Convince Quotes

We convince by our presence.

The lavish presentation appeals to me and I've got to convince the others.

One must be convinced to convince to have enthusiasm to stimulate the others.

A slender acquaintance with the world must convince every man that actions not words are the true criterion of the attachment of friends.

It is hard to convince a high-school student that he will encounter a lot of problems more difficult than those of algebra and geometry.

A few years' experience will convince us that those things which at the time they happened we regarded as our greatest misfortunes have proved our greatest blessings.

Convinced myself I seek not to convince.

Believe in yourself and stop trying to convince others.

Convince yourself that everything is alright. Cause it already is.

Learn something new. Try something different. Convince yourself that you have no limits.

Convince people and you win their minds. Inspire people and you win their hearts.

Convince yourself that worrying about many situations will make them worse rather than improve them.

Convince your enemy that he will gain very little by attacking you; this will diminish his enthusiasm

The past is what you remember imagine you remember convince yourself you remember or pretend you remember

I never failed to convince an audience that the best thing they could do was to go away.

If you wish others to believe in you you must first convince them that you believe in them.

If you fell head first into a pigsty you'd try to convince everybody you did it on purpose.

You must convince your heart that whatever Allah has decreed is most appropriate and most beneficial for you.

If you would convince a man that he does wrong do right. Men will believe what they see.

I figured that if I said it enough I would convince the world that I really was the greatest.

The good Lord gave you a body that can stand most anything. It's your mind you have to convince.

The easiest way to convince my kids that they don't really need something is to get it for them.

Hype is the awkward and desperate attempt to convince journalists that what you've made is worth the misery of having to review it.

Read "The Story of O." Convince yourself that it was in fact written by a woman or someone who thinks like a woman.

Life is too short to spend your precious time trying to convince the person who wants to live in gloom and doom otherwise.

It took me years to live down Dracula and convince the film producers that I would play almost any other type of role.

You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence it's based on a deep seated need to believe

Positiveness is a good quality for preachers and speakers because whoever shares his thoughts with the public will convince them as he himself appears convinced.

Now go back and meet all those people who you think know everything. Convince yourself that they're right because we all know everything it's merely a question of believing.

Convince an enemy convince him that he's wrong. To win a bloodless battle the victory is long. A simple act of faith reason over might. To blow up his children would only prove him right.

Though I do not believe that a plant will spring up where no seed has been I have great faith in a seed. Convince me that you have a seed there and I am prepared to expect wonders.

Testimonials are enough to convince people for now.

To convince oneself that one has the right to live decently takes time.

In the absence of any other proof the thumb alone would convince me of God's existence.

To hold a people in oppression you have to convince them first that they are supposed to be oppressed.

He that has eyes to see and ears to hear may convince himself that no mortal can keep a secret. If his lips are silent he chatters with his fingertips; betrayal oozes out of him at every pore.

Metaphors convince at once or not at all.

I'm not out to convince anybody of anything.

Logic can convince but only emotion can motivate.

Don't let anyone convince you that love doesn't matter.

Perception is the lie that we convince ourselves exists

It's hard to convince a winner that he's losing.

We don't have to convince people how screwed they are.

My thing is trying to convince them they can win.

he was trying to convince himself that he wasn't guilty.

Librarians are notorious snitches?don't let anybody convince you otherwise.

I have to convince myself I know what I'm doing.

A man can convince anyone hes someone else but never himself.

You don't have to convince Muslims of God's existence or importance.

If you're happy inside you don't have to convince everyone else.

One who believes in himself has no need to convince others.

You have only one way to convince others listen to them.

A brain you can convince a simpleton you have to persuade.

If you cannot convince a Fascist acquaint his head with the pavement.

I know I am right for Scarlett. I can convince Mr. Selznick.

I'm definitely not in a band to convince anyone I can sing.

The most intolerant advocate is he who is trying to convince himself.

it is easy to convince a man who already thinks as you do ...

Reason too late perhaps may convince you of the folly of misspending time.

You can't convince me that the founding fathers wouldn't allow you to secede.

God never wrought miracles to convince atheism because his ordinary works convince it.

How shall the murdered man convince his assassin he will not haunt him.

It's hard to convince people that you're killing them for their own good.

I have written every one of my novels to convince somebody of something.

Love is joy. Don't convince yourself that suffering is a part of it.

