Japanese Quotes

I'm very into the japanese sensibility. Oversize coats and baggy trousers.

The Japanese say If the flower is to be beautiful it must be cultivated.

I'm totally addicted to Japanese anime and spend way way way too much time watching it.

We'll look at the japanese launch as a model and aspire to have things go as well as they did over there.

I think I was a Japanese schoolgirl in another life. That's how much I love Hello Kitty.

Japanese chefs believe our soul goes into our knives once we start using them. You wouldn't put your soul in a dishwasher!

Once you understand the foundations of cooking - whatever kind you like whether it's French or Italian or Japanese - you really don't need a cookbook anymore.

The government has a history of not treating people fairly from the internment of Japanese Americans in World War II to African-Americans in the Civil Rights era.

The decision to use the atom bomb on Japanese cities and the consequent buildup of enormous nuclear arsenals was made by governments on the basis of political and military perceptions.

There is a Japanese proverb that literally goes 'Raise the sail with your stronger hand ' meaning you must go after the opportunities that arise in life that you are best equipped to do.

Japanese are very proud and workaholics. Proud workaholics.

My life was very Japanese.

Japanese is a very difficult language.

I've always been inspired by Japanese style.

We must not again underestimate the Japanese.

The Japanese fans always send weird things.

How could they possibly be Japanese planes?

The Japanese are hard to figure out.

The Japanese seem to be a loyal audience.

I'm afraid Japanese people tend to collective hysteria.

There is no hierarchy in Japanese Buddhist poetry.

Japanese businesspeople and companies are lacking in individuality.

I've always loved Japanese legend anime and manga.

My parents never understood me; they were Japanese.

European travellers find the Japanese a smiling race.

I especially love French Italian and Japanese cuisines.

Japanese people have a funny habit of abbreviating names.

I believe the Japanese film industry must be open.

You talk about Japanese technocracy and you get radios.

I'm just very obsessed with Japanese stuff in general.

I've been missing Japanese literature so much of late.

EMBRACING THE EXISTING Japanese perspective on urban history and context

I'd not underestimate the competitive powers of the Japanese people.

My brother then bought 1000 Japanese cameras. They all go "Crick".

My favorite kitchen was the Japanese and the Italian kitchen.

Old Japanese saying live scorpion in pants makes life interesting.

Japanese is a very strange foreign language for European people.

The Japanese invaded Tulagi in the Solomon Islands on May 4.

What you feel in Japanese poetry is always entirely longing.

The Japanese do not fear God. They only fear bombs.

My hatred for Japanese cinema includes absolutely all of it.

Well dojo is a traditional Japanese word for training hall.

What do Japanese Jews love to eat? Hebrew National Tsunami.

Thanks to the Japanese and Geronimo John Wayne became a millionaire.

I know karate and like two other Japanese words - T-SHIRT

The only language that the Japanese whaling industry understands is economics.

I've got lots of weird illustrations of me from Japanese fans.

They've certainly grown the Japanese. I mean grown in stature playing-wise.

Technological things that Germans and Japanese would get real excited about.

What kind of people do they [the Japanese] think we are?

I like the Japanese knives I like French knives. Whatever's sharp.

I'm half-Japanese so I collect toys like a Yayoi Kusama stuffed pumpkin.

I look like I'm Chinese or Thai or Japanese - very different.

The Japanese have perfected good manners and made them indistinguishable from rudeness.

Lexington did launch its air group when a Japanese carrier was reported.

Believe it or not Japanese is actually easier than some European languages!

Without a huge shock the sleepy-head ignorant Japanese will never wake up.

Japanese attitudes toward work seem to be critically different from American attitudes.

One of my favorite Japanese proverbs is "Fall down 7 times stand up 8".

Sort of like I have to make the Japanese lyrics really deep.

He's a novice - he should keep his opinions to Japanese football

If the Japanese are so smart why do they eat with sticks?

In Japanese sushi restaurants a lot of sushi chefs talk too much.

In basic training we had been told to watch out for Japanese spies.

For many years my favorite director has been the Japanese giant Akira Kurosawa.

I always have dashi in my refrigerator - it's the almighty Japanese ingredient.

Give me fifty DC-3's and the Japanese can have the Burma Road.

They [Japanese whalers] haven't produced a single peer-reviewed international scientific paper in 23 years.

The Japanese banks are not having an easy time as they once had.

Canada I don't trust. The Canadian government hates me more than the Japanese.

I have a doggy a Japanese Akita who I live to play with.

In Japanese houses the interior melts into the gardens of the outside world.

Nobody in the world is as good at making decisions as the Japanese.

What do we want our kids to do? Sweep up around Japanese computers?

