Happy Things Quotes

Come let us have some tea and continue to talk about happy things.

I prefer to remember the happy things over 10 years the things that went well. Let me see what did go well?

You've gotta do things that make you happy.

Manners are the happy ways of doing things.

The things that make us happy make us wise.

Even nice things don't make you happy when you're tired.

It makes me happy to talk about some fundamentally good things.

I am not happy with moral victories. Those things are forgotten.

Money buys you nice things but it doesn't make you happy.

One of the things you don't usually mess with is happy.

We are happy in proportion to the things we can do without.

Do things that make you happy within the confines of the legal system.

I'm happy riding horses and getting out shooting my gun things like that.

Sometimes when things are particularly bad my brain will give me a happy dream.

Things that made me happy five six years ago don't make me happy anymore.

Accept things that will make you happy. This is the joy of sacred existence.

When I was 27 if I didn't put 15 things in one dish I wasn't happy.

I gotta keep busy. I'm not happy unless I'm working on two three things.

I think in defeat you grope for things that are happy and it's hard.

Dogs are one of those things that make you happy and make you wonder.

I am not very happy the way things are going out there in New Zealand

A child can be very happy with very simple things; adult must do the same!

I surround myself with things that make me happy. Why? Because ... it makes me happy.

I am pretty happy. But there are so many things I have to still improve.

False. When things change I will be happy. True. When I am happy things will change.

If you are doing things in order to be happy...you're doing them in the wrong order.

Don't depend on something that comes from outside. Outside things are never going to make you happy.

Basically I would be happy with any profession where I got to be creative and make things.

Jesus promised his disciples three things"?that they would be completely fearless absurdly happy and in constant trouble.

Noble characters and pure affections and happy scenes are very comforting things. They're a refuge from life's disillusionments.

There's something about shooting webs out of my wrists and climbing up things that just makes me happy.

You always felt not happy about things but you just couldn't put your finger on what was going.

The only way to be happy is to realise how much depends on how you look at things

Success to me is being happy truly fulfilled being proud of myself and doing different things all the time.

One of the most crippling things we can do to ourselves is expect someone else to make us happy

We all want the same things...the right to be happy to be just who WE WANT TO BE.

Happy is the soul that knows how to find Jesus in the Eucharist and the Eucharist in all things!

I'm happy doing different things. Being in a band is great but being in a band can be difficult sometimes.

Happy families do have certain things in common. Today we finally have the knowledge to know what those things are.

It's the building of things that makes you happy. You have to enjoy the process whether you succeed or fail.

The world is so full of a number of things I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings.

It's really a lot easier to write about things that are problematic. Who wants to hear how happy you are?

I am happy. I skated well. This is a competition and sometimes things don't go as you'd like them to.

As your career grows the list of things that makes you happy should not become smaller it should become bigger.

Climbing trees is still one of my favorite things to do. A tree and a good book and I'm happy.

If you do enough things you're going to eventually narrow it down to the things that really make you happy.

I've always felt happy at Newcastle. But things have gone a bit differently for me since we got a new manager.

Talk to everybody with reverence. Listen to everybody with reverence. Say things with reverence. You will always be happy and graceful.

Rather than making money I believe in making people happy all other things are secondary. Money isn't important creative satisfaction is

I suppose I should be happy to be misread; better be that than some of the other things I have become.

I will do those things which make me happy today and which I can also live with ten years from now.

To be free to be happy and to be fruitful can only be attained through sacrifice of many common but overestimated things.

Stop attaching so much weight to being right. In the grand scheme of things being right is insignificant compared with being happy.

If you're not happy today then you won't be happy tomorrow unless you take things into your own hands and take action.

Right now I'm really happy with how things are going with my chess career so I'm not thinking of doing anything else.

The few men who possess the wealth of the material things of the earth at the present time are not truly happy.

You can be happy if you know this secret: Some things are within your power to control and some things are not.

What would it have meant to be happy? What would it have meant if things had been bright clear good between us?

I have an inability to enjoy things but that's why we're in comedy. If we were happy we wouldn't be funny I guess.