Politeness is better than logic. You can often persuade when you cannot convince.

There's no way you could convince me today that Jesus is not real.

If you don't stop apologizing you're going to convince me you've done something wrong.

Barack Obama and the Democrat Party convince people that America's best days are over.

There's just something obvious about emptiness even when you try to convince yourself otherwise.

It's a lot easier to convince uninformed people than it is to convince politicians.

Trying to convince myself I've found one. Making the mistake I never learned from.

There've been periods where I had to convince the audience or win them over.

I think what we have to do is convince people that matter is tacky.

It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.

It can be very expensive to try to convince the markets you are right

It is so easy to convince others; it is so difficult to convince oneself.

Discipline is the only sure way I know to convince people to believe in themselves

Fiction must convince our bodies for it to have any chance of convincing our minds.

People who are most afraid of their dreams convince themselves they don't dream at all.

Logic and sermons never convince The damp of the night drives deeper into my soul.

What do I ask of a painting? I ask it to astonish disturb seduce convince.

Let him who wants to move and convince others be first moved and convinced himself.

The persons hardest to convince that they're at the retirement age are children at bedtime.

One must love people a good deal whom one takes pains to convince or instruct.

You will never convince anyone to do anything unless you believe it should be done.

Slogans rarely convince the unconvinced. However they do rally the troops already on your side.

My view of life is that it's next to impossible to convince anybody of anything.

It is the greatest art of the devil to convince us he does not exist.

If you have to convince someone to stay with you then they have already left.

If you don't have the confidence to ask you will never have the confidence to convince.

The trick to finding ideas is to convince yourself that everyone and everything has a story.

When you try to convince yourself that something doesn't bother you it usually bothers you more.

The artist must know the manner whereby to convince others of the truthfulness of his lies.

Did not manage to convince the French people that we were going in the right direction.

We may convince others by our arguements but we can only persuade them by their own

Evidence doesn't always convince people of the truth [...] especially when the lie is what they prefer.

Experience the only logic sure to convince a diseased imagination and restore it to rugged health.

No one has ever been able to convince me that optimism is not preferable to pessimism.

To win power anywhere you have to convince people that you can do something for them.

Everybody can doubt and they are free to doubt and I don't want to convince anyone.

The best ballplayer's the one who doesn't think he made good. He keeps trying to convince you.

All it takes is one generation to brainwash a population and convince them that reality doesn't exist

When you wish to subjugate a people you have to convince them of their own inherent weakness.

Nothing can convince me that people are at one with their work unless they're joyous about it.

If you can convince yourself that you look fabulous you can save yourself the trouble of primping.

The accents are really really funny. I think I could convince somebody I was from New Zealand.

Humans are creatures who spent their lifes trying to convince themselves that their existence is not absurd

do not engage in any paper wars. You will convince nobody and arrive at no satisfaction yourself.

It is certain my belief gains quite infinitely the very moment I can convince another mind thereof

The problem is we have yet to convince the Taliban they are fellow passengers on spaceship Earth.

If you can convince people that freedom is injustice they will then believe that slavery is freedom.

Gangsta rap was a ploy to convince black people to kill each other. Gangsta rap didnt exist.

We must meet our duty and convince the world that we are just friends and brave enemies.

I think I'll paint roads on my front room walls to convince myself that I'm going places

If they have to put the word 'natural' on a box to convince you it probably isn't.

It's a lot harder to convince people you're sane than it is to convince them you're crazy.

I feel like being on Broadway will convince my mother that my theater degree was worth it.

My hardest job is to convince the people of Nebraska that 10-1 is not a losing season.

She was the first woman in my life to convince me to fall in love with her.

Socialists try to convince us that the tea becomes sweet not because of sugar but because of mixing.

The man that shows off to that one who wants to convince of his value is to himself.

Politics are private. I don't understand people who try to convince you to join one party or another.

You can't succeed in beating the insurgents unless you can convince the people that they can be protected.

You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.

When I create a false reality I always try to create a plausible structure to help convince people.

They have rejected that power and sought to convince women of the exact opposite that they are powerless.

You never find people laboring to convince you that you may live very happily upon a plentiful income.

Manipulating is just the way to proceed to convince that what you're doing is important. Everyone is manipulating.

If you would win a man to your cause first convince him that you are his sincere friend.

