Bigger Quotes

Every time something slips through the cracks the cracks get bigger.

I'm a working travelling musician but just on a bigger scale.

If you want to get richer quicker then solve bigger problems!

The satiric ethos of Mad was a much bigger childhood influence.

Rather than shrinking away from your problems grow bigger than them.

There's no bigger pain anywhere in the world than a vegetarian.

I don't think there is anybody bigger or smaller than Maradona.

The bigger the world economy the more powerful its smallest player.

The bigger you build the bonfire the more darkness is revealed.

I hope our hopes and aspirations are bigger than setting records.

I think superheroes are bigger than life and they're very colorful.

The Manchester Derby is bigger and more important than El Classico.

The bigger confrontation is the one an individual has with itself.

Generally the bigger the budget the less interesting the characters become.

Doom 2 is just such a bigger badder better version of Doom

I'm afraid you've thought me a bigger fool than I am.

There's no bigger task than protecting the homeland of our country.

The bigger you are the harder they come down on you

Every little thing you do leads up to a bigger thing.

The sky is no bigger than the mouth of the well.

I appear to be a lot bigger than what I am.

I just want you to be yourself. Be a bigger yourself.

Nothing ever invented can you a bigger life than a book.

A little tantrum in real life seems so much bigger online.

I always say the bigger the hair the smaller the hips!

The more men see of the world the bigger their hearts

Love is by far bigger than the government can ever be.

Take your place in a wiser world of bigger motor cars.

As the game gets bigger it get bigger for the players.

The mind is a far bigger domain than we ever imagined.

People want to be part of something bigger than they are.

If we get better our customers will demand we get bigger.

Swing a bigger brush - you don't know what you're missing.

There's nobody bigger or better at the military than I am.

Our desires have a way of getting bigger with our incomes.

There's a hole in the moral ozone and it's getting bigger.

Never trust anyone whose TV is bigger than their book shelf

The bigger the crowd the better really! The noise calms your nerves.

The feeling is that Fidel Castro's much bigger than he actually is.

This terrible smallness of men was bigger than him bigger than anything.

You have everything you need to build something far bigger than yourself.

Remain open. There is something bigger than you know going on here.

Believe that you are bigger than your difficulties for you are indeed.

We have built something [a nuclear stockpile] bigger than we can drive.

Right. Because there's no bigger sign of commitment than a Halloween dance

In order to overcome fear your dream must become bigger than fear.

Make a commitment today to something bigger and more important than yourself.

The bigger your mission becomes the greater inspiration you will be given.

The bigger the city is the less infrastructure you need per capita.

Size is definitely relative. If you're bigger they can see you easier.

Everyone has to learn to think differently bigger to open to possibilities.

There's only one head bigger than Tony Greig's - and that's Birkenhead

I don't know whether guys are more promiscuous or just bigger liars.

China has a bigger middle class than the entire population of Europe.

People who dream of something bigger and better are good role models.

Thank heaven for little girls! For little girls get bigger every day.

You cannot have democratic accountability in anything bigger than a nation state.

It's important not to make the gold medal bigger than it is.

There's always going to be someone with a bigger toy than yours.

I live on hairspray. The bigger the hair the closer to God.

Let's face it. Rock and Roll is bigger than all of us

Don't allow any set back to become bigger than your come back

The power of light is always bigger than the power of darkness.

Fear is a bigger disability than having no arms and no legs.

Love measures our stature: the more we love the bigger we are.

Iâ??m from Texasâ?¦the bigger the hair the closer to God!

Hip-hop is bigger than the South; hip-hop is bigger than New York.

There were no bigger stars in the new evangelism than the Bakkers.

The tadpole poet will never grow into anything bigger than a frog.

A small lie needs a bodyguard of bigger lies to protect it.

The bigger you get the more pressure you have to deal with.

What if getting bigger isn't the point? What if you merely got better?

A successful executive is one that solves bigger problems than he/she creates.

When your passion and drive are bigger than your fears you just dive.