Yet sometimes being a friend meant letting people do things that hurt like putting distance between you just because it made them happy.

One can remain alive ... if one is unafraid of change insatiable in intellectual curiosity interested in big things and happy in small ways.

We live in a material world. I'm not saying that beautiful things don't enhance our lives. But in our culture we're never happy.

It were happy if we studied nature more in natural things; and acted according to nature whose rules are few plain and most reasonable.

I've never done anything for the common consensus. I do things to please me. If you are happy with something yourself you become bulletproof.

Stop trying to do things that will make you happy. Happiness is a state of mind; because otherwise you are a slave to circumstance.

There is always a best way of doing everything if it be to boil an egg. Manners are the happy ways of doing things.

In order to stay happy You must learn from your wins and fails and accept all things that come your way as they are.

We should focus more on the things we've accomplished but I mean obviously Syria disturbs me greatly and I'm not happy with where Syria is.

Happiness is in the taste and not in the things themselves; we are happy from possessing what we like not from possessing what others like.

No matter what's happening choose to be happy. Don't focus on what's wrong. Find something positive in your life. Thank God for the small things.

I'm happy I have fans; obviously they're such great people. When I'm on Twitter and Facebook they say such nice things that I really appreciate.

I truly believe that God has given us few brain cells and you have to direct them to the right things that make you happy.

Different people were good at different things Lena mused. Lena was good at writing thank-you notes for instance and Effie was good at being happy.

When I look at my longterm goals for the rest of my life there are so many things other than performing that make me happy.

I don't believe that there is any good career move or bad career move. I believe there are only the things that make me happy.

If people try to judge you or shame you for doing safe consensual things that make you happy I can guarantee you they're bad people.

I tend to head for what's amusing because a lot of things aren't happy. But usually you can find a funny side to practically anything.

When happiness becomes our standard for judging truth things that make us happy give us permission to do some things that otherwise would be considered wrong.

The chocolate and crisps come in at times. You have to allow the little things that make you happy. I'm not extreme about what I eat.

[Rural people] have a different lifestyle and they don't want to change it. They're happy with the way things are. It's causing the party political problems.

I donâ??t have time to worry about the things that could happen. I am too busy thinking of all the happy things that have happened.

The main human problems often are that we misidentify what will make us happy; and we ask people and things to save us beyond their ability.

Oh we are going to be so happy away from all the things that almost got us but couldn't quite because we were too smart for them!

I realize I'm not different. I want what everyone wants. I want what they all want. I want all the things. I just want to be happy.

Lots of people support me and I forget. But sometimes things happen and I remember and they say I encourage them it makes me feel very happy.

I am happy doing standup so I don't ever want to stop doing it. But I wouldn't mind venturing off and doing other things that are creative.

I've learned a lot about things because of the Internet. I'm happy with it but it's a long road for me. I'm still definitely a little anti.

When you are not following dharma then you will not be at peace. You will not be happy. The simplest things will seem to be endless obstacles.

People like 'Crank ' some people like 'Redemption.' I'm just happy to do things that satiate a different part of me that test me a little bit.

I am not afraid to admit though slightly ashamed that I Google myself and I see people writing things about me and I get really proud and happy.

Sometimes people can only imagine that I live a glamorous life 24/7 which I don't. I just like the most natural and simple things. That's what makes me happy.

Let the states of equilibrium and harmony exist in perfection and a happy order will prevail throughout heaven and earth and all things will be nourished and flourish.

If I am only happy for myself many fewer chances for happiness. If I am happy when good things happen to other people billions more chances to be happy!

I have learned that only two things are necessary to keep one's wife happy. First let her think she's having her own way. And second let her have it.

There are many things in life more worthwhile than money. One is to be brought up in this our England which is still the envy of less happy lands.

So when you get a chance to look at things and chill and relax it makes you want it more and that's why I'm so happy to be back!

So come with me where dreams are born and time is never planned. Just think of happy things and your heart will fly on wings forever in Never Never Land!

I like happy things I'm really calm and peaceful. I like birds bees I like people. I like funny things that make me happy and gleeful... like when my teacher sucked my wee-wee in pre-school!