Another dynamic of this last year was our increased penetration into the Japanese market.

The formal Washington dinner party has all the spontaneity of a Japanese imperial funeral.

England understands good Chinese Japanese and Indian cuisine; in France we just get French.

A bathroom should be sterile and beautiful and functional. It should exude Japanese-style purity.

I do not see how the Japanese can hold out against this united front.

I collect wrestling figures from overseas like Japanese wrestling figures and Mexican wrestling figures.

When this war is over the Japanese language will be spoken only in hell!

My CIA godfather told me he'd never heard any American speak Japanese so well.

If there is love smallpox scars are as pretty as dimples. - Japanese Proverb

The idea of a Japanese comedian was not only a rarity it was non-existent.

Eat more like the French. Or the Japanese. Or the Italians. Or the Greeks.

I have in mind repeated statements by Japanese military men containing threats against other states.

We've seen the volatility at dollar-yen U.S. Treasurys JGBs (Japanese government bonds) German bunds.

Their racial characteristics are such that we cannot understand or trust even the citizen Japanese.

Aikido is not ultimately Japanese: It is an art of universal truth and international significance.

My favorite piece of technical writing: Assembly of Japanese bicycle require great peace of mind.

Americans really don't understand the Japanese nature but it's not an easy thing to understand.

The Japanese people are usually very prudent even when they are convinced change is necessary.

The Japanese are hard to understand but once you do the world is your oyster.

Seppuku is Japanese for ritual suicide. I thought What a cute name for a coat.

I have no models in Japanese literature. I created my own style my own way.

In the case of the Japanese they usually commit suicide before they make any apology.

I made efforts to swallow tears and to protect the species of the Japanese nation.

In Japanese art space assumed a dominant role and its position was strengthened by Zen concepts.

The Japanese are a disease of the skin. The Communists are a disease of the heart.

I was crazy about silent comedy - in the old days and crazy about Japanese movies.

As long as there are Japanese tourists there will be a market for the Old South.

God bless the universe God bless Japanese Chinese Indians all of them and let's have peace.

I am an admirer of haiku and I'm a great admirer of Japanese literature in general.

The Japanese keenly learned from Western civilisation in a bid to modernize and preserve the nation.

You can't be citing Japanese internment camps for anything the president elect is going to do!

I'd forgotten I'd done the anime called Spirited Away the English version of a Japanese film.

As the rising sun melts thinly frozen ice so the Japanese Army is overcoming Chinese troops.

I was to Japanese visitors to Washington what the Mona Lisa is to Americans visiting Paris.

Part of the reason some Japanese companies have underperformed financially was corporate governance and board structures.

If it weren't for the Japanese and the Germans we wouldn't have any good war movies.

If you can call a Chevrolet a Chev why can't you call a Japanese a Jap?

Hiroshima and Nagasaki were atomized at a time when the Japanese were suing desperately for peace.

I cook everything. I love Mediterranean cooking I love Asian cooking. I do lots of Japanese noodles.

There is no secret ingredient or hidden formula responsible for the success of the best Japanese companies.

The Japanese see self-assertion as immoral and self- sacrifice as the sensible course to take in life.

I'm for catching every Japanese in America Alaska and Hawai'i now and putting them in concentration camps.

Why did the Germans and Japanese keep fighting after 1943 when every rational hope of victory had disappeared?

Japanese moe relationships socially dysfunctional men develop deep attachments to body pillows with women painted on them.

I didn't understand the American fascination with the Japanese schoolgirl. No I don't think I can really.

The Japanese are human beings like the rest of us but they will strongly resent this insinuation.

I don't purchase records. I do enjoy listening to things like Japanese folk music or Indian music.

Sometimes I miss out the morning's painting session and instead study my Japanese books in the open.

The situation now is not easy. But I believe in the good sense of the Japanese people.

God was fair to the Japanese. He gave them no oil no diamonds. He gave them style.

I want men to be more chic - and Japanese style has that kind of sophisticated elegance.

Many young Japanese were hearing for the first time the words of Native people from the West.

When your Japanese lifetime is coming out drink all the sake you want. Have a little bash.

The Japanese actually approach the music on a high level. It's always been on a high level.

The Japanese drive on the left side of the road. Most streets literally do not have names.

Well only Japanese may understand it but I'm like a goat or something that likes high places.

Japanese music was so crazy! The J-pop and everything. I never scooped up an album or anything.

There are very few Japanese Jews. As a result there is no Japanese word for Alan King.

The Japanese were ready to surrender and it wasn't necessary to hit them with that awful thing.

The President of the United States thinks that for the Japanese opium is more dangerous than war.

