Long Enough Quotes

Hold a picture of yourself long and steadily enough in your mind's eye and you will be drawn toward it.

When you can't stop what you're doing long enough to improve it you will never stop what you are doing.

This world can only give me reminders of what I don't have can never have didn't have for long enough.

I can get obsessed by anything if I look at it long enough. That's the curse of being a photographer.

It's hard to tell who has your back from who has it long enough just to stab you in it....

A memory is only a Prince Charming who stays just long enough to awaken the Sleeping Beauties of our wordless stories.

Senator; you've done enough. Have you no sense of decency sir at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?

So long as we have enough people in this country willing to fight for their rights we'll be called a democracy.

A good sermon should be like a woman's skirt: short enough to arouse interest but long enough to cover the essentials.

But things don't necessarily have to be that expensive to be good. As long as they are expensive enough to last.

If we say it long enough eventually we're going to reap a harvest. We're going to get exactly what we're saying.

When my hair is long enough to be cut I go to my wife's hairdresser and she generally pays for it.

A good speech should be like a woman's skirt: long enough to cover the subject and short enough to create interest

there isn't enough of anything as long as we live. But at intervals a sweetness appears and given a chance prevails.

I played piano for about two years when I was a kid. I didn't play long enough to be really great.

If you hang around long enough they think you're good. It's either my tenacity or my stupidity I'm not sure which.

Success is actually a short race-a sprint fueled by discipline just long enough for habit to kick in and take over.

I just want someone to hear what I have to say. And maybe if I talk long enough it'll make sense.

It's possible to pretend I'm someone other than who I am and if I pretend long enough I can believe it.

Is a lifetime long enough to hold the regret that I have for that fantastically aborted but crazily sweet love affair?

I would dare say that most anyone in public life if they stay in public long enough is not treated fairly.

One of the marvelous things about film is that if you expose it long enough you're going to get a picture.

Every child should have an occasional pat on the back as long as it is applied low enough and hard enough.

Defeated misery is what all sport is about eventually if you follow the story for long enough; all sportsmen know this.

When a novel comes it's a grace. Something in the cosmos has forgiven you long enough so that you can start.

What's the use of inventing a better system as long as there just aren't enough folks with sense to go around?

There are too many books I haven't read too many places I haven't seen too many memories I haven't kept long enough.

See? This is why I'm not religious. I couldn't possibly keep my mouth shut long enough to get along with everyone else.

If you're powerful enough you can even determine whom you will meet and whom you will avoid long before you meet them.

My confidence is that there will for a long time be virtue and good sense enough in our countrymen to correct abuses.

There is no luck you work hard and study things intently. If you do that for long and hard enough you're successful.

I think even in a good marriage especially if you stay together long enough there are going to be events that happen.

You can accomplish virtually any goal you set for yourself as long as the goal is clear and you persist long enough.

I hope I live long enough to see every hungry school child in the world being fed under the so-called McGovern-Dole program.

I've been in the game long enough to know what elements you have to package together to get a movie into production.

I've never stuck around long enough to know if anyone would miss me. That's rock 'n' roll though. Here today gone tomorrow.

I don't think that most women have to prove that they're real women. You live long enough you graduate to being real.

Neither Goyl nor men lived long enough to understand that yesterday was born of tomorrow just as tomorrow was born of yesterday.

Long are the lives of elves' he said.Short are the tempers of dwarfs 'Gotrek muttered just loud enough to be heard.

I can't say that I deserve longlife; I don't. I've just been around long enough. They say "My God she's still here.

He loved her for almost everything she was & she decided that was enough to let him stay for a very long time.

The older you get the more awards you get. So if you live long enough then you get all the awards eventually.

I've been at writing long enough now to know that every three or four books I have to start a new direction.

The health of the eye seems to demand a horizon. We are never tired so long as we can see far enough.

I know that the arms of friendship are long enough to reach from the one end of the world to the other

If you hang around long enough to show these people what you can do you have a chance in this acting business.

Both of them were ahead of their time but they didn't live long enough to see the time they were ahead of.

Being prepared for a job is a good idea for the short term but it is not enough for the long term.