I had to fight like hell to convince people I was beautiful in my own Polish half-breed way.

There is a holy mistaken zeal in politics as well as religion. By persuading others we convince ourselves.

It is not important to convince people; they should convince themselves they should look with their own eyes.

It takes great salesmanship to convince a customer to buy something from you that isn't built or isn't finished.

It would be difficult to convince me that leaning has no effect whatsoever on the outcome of my bowling.

There is no talent so ardently supported nor generously rewarded as the ability to convince parasites they are victims.

We have been so trying to convince them from the very beginning of our organization but with no success.

Math was always my bad subject. I couldn't convince my teachers that many of my answers were meant ironically.

The only way that someone could be superior over you is if you repeatedly convince yourself to believe so.

There is a holy mistaken zeal in politics as well as in religion. By persuading others we convince ourselves.

He knows very little of mankind who expects by any facts or reasoning to convince a determined party man.

You have to convince your players that the only reason a play failed was that they didn't execute properly.

It's so much easier to convince yourself you're madly in love with someone when you know nothing about him.

You can't convince anyone of anything. You can only give them the right information so that they convince themselves.

As a Scot Gordon Brown will find it hard to convince people in England he should be prime minister

We have no desire to convince anyone that there is only one way by which faith can be acquired.

You've got to get as literal as you can get to convince people sometimes that you can do something.

You dont need to convince everyone. All you need to do is motivate people who choose to follow you.

Nothing that you do will ever feel good if you let people convince you that you have no choice.

The less you know about me the easier it is to convince you that I'm the character on screen.

It's also a lot easier to convince people to read an entertaining story than any other type of book!

I have to convince myself that this is not a pointless life even the body is telling me so.

We own up to minor failings but only so as to convince others that we have no major ones.

The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong is to let him have his own way.

You can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by logic.

You'll never convince me there is a hopeless situation or there is any finality in any success or any failure.

Well I am not 100 percent sure of the definition of polemic but it wasn't meant to convince anybody of anything.

Trying to convince Warner Bros. to make a $30 million 'Veronica Mars' movie just wasn't going to happen for understandable reasons.

First I'm trying to prove to myself that I'm a person. Then maybe I'll convince myself that I'm an actress.

I'm not trying to convince anybody of anything. I just want (the audience) to have an experience that moves them.

I had a hundred and seventeen days in which to convince Will Traynor that he had a reason to live.

Whether it will convince or not depends entirely on what it is in itself what is there to be seen.

Thereâ??s a special place in hell for men who convince women their intuition is insecurity to protect their duplicity.

The best way to convince someone is by making him realize that what you speak came from his own mind.

One of the most difficult things in the world is to convince a woman that even a bargain costs money.

The Iranian government intends to use the nuclear program for peaceful purposes but must convince international public opinion of that.

Sometimes as practice for trying to convince myself that God exists I try to convince my shadow that the sun exists.

Men ... are so conservative so selfish so boresome and ... they are so ugly and ... they are gullible anybody can convince them.

Before you try to convince anyone else be sure you are convinced and if you cannot convince yourself drop the subject.

[Having monologue] are talking to somebody even if it's just to yourself convince yourself if that's what you're trying to do.

I don't pay much mind to politricks. Never met a politician who wouldn't try to convince you that salt was sugar.

I don't have to convince everybody in the room. I just need a critical mass of the people in the room.

It's a lot easier to think of an app and write it than it is to convince people to want it

You must break all the rules of painting but you must also convince me you've had a reason to do so.

The easiest thing in the world is to convince yourself that you're right. As one grows old it is easier still.

The detail in my work helps to convince me and I hope others as well that such places might be real

I was trying to convince myself I could learn to be gay - but no. That's one of my great regrets.

When we too are armed and trained we can convince men that we have hands feet and a heart like yours;.

No you won her over. Gave up everything for her. Maybe that's the only way to convince her you love her.

It is important to speak your truth not to convince anyone else of it. Everyone must make up their own minds.

It's not what is available or unavailable that determines your level of success and happiness; it's what you convince yourself is true.

If I have a mission in life it is to convince people that everyone is morally motivated - everyone except for psychopaths.

How was I going to make a man fly? How was I going to convince the public that an actor could fly?

There won't be anything we won't say to people to try and convince them that our way is the way to go.

I've been talking to Martina [Hingis] about playing for a couple of years. Maybe I can convince her to play some doubles.