If I need to buy a TV I'll definitely buy a Japanese TV. A Chinese TV might explode.

Promises that you make to yourself are often like the Japanese plum tree - they bear no fruit.

I was a dishwasher at one of those Japanese places that cook on your table. Not too fun.

I love the Japanese director Shohei Imamura. His masterpiece in 1979 called the English title was 'Vengeance is Mine.

One thing I've never said in my whole life is 'Let's have dinner at a Japanese restaurant.'

I think generally the Japanese players have more intensity in practice but generally I do the same things.

I notice that teams are now more interested in Japanese players than when I first went to Europe.

I had just turned 10-years-old when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and plunged America into World War II.

Everyone had a Japanese maple although after Pearl Harbor most of these were patriotically poisoned ringbarked and extirpated.

I bought a new Japanese car I turned on the radio ... I don't understand a word they're saying.

Compared with U.S. cities Japanese cities bend over backward to help foreigners. The countryside is another matter.

The Japanese put houses in among the trees and allowed nature to gain the ascendancy in any composition.

Japanese maps tend to come in two varieties: small schematic and bewildering; and large fantastically detailed and bewildering.

I saw the film Pearl Harbour and it made me wish that the Japanese had bombed Hollywood instead!

I want to be the first player to show what Japanese batters can do in the major league.

It is worthy of note that the Chinese and Japanese characters for money and gold are the same.

Unless it's done superbly as in the Japanese film Gate of Hell color can be a very distracting element.

The moment the first American soldier sets foot on the Japanese mainland all prisoners of war will be shot.

Most Americans like most Japanese view their dogs cats and other animal companions as family members and rightly so.

Japanese would never 'restore' an antique. The signs of age and wear are to them its most beautiful qualities.

The blurring of fantasy and reality is something that the Japanese herald in their life in their day-to-day commercialism.

The Senkaku islands are inherently Japanese territory. I want to show my strong determination to prevent this from changing.

Words were written out for me phonetically. I learned to quack in French Spanish Portuguese Japanese Chinese and German.

Since my Japanese isn't very good I had to have an interpreter to communicate with most of the crew.

Japanese people tend to be much better adjusted to the notion of work any kind of work as honorable.

How sweet Japanese woman is! All the possibilities of the race for goodness seem to be concentrated in her.

Give me a Japanese division armed with bamboo spears and I'll wipe out the entire Russian Far Eastern Army.

The Japanese have hit the shores like dead fish. They're just like dead fish washing up on the shores.

We've believed for 50 years that the Japanese are small Americans who wanted to be like us. They are not.

The Japanese chose the principle of eternal peace as the basis of morality for our rebirth after the War.

My father came from Germany. My mom came from Venezuela. My father's culturally German but his father was Japanese.

Nobody now fears that a Japanese fleet could deal an unexpected blow on our Pacific possessions. Radio makes surprise impossible.

Sino-Japanese relations will certainly brighten more in the future and the flowers of friendly Sino-Japanese relations will increase their beauty.

Some audiences might find homosexuality an uncomfortable subject matter and a character who is a Japanese collaborator is always uncomfortable.

Memoirs of a Geisha' is everything you'd expect it to be: beautiful mesmerizing tasteful Japanese. It's just not very hot.

It has often been said that [...] the Japanese [are] geniuses at taking foreign ideas and adding a unique finishing touch.

While the Japanese droned on in a high-pitched voice I blinked out the desperate message over and over. TORTURE...TORTURE...

The Japanese implementing a complex long-term and ultimately successful strategy to dominate the U S consumer-electronics market attacked Pearl Harbor.

The Japanese have a strong tendency to suppress their own feelings. That's the Japanese character. They kill their own emotions.

I get a lot of inspiration from Japanese manga especially shoujo which tends to have elaborate and fantastical adventure plots.

I have a lot of Japanese friends: I grew up in Vancouver and there's this huge Japanese population over there.

It appears that the English think the Japanese... are fond of opium and they want to bring it here also.

Frankly I was surprised at how generous the Japanese press has been to the idea of a foreigner running Sony.

Nobody says anything to me now when it comes to Japanese. They actually ask me things. I now have power!

I first had a version of this at a Japanese monastery during a silent retreat-don't ask it's a long story.

To hear the Japanese plead for free trade is like hearing the word love on the lips of a harlot.

A Japanese proverb says fall seven times stand up eight. We can also say this: Hate zero times love infinitely!

My fake Japanese was smooth enough to earn me the title of 'The Emperor of Pleasing Graciousness' in that country.

the Japanese school year begins in spring ... so mothers can send off their children as cherry blossoms fall from the branches.

