Rene Redzepi Quotes

When I turned 15 I left school having failed to make the minimum grade. With little direction I enlisted at the local culinary school. Here the academic demands were less rigorous.

People will travel anywhere for good food "? it's crazy.

My last meal on Earth I would love it to be a bowl of blueberries with cold cream.

There is no conflict between a better meal and a better world.

The restaurant industry is brutal.

I would love to eat a really great burger but it doesn't exist in our part of the world.

When you start at catering college nobody prepares you for a book tour or public speaking.

I never cooked at home - my father was the chef.

If you see someone in the kitchen that has good hands and a quick brain then you need that person to be in the front of everything.

I can't crack jokes because I don't have any.

Chefs have a new opportunity - and perhaps even an obligation - to inform the public about what is good to eat and why.

I still cook at home. A lot of chefs I think don't cook at home. But I still do I love cooking at home I love having friends.

Close interaction with farmers and scientists can expose the chef to new flavours that can be used to delight diners.

I had turned down other head chef jobs. I didn't want to take over someone else's cuisine. I wanted to start from scratch.

Learning about issues such as sustainability and locavorism are things that you need to have as part of you as a chef because it will make you cook more delicious food.

When you get close to the raw materials and taste them at the moment they let go of the soil you learn to respect them.

Scandinavian-Danish cuisine was something quite rustic mostly known for pastries and smorgasbord cuisine which in itself has become a joke.

When people are grownups they're grown ups. They make their own decisions you know.

Fine dining is an occasional treat for most people.

Take a trip to the forest and experience the greatness of getting on your knees and picking your own food and going home... and eating it.

I'm a bit of a glutton - I eat too much of all that is good to eat.

There's no media training. In cooking school there's not even manager training. You learn the fundamentals of cooking. Everything else is learning by doing.

A gastronomical supermeal didn't necessarily have to involve the things I had brought from other top kitchens.

I've never had anything but the freedom to do what I wanted just as long as it made me happy.

I know every movement of my kitchen.

If you see how a plant grows and you taste it in situ you have a perfect example of how it should taste on the plate.

I only have the restaurant. If I do other things it's only to do with the restaurant.