If you want to convince the world that a fish can sense your emotions only one statistical measure will suffice: the p-value.

I'm going to do less performing because I'm tired. It's hard to convince anybody that you're just going to take it easy.

Surrounded by the self -sufficiency of American culture we can convince ourselves that we have what it takes to achieve something great.

Football is about having the best offensive play possible. I always like to play offensive football and nobody will convince me otherwise.

You must find the right voice (or voices) for the timbre that can convince a reader to give himself up to you.

preach the word be urgent in season and out of season convince rebuke and exhort be unfailing in patience and in teaching.

Oh that we could but convince men and women that murmuring spirit is a greater evil than any affliction whatever the affliction!

And there are people that will stand in your corner and convince you to stand up for another round no matter what.

If you can't be yours while being mine maybe you aren't as yours as you'd like to convince yourself that you are.

But I'm not trying to convince anybody how to vote or how to live. Nobody's ever successfully accused me of being realistic.

Leaders don't convince people to follow them. Leaders walk forward alone and those who want to go down their path decide to follow.

If I can convince others that there is a God and that they need to know Him then I have done my job.

Don't waste your energy trying to convince people to understand you. Your time is too valuable to try to prove yourself to people.

I've managed to convince my wife that somewhere in the Bible it says 'Man cannot have too many shotguns and fishing poles.'

Long books when read are usually overpraised because the reader wishes to convince others and himself that he has not wasted his time.

Old religious dogma attempts to convince you that you are on a journey to God then makes you pay tolls along that roadway.

I don't think of myself as a movie star and I can pretty easily convince other people that I'm not a movie star.

Indeed your scars may be your greatest ministry. Just as the scars of Jesus convinced Thomas perhaps your scars will convince someone today.

If you are a believer you are not supposed to begin to convince God to use you. God already desires to use you.

I don't have any training in dance. I can convince an audience that I know how to dance because I'm a convincing actor.

Senator John McCain could never convince me to vote for him. Only Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama can cause me to vote for McCain.

It's mostly just you have to convince yourself that there's nothing else in the room but John Lennon and suddenly things start John Lennon-ing!

As if reasoning were any kind of writing or talking which tends to convince people that some doctrine or measure is true and right.

It's interesting to play a role where you don't really have to preoccupy yourself with any need to convince yourself that you're not acting.

Propaganda ... serves more to justify ourselves than to convince others; and the more reason we have to feel guilty the more fervent our propaganda.

Terrorists convince thousands of people to kill themselves in the name of God. I can't convince two of my friends to help me move.

Don't take life too seriously and have fun. Don't waste your time on things that your ego will try and convince you are important.

Al Davis is the kind of guy who would steal your eyes and then try to convince you that you looked better without them

On network TV I'm still Phoebe to people and it would be hard to convince them otherwise in the bright lights of a sitcom.

To convince someone of the truth it is not enough to state it but rather one must find the path from error to truth.

We've got to convince our egos and our minds that if we want to live happy lives love is more important than anything else!

First of all convince yourself that you are the best because the rest of your life is going to go proving this to others.

Although I wanted my players to work to win I tried to convince them they had always won when they had done their best.

Can I convince the person about whom I'm crazy to be crazy about me? The short answer is no. The long answer is no.

The old saw says - 'Let a sleeping dog lie.' Experience knows better; experience says If you want to convince do it yourself.

All novels attempt to cut neural routes through the brain to convince us that down this road the true future of the novel lies.

were you sleeping?" He chuckles. "Not by a long shot. I was just tryin' to convince myself not to make a move on you.

God lies ahead. I convince myself and constantly repeat to myself that: He depends on us. It is through us that God is achieved.

I'm not a rubber stamp and people know that. If you can convince me of the merits you will have my vote every time.

When a man comes to me and tries to convince me that he is not a thief then I take care of my coppers.

Force a hand and it will fight you. But convince and mind to think as you want it to think an you have an ally

The real question is whether all your pondering and analyses will convince you that life is worth living. That's what it all comes down to.

You spend 90% of your adult life hoping for a long rest and the last 10% trying to convince the Lord that you're actually not that tired.

A man who is furnished with arguments from the mint will convince his antagonist much sooner than one who draws them from reason and philosophy.

I've... learned that it's a hell of a lot easier to just build something than to try to convince somebody who doesn't believe it's possible.