It was what we Japanese called the onion life peeling away a layer at a time and crying all the while.

Through the Australians and the Japanese too I suppose the Americans get their message across but not in a heavy-handed way.

At the root of Japanese manufacturing lies a feminine delicacy and shyness as well as a childlike curiosity and fantasy-filled worldview.

A lifetime of low calories has come naturally to the longest-lived people in the world... in the Japanese archipelago of Okinawa.

At the request of my Japanese colleagues in 2000 we revisited the possibility of signing a peace treaty based on the 1956 agreement.

The art of stone in a Japanese garden is that of placement. Its ideal does not deviate from that of nature.

Japanese movie "Be With You" served as inspiration for "Love Box." I couldn't fill up the album with just my experiences.

The Japanese are great at inventing complex systems of rules and not so great at explaining those rules to foreign visitors.

People talk about Japanese kids as being inward-looking. But my experience is that if you offer them an opportunity they'll take it.

Japanese is a baby talk - very very hard to read very very easy to talk. ... A very faint kind of language.

But when we came out of camp that's when I first realized that being in camp that being Japanese-American was something shameful.

We call Japanese soldiers fanatics when they die rather than surrender whereas American soldiers who do the same thing are called heroes.

I love Japanese design and fabrics. I also love people who make clothes for mass consumption but do it well and cleverly.

As the interned American citizens of Japanese descent learned the Bill of Rights provided them with little protection when it was needed.

Harry S. Truman had his moods. His birthplace is the only tourist attraction in America where you don't see Japanese with cameras.

I could never understand how we could put 120 000 Japanese behind a fence in World War II. I remember being bewildered about that.

It's a standard staple in Japanese cinema to cut somebody's arm off and have red water hoses for veins spraying blood everywhere.

I respect the Japanese and especially like their execution and communication styles. Unlike the Koreans they will not hit you from behind.

We are a country of artisans and a country of manufacturing. I think Japanese textile technology is the best in the world.

I just split up with my girlfriend but like the Japanese say 'They'll be another one floating by any minute now.'

The Japanese Co-Prosperity Zone began as a racist utopia and ended as a cross between an abbatoir a plantation and a brothel.

I've got six months to sort out the hackers get the Japanese knotweed under control and find an acceptable form of narcissus.

Of course the Japanese and Peruvian fish are different but it's the same Pacific Ocean. They are different but I know fish.

In pursuing a "?way ' Japanese typically move beyond an interest in craftsmanship to a kind of sacred search for the ultimate.

My father is Chinese Spanish and Filipino; my mother is half-Irish and half-Japanese; Greek last name; born in Hawaii raised in Germany.

The Japanese position was hopeless even before the first atomic bomb fell because the Japanese had lost control of their own air.

In 1986 when I was 21 I lived in Tokyo for four months boarding with a Japanese family and working for an American company.

I'm really interested in independent publishers and memes and mini comics. But even before that I was interested in Japanese manga and anime.

Paprika is evidence that Japanese animators are reaching for the moon while most of their American counterparts remain stuck in the kiddie sandbox.

Japanese people wouldn't come up with ideas of blood splattering all over. Japanese focus more on the intricacies of the actions the motion.

I think the future stopped looking American when you think back to Blade Runner and Neuromancer when it started to look more Japanese.

My own family and thousands of other Japanese Americans were interned during World War II. It took our nation over 40 years to apologize.

The Japanese covet important symbols - their heroic past as enshrined in Yasukuni the Imperial family which has never been sullied by scandal.

So fortune cookies: invented by the Japanese popularized by the Chinese but ultimately consumed by Americans. They are more American than anything else.

Hubert Humphrey is a treacherous gutless old ward-heeler who should be put in a goddamn bottle and sent out with the Japanese current.

I was in Shanghai when the Japanese invaded China. I was there in Shanghai when the morning after Pearl Harbor they seized Shanghai.

Japanese women live in fear of making the least sound in a bathroom stall. Japanese men pay no attention to the subject whatsoever.

If the Japanese want to be taken seriously as world financial powers they'd better quit using the same tailor as variety show chimps.

Look closely at the Japanese; they draw admirably and yet in them you will see life outdoors and in the sun without shadows...

I didn't read so much Japanese literature. Because my father was a teacher of Japanese literature I just wanted to do something else.

As the Japanese Zen masters say â??Don't seek the truth; just drop your opinionsâ?. Drop your theories; don't seek the truth.

I try to be aware of technology and Japanese animation and old Belgian paintings and get all my references from bits of everywhere.

Isn't telling about something-using words English or Japanese-already something of an invention? Isn't just looking upon this world already something of an invention?