In the center lay the exploded carcass of a lonely sperm whale that hadn't lived long enough to be disappointed with its lot.

If you look at anything long enough say just that wall in front of you - it will come out of that wall.

Those of us lucky enough to fall in love with Asia know that it's an affair that's as long as it is resonant.

The truth is if you're around long enough you have a story about everyone. But it's best to keep your mouth shut sometimes.

Starting a business is like riding a wave between life and death. If you can hang on long enough you're bound to succeed

I can't afford to slow down but I suppose it really depends. As long as there's enough enthusiasm then one wants to continue.

Something to think about: If you fish the wrong fly long and hard enough it will sooner or later become the right fly.

Clooney is just a pretty boy man and that's it OK? I carried him on my back long enough. I'm on my own.

He wanted to ask whether she were insane but he had been married long enough to know the price of injudicious rhetorical questions.

Skyping with your spouse works well enough but apparently it is hard to get the kids to hang out on Skype for long.

You can accomplish virtually anything if you want it badly enough and if you are willing to work long enough and hard enough;

I have been in the business long enough to know what an intense amount of work it takes to operate a theater company.

I don't like the selfie because it's too close. There ain't no people with arms long enough to do a selfie of me.

Wait long enough and you reap what you sow. That hold for men. That hold for towns. That hold for a whole country.

But I've been at writing long enough now to know that every three or four books I have to start a new direction.

I lived in Hollywood long enough to learn to play tennis and become a star but I never felt it was my home.

Despair itself if it goes on long enough can become a kind of sanctuary in which one settles down and feels at ease.

Say "I love you" to those you love. The eternal silence is long enough to be silent in and that awaits us all.

I was not emotionally mature enough to accept any kind of success when I was young. I needed to go that long route.

So long as we are brave enough to accept the consequences of our actions no one can take away our freedom of choice.

Within ourselves is not very far and yet it is so far that one's whole life is not always long enough to get there.

I seem to write an opera about every 20 years; if you live long enough you can write four operas. I finished my third in 1970.

I've been in politics now for long enough to not worry about what others are saying but instead to talk about what I believe.

I am dwelling on things I love even if a measure of tragedy is stitched into everything if you follow the thread long enough

With the spirit of my administration New York City is poised for dramatic change. The era of fear has had a long enough reign.

I've worked in television long enough to know that when you stop enjoying that type of thing you go home and do something else.

In meditation you learn how to get out of your own way long enough for there to be room for your wisdom to manifest

It's them as take advantage that get advantage I' this world I think: folks have to wait long enough afore it's brought to 'em.

Ask yourself 'How did God bless me today?' If you do that long enough and with faith you will find yourself remembering blessings.

Many of us want to know why we don't "hear" God when we pray. Few of us shut up long enough to really listen.

It would take less than a second for you to die. But that's quite long enough to be in mortal agony don't you think?

Like I always say if you sit long enough by the crack of the door you'll see your enemy go by in a hearse.

If you listen long enough you can hear my skin grow tough love is painful to the touch must be made of stronger stuff.

[To woman bragging about having kept her husband for seven years:] Don't worry if you keep him long enough he'll come back in style.

I hope Stoke stay up this season and stay up for long enough so that they can get enough money and buy some footballers.

Always try to rub up against money for if you rub up against money long enough some of it may rub off on you.

Never say never for if you live long enough chances are you will not be able to abide by the simplest of such injunctions.

You don't have to believe in God just know that there is a plan for you if you wait long enough to find it.

How long does it have to go on? This punishment? Haven't I done time enough haven't I served my term? can't I apply for a-pardon?

If you think love makes you happy you've either never been in love or never been in love long enough to have to start compromising.

What I learned is that acting is to a large extent about trying to stave off self-doubt long enough to be natural and real onstage.

In 1890 nearly everyone died on the job and if they lived long enough not to die on the job the average age of retirement was 85.

In my country (Belgium) if you sit beside the phone long enough it will ring and you will be invited to play rugby for Belgium!

If something sticks around long enough that it makes it to seasonal D.V.D. release I'll watch it. That's how I watched 'The Sopranos'.

