Us Quotes

Time is chasing after all of us.

Let us try what love will do.

Let us always pray for one another.

God will meet us and help us.

Teach us to number our days aright.

Practice makes us what we shall be.

Custom doth make dotards of us all.

That's it. Love makes us all strong.

We teach people how to treat us.

Heaven lies about us in our infancy.

What molds us is what maims us.

Everyone of us has a heaven inside.

The best live among us in disguise.

Ideas come through us not from us.

The world is God's language to us.

Death makes sad stories of us all.

Why do you all push us around?

Beauty draws us with a single hair.

I feel like [God]'s hazing us.

Men use the night to erase us.

Tis held that sorrow makes us wise.

Let each of us examine his thoughts

War will make corpses of us all.

In our adversity God shouts to us.

How easy love makes fools of us.

None of us know our real names.

A river of words flowed between us.

We always like those who admire us.

At least let us have healthy books.

Fashion is for us to have fun.

They'll never be able to forget us.

Love can make us do dreadful things.

God waits for us to create him.

Christ within us the hope of glory.

GMOs could really land us in trouble

In worship God imparts himself to us.

Only night can make us whole again...

Memories are doing funny things to us.

Why does God endow us with compassion?

Lord guide us along the best pathways.

The strength within us comes from God.

Eternity eludes us even as a thought.

Watches may disagree but let us not.

Everyone of us is a potential convict.

GOD is watching us from a Distance...

We pursue that which retreats from us.

Eighty percent of language lies to us.

Sleep demands of us a guilty immunity.

It's compassion that makes gods of us.

All God's angels come to us disguised.

We neither of us perform to strangers.

Each of us is present but partially.

Tomorrow isn't promised to any of us.

A new day brings us a tomorrow.

Heaven lies around us in our infancy.

Beer is proof that God loves us.

That which we manifest is before us.

Joking apart now let us be serious.

What eBay isn't good enough for us?

None of us is responsible for the...

Failure will hurt but not hinder us.

Old age makes caricatures of us all.

No one can disgrace us but ourselves.

Data can actually make us more human.

Before we make music music makes us.

Barrabas came to us by the sea.

Which of us can control his feelings?

Life is a perpetual yesterday for us.

Each friend represents a world in us.

We're all of us haunted and haunting.

The war has ruined us for everything.

Money is life to us wretched mortals.

Love love will tear us apart again.

Too great haste leads us to error.

We all carry our mothers inside us.

The rules are what make us better.

words have the power o change us

See! This our fathers did for us.

Each of us bears his own Hell.

War makes early risers of us all.

None of us wants any more war.

Don't talk to us like we ignint!

Life is given us as a passion.

Not the outcome any of us wanted.

cats choose us; we don't own them

Love you mock us for your sport.

Grief dares us to love once more.

Call us the future from your past.

The world is no longer against us.

We fall away but God redeem us.

We have only today. Let us begin

Let us be kinder to one another.

The world exists to set us free.

The great appear great to us"¦

Let us see what love can do.

Read books. They are good for us.

What hurts us is what heals us

The dead are too much with us.

There's a genius in all of us.

Our thoughts make us what we are.

Not everyone is as nice as us.

There is no love lost between us.

The world right now is only us.

Time is making fools of us again.

God sent us here to make mistakes

Horses lend us the wings we lack.

Give us this day our daily mask.

I want us to invest in you.

Make us your slaves but feed us.

The things that hurt us teach us.

No. Don't you do this to us.

And make death proud to take us.

What we will become depends on us

Let us live while we are alive!

God always wants us to be growing.

Let us be elegant or die! --Amy

What will survive of us is love.

It made and preserves us a nation.

Our stories are the tellers of us.

Words have the power to change us.

Poets sing our human music for us.

Life is fired at us point blank.

Let us fight to free the world

Let us have the luxury of silence.

the wheel of fate crushes us all

Each of us has a private Austen.

We don't make music it makes us

The US dollar will make new lows

The mighty hopes that make us men.

Symmetry is for God not for us.

Not real can tell us about real.

Let us render the tyrant no aid.

The world will not wait for us.

The sense of duty pursues us ever.

The world makes liars of us all.

When they are among us cats are angels

When do any of us ever do enough?

Memory is what makes us young or old.

Let us make hay while the sun shines.

My major task was to keep us solvent.

Grief alone can teach us what is man.

A mask tells us more than a face.

Flowers preach to us if we will hear.

Too much down time makes us miss home.

Computers will be the death of us all.

With luck it might even snow for us.

God why didn't you make us all dogs?

The sea lives in every one of us.

Prayer draws us near to our own souls.

We all have a Wonder Woman inside us.

We are the women men warned us about.

Sorrow makes us very good or very bad.

Too often we seek justice for just us.

I'll keep us out of war with Oklahoma!

And if we burn you burn with us.