If your dream ain't bigger than you there's a problem with your dream.

Care Immensely or Die: This is a bigger culture shift than you realize.

Humility means you're willing to give someone a bigger slice of the pie.

Hip-hop is more than music it's a culture. It's bigger than hit songs.

Maybe God has a bigger plan for me than I have for myself.

I want my models to be bigger stronger and taller than common mortals

The bigger our vision for the world the less personal worries we have.

Instead of finding the needle in the haystack we're making the haystack bigger

Brazil is bigger than Europe wilder than Africa and weirder than Baffin Land.

We need a bigger estimation of God and a smaller estimation of sin.

All employees have an innate desire to contribute to something bigger than themselves.

We are ghosts hungry for something bigger than what our lips are kissing.

Everything I'm doing now is something I did before only it's bigger now.

...and he extends and grows even bigger than he is. (on Peter Schmeichel)

Any problem is an opportunity. The bigger the problem the bigger the opportunity.

Imagine what we could accomplish if our dreams were bigger than our fears

As you get bigger your staff gets bigger and your costs get bigger.

Most women's magazines simply try to mold women into bigger and better consumers.

There is no bigger waste of time than doing 90% of what is necessary.

If only I had an enemy bigger than my apathy I could've won.

I love creating moments that feel bigger than just like an artist on stage.

Phoney: Here's your problem Fone Bone! We're off the map! Get a bigger map!

This is the one-off occasion and you can't get any bigger occasion than that

Terrorists are as big a threat to our future perhaps bigger than organized crime.

You think you have troubles with mathematics . . . I assure you mine are still bigger.

Everything smaller than Heaven bores us because only Heaven is bigger than our hearts.

The Doctor: I've seen bigger. Clara: Really? The Doctor: Are you joking? It's massive!

Ideas not coupled with action never become bigger than the brain cells they occupied.

Despite what your girlfriend may have told you size is important bigger is better.

Your little choices become habits that affect the bigger decisions you make in life.

I left Venezuela looking for something bigger. I wanted to be an international star.

True character is revealedby the way people react to the bigger challenges in life.

Make YOUR can larger than YOUR can't and YOUR DREAMS bigger than YOUR doubts

To assume that a bigger pipeline is a better pipeline is a dangerous assumption.

Everything we're doing means there is a much bigger audience that we can reach.

We all have secrets some secrets bigger than others is a normal human thing.

Photography and movies are a much bigger influence on me than music is itself.

I wasn't always black... there was this freckle and it got bigger and bigger.

In 1950 the biggest amp you could get was no bigger than a tabletop radio.

Things seem more when youâ??re little. They seem bigger and distances seem farther.

The bigger the dam of patience the worse the flood when the dam breaks.

I never go to movies where the hero's tits are bigger than the heroine's.

As popular as Christmas is it would be even bigger if it had vampires.

life is just high school all over again only with bigger bills to pay.

If you don't ask for what you need the need will keep getting bigger.

The universe is a space bigger than all of us we are part of.

If there was ever a bigger pansy than my father it was Marcel Proust.

We all make mistakes some bigger than others but none of us is perfect.

The way i see it love is just a bigger stickier form of trust.

As the game gets bigger for the fans it gets bigger for the players.

A good novel begins with a small question and ends with a bigger one.

He may be taller but I'm going to show that I'm bigger than him.

The key to success is effort. The bigger the goal the greater the effort.

It's the little things that make us who we are in the bigger world.

I'm a thousand times bigger on the inside than I am on the outside.

For your life to be great your faith must be bigger than your fear.

The universe is bigger than our egos and can supply more than our demand.

The universe has much bigger plans for you than you ever dreamed of for yourself.

The more sharp weapons people have in a country the bigger the disorder will be.

God's love is bigger than our failures and stronger than any chains that bind us.

The art world seems so much bigger than it was when I was growing up.

The game of golf was bigger than Jack Nicklaus when Jack was dominating the game.