I even went so far as to become a Southern Baptist for a while until I realized that they didn't hold 'em under long enough.

Journalists say a thing that they know isn't true in the hope that if they keep on saying it long enough it will be true.

We must try to contribute joy to the world. I didn't always know this and am happy I lived long enough to find it out.

A pier is a disappointed bridge; yet stare at it for long enough and you can dream it to the other side of the Channel.

It is not enough to long for a person as a good for oneself one must also and above all long for that person's good.

Of chess it has often been said that life is not long enough for it - but that is the fault of life not chess.

In my mind and in my heart I feel okay. I cannot complain that I haven't lived long enough but I'd like to live longer.

I have not been in Washington very long but I've been there long enough to be shocked by how antiquated some of our laws have become.

The doctors who have examined me say I am healthy enough for a long life so don't have any illusions that I'll soon leave this world.

I'm married I've been married to the same woman for - well I've been with the same woman for close to...long enough to fool around.

When you fight something long enough it becomes a center pole right in your life and you count on it to be there to fight with.

I have lived long enough to learn how much there is I can really do without.... He is nearest to God who needs the fewest things.

Rhysand stared at me for long enough that I faced him.Be glad of your human heart Feyre. Pity those who don't feel anything at all.

I have lived in this world just long enough to look carefully the second time into things that I am most certain of the first time.

We've been around long enough and have been to enough award shows to know that it is easy to lose to Phil Collins at any time.

Not getting what you want either means you don't want it enough or you have been dealing too long with the price you have to pay.

The days have never been long enough to do the things I would like to do. Every year has held more of interest than the year before.

Maybe it was just part of growing up with someone. Once you have a rhythm and stay with it long enough it's not hard to find again.

A man who trusts everyone is a fool and a man who trusts no one is a fool. We are all fools if we live long enough.

I haven't taken any new projects in the past years - I told myself if I cannot live long enough to finish it I don't want it.

When I hear a man applauded by the mob I always feel a pang of pity for him. All he has to do to be hissed is to live long enough.

Writing should be like skirts. Long enough to cover what it needs to cover and short enough to maintain interest.

I am just old-fashioned enough to prefer long hair.

Anything becomes interesting if you look at it long enough.

Time stays long enough for anyone who will use it.

If you live long enough lots of nice things happen.

If we think about the obvious long enough it dissolves.

If you do nothing long enough something's bound to happen.

Wait long enough and people will surprise and impress you.

Eternity is a mere moment just long enough for a joke.

We can do anything we want to if we stick to it long enough.

If you improve or tinker with something long enough eventually it will break or malfunction.

If you attack the establishment long enough and hard enough they will make you a member of it.

If you just try long enough and hard enough you can always manage to boot yourself in the posterior.

If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate you are sure to wake up somebody.

I have learned as a journalist that if you look long enough and hard enough and carefully enough most truths are discoverable.

Man has gone long enough or even too long without being man enough to face the simple truth that the trouble with man is man.

I have been free for more than a month. Some people may think that that is long enough. Others may think that that is not quite long enough.

Apparently myths become truths if upheld long enough.

You must endure long enough to be victorious.

A pleasure long expected is deare enough sold.

Stick around long enough you'll get some grace.

Lockhart'll sign anything if it stands still long enough.

You become a serious novelist by living long enough.

Money isn't everything as long as you have enough.

Wanting is not enough long and you attain it.

If you stand still long enough you'll get stuck.

If we live long enough we become caricatures of ourselves.

I can't promise you forever because that's not long enough.

The days are long enough for those who use them.

You look at someone long enough you discover their humanity.

As long as we live there is never enough singing.

If you torture the data long enough it will confess.

Depression catches everyone who lives long enough to be caught.

Are you placing enough interesting freakish long shot weirdo bets?

If you beat metal long enough it turns to steel.

Let any man speak long enough he will get believers.

If you pretend everything's fine long enough everything eventually becomes fine.

Remember your past mistakes just long enough to profit by them.

If you are patient...and wait long enough...Nothing will happen

however long we have to live there are never enough springs.