You can't love what you don't know much about. You can't convince stimulate hold the attention teach if you don't know what you're talking about.

When you manage people you must first convince them they need managing. So you create the problems and then let the people cry for solutions.

Doubtless the world is quite right in a million ways; but you have to be kicked about a little to convince you of the fact.

I lost some weight grew my hair and now every woman in America over 40 wants to date me. It's their daughters I want to convince.

During that time I began writing and designing the propaganda that we distributed to the students who we were trying to convince to join us.

I've always done whatever I felt like doing in life. People may try to stop me and convince me I'm wrong but I won't change.

For those whose goal it is to twist wrong into right a good starting point is to convince young people that the vulgar is beautiful.

The groom always smiles proudly because he's convinced he's accomplished something quite wonderful. The bride smiles because she's been able to convince him of it.

Let's face it Fox News you'll miss me when I'm gone. It'll be harder to convince the public that Hillary Clinton was born in Kenya.

The sad truth about bigotry is that most bigots either don't realize that they are bigots or they convince themselves that their bigotry is perfectly justified.

Most of us believe that women can do what men do. The challenge is to convince employers legislators mothers that men can do what women do.

Thank you Occupy Wall Street. With your vivid example of anticapitalist squalor I've been able to convince all three of my children to become investment bankers.

Ten minutes in a video store should convince any impartial observer that we live in a police state of consciousness far more pervasive than the Nazis.

Don't convince yourself you're over don't convince yourself you're done just because the things around you seem heavy doesn't mean you can't get off this ground.

To sink a six-foot putt with thirty million people looking over your shoulder convince yourself that if you miss it you will be embarrassed and poor.

I'd like to convince you that the universe has a soundtrack and that soundtrack is played on space itself because space can wobble like a drum.

To be oneself simply oneself is so amazing and utterly unique an experience that it's hard to convince oneself so singular a thing happens to everybody.

The most important goal I had in mind was to convince people to stop blindly trusting algorithms and assuming that they are inherently fair and objective.

If you look upon the rule in Titus it is a rule to me. If you convince me that it is no rule I shall yield.

I'm always trying to convince myself there's something important about what I do. But some peoples' lives are really altered by a night at the theater.

A single crocus blossom ought to be enough to convince our heart that springtime no matter how predictable is somehow a gift gratuitous gratis a grace.

Psychologically speaking one may say that the hypocrite is too ambitious; not only does he want to appear virtuous before others he wants to convince himself.

I believe the way to write a good play is to convince yourself it is easy to do then go ahead and do it with ease.

The devil wants to convince you that dying is the worst thing. It is very much easier to do what god made you for than not.

To sell well is to convince someone else to part with resourcesâ??not to deprive that person but to leave him better off in the end.

It takes 150 years to build an investment bank and only five minutes to convince you to sell me preferred stock in it at a 10% interest rate.

I am a proud Montrealer. Jobs will take me where they take me but nothing will ever be able to convince me to leave my home.

Everybody saying you can't do this you can't do that. I don't know why. Guess if you listen to it you can convince yourself of it.

One of the reasons I like working with schools is to try to convince women that they can be scientists and that science can be fun.

We spend a good part of our lives trying desperately to convince ourselves as well as everybody else that we know more than we really do.

There is nothing in the world more stubborn than a corpse: you can hit it you can knock it to pieces but you cannot convince it.

I'm on a show called Wizards of Wavery Place and I like it but I'm unable to convince my Tivo that I wouldn't also like iCarly.

So many people and institutions are against homosexuals that as a homosexual you can't waste your time by trying to convince them that you're a good person.

If there were no nobodies The somebodies would not have anybody To convince that they were somebody Except some other somebody Who would not be convinced anyway.

It's only illusions that destroy us. It's illusions that convince us that we can't. It's the illusions of the transient that tell us that all this matters.

When I hear any man talk of an unalterable law the only effect it produces on me is to convince me that he is an unalterable fool

We all have three characters: the one we really have the one we try to convince the world we have and the one we think we have.

Delusional or not maybe if I believe in a better world with enough conviction and convince others to believe it as well then it will be real.

In enlightenment you have to convince a teacher not only that you are worthy of teaching but then that they should show you some of the secrets.

I try to convince myself that it's the alcohol talking. But alcohol can't talk. It just sits there. It can't even get itself out of the bottle.