There is a child in all of us

We have it in us to be splendid.

It's not God who doesn't care it's us

We want someone to bring us the news.

The purse strings tie us to our kind.

The Rock will always come back to us.

Some of us were born to take risks...

No one's a virgin life screws us all!

We are what our thoughts have made us

Only God can satisfy and set us free.

Oh would some power the gift give us

From all wise men O Lord protect us.

The music of the Gospel leads us home.

All of us are better when we're loved.

Every US President has to have a war.

Some of us wake up. Others roll over.

In the end the Wheel crushes us all.

God has loved us in spite of us.

We all hope. It's what keeps us alive.

We are divine. God is lives within us.

God transforms us one area at a time.

Teach us to care and not to care

If it makes us better do it forever.

None of us are what we once were.

It is finished is never said of us

The stars are filming us for no one.

God gave us Jesus who is The Way.

If not us who? If not now when?

When our feet talk to us we listen.

Death is the quiet haven of us all.

The best of all is God with us

Make us happy and you make us good.

Very few of us are what we seem.

God knows us more than we know Him.

What do any of us ever truly know?

What seems new is only new to us.

The waves of time wash us all clean.

It is pain that ages us not years.

We're born to be happy all of us.

Do you bite your thumb at us sir?

In God's name let us go on bravely.

Nobody will save us from us but us.

We are born with magic inside of us

Let us be merciful as well as just.

The worst is likely to be behind us

We turn the Cube and it twists us.

We must end war before war ends us.

All of us. All of us. We're doomed.

And thus love makes fools of us all.

Death comes for us all in the end.

The real us is pure love pure light

We need somebody to give us a chance.

The time that we kill keeps us alive

A thought will color a world for us.

They whipped us like a tied up goat.

The Bible is God's love letter to us

Death will be late to bring us aid

Let us not overlook so great a gain.

God will not forgive us if we fail.

Let us see God before man every day.

if one of us falls we all fall

The crowd is not us. It never is.

Let us advance on Chaos and the Dark

Pride is the rope God allows us all.

Go in and get us a shrunken head!

Life is not easy for any for us.

O Lord help us!O Lord help us!

God wants to bless us where we are.

There are more of us than you think.

The cancer of time is eating us away

God did not create us to abandon us.

Sting is a father figure to us all.

It's our flaws who make us who we are.

We belong to God. All in us is His.

We have met the enemy and he is us.

The best of it is God is with us.

The sun shines not on us but in us.

If we must die O let us nobly die.

It is what we fear that happens to us.

If we don't end war war will end us.

If not us who? And if not now when?

God is action - let us be like God.

Let us try for once not to be right.

There is a Pirate in every one of us.

The cars we drive say a lot about us.

No one is as smart as all of us

As we to the brutes poets are to us.

We have met the enemy and it is us.

But the tune ends too soon for us all

Love is the part of us that is real.

None of us is smarter than all of us.

A man should give us a sense of mass.

Each of us is the sum of our scars.

May God be a pillar of shield for us.

Joy is not a thing it is in us.

Joy is not in things; it is in us.

If life is a joke let us play it.

We have met the Alien and it is us.

None of us is a smart as all of us.

None of us is as smart as all of us.

The eyes of love see all of us as one.

None of us is as smart as all of as

Even the Us's are Them's.

I could never regret you. Us

Every Mistake Teach Us a Lesson

Fear Teaches Us A Lot About Ourselves.

None of Us is as Good as All of Us.

To us family means putting your arms around each other and being there.

Friends are the siblings God never gave us.

Time flies over us but leaves its shadow behind.

Since we cannot change reality let us change the eyes which see reality.

Wine is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy.

Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go.

Let us always meet each other with smile for the smile is the beginning of love.

People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.

What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.

Let us never know what old age is. Let us know the happiness time brings not count the years.

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.

We must let go of the life we have planned so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.

We keep moving forward opening new doors and doing new things because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.

The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. It is not that we seize them but that they seize us.

We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far.

The new year stands before us like a chapter in a book waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals.

Earth and sky woods and fields lakes and rivers the mountain and the sea are excellent schoolmasters and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.

Beauty surrounds us.

Bring us together again.

History teaches us hope.

Short-sightedness is killing us.

Problems have perfected us.

Self-deception helps us deceive.

Misfortunes make us wise

PowerPoint makes us stupid.

Arousal leaves us mind-blind.

Fatality makes us invisible.

Every movement reveals us.

Experience makes us wise.

God will save us.

Disasters teach us humility.

Someone loves us all.

O Lord save us!

Every story is us

Greed kills us all.

Time erodes us all.

Animals make us Human.

Let us banish fear.

God grant us patience!

Meditation makes us happier!

Trouble's made us kin.

Disaffection stalks around us.

The turtle couldn't help us.

Dogs wait for us faithfully.