The law is bigger than money - but only if the law works hard enough.

I eat swiss cheese. But I only nibble on it. I make the holes bigger.

I'm very much bigger than I was so what? It's not really fatness it's development.

All of us want to be part of something bigger than ourselves something that matters.

Every medium has its own projection and I find animation is much bigger than normal.

I am bigger on the inside But you have to come inside to see me

As your reputation gets bigger the gaps and chances to go through them get smaller.

If you will lie about the little things before long you'll lie about bigger things.

When you are the first of anything there is a bigger responsibility put on you.

Thy words I grant are bigger for I wear not my dagger in my mouth.

Noticing small changes early helps you adapt to the bigger change that are to come

The bigger question rather than what's true and what's false is what do we want?

I found myself doing so much public speaking more and more and bigger and bigger.

Buried under the biggest burden is a good place to find an even bigger blessing.

You can't jump off a cliff when you have already fallen off a bigger one.

A lie is like a snowball: the further you roll it the bigger it becomes.

Wisdom is one of the few things that looks bigger the further away it is.

We have to think bigger as writers. We have to try and change the world.

Pick the right sized pot don't pick a pot five times bigger twice as big.

Her desire for fame is like her hair. It keeps getting bigger. [on Diana Ross

To get through a war a man needs something bigger than himself to fight for.

Even today the bigger the city the better. That's why I live in New York.

But treat dimes fair and I'm bigger than the city lights down in times square

My biggest fault is that the faults I was born with grow bigger each year.

God can dream a bigger dream for you then you could ever dream for yourself.

Who's the bigger idiot the idiot or the idiot who gets fooled by the idiot?

Humor does not diminish the pain - it makes the space around it get bigger.

True leaders inspire us to be bigger and do things we are afraid of doing.

The idea that bigger haystacks have more needles in them is dumb on its face

Love: a single word a wispy thing a word no bigger or longer than an edge.

For some reason when you become a support to others you become bigger than you are.

I'd just say the flies get bigger in the summertime. I guess the flies are buzzing.

I can do whatever I want - I'm rich I'm famous and I'm bigger than you.

There are things in life that are bigger than ourselves. Life is short live it well.

Even a fool can deceive a man - if he be a bigger fool than himself.

It's thrilling and it's an honor to be part of something bigger than your own self.

You get a bigger paycheck if you are the hero. There is something good about it.

Nothing gets a bigger laugh than when you refer to things like ethics or human rights.

People say that but I think the NBA was bigger than Larry Bird and Magic Johnson.

The giant in front of you is never bigger than the God who lives in you.

I regret not having more children. I would have loved to have had a bigger family.

No matter where you are in the world the moon is never bigger than your thumb.

There is no bigger weapon than brain yet the time is more powerful in the World.

My world did not shrink because I was a black female writer. It just got bigger.

I don't pretend to understand the Universe - it's a great deal bigger than I am.

Once bitten twice shy? Sure but... why not get a bigger dog and bite them back?

I sort of got into comedy accidentally and it got bigger than I wanted it to.

I don't think there's any honor bigger than going to your Hall of Fame for your sport.

Once in our world a Stable had something in it that was bigger than our whole world.

Imagination is like a muscle. I found out that the more I wrote the bigger it got.

There's no bigger rush than working as a huge team on a set in film and television.

A man on a horse is spiritually as well as physically bigger then a man on foot.

If your ideas are bigger than the town you're in you've got to get out of there.

We need to stop making what people did to us bigger than what Jesus did for us.

Dwelling on him would make him a bigger part of my life than I want him to be.

The more you know the more you can do. The more you can do the bigger you become

A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.

You're gonna need a bigger boat.

Bigger room darling. Like I said we need a bigger room.

Bigger things than the State will fall all religion will fall.

Bigger doesn't mean better unless you really understand what bigger is.

However big the fool there is always a bigger fool to admire him.

Bigger films are more difficult because the number of people is so huge.