The Japanese have a word for it. It's Judo - the art of conquering by yielding. The Western equivalent of Judo is "Yes dear".

I recognize the fact that I don't have one single drop of Japanese blood in my body. But I've always felt half-Japanese at heart.

I think America has the best assholes in the world. I defy the Belgians or the Japanese to produce something like a Donald Trump.

I don't know how many serious Christians exist here in America but the Japanese the younger generation is leaving the Buddhist religion mentality behind.

It's a Samurai story [47 ronin] so if we change too much Japanese audiences will have strong against feelings to the film. It's not good.

We played every bar party pub hotel lounge church hall mining town - places that made Mad Max territory look like a Japanese garden.

Some of my earliest political feelings were based on the anti-Japanese bubblegum cards I got. There were also Spanish Civil War bubblegum cards. Awful.

We Japanese enjoy the small pleasures not extravagance. I believe a man should have a simple lifestyle - even if he can afford more.

I ask you to remember that the Japanese troops are a strictly disciplined force and perform their duties with as little harmfulness as possible.

You know one little way in which baseball changes us? We don't even think twice about Japanese names anymore. You know what I mean?

After the non-Japanese Carlos Ghosn was brought in by Nissan to turn around the struggling auto manufacturer he made English the company's official working language.

We recognize the distinctness of Asian art when we turn to its traditional forms recognize it as Japanese Chinese and Indian even Balinese or Thai.

All my films have found distribution and prestige in the Japanese market so I actually feel my films are very well received and seldom misunderstood.

But remember this Japanese boyairplanes are not tools for war. They are not for making money. Airplanes are beautiful dreams. Engineers turn dreams into reality.

You can be a German you can be a Greek or a Spanish or a Japanese etc but your true nation is the whole humanity!

We were in negotiations but then the Japanese side suspended them unilaterally. Now at the request of our Japanese partners we have reopened these talks.

There are some long silences in Scandinavian and some Japanese films when the audience knows action is taking place but the audience hears no action.

Terri and her mother arrived. She was obviously a dedicated stage mother because she was loaded down with camera equipment looking like a Japanese tourist.

I love Jet Li but he looks very Chinese and his English is Chinese-accented. He wouldn't have been the right guy to play a Japanese-American.

There's an awful lot of corruption in Japanese business and politics corruption of the sort that can make for great setting for a spy story.

The Narrow Road to the Deep North' is one of the most famous books of all Japanese literature written by the great poet Basho in 1689.

I don't mean to be a racist but if you're going to get raped by a Japanese guy it's not going to hurt at all.

I have two passions in my life. One is to raise the awareness of the internment of Japanese-American citizens. My other passion is the theater.

Five years ago people were crying and feeling the Japanese were about to take over the Earth. I don't hear that kind of talk anymore.

We made air attacks on the Japanese anchorage sinking and damaging several vessels. However the Japanese were alerted to the fact that American carriers were nearby.

I started to listen to Japanese jazz musicians when I went to high school. Some people I listened to were Yosuke Yamashita Toshiko Akiyoshi Sadao Watanabe.

He was as obsequious as a Japanese ivy plant. Wringing his hands as if he hoped to squeeze the milk of human kindness from his fingernails ...

I have always considered Saipan the decisive battle of the Pacific offensive...(it was) the naval and military heart and brain of the Japanese defence strategy.

The greatest problem in Japanese politics over the last two decades is that we put off what needed to be done. We have to overcome that.

My observations of Japanese naval fighting men their abilities and equipment led me to believe that they gave a better account of themselves than we did.

The Japanese had a very strong belief in Bushido death before dishonour. They were fighting for their country; they were the aggressors in World War II.

The Japanese have a wonderful sense of design and a refinement in their art. They try to produce beautiful paintings with the minimum number of strokes.

I have an all-Japanese design team and none of them speak English. So it's often funny and surprising how my ideas end up lost in translation.

As a linguist I don't think of Ada as a big language. Now English and Japanese those are big languages. Ada is just a medium-sized language.

But remember this Japanese boy... airplanes are not tools for war. They are not for making money. Airplanes are beautiful dreams. Engineers turn dreams into reality.

If the current birth rate which is the lowest in the major developed countries continues there will be no Japanese. Who will pay the enormous debt?

A war in the Taiwan Strait would destroy China's international relations overnight. It would destroy Chinese - Japanese relations not to mention Chinese - American relations.

Pikachu 'pika' is the sound Japanese say an electric spark makes. And 'chu' is the sound a mouse makes. So Pikachu is like an electric mouse.

I play around with my Japanese Garden. Since Im half way to 70 today I need to start pruning trees and sharpening plants like an old fart.