Let us cultivate our garden.

Colors were dynamite for us.

Rationality will not save us.

death makes us all equal ...

Dance brings us all together.

Riches make cowards of us ...

Nothing about us without us.

Blessedness is within us all.

Our disappointment sits between us.

Let muggles manage without us!

Epigrams delight us into wisdom.

Remorse turns us against ourselves.

Our troubles keep us going.

Images contaminate us like viruses.

Custom reconciles us to everything.

They arrested us after breakfast.

Heartbreak is life educating us.

It's us that's really amazing.

Every experience makes us wiser.

Adversity refined us like gold.

Enthusiasm signifies God in us.

Our heart always transcends us.

Thy friendship makes us fresh.

Only failure makes us experts.

Defeat serves to enlighten us.

New blood keeps us alive...

Sin makes us moral quadriplegics.

Bleeding feet will bond us.

New Jersey gives us glue.

Joy makes us giddy dizzy.

God save us from religion.

Pray God keep us simple.

Belief traps or frees us.

And plenty makes us poor.

Our dreams make us large.

Love makes us such fools.

Nothing is ever behind us.

God bless us every one!

Teach us by your lives.

The dead walk among us.

Ah grief makes us precise!

God is exist within us.

None of us are saints.

Bad's the best of us.

Anger makes us all stupid.

Reason deceives us; conscience never.

Love is divinity within us.

Music conveys to us itself!

Dogs are us only innocent.

Oh great. Yoda captured us.

Let light hearts remake us.

Big defeats make us learn.

Life for eternal us is now

New earths new themes expect us.

Come let us make love deathless.

O Lord do not abandon us.

Our fathers never leave us. Ever.

God never tires of forgiving us.

Economic gross is making us fat.

It's about us. It's about trust.

Custom makes monsters of us all.

Secrets interest us all I think.

God does awesome things with us.

Time just gets away from us.

Stars are better off without us.

It's choice that makes us human.

All of us write wish fulfillment.

While we live let us live.

Fear makes us feel our humanity.

Who rules our symbols rules us.

There's no hate lost between us.

What has Iraq done to us?

There's no love lost between us.

Whatever limits us we call fate.

Fatigue makes cowards of us all.

I believe divinity is within us.

Nature is always hinting at us.

It is defeat which educates us.

Breath of Heaven breathe on us...

The same night awaits us all.

Come now. let us reason together.

Conscience makes egotists of us all.

The eternal female draws us onward.

Every evening brings us nearer God.

Let us forget and forgive injuries.

Privacy IS freedom. Leave us alone!

Mutual cowardice keeps us in peace.

Amazement awaits us at every corner.

Imagination makes cowards of us all.

Only a god can save us.

Wicked companions invite us to hell.

An old Apache storyteller reminds us

Some promises and time disappoint us

Music causes us to think eloquently.

Suffering gives us no special rights.

The thorn keeps us from over-inflating

They can only kill us once.

Trials teach us what we are.

Wisdom leads us back to childhood.

Necessity makes heroes of us all.

Only death rescues us from dying.

Work alone qualifies us for life.

You have delighted us long enough.

The Beatles will exist without us.

Let us honor the Holy Ghost.

Music takes us where words cannot.

History is simply what's behind us.

Death Makes Angels of us all.

Language does our thinking for us.

All media work us over completely.

Sorrow makes us all children again.

Love and laughter hold us together.

God loves the world through us.

Inspiration is what keeps us well.

Love makes us do wicked things.

Don't let them tell us stories

Only a fool would attack us.

Leave us to our free election.

Greatness exists in all of us.

Faith is God's work within us.

Every cell in us worships God.

Here we are now entertain us.

Let there be truth between us.

Comedy is what keeps us alive.

God didn't miss any of us.

Nothing human is foreign to us

See the moon? It hates us.

Education made us what we are.

Heaven will smile on us again.

Freedom is like religion to us.

Those who trust us educate us.

God deserves the best from us.

America is good enough for us.

True wit never made us laugh.

Let us leave hurry to slaves.

Earth and heaven are in us

Let us live while we live.

We kill time; time buries us.

Fear doesn't have to stop us.

Tomorrow let us do or die!

Awe is what moves us forward.

God uses us to impact others.

Give us grace to listen well.

Only law can give us freedom.

Jack Daniels makes us all puke.

Let us be guardians not gardeners

Memories rob us of the present.

The rich are different from us.

Love makes liars of us all.

Great mission lies ahead of us.

Let us now praise Barack Obama.

Let us search the old highways.

Love would never leave us alone

People never cease to amaze us.

We carry our childhood with us.

Years teach us more than books.

Then let us go and be terrible.

Our flaws are what make us perfect.

Both heaven and hell are within us.

Nature has inclined us to love men.

Let us save the tomorrows for work.

Our lives teach us who we are.