I cannot tell her I have been moping over a broken heart when I have worked so hard to convince her I have no heart at all.

If you want to buy something; itâ??s obviously in your best interest to convince the seller that what heâ??s got isnâ??t worth very much.

Honesty isn't enough for me. That becomes very boring. If you can convince people what you're doing is real and it's also bigger than life - that's exciting.

Grammy asshole weekend in LA. Yuck ... The Grammys = the old guard / old media propping up their puppets trying to convince the outside world (and each other) they're relevant.

It is almost impossible to convince people who are under the influence of ideological bigotry that whose whom they regard as belonging to the enemy species are human.

there is no independence and pertinacity of opinion like that of these seemingly soft quiet creatures whom it is so easy to silence and so difficult to convince.

A person can have the greatest idea in the world - completely different and novel - but if that person can't convince enough other people it doesn't matter

All the men and women whom I have faced at that final moment convince me that in what I have done I have not prevented a single murder.

I believe in ghosts because I had a paranormal expierience once that was very personal. Though every fiber in my being tries to convince me they don't exist.

And one more thing: you still believe that man can be good. If that weren't the case you wouldn't have invented all this nonsense to convince yourself otherwise.

You either like me or you don't. It took me twenty-something years to learn how to love myself I don't have that kinda time to convince somebody else.

The best way to inspire people to superior performance is to convince them by everything you do and by your everyday attitude that you are wholeheartedly supporting them.

Expensive well-executed and familiar ads convince the investors as nothing in the black and white tables of assets and debits can that the company is important and prosperous.

I wanted to see myself as something different and I wanted to convince people that I was capable of something other than what they would expect from me.

I think it took me a while to convince Nashville that what I do is genuine and my heart's in the right place and I love country music.

We have to convince the people of Bucharest who are dog lovers to treat dogs like they treat their children and not just let them roam the streets.

God did not give us the gospel to convince humanity; the gospel was given to us to master the language of a new world called God's Paradise. John 15:16.

The hero was the sort of character you could feel yourself falling in love with no matter how much you tried to convince yourself that he wasn't real

Michael had to pound me a couple of times to convince me not to go stage a rescue." Shane shrugged. "He hits like a girl for a vampire.

For me the world is weird because it is stupendous awesome mysterious unfathomable; my interest has been to convince you that you must assume responsibility for being here...

Men seldom persevere in a vocation unless they believe or can convince themselves that it is fundamentally more important than anyother calling. Women are the same with their lovers.

We've spent now about 150 years trying to convince ourselves that photographs are reliable evidence some unimpeachable slice of the real world. That was a myth from the very beginning.

This acting's serious! And I really respect those actors. It's a tough business to be able to be something you're not and be natural and convince people on camera.

The partisan when he is engaged in a dispute cares nothing about the rights of the question but is anxious only to convince his hearers of his own assertions.

Humanity has the option to become successful on our planet if we reorient world production away from weaponry - from killingry to livingry. Can we convince humanity in time?

I am very confident that we will be able to convince all the stakeholders - the shareholders the governments and the employees that this is in their best interests.

The ability to convince people of the wackiest notions - and both parties can do it - it's part of the dumbing down of America that's really highly problematic.

You should never have to convince someone into loving you and wanting to be with you. You deserve to see someone who can easily see what's special in you.

It is a sweet thing to have someone love you but it is a far sweeter thing when his actions convince your heart and his words persuade your soul.

Losing can persuade you to change what doesn't need to be changed and winning can convince you everything is fine even if you are on the brink of disaster.

I wonder how much of the rest of his clothes I could convince him to take off then wonder where that thought came from. Well I guess I know.

A girl should never disguise the fact that she's a girl. It's a lot easier to convince a man that you're a fascinating female if you look the part.

There are two main jobs in acting - the first one is to be a good actor and the second one is to convince everyone that you're a good actor.

He can talk to himself about his dreams hopes and aspirations. He can convince himself that there is a place for him and an important work for him to do.

Before you can inspire with emotion you must be swamped with it yourself. Before you can move their tears your own must flow. To convince them you must yourself believe.

There's no way to convince people of your greatness. Whatever it is that you want to be you have to know it inside and knife-fight your way to your dream.

My drawings and paintings were done as an act of protest; I was trying by means of my work to convince the world that it is ugly sick and hypocritical.