Australia and New Zealand are now threatened by the might of the Imperial Japanese forces and both of them should know that any resistance is futile.

Many Japanese painters and calligraphers would change their names intentionally to keep their relationship to the art always fresh. This way others' expectations can be avoided.

I've never studied the Japanese. That's something that must have crept in there. But the Japanese are my biggest clients. They seem to like the elemental quality.

The main selling appeal of NAFTA to US corporations is that it gives them an advantage in the North American market over their European and Japanese competitors.

The word love carries the same vibration in any language. You probably know this guy you probably had dinner with him yesterday. The Japanese water crystal guy?

When a Japanese manufacturer was asked by his North American counterpart What is the best language in which to do business?" the man responded: "My customer's language

From the American retelling of Romeo and Juliet in West Side Story to the Japanese adaptation of King Lear in Ran Shakespeare's cultural influence is virtually limitless.

I read mostly Irish African Japanese South American and African writers. You can count on Scandinavian literature for a certain kind of darkness a modern mythic style.

Japanese people accept that art and commerce will be blended; and in fact they are surprised by the rigid and pretentious Western hierarchy of 'high art.'

The Japanese if I understand them are masters of the unsaid and the unstated of subtlety and ambiguity all of which constitute powerful stimulants to the imagination.

Did not the artists of the great age of Japanese art change names many times during their careers? I like that; they wanted to safeguard their freedom.

Japanese affection is not uttered in words; it scarcely appears even in the tone of voice; it is chiefly shown in acts of exquisite courtesy and kindness.

I've had quite a lot of bad experiences with Japanese sweets. I reckon Japanese...they can do most things really well but sweets they're a bit dodgy.

If the Battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eaton the Japanese bases in the Pacific were captured on the beaches of the Caribbean.

The only reason that there has been no sabotage or espionage on the part of Japanese-Americans is that they are waiting for the right moment to strike.

Sometimes I'll dress like a boy sometimes I'll dress like a Japanese crazy teenybopper. I have clothes from the 7th grade that I've kept and still wear.

I'd say my best memory was climbing Mt. Fuji and the worst memory was... trying to fit my feet into the free giveaway slippers at Japanese schools.

Killing Japanese didn't bother me very much at that time... I suppose if I had lost the war I would have been tried as a war criminal.

Working in Hollywood it's clear the more money you have the more technology you can get. So you can build a whole Japanese set. Only in Hollywood!

My dad remembers being in school with my uncle and the teacher would say outright to the class that the Japanese were second-class citizens and shouldn't be trusted.

What I always say is that Japanese are like willow. We can be bent easily but once you try to break us it would not be so easy.

It's never that hard for me to imagine what it must feel like to be someone else whether it's an American teenage girl or a Japanese octogenarian man

The next movie will be in Mandarin. I enjoyed shooting all the Japanese stuff in Kill Bill so much that this whole film will be entirely in Mandarin.

And $18 million in three Japanese banks completely false. That I have two factories in Panama also completely false. This is part of the counter campaign of some people.

In order to comprehend the beauty of a Japanese garden it is necessary to understand - or at least to learn to understand - the beauty of stone.

I believe it is important that we Japanese write a constitution for ourselves that would reflect the shape of the country we consider desirable in the 21st century.

The secret of Soto Zen is just two words: not always so.... In Japanese it's two words three words in English. That is the secret of our practice.

The Vietnamese see their history as an unending series of struggles of resistance to aggression by the Chinese the Mongols the Japanese the French and now the Americans.

My father was a Japanese prisoner of war a survivor of the Thai-Burma Death Railway built by a quarter of a million slave labourers in 1943. Between 100 000 and 200 000 died.

But of course I love my Japanese fans and the show must go on no matter the daily aftershocks or husband kidnappings! It's not right but it's okay

To purposely concoct older characters of a sunny disposition would be as much of a solecism as deliberately fabricating arrhythmic blacks spendthrift Jews slacker Japanese and so on.

I was on a Japanese designers' pedestal - considered a maestro. My design was getting closer to a couturier's work and I felt like I was missing something.

To the Japanese Portugal and Russia are neutral enemies England and America are belligerent enemies and Germany and her satellites are friendly enemies. They draw very fine distinctions.

The President wishes the Japanese to be very prudent about the introduction of opium and if a treaty is made he wishes that opium may be strictly prohibited.

The detention of Japanese Americans during World War II would qualify as an example of majoritarian tyranny and misuse of executive prerogative driven by fear and racial bias.

A lot of my stories are inspired by Japanese folklore or literature or movies: I've done stories based on Kabuki and Noh plays and on Kurosawa's 'Yojimbo' movies.