You don't overcome challenges by making them smaller but by making yourself bigger.

Bigger women have more fat to live on. They can put out more effort.

Life is so much bigger grander higher and wider than we allow ourselves to think.

Let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions louder than your words...

Bigger the risk bigger the reward. But the higher the climb the harder the fall.

The eye of a human being is a microscope which makes the world seem bigger than it really is.

Voting Tory will cause your wife to have bigger breasts and increase your chances of owning a BMW M3.

Sharing makes you bigger than you are. The more you pour out the more life will be able to pour in.

Working out is incredibly boring. I swear it's true that the bigger your muscles get the fewer brain cells you have.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.

Life has a much bigger plan for you. Happiness is part of that plan. Health is part of that plan. Stability is part of that plan. Constant struggle is not.

Goals are like a magnet - they pull. And the stronger they are the more purposeful they are the bigger they are the more unique they are the stronger they pull.

There are angels near you to guide you and protect you if you would but invoke them. It is not later than we think it is a bigger world than we think.

Acceptance means that you know regardless of what happened that there is something bigger than you at work. It also means you know that you are okay and that you will continue to be okay.

God is bigger than people think.

The biggest thrill in the world is entertaining the public there is no bigger thrill than that.

TV is bigger than any story it reports. It's the greatest teaching tool since the printing press.

There is something bigger than fact: the underlying spirit all it stands for the mood the vastness the wildness.

I do the things I like to do. It's sort of a bigger version of having more than one hobby.

There's no success story. Everybody's got a ghetto story. You always want to make it bigger than what it is.

I don't know what my calling is but I want to be here for a bigger reason. I strive to be like the greatest people who have ever lived.

Country music is still your grandpa's music but it's also your daughter's music. It's getting bigger and better all the time and I'm glad to be a part of it.

Real people do real things. A collective of a whole bunch of people who do things in their own locale in their own neighborhoods - the sum is bigger than the parts and the parts will grow.


Whatever you're thinking think bigger.

Fights problems with bigger problems.

Slipping? We're bigger than Jesus.

Love is bigger than everything.

You are bigger than your circumstances.

Whatever you are thinking think bigger.

Hip-Hop is bigger than the government.

Nobody's gonna be bigger than Eminem.

Your country is bigger than baseball.

Men are boys in bigger packages.

When all else fails dream bigger.

Some girls are bigger than others.

Obscurity is a bigger problem than money.

The Structure is bigger than the concept.

Commit yourself to something bigger than yourself.

Opportunity always looks bigger going than coming.

Some infinities are bigger than other infinities.

Some rules are bigger than the universe.

Journalists are bigger terrorists than terrorists themselves.

I'm having bigger problems when I'm writing.

Make your Dreams bigger than your fears.

God is bigger than the Christian faith.

Billy Crystal... I crap bigger than him.

Everything bigger than life attracts a crowd.

I guess I just have bigger ovaries.

My heart is bigger than my fist.

Acne is a bigger problem than injuries.

There's a much bigger world out there.

We're going to need a bigger dock

Don't force it... get a bigger hammer.

Well check this out. Mine is bigger.

China tennis - we're getting bigger and bigger.

The bigger the cushion the better the pushin'.

By year three you get nicer bigger trailers.

True leaders inspire people to a bigger vision

Your eyes are always bigger than your stomach.

The bigger the audience the better with comedy.

Nobody has a bigger cult than Warren Buffett

The personality must be bigger than the prop.

Gardeners I think dream bigger dreams than Emperor's.

Thatcherism has become bigger than she ever was.

The sorrow grows bigger when the sorrow's denied.

Your problems are never bigger than your purpose.

The bigger the dream the greater the opportunity

The bigger the mistake the bigger the opportunity.

Feed the alligators and you get bigger alligators.

Give yourself permission to make the story bigger.

The bigger the headache the bigger the pill.

The bigger the government the greater the corruption

There's always someone bigger and badder than yourself

Yes Ronaldinho is bigger than me. Exactly 4 centimeters.

