Magnet Quotes

It pulled me like a magnet jazz did because it was a way that I could express myself.

All energy flows according to the whims of the great Magnet. What a fool I was to defy him.

Beauty attracts us men; but if like an armed magnet it is pointed beside with gold and silver it attracts with tenfold power.

I kind of have a happy magnet. I can't stand being depressed so I work my ass off to get out of it as soon as possible.

There is a magnet in your heart that will attract true friends. That magnet is unselfishness thinking of others first; when you learn to live for others they will live for you.

The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and as the magnet finds the iron so it will find in every hour some heavenly blessings!

I listen to a lot of different stuff from Mozart to Johnny Dowd to Monster Magnet. I don't listen to music while I'm writing a draft but I do listen to it when I'm revising.

Once I turned 13 I was the guy magnet.

Lake Como has always been a magnet for the elite.

I'm a weirdo magnet but I'm handling it better than I used to.

Each departed friend is a magnet that attracts us to the next world.

Acting the arts in general is a magnet for the wounded of society.

Goals are like magnets. They'll attract the things that make them come true.

A city plays the role of a great big magnet that's sucking people up.

If my kid couldn't draw I'd make sure that my kitchen magnets didn't work.

War can be fun for certain people. It's a magnet for sadists losers and angry dreamers.

Because of Watergate in part I am kind of a magnet for calls and information and suggestions.

Memory is a magnet. It will pull to it and hold only material nature has designed it to attract.

Man is a magnet and every line and dot and detail of his experiences come by his own attraction.

Gratitude is like a magnet; the more grateful you are the more you will receive to be grateful for.

You are a living magnet. What you attract into your life is in in harmony with your dominant thoughts.

Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive good things and good people will be drawn to you.

I'm a Buffalo wing magnet a sandwich fanatic a cheesesteak guy. But I'll only get a cheesesteak in Philadelphia. No one else does it right.

Your mind is a magnet. You don't attract what you need or what you want; you attract who you are. And I love who I am!

Cities depend on a healthy mix of uses and people for their vitality. As a pre-eminent world city London is a magnet to people from across the globe.

Iron which is brought near a spiral of copper wire traversed by an electrical current becomes magnetic and then attracts other pieces of iron or a suitably placed steel magnet.

Goals are like a magnet - they pull. And the stronger they are the more purposeful they are the bigger they are the more unique they are the stronger they pull.

I am a disaster magnet. I came home from our first anniversary vacation with jellyfish stings a puncture wound from a wrought iron pineapple and a cork-shaped bruise in my cleavage.

The moment you commit and quit holding back all sorts of unforeseen incidents meetings and material assistance will rise up to help you. The simple act of commitment is a powerful magnet for help.

I'm a health nut but when I eat I go hard. I'm a Buffalo wing magnet a sandwich fanatic a cheesesteak guy. But I'll only get a cheesesteak in Philadelphia. No one else does it right.

I was never a boy magnet at school. There was always the girl all the guys liked and wanted to date but it was never me.

Just like the poles of a magnet some people are drawn to death and others are repulsed by it but we all have to deal with it.

Being baldplate is an unfailing sex magnet.

I've always been a magnet for guilt.

Theory attracts practice as the magnet attracts iron.

Oh how powerfully the magnet of illusion attracts.

I think passion is the magnet to anything.

At school I was an anti-magnet for women.

The earth itself is a great big magnet.

Remember that you are a magnet! Appreciation attracts appreciation!

I've been a babe magnet for quite a while now.

Remember that you are a magnet attracting everything to you.

I am iron resisting the most enormous magnet there is.

Happiness you'll find is the greatest magnet in the world.

Life is like a magnet: success attracts and failure repels.

Our desires attract supporting reasons as a magnet the iron fillings.

The simple act of commitment is a powerful magnet for help.

Good values are like a magnet "? they attract good people.

If wealth is a magnet poverty is a kind of repellent.

She pulls the eyes out with a face like a magnet.

A light heart is a magnet for all that you love

Your mind is the most powerful magnet. What you think you attract.