Costa Rica and Germany have simply been pawns in the Japanese quest to silence Sea Shepherd in an attempt to stop our annual opposition of their illegal whaling activities.

How are we doing in the electronics field as opposed to you know we hear how advanced the Japanese are? Do you think we're still pretty competitive? Oh yes.

If we study Japanese art we see a man who is undoubtedly wise philosophic and intelligent who spends his time doing what? He studies a single blade of grass.

(Japanese Government believes that if you have a big laboratory with all the latest equipment and good funding it will automatically lead to creativity. It doesn't work that way.

I did not have a very literary background. I came to poetry from the sciences and mathematics and also through an interest in Japanese and Chinese poetry in translation.

The contemporary Japanese directors who are well-known in the West - say Kiyoshi Kurosawa Takeshi Kitano Naomi Kawase - are mostly unknown to Japanese particularly of the younger generation.

The Japanese version comes with a translation but that's different from the lyrics so people could look things up and find a translation of their own if they're interested.

I started modeling with a very negative part of me - I didn't really like myself or how I looked because I was very tall for a Japanese girl.

...protect your hands! Some fans demonstrate their enthusiam with bone-crushing hand shakes. My former teacher Julian Bream often bows Japanese style with his hands behind his back. Smart man !...

I brought Bhagawad Gita as a gift for the Japanese PM...I don't have anything better than Gita to give & nor does the World has anything better to receive.

My dad is from Japanese descent my mom is from Swedish descent and through marriages and divorces a pretty multicultural family - a lot of Spanish speakers in the family.

For a time the Flying Tigers provided the only victories against the Japanese anywhere in the Far East... This handful of men had shown that the Japanese were not invincible.

I hope that the mistakes made and suffering imposed upon Japanese Americans nearly 60 years ago will not be repeated against Arab Americans whose loyalties are now being called into question.

Singapore could only be taken after a siege by an army of at least 50 000 men. It is not considered possible that the Japanese would embark on such a mad enterprise.

I think in reality the Japanese have to make changes in monetary policy otherwise we're still going to be dealing with some upward pressure on the yen against the dollar.

And Philippe won't speak English. She's sure he can - he's got that European je ne sais quoi that usually means "Oh I speak six languages. And a little Japanese.

I think that American people really know how to pursue fun they really know how to have a good time. Japanese are somewhat more reserved than Americans so I'm jealous.

Unlike in the 1980s and 1990s this time the Japanese are going to be more circumspect and invest in their end markets which would include Europe and the United States.

All of a sudden there are great Japanese films or great Italian films or great Australian films. It's usually because there are a number of people that cross-pollinated each other.

What I want for Christmas is to be a Japanese pop star. [Laughs] Santa can't exactly put that under the tree but I'm hoping that some magic will happen overseas.

They got word that the Japanese planes were coming back so we sunk her ourselves so the Japanese wouldn't get it. We didn't want the Japanese to get it intact.

The Japanese campaign involves therefore two great uncertainties; first whether Russia will come in though we think that will be all right; and second when and how S-1 will resolve itself.

If you're very very conservative and you like that sort of practice go find a very conservative Zen master and just do traditional Japanese practice which is not that traditional actually.

I suppose I do the Japanese because I just don't know China. Chinese popular culture has never evoked that instant of "Whoah! What's that?" that I have with Japanese popular culture.

Way back in October 2007 I had urged thousands of Australians to vote for Kevin Rudd and Peter Garrett's Labor Party. Why? Because they promised to get tough on illegal Japanese whaling.

Faust was this mythical figure who sold his soul to the devil for unlimited power. The Japanese have made that Faustian bargain because they don't have coal oil or hydro power.

My friend Dennis Mathis was reading Eastern European and Japanese experimental writers and I brought the Latin American writers to his attention so we exchanged books and bounced off one another.

In Japanese and Italian the response to ["How are you?"] is "I'm fine and you?" In German it's answered with a sigh and a slight pause followed by "Not so good.

The young Japanese especially love to wear the latest thing and when they come to London they head for my shops as part of what they want to find in Britain.

On my first days here I did not start work immediately but as planned I took it easy for a few days - flicked through books studied Japanese art a little.

While my friends were discussing Pearl Harbor as the country's problem I took it personally. It dawned on me that the Japanese attack could be my ticket out of high school.

It is not wise for a man who can get seasick in a rowboat on a mill-pond to attack a Japanese dinner just after a seventeen days voyage across the Pacific.

The Japanese despite the trade deficit and their ability to build fabulous automobiles still think that a guy in a monster suit is all that is needed for a monster movie.