The bigger the contract the bigger the responsibility.

Realize that little things lead to bigger things.

Consider getting smaller in order to get bigger.

Love is so much bigger than our ignorance.

Every sequel needs to be bigger and better.

The bigger they are the harder they fall.

Overall we need to get tougher and bigger.

The bigger the 'why' the easier the 'how'.

The bigger the dream the better the story.

The human heart is bigger than the world.

The game itself is bigger than the winning.

Create the space and a bigger life happens

The bigger the State the smaller the citizen

I wanted to be part of something bigger

The bigger the show the weirder it is.

I've lost things bigger than my music career.

'Vogue' is a bigger name than my name.

The bigger the issue the smaller you write.

Our guys have a vision of something bigger.

I am bigger than the box I'm in.

The bigger the trophy the more trivial the contest.

The further in you go the bigger it gets.

...whatever you're worried about you're bigger than the worries.

There is nothing bigger or older than the universe.

The bigger the crowd the more negligible the individual.

Matches don't come any bigger than FA Cup quarter-finals

Make your life about something bigger than your life.

You have to stand for something bigger than yourself.

Cancer is so much bigger than a TV show.

Obscurity is a bigger problem for authors than piracy.

Donald Trump is a charismatic personality bigger than life.

I play to represent God something bigger than baseball.

The bigger the headquarters the more decadent the company.

If you can't solve a problem make it bigger.

There's only one thing a bully respected: bigger bully.

The bigger a man's gun the smaller his doodlewick.

Your dream has to be bigger than your fear.

Don't let your fear grow bigger than your faith.

You can do bigger and bigger things. For what?

Your future is bigger than where you were born.

The bigger the budget the more trouble there is.

When you meet the needy your heart grows bigger

Love is bigger than any tidal wave or fear.

The total economy of Latin America is bigger than China.

The sooner you act the bigger difference you can make.

Nonviolence is a flop. The only bigger flop is violence.

The life of music is bigger than all of us.

I'd rather do comedies that strike at some bigger ideas.

Don't ever let your memories be bigger than your dreams.

People are bigger than anything that can happen to them.

The smaller your work the bigger your name will become.

But every year you grow you will find me bigger.

Dogs are getting bigger according to a leading dog manufacturer

Pravin Tambe is bigger inspiration than me for young cricketers

Webcomics are much bigger than any one scene can circumscribe.

All our rights are gradually eroded as government gets bigger.

Ideas don't get smaller when they're shared they get bigger.

W2K will be a bigger disaster than Y2K.

Life is bigger than processes and overflows and dwarfs them.

The bigger your problems the bigger your prayer should be.

Science gets more fun when I get a bigger gun!

His soul was bigger than a body's ought to be.

Purpose can never be about achievement; it is much bigger.

I am bigger than anything that can happen to me.

You musn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling.

Courage results when one's convictions are bigger than one's fears.

The stars don't look bigger but they do look brighter.

Where the grass is greener the water bill is bigger.

The more coward you are the bigger your castle is!

As you get bigger you have to learn to delegate.

When you close your mouth your ears will be bigger!

Peace means having a bigger stick than the other guy.

The bigger the dream the more important to the team.

If at first you don't succeed get a bigger hammer.

PayPal is a business that will be bigger than eBay

In many ways Roy Keane is bigger than One Direction.

The more they applaud the bigger your salary will be.

Love is bigger then a tsunami stronger then any fear.

The bigger your head the easier to fill your shoes.

The bigger the humbug the better people will like it.

Arnie you're going to have to buy a bigger jet.

Never hit a woman unless you are a bigger woman.

Your Cans must always be bigger than your can NOTS!

Whatever you think you are you are always bigger than that...

An artist is no bigger than the size of his mind.

I'm pretty sure that China is way bigger than the Dominican.

When your arms are bigger than your head something is wrong.

Our self-acknowledgement our dedication has to be bigger than our fear.