

We must depend upon the Boy Scout Movement to produce the MEN of the future.

Movement is most of what a bird is. When they're dead they're only feathers and air.

The Jesus Movement had survived the fad phase and was settling down for the long haul.

When I started graduate school I was interested in the culture of the Civil Rights Movement.

Since the beginning of the Movement lesbianism has been a kind of code word for female resistance.

The presentation of the Golden Badge of the Movement is the highest honor the Third Reich has to offer.

Movement never lies. It is a barometer telling the state of the soul's weather to all who can read it.

Movement is a fantastic privilege... but it ultimately only has meaning if you have a home to go back to.

Life is a balance between rest and movement.

Education is the movement from darkness to light.

Without a revolutionary theory there cannot be a revolutionary movement.

All change is not growth as all movement is not forward.

There will be no prison which can hold our movement down.

One movement toward light becomes a clear signpost on a long road.

I think Captain Cousteau might be the father of the environmental movement.

Civilization is a movement and not a condition a voyage and not a harbor.

Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events not of words. Trust movement.

There can be no transforming of darkness into light and of apathy into movement without emotion

The least movement is of importance to all nature. The entire ocean is affected by a pebble.

To me if life boils down to one thing it's movement. To live is to keep moving.

It was a movement that had all the art critics all the museum directors in its thrall.

When I want to be bold about my movement ... I for sure do not call it exercise!

There hasn't been anything real since grunge. That was the last movement led by music or an art form.

Art is always and everywhere the secret confession and at the same time the immortal movement of its time.

There's no problem on the planet that can't be solved without violence. That's the lesson of the civil rights movement.

I have seen the movement of the sinews of the sky And the blood coursing in the veins of the moon.

If a fish is the movement of water embodied given shape then cat is a diagram and pattern of subtle air.

The labor movement means just this: It is the last noble protest of the American people against the power of incorporated wealth.

Any Southern nationalist movement especially one that wraps itself in the Confederate flag is going to be viewed with suspicion given the historical record.

Women have a lot to say about how to advance women's rights and governments need to learn from that listen to the movement and respond.

The sadness of the women's movement is that they don't allow the necessity of love. See I don't personally trust any revolution where love is not allowed.

It is possible to live twenty-four hours a day in a state of love. Every movement every glance every thought and every word can be infused with love.

It has now become the doctrine of a large clan of politicians that political honesty is unnecessary slow subversive of a man's interests and incompatible with quick onward movement.

Every movement reveals us.

Never confuse movement with action.

Evil is movement towards void.

Cinema is movement after all.

I am a movement chauvinist.

Not all speed is movement.

Action is movement with intelligence

Puritanism was a youthful vigorous movement.

Dressmaking is the architecture of movement

All creative activity begins with movement.

Hitler's movement is near to Mohammedanism.

The labor movement must be destroyed.

Zen movement is a meditative practice.

The hippy movement was a failure.

Seeing is in itself a movement.

The world is always in movement.

Life for me is about movement.

Every reform movement has a lunatic fringe.

Change happens through movement and movement heals.

What is true stillness? Stillness in movement.

Returning is the movement of the Way.

Focus on stillness rather than on movement

Palestine has a very strong nonviolent movement.

Sonnet is about movement in a form.

Genuine spiritual movement should forgive and encourage.

I know every movement of my kitchen.

The women's movement ruined a permanent vacation.

The movement must go beyond its leaders

A body in movement is its philosophy.

Occupy Wall Street is a real movement.

Thinking is movement confined to the brain

I was involved in the anti-war movement.

I'm very close to the pro-life movement.

A large movement covers a small movement

Dance is movement and movement is life.

Life is a movement outward an unfolding.

One person plus one typewriter constitutes a movement.

We want to make nation-building a people's movement.

There's always been a women's movement this century!

Superwoman is the adversary of the women's movement.

Jesus gave the world its most influential movement.

The civil rights movement wasn't easy for anybody.

The development of the mind comes through movement

People's lives can be transformed by the movement.

Innovation born from true creativity depends on movement.

Skinheads are becoming part of our overall movement.

There is no movement without our own resistance.

I love physicality. I love movement very much.

The movement of you brought forward is love.

Be your own guide follow your own movement.

Any upward movement is movement for us all.

The next movement is still in the factory.

I'm not focused on the gay and lesbian movement.

The movement is everything the final goal is nothing.

I believe that women will lead the democracy movement.

Agitate him and ascertain the pattern of his movement.

Nothing in art should seem accidental not even movement

The origin of the labor movement lies in self-defense ...

The assimilationist movement is running us into the ground.

The game replaces sexual enjoyment by pleasure in movement.

No revolutionary movement is complete without its poetical expression.

The feminist movement as at present instituted is Inadequate.

there is nothing more American than the trade-union movement.

The women's movement. . . has proved women's own worst enemy.

the decisive movement toward corporate capitalism began in 1895-1896.

Without the accurate spine movement one can't exist dynamically.

I'm not lazy. I'm simply judicious about excess movement.

Our nature lies in movement; complete calm is death.

You can't create a political movement out of pabulum.

We have to realize we are building a movement.

Play is free movement within a more rigid structure.

I don't really feel part of any particular movement.

I can be a part of everything. Every movement.

Hip is the knowledge and Hop is the movement..

Pick a movement pick a revolution and join it.

Non-co-operation is not a movement of drag bluster or bluff.

Such a movement would cause the ACLU to go bananas!

Decriminalizing bodies - this is a big and growing movement.

The anti-war movement should turn itself into a pro-democracy movement

I'm interested in people who can take the movement somewhere.

Leadership implies movement toward something and convictions provide that direction.