The man who attracts luck carries with him the magnet of preparation.

... for home is a magnet that lures back even its most abstracted children.

To acquire love... fill yourself up with it until you become a magnet.

The magnet's name the observing Grecians drew. From the magnetic region where it grew.

Scott Feiner is a soulful magnet for the fusion of Brazilian and jazz music...

You're a magnet for mess. I've never seen anything like it. Lula to Stephanie

It's as if there's a magnet on the outside of the posts and bar.

Profound joy of the heart is like a magnet that indicates the path of life.

The individual with a negative mental attitude attracts troubles as a magnet attracts steel fittings.

Our thought is the unseen magnet ever attracting its correspondence in things seen and tangible.

When you give without reservation you'll become a magnet that pulls the world toward you.

I became the magnet for a lot of scary aggression. Cos it's scary Up North!

The center of the chessboard is a magnet which pulls to itself all the pieces.

Polar north can't get away from a magnet; the magnet finds it no matter what.

A good leader has a compass in their head and a magnet in their heart.

I felt beauty was a magnet for abuse and I had suffered greatly for it.

It is not that power corrupts but that power is a magnet to the corruptible.

If you were born by the sea there's always a magnet that draws you back there.

In the world of existence there is no more powerful magnet than the magnet of love.

Thought is a force - a manifestation of energy - having a magnet-like power of attraction.

The mysterious magnet is either there buried somewhere deep behind the sternum or it is not.

The nail doesn't choose the time or the circumstances in which it is drawn to the magnet

The literal basic thing of the stage is really like a magnet. It brings me back to earth.

A true and nonviolent combination of labour would act like a magnet attracting to it all the needed capital.

If you keep a clear vision for your future it will pull you like a magnet through your toughest times.

Faith is an invisible and invincible magnet and attracts to itself whatever it fervently desires and calmly and persistently expects....

Everest has always been a magnet for kooks publicity seekers hopeless romantics and others with a shaky hold on reality.

But the moment our eyes meet I'm right back under his spell a helpless hunk of steel to his irresistible magnet.

Age is a kind of distance...and age differences are irreconcilable like the sides of a magnet that refuse to touch.

I'll just ask now: What is it about my persona that draws every insane power-hungry nutcase to me like a magnet?

The funny thing about an impossibility is that it tends to be a magnet for those who would prove it otherwise.

A worshipping Church or a prayer group is a magnet that draws the Lord and His people to connect with each other!

It sounds so stupid so basic but when you are really in a grateful state you are like a magnet for joy.

Some people think Swami calls himself a powerful magnet but He is unable to attract us. The fault lies in them only.

As long as you're centering back to home base and that's the strongest magnet in your life that everything else is okay.

On the course what is feared is like a magnet. Water bunkers trees ravines high grass - whatever you fear turns magnetic.

I know how I live my life. I have a little magnet brain that attracts the kind of things that obsess me.

Everything is energy. You are an energy magnet so you electrically energize everything to you and electrically energize yourself to everything you want

The law of attraction is most understood when you see yourself as a magnet getting more and more of the way you FEEL.

Infinite Spirit open the way for my great abundance. I am an irresistible magnet for all that belongs to me by Divine Right.

He [Donald Trump] is like - he's a magnet for crime and extortion and you know just really criminal investments which are extremely dangerous.

Pride like the magnet constantly points to one object self; but unlike the magnet it has no attractive pole but at all points repels.

The truth was that if the man came with a harsh past and an emptiness in his soul she was metal to his magnet.

O magnet-South! O glistening perfumed South! My South! O quick mettle rich blood impulse and love! Good and evil! O all dear to me!

I was a magnet for people who want to take advantage of people like me who think they're part of this life but they're not.

The magnet principle says 'Like attracts like.' You'll attract to you the people circumstances events money and resources you need to accomplish your goals.

Victoria?" she hissed. "Laurent?" I nodded a teensy bit alarmed by the expression in her black eyes. I pointed at my chest. "Danger magnet remember?