If you torture statistics long enough they'll eventually confess the truth

If you live in each other's pockets long enough you're related.

We've practiced loving long enough let's come at last to hate.

Time abides long enough for those who make use of it.

Here's proof that if you live long enough anything is possible.

Things will get better if you just hold out long enough.

If you survive long enough you're revered-rather like an old building.

Happy the man who lives long enough to acknowledge his ignorance

If you think about the unthinkable long enough it becomes quite reasonable.

You get kicked around long enough you become a professor of pain.

sometimes you just gotta trust that your secret's been kept long enough.

If you think about it long enough you'll see that it's obvious.

If you stick around long enough you're going to become fashionable eventually.

I just hope I can live long enough to see the fame.

I knew if I waited long enough the Republican Party would rock.

The days weren't long enough for the reading she wanted to do.

I'll forget about you long enough to forget why I need to

If you put someone on screen long enough they become the hero.

Getting older is no problem. You just have to live long enough.

Explore the internet long enough and you'll see completely balls out madness there ...

I'd tried enough to know that anything long term wasn't going to work.

With courage you can stay with something long enough to succeed at it.

Some questions will ruin you if you are denied the answer long enough.

Possessive parents rarely live long enough to see the fruits of their selfishness.

Politicians ugly buildings and whores all get respectable if they last long enough.

I hope to live long enough to be the great-grandmother of all agitators.

On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.

Sometimes writing is just rubbing words together long enough to make a fire.

If you stare at someone long enough they'll eventually look back at you.

My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress.

If people stand in a circle long enough they'll eventually begin to dance

Pause your opinions debating and absolute knowing for long enough to conceive gratitude.

There's still time for redemption if I live long enough don't you think?

No good movie is too long and no bad movie is short enough.

Everything has an end if only you live long enough to see it.

Tell a lie loud enough and long enough and people will believe it.

As long as people remember me forever that will be enough for me.

If you tell yourself a lie long enough you'll start to believe it.

If you sit quiet long enough you find out what people really think.

Marriage is long enough to have plenty of room for time behind it.

If you stare at someone long enough you start to see their humanity.

If you hang in there long enough you will eventually reach your goal.

Uh-uh" Clay drawled above me "Elena's played with you long enough Its my turn

You do good work for a long-enough time I believed and you'd get noticed.

I guess if you stay around long enough they can't get rid of you.

I guess it's true what they say: if you wait long enough everything changes.

Follow your footprints long enough and they will turn into those of a beast.

If you gamble long enough you'll always lose -- the gambler is always ruined.

You're right John! I can't see you! Your movies aren't in theaters long enough!

I haven't been paying attention to politics long enough to have really smart opinions.

the worst times come to an end if you can only wait long enough.

It's perseverance that's the key. It's persevering for long enough to achieve your potential.

Make rest a necessity not an objective. Only rest long enough to gather strength.

Listen long enough and the person will generally come up with an adequate solution.

The power of faith is suspending judgment long enough to gain the rewards available.

People are quick to make monuments of anything they live long enough to control.

May you get exactly what you want and live long enough to regret it.

In eternity there is no time only an instant long enough for a joke.

Even rats can only be kicked around for so long before they've had enough.

If you live long enough you'll see that every victory turns into a defeat.

I've never had a dream that didn't come true if I waited long enough.

If you stare into the Abyss long enough the Abyss stares back at you.

And sure enough even waiting will end...if you can just wait long enough.

Giggle potential is everywhere; we just need to slow down long enough to see it.

You kick a dog long enough that dog is going to bite you or die.

That's what all we are: amateurs. We don't live long enough to be anything else.

A politician before he can become a statesman has to remain in office long enough.

I guess if you keep making the same mistake long enough it becomes your style.

How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test?

Look long enough out or in and you'll be glad you are who you are.

If you maintain a consistent political position long enough you'll eventually be accused of treason.

But keep characters in propinquity long enough and a story will always develop a plot.

It is worth living long enough to outlast whatever sense of grievance you may acquire.

Advertising: the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it.

The ball retriever is not long enough to get my putter out of the tree.