I know just enough Japanese to get by if I get lost and greet an audience properly just from having a lot of Japanese friends and being there over the years.

Japanese people are not known for expressing their feelings through singing and dancing but I like to sing a lot. I don't just sing to myself in the shower. I sing everywhere.

Japanese gamers aren't really into action games right now. They're into role-playing or strategy games with a lot of stats but action titles are still really popular across the US and Europe.

I have read that on the average the Japanese are getting taller but at the moment they seem to be about the same height as American junior-high-school students only with fewer guns.

When I write a novel I put into play all the information inside me. It might be Japanese information or it might be Western; I don't draw a distinction between the two.

The Japanese bureaucracy is unique. It is also very powerful although it is now the object of so much criticism. Many of Japans brightest made it a pillar of strength and continuity.

For the first time a British force had met held and decisively defeated a major Japanese attack and followed this up by driving the enemy out of the strongest possible natural positions.

There are also a number of humans living up there (Canada) and in many ways they have a lifestyle quite similar to ours including such traditional American activities as driving Japanese cars.

They do not depend upon mere legends and myths. They are not predicated on the false conception that the Emperor is divine and that the Japanese people are superior to other races.

All through the years since World War II the Japanese people have I am convinced made strenuous efforts to preserve and promote world peace contributing to the progress and prosperity of mankind.

At its best [Japanese cooking] is inextricably meshed with aesthetics with religion with tradition and history. It is evocative of seasonal changes or of one's childhood or of a storm at sea ...

I feel responsible to make something original as a Japanese artist. There are lots of singers and guitarists but I feel that on stage it's meaningless to copy something someone has done before.

I'm old enough to remember the end of World War II. On Aug. 14 1946 a year after the Japanese were defeated most newspapers and magazines had single articles commemorating the end of the war.

I feel responsible to make something original as a Japanese artist. There are lots of singers and guitarists but I feel that on stage its meaningless to copy something someone has done before.

If you had a large vase with a big crack down the middle of it a Japanese art museum would put the vase on a pedestal and shine a spotlight on the crack!

On the news that the Tsar had sent the troops icons to boost their morals General Dragomirov quipped: 'The Japanese are beating us with machine-guns but never mind: we'll beat them with icons.

There's a word in Japanese for being sad in the springtime - a whole word for just being sad - about how pretty the flowers are and how soon they're going to die.

As an American man of the 1990s writing about a Japanese woman of the 1930s I needed to cross three cultural divides - man to woman American to Japanese and present to past.

When I was walking in the mountains with the Japanese man and began to hear the water he said 'What is the sound of the waterfall?' 'Silence ' he finally told me.

My father is a Japanese-American and my mother is a Caucasian. So obviously New Year's Day is big for our family you know oshogatsu. We had obon festivals every year. All those things.

If I have one thing perfect it's my eyebrows. And my feet. I love my feet. They're like Japanese feet. The rest I would like to hide. Especially my freckles. I feel ridiculous.

Capitalism is like Japanese Knotweed: nothing kills it off. If there were only two people left on the planet one of them would find a way of making money out of the other.

It is true that the Chinese are not so religious as the Hindus or even as the Japanese; and they are certainly not so religious as the Christian missionaries desire them to be.

I find Japanese books quite baffling when I read them in translation. It's only with Haruki Murakami that I find Japanse fiction that I can understand and relate to. He's a very international writer.

We have even done a weekend on Japanese grammar! Not that I know anything about Japanese grammar but it was Kaz's idea and it was a bit of an adventure to say the least.

Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the mid-day sun; The Japanese don't care to the Chinese wouldn't dare to; Hindus and Argentines sleep firmly from twelve to one But Englishmen detest a siesta.

And they said if we help with the crisis they would do a lot of positive acts. After we helped in those crises they showed negative acts and the Japanese and Turks were ashamed.

My family was in Singapore when the Japanese War started. We were in Singapore at the time of Pearl Harbor and by the beginning of 1942 the Japanese invasion of Burma and Singapore had started.

I love strong flavors too. Like I don't mind if it looks clean and clear and you know what you are eating if it has Italian Chinese or Japanese flavor I love them all.

There's a kind of training when you are sitting in a session in the Japanese tradition or any of the Buddhist traditions taking your lotus posture or whatever it is. That's what you're doing.

I'm weird - I don't really listen to American music while I'm writing. I do occasionally get an anthem song but generally speaking when I write I only listen to Japanese and Hawaiian music.

I am sure that the Japanese the Chinese and the peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than for example France in spite of the fact that we are related by blood (...)

The power and depth of Japanese acting certainly inspired me so I was determined that Hollywood was going to get a taste of that that Americans were going to get a taste of Japanese action.