Never think you can convince God through prayer for a blessing. Praying for prosperity is a wrong weapon for war. If prayer could bring money all intercessors would be billionaires.

I'm not better than anyone and I'm not trying to convince people to live by my standards of what's right. I'm trying to convince them to live by their own.

I never considered myself a cowboy because I wasn`t. But I guess when I got into cowboy gear I looked enough like one to convince people that I was.

Before you meet the love of your life there's usually one guy you date that you try to convince yourself is him. Let me save you some time: He's not.

How the American right managed to convince itself that the programs to alleviate poverty are responsible for the consequences of poverty will someday be studied as a notorious mass illusion.

Prove to yourself that your business in micro-scale at least creates value. If you believe it you'll find it that much easier to convince potential investors partners and employees too.

I've overcome the blow I've learned to take it well. I only wish my words could just convince myself that it just wasn't real. But that's not the way it feels.

I don't think that I am hopeful because I have some data that you don't that I am going to share with you and going to convince you on that basis.

Ideas are abundant. Practice giving your ideas away. If you hold onto ideas too tightly you can convince people (and yourself) that you may not come up with any new ones

People talk to you and they try to convince you that they like what they do just because it sucks less than what they used to do... which sucked a lot.

After a brief period in which I had let many a Southern Californian convince me that it was all 'in my mind ' I am once again officially allergic to dogs.

There's no way to convince her that just because you put half. planet between you and someone else you can't drive that person out of your thoughts. Believe me. I've tried.

Every tribe needs a good front man to sell the program. Who better to convince the Middle East to give up the oil than a brown man with a Muslim name?

In theory it is easy to convince an ignorant person; in actual life men not only object to offer themselves to be convinced but hate the man who has convinced them.

If I can convince people that their idea is great and know inside that their idea was actually a little my idea then I feel okay. I don't feel too douchey.

I think it is going to be very difficult for any church that still calls itself a church never to try and convince someone that their religion is the best one.

If a group of people - leaders - can convince a group of folk who barely have a pot to piss in that the rich shouldn't be taxed-- THAT is leadership!

We go round and round trying to convince one another that our opinion makes more sense. And the only winner is time for making us look like fools by wasting it.

When success is internalized no situation no matter how bad can convince you that you will not be able to attain your goal. You become adamant and refuse to give up.

I always try to convince people that there has to be a lot of material about the subject matter so they created a couple of pieces. One is about doomsday prophecies.

I don't need to convince anybody that I know kung fu but maybe somebody needs to know that I really can act without doing a Chinese accent or a funny walk.

It's important to keep auditioning. If you're auditioning for something you're auditioning for a role that people can't see you in and you need to convince them that you're the right person.

In order to succeed this group will need a singleness of purpose they will need a dedication and they will have to convince all of their prospects of the willingness to sacrifice.

My passion is to open people's eyes to the sea using the power of photography as a universal language to convince the unconvinced among us that the oceans are fragile and finite.

Sell (service or product) as if you are buying it convince yourself first that it is worth buying..It is very simple; u 'cannot' convince someone till the time you're not convinced

Don't overthink things. Sometimes you can convince your head not to listen to your heart. Those are the decisions you regret for the rest of your life. Faith Barnett From Texas Tangle

Lest anyone try to convince you that God should be separated from the state our founding fathers they were believers. And George Washington he saw faith in God as basic to life.

Consider the possibility that I made a mistake I regret-and that I'll continue to regret that mistake and try to convince you to give me another chance until the earth stops turning.

I know if you talk faster and use more ten-dollar words than everyone around you you convince half of them that they should shut up because you know what you're talking about.

The fundamental challenge of achieving anything you wish is first to convince yourself to do it. Once you are totally convinced of its value you'll find a way to get it done.

It may be that [Erwin Rommel] believed it to be possible to convince [Adolf] Hitler to go away and to end the war but Hitler never dreamed of doing something like that.

I do not want to convince Christians to work for the abolition of war but rather I want us to live recognizing that in the cross of Christ war has been abolished.

It's a funny thing how much time we spend planning our lives. We so convince ourselves of what we want to do that sometimes we don't see what we're meant to do.

O God for as much as without Thee We are not enabled to doubt Thee Help us all by Thy grace To convince the whole race It knows nothing whatever about Thee.