Pretend long enough that you belong and eventually even you will believe it." - Gallen

Snow and adolescence are the only problems that disappear if you ignore them long enough.

But I think you can make fun of anything as long as it's funny enough.

A possibility thinker notices a problem just long enough to get excited about the solution.

If you live in L.A. long enough you get into having a cool car.

Leave a door open long enough a cat will enter. Leave food it will stay.

Nothing has to be true forever. Just for long enough to tell you the truth.

You can have everything you want as long as you don't want it badly enough.

No measure of time with you will be long enough but we'll start with forever.

If you sit on the doorstep long enough I daresay you will think of something

There was a pause - just long enough for an angel to pass flying slowly.

Surprising what you can dig out of books if you read long enough isn't it?

If you share a good idea long enough it will eventually fall on good people.

I've been in politics long enough to know that polls just go poof at times.

There's the moon asking to stay long enough for the clouds to fly me away

Try square dancing-at least long enough to no longer feel silly and begin to have fun.

Only the mountain has lived long enough to listen objectively to the howl of the wolf.

I can't really say I'm batting badly. I'm not batting long enough to be batting badly

Weâ??re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.

If You Hang Around with a Bunch of Blunderers Long Enough you Will Become One Yourself.

Haven't you lived in the South long enough to know that nothing is ever anybody's fault?

Wait by the river long enough and the body of your enemy will float by you.

So often we quit on the first failure. We must persistent long enough to achieve success.

If you want something hard enough you'll get it so long as you fight for it.

I'd never been in play long enough for the flowers to die in the dressing room.

All you have to do to make something interesting is to look at it long enough.

Persistence is the iron quality of success; if you persist long enough you must eventually succeed

When you've been around a snake long enough you learn how to crawl in the dirt.

I think if you stop bad habits and you stop long enough you develop good habits.

If you've been put in your place long enough you begin to act like the place.

I think if you keep the box closed long enough you do kill the cat actually.

Biblical counseling is listening to a person long enough until you hear a violation of scripture.

I think we have a good chance of surviving long enough to colonize the solar system.

If you look long enough into the void the void begins to look back through you.

Yet otters have not been hunters in water long enough for the habit to become an instinct.

You do anything long enough to escape the habit of living until the escape becomes the habit

I'm such a chronic relativist I can't hold down a strong opinion about many things long enough.

You have been an apprentice long enough; it is now time to shed your protective skin. Trust!

It's hard to raise awareness of pancreatic cancer - people who get it don't live long enough.

If you let a person talk long enough you'll hear their true intentions. Listen twice speak once.

You keep knocking on the devil's door long enough and sooner or later someone's gonna answer you.

You have punished me long enough you have punished yourself long enough. Return to me. I beg.

Land of snap decisions land of short attention spans nothing is savored long enough to really understand.

Senator Kerry has been in Washington long enough to take both sides on just about every issue.

Facts are like cows. If you look them in the face long enough they generally run away.

dream long enough and dream hard enough you will come to know dreaming can make it so...

The script comes first. If that isn't good enough you know it's gonna be a long ride.

Never allow your child to call you by your first name. He hasn't known you long enough.

I was single long enough and when I was it wasn't about putting notches in the bedpost.

I'm afraid that if you look at a thing long enough it loses all of its meaning.

My verses stand gawping a bit. I never get used to this. They've lived here long enough.

As we age we become our parents; live long enough and we see faces repeat in time.

forever can never be long enough for me to feel that i've had long enough with you

I don't think I'll live long enough to shoot my age. I'm lucky to shoot my weight.

If you can't get out of bed for long enough people come and take your bed away

Before something great happens everything falls apart. Just hold on long enough to get through the smoke screen.

No matter how slow the film Spirit always stands still long enough for the photographer It has chosen.

You know if you hang around this earth long enough you really see how things come full circle.

Our heart is wide enough to embrace the world and hands are long enough to encompass the world.

If you work on anything long enough hopefully you'll get better and I feel like we're just growing.

Justice should remove the bandage from her eyes long enough to distinguish between the vicious and the unfortunate.

I can't seem to be a pessimist long enough to overlook the possibility of things being overwhelmingly good.