You are God's highest form of creation. You are a living breathing creative magnet. You have the ability to control what you attract into your life.

Some books accrete things to themselves like a magnet. The writer risks sterility by subjecting the mysterious power of imagination to the devices of mere comprehension.

An innocent person is really like a magnet and it attracts he attracts the people towards himself just like a flower attracts a bee towards itself.

The Canadian circle in L.A. is really close. There's a magnet effect where we all just huddle together somehow. It's one big Canadian family really.

I'm a worst-case scenario person. I'm only interested in a story because I kind of go like a magnet to the worst thing that can happen.

Quantum physics has found that there is no empty space in the human cell but it is a teeming electric-magnet ic field of possibility or potential

The horse could not do without Manhattan. It drew him like a magnet like a vacuum like oats or a mare or an open never-ending tree-lined road.

The reality is if you're friends with somebody you should be able to be honest with them and that honesty should be the biggest magnet to truth.

I've always taken my love of children from my father. He was a children magnet. Suddenly having my first child hit home what my dad went through.

When do you feel most loved? Are you willing to be loved today? Self-love is the magnet that attracts deep and profound expressions of love from others

I do feel I'm kind of a magnet for crazy and if there isn't enough crazy I will insert myself in a situation that I feel has comedy potential.

Because of the Law of Attraction each of you is like a powerful magnet attracting unto you more of the way that you feel at any point in time.

There are some benefits [that illegal aliens] clearly ought not have...[including] health benefits and welfare benefits and others that serve as a magnet attracting people here from other countries.

Microsoft by some accounts the second most capitalized company on the planet is the only corporate colossus in history whose entire product line could be eliminated with a giant magnet.

I think my path would have always gone back to or delivered me to wildlife. I think wildlife is just like a magnet and it's something that I can't help.

War could bond men like a magnet but like a magnet it could repel them too. The things they saw the things they did. Sometimes they just wanted to forget.

Needle in a haystack's easy - just bring a magnet."Eliot stared witheringly at Hardison. "You take the poetry out of everything.""Says the man who'd just punch the haystack.

The simplest way for me to look at the law of attraction is if I think of myself as a magnet and I know that a magnet will attract to it.

There is no question that Iraq is one of the main problems. You'd have to be blind not to see what a magnet and generating force it's become for terrorist groups.

If people are speaking about something passionately and if they have a level of intelligence about it and if they're sufficiently informed it's going to be like a magnet to people.

At best I think of a director as a magnet. You get all the metal fillings in all the individual actors and crew and get those filings moving toward your magnetic direction.

Sometimes desire is air sometimes desire is liquid. And every now and then when everything else is air and liquid desire solidifies and the body is the magnet that draws its weight.

I'm sorry about your Porsche." "I can replace the Porsche. I can't replace you. You need to be more careful." I was just sitting in your car!" Babe you're a magnet for disaster.

The Eucharist behold the Christian's treasure his delight on earth. Since Jesus is in the Eucharist for him personally his whole life ought to be drawn to it like a magnet to its center.

How many beers do y'all think it takes before one internationally scientist turns to another and says 'Dude bet you twenty bucks I can levitate a frog with a magnet?' ' Sam drawled.

In my experience women are like cats. When you don't want them you can't get rid of them and when you do want them it's like trying to pick up lint with a magnet.

This final sprint of Breaking Bad is like nothing I've ever seen. It's TV as a crescendo as a magnet as a wave. These episodes aren't ending so much as they're gasping for breath.

With a metal heartI came to this life My head was a crucible full of elixir.Pearl by pearlMy heart was poured Drop by dropMy head was splashed.The world was entirely a magnet.

I think Hillary Clinton is right. I think it isn't enough to leave [Bashir] Assad in place because as long as he is there there is going to be a recruiting magnet for ISIS.

You might find it hard to imagine gravity as a weak force but consider that a small magnet can hold up a paper clip even though the entire earth is pulling down on it.

Don't be offended but you seem to be one of those people who just attract accidents like a magnet. So" try not to fall into the ocean or get run over or anything all right?