When people laugh at your institutions and convince you that you have to adopt theirs - adopt their dress adopt their taste in food - you are a prisoner to those people.

He's the kind of liar who totally forgets what he told you the last time but he believes every single lie with such conviction that sometimes he can convince you of it.

Leadership is about doing what you know is right - even when a growing din of voices around you is trying to convince you to accept what you know to be wrong.

We falsely interpret the world around us. We ignore evidence that doesn't support our prior beliefs and we convince ourselves we know things we don. We think we know things we don't know.

If you can just convince the dope people that the gun people are right and the gun people that the dope people are right we could actually live in a lot more freedom.

One of the adversary's sharpest tools is to convince us that we are no longer worthy to pray. No matter who you are or what you may have done you can always pray.

I am not proposing to replace war with peace. I propose to replace war with a smarter fight. A fight using other instruments more intelligent instruments to convince people not to use drugs.

The fact that salt is a powerful emetic as well as a potent laxative should convince the most skeptical that it is not meant to form an important part of the human diet.

The White House has embarked on a mission to convince the people of our country that Social Security is in dire need of drastic change in order to save it for all workers

If they had connived a scheme and Christ had not been raised from the dead where would have been the hardest place on the face of the earth to convince anyone? In Jerusalem.

...and the funny thing was that people who weren't entirely certain they were right always argued much louder than other people as if the main person they were trying to convince were themselves.

Also when on a campaign to convince a stranger that you aren't a few fries short of a Happy Meal throwing around phrases like "tangentially Swedish" is not the best way to go.

If writing is your passion write and don't let anyone else convince you otherwise. You don't need to quit your day job to do it. Create a realistic schedule and stick with it.

As much as we may want to withdraw into a world of pure problem solving we have to acknowledge that the most successful architectures are the ones you can actually convince someone to implement.

My intention is not to replace one set of general rules by another such set: my intention is rather to convince the reader that all methodologies even the most obvious ones have their limits.

Everybody says TV is great the writer has so much power. I'm still trying to convince myself that's true. When do the writers ever have power? Ever? They don't. Even in the book industry.

Put the world's greatest philosopher on a plank that is wider than need be; if there is a precipe below although his reason may convince him that he is safe his imagination will prevail.

The first step in the elevation of women under all systems of religion is to convince them that the great Spirit of the Universe is in no way responsible for any of these absurdities.

To put into practice the teachings of our holy faith it is not enough to convince ourselves that they are true; we must love them. Love united to faith makes us practice our religion.

It is an excellent rule to be observed in all disputes that men should give soft words and hard arguments; that they should not so much strive to vex as to convince each other.

Women had first to convince the world that they had souls and then that they had minds and then it came on to this matter of political entity and the end is not yet....

The ability to have our own way and at the same time convince others they are having their own way is a rare thing among men. Among women it is as common as eyebrows.

When I became a director I wanted to convince a very reluctant Sidney into allowing me to go on the journey of his life. Sidney had gone ahead of every other African American actor.

If you are in a leadership position do not rely on your title to convince people to follow you. Build relationships. Win people over. Do that and you will never be a lonely leader.

I did get a very fine education and not just in science. It took some pressure on the part of my elders to convince me that I really should take an interest in humanities.

If I believe that abortion is wrong and I want to convince you that it's wrong there's no reason I should recount to you my personal narrative of how I came to believe this.

He longed for the deep as she longed for the night sky and for white lilies floating on water -- although she still tried to convince herself that love alone could feed her soul.

If you sit down and talk to a person it's easy to convince him that apartheid can never save a country and will lead to the slaughtering of innocent people - including his own people.

So I sit at the hotel at night and I think of something that's funny. Or If the pen is too far away I have to convince myself that what I thought of wasn't funny.

You can hardly convince a man of an error in a lifetime but must content yourself with the reflection that the progress of science is slow. If he is not convinced his grandchildren may be.

It is the creator of fiction's point of view; it is the character who interests him. Sometimes he wants to convince the reader that the story he is telling is as interesting as universal history.

But how can they just decide that we're animals? They don't even know us " I said."We know us " said Mother. "They're wrong. And don't ever allow them to convince you otherwise. Do you understand?

In a reality what we should be doing is having quiet diplomacy with the Russians to convince them that it's in their self-interest to have a more stable Middle East because trade enriches us all.