Those who staying with the wrong reward (eg. stay in comfort zone etc.) long enough will get problem.

Keep doing good deeds long enough and you'll probably turn out a good man in spite of yourself.

Hold to a thing long enough a secret a desire maybe a lie and it will shape you.

He [William Henry Harrison] did not live long enough to prove his incapacity for the office of President.

Stick around long enough to be someone's friend. Because true friendship once recognized in its essence is effortless.

A child embarrassed by his mother " she said "is just a child who hasn't lived long enough.

Have I caught thee my heavenly jewel? Why now let me die for I have lived long enough.

I believe if we can wait long enough that every honorable sorrow will become a kind of joy.

Conditions are seldom ideal and if one waits long enough for ideal conditions one is just making excuses.

Get a shot off fast. This upsets him long enough to let you make your second shot perfect.

If you live in the same small place long enough something you don't like is bound to happen

I think with suits and clothes if you keep them long enough they all come back in fashion.

The real problem with stories - if you keep them going long enough they always end in death.

Stocks are a safe bet but only if you stay invested long enough to ride out the corrections.

You don't have to talk to me about pensions. I won't be around long enough to collect one.

No ' he said 'you only have to live long enough to inspire others to do great things.

If you haven't caused a scene in a psych unit it's just because you haven't been inside long enough.

Frequently the difference between success and failure is the resolve to stick to your plan long enough to win.

Generosity could be as contagious as the zombie plague as long as enough people were willing to be carriers.

Presidents by six years have been there long enough for the media and the country to see their flaws.

You'd think that radio was around long enough that someone would have coined a word for staring into space.

Everything you are used to once done long enough starts to seem natural even though it might not be.

Free trade will go a long way toward alleviating poverty in Central America. Yet trade alone is not enough.

Don't dip your beard in the foam Father!" They cried to Thorin. "It is long enough without watering it!

I have an Emmy but it's no big deal: work in TV news long enough you eventually get one.

I have lived long enough to know that the evening glow of love has its own riches and splendour.

For a long time I did feel aware that I wasnt pretty or bubbly enough. Nor was I sexy-looking.

Advertising may be described as the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it.

I've lived long enough to have learned the closer you get to the fire the more you get burned.

I could pretend at least and if I pretended long enough maybe I could make it into a reality.

Coke didn't last long enough; it gave me a hangover for two weeks for being high for ten minutes.

Coolidge is the best living demonstration that if you keep silent long enough something fortunate may happen to you.

I was never idle long enough to do much thinking but I felt somehow that my instincts were right.

It takes discipline and compassion to awaken the divine in ourselves long enough to recognize the divine in another.

I suppose any note no matter how sour sounds like a song if you hold onto it long enough.

Ideas aren't magical; the only tricky part is holding on to one long enough to get it written down.

There is an audience for every play; it's just that sometimes it can't wait long enough to find it.

if one's natural feelings are suppressed long enough one develops supernatural feelings and feels surer of having a soul.

You know Molly if you can hold in your mind what you want long enough you shall have it.

If you're patient and you wait long enough something will usually happen and it'll usually be something you don't like.

Age is not a particularly interesting subject. Anyone can get old. All you have to do is live long enough.

... there is something about everything that you can be glad about if you keep hunting long enough to find it.

What holds people together long enough to discover their power as citizens is their common inhabiting of a single place.

Live long enough and you'll come into pensions a lovely thing. Presents every month from people you didn't know cared.

I sometimes think that the prevalent use of external cosmetics eats out the internal brain if persisted in long enough.

It's amazing how far you will get by just staying with something long enough. Most people give up too early.

If you've been in a symbolic struggle long enough even when the struggle is over you don't know it's over.

If we wait long enough a teacher will answer her own question so we won't have to do much work.

It will all go on as long as women are stupid enough to go on bringing men into the world. . .

If you stay in the business long enough and get to be old enough you get to be new again.

Whenever you remove any fence always pause long enough to ask why it was put there in the first place.

The truth of the matter is that all we have to do is live long enough and we will suffer.

If you live long enough you get accused of things you never did and praised for virtues you never had.