Life Is Long Quotes

You know life is long. My shooting career is long.

life is long between the desire and the spasm.

Those whose life is long still strive for gain and for all mortals all things take second place to money.

Hopefully life is long. Do stuff you will enjoy thinking about and telling stories about for many years to come. Do stuff you will want to brag about.

Life is an island. People come out of the sea cross the island and return to the sea. But this short life is long and beautiful. In getting to know nature man exalts the wonder and beauty of life.

Actor's life is very long.

Life is short the art long.

Life is too short for long-term grudges.

Life if well lived is long enough.

The art is long life is short

Life is one long process of getting tired.

The life of the wealthy is one long Sunday.

In this business life is one long fund-raising effort.

My life is one long curve full of turning points.

Study is a life long pursuit.

Come on 'long prosperous life!'

Life is short. Eternity is long.

Character actors have a long shelf life.

As long as there's life there's hope.

Life is very long when you're lonely

Art's too long and life's too short.

Life when is spent well is long.

Long-suffering is the greatest life survival virtue.

Red hair is my life long sorrow.

What is life but one long risk?

Life is long if it is full.

Life is short and the art long.

Life is short and art is long.

A long life is a life well spent.

Everyone desires long life not one old age.

The artistic life is a long lovely suicide.

Life is short. But desire desire is long.

Magnificently unprepared for the long littleness of life.

Normal life cannot sustain revolutionary attitudes for long.

Life is too long to know C++ well.

Life consists of a long chain of coincidences.

Art indeed is long but life is short.

My life really has been one long extravaganza.

Life is short but the years are long.

All life long the same questions the same answers.

An artist's work is one long conversation with life.

My life has been one long descent into respectability.

Every thing admonishes us how needlessly long life is.

The dread of futility has been my life-long plague.

Long life will sometimes obscure the star of fame.

A life postponed too long might never be lived.

Art is too long and life is too short

Life is a long headache in a noisy street.

Life is short and the Tour de France long.

As long as there is life there is hope.

In England life is a long process of composing oneself ...

Life is too short to be mad for too long.

Heaven gives long life to the just and the intelligent.

Life is short the art is long the problems pressing.

those who despair of life are not long for it.

Life is long if you know how to use it.

As long as you have a window life is exciting.

Long life is a burden when it's spent in misery.

Let life be short else shame will be too long.

As long as there are postmen life will have zest.

So that my life be brave what though not long?

The life so short the crafts so long to learn.

Life is short but its ills make it seem long.

The truth can wait for it lives a long life.

A nation's life is about as long as its reverential memory

A man's life is what he thinks about all day long.

What greater evil could you wish a miser than long life?

We all strive for safety prosperity comfort long life and dullness.

Ay marriage is the life-long miracle The self-begetting wonder daily fresh.

In life one's habits determines one's habitation in the long run

Be a life long student read as many books as possible.

Life is too short to hold a grudge also too long.

Life if thou knowest how to use it is long enough.

Sports was my entire life as long as I can remember.

When I was young life seemed long and endless to me.

What should I say about life? That it's long and abhors transparence.

What unlooked-for things do happen to be sure in a long life!

People complain that life is short for me it seems very long.

From the beginning I imagined I would have a long work life.

For me the spiritual quest will be a life-long work in progress.

life is not so long that one can grow tired of it

Evading responsibility can lead to a life long pattern of criminal behavior.

Better a long life of toil than a short one of ease.

Football has been my life for as long as I can remember.

The secret of a long life is to never trust a doctor.

God help us -- for art is long and life so short.

Life is hopefully long so I don't know what the future will bring.

There is always something to celebrate so long as life is being lived.

Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up but a comedy in long-shot.

I long ago came to the conclusion that all life is 6 to 5 against.

The fly that prefers sweetness to a long life may drown in honey.

Do not look at life's long sorrow; see how small each moment's pain.

Possessing talent is nothing more than the continuous pursuit of a life-long interest.

Age is not different from earlier life as long as you're sitting down.

If you wouldn't live long live well; for folly and wickedness shorten life.

... as long as we go on loving and working life is worth while.

Life is short and the nights are long and tonight I moved on.

And then there was him the long and painful love of her life.

Life as it is called is for most of us one long postponement.

So long as you can sweeten another's pain life is not in vain.

A dose of humility goes a long way in life and in politics.

Life is not too short... we just wait too long to begin it.

A long life or a short life are of equal importance to God.

Be the Worst You Can Be: Life's Too Long for Patience and Virtue

If you are not long I will wait for you all my life.

The bottom line for me is that life is short and art is long.

When one maintains his proper attitude in life he does not long after externals.

The long mechanic pacings to and fro The set gray life and apathetic end.

Old men should have more care to end life well than to live long.

To the old long life and treasure; To the young all health and pleasure.

When a man's life is under debate The judge can ne'er too long deliberate.

As long as he is around I don't fit into your life." - Nathan

Life is too long to reject the opportunities in front of you every day.

I'm really interested in the idea of long long life and transformation and immortality.

Life is the finest secret. So long as that remains we must all whisper.

Dreams are real as long as they last. Can we say more of life?

Life is not long enough for a coquette to play all her tricks in.

[Woman's] life-long economic parasitism has utterly blurred her conception of the meaning of equality.

I'm in this for the long haul. I've been making music my whole life.

Recipe for a long life: Only smoke while awake. Only run when being chased.

I kind of think I'm going to live a long life as a punishment.

Yes well life is a folly. If you live long enough nothing is surprising.

I'm not often bored ' I assured her. "Life's not long enough for that.

Do not believe yourself healthy. Immortality is health; this life is a long sickness.

But all my people the Palestinians and the Arabs wish me long life and freedom.

Life's too short to take yourself seriously and too long to take a wife jokingly.

How do you live a long life? "Take a two-mile walk every morning before breakfast.

I love the long-form rehearsal process with theater brick by brick to build another life.

One cannot live through a long stretch of years without forming some philosophy of life.

It's been a long rocky life with plenty of possibility but too much human ugliness.

Don't let anybody ever tell you life's fair. Not as long as I'm in it.

Life can seem short or life can seem long depending on how you live it.

I would rather live a short life of glory than a long one of obscurity.

I came to the conclusion long ago that all life is six to five against.

You can only whine for so long. Then you need to get your life back.

The only way to live a long life is in a state of constant boredom.

It's my life. I only got one and it's very short. You don't get long.

If you are not too long I will wait here for you all my life.

My life so far has been a long series of things I wasn't ready for.

It's not how long life is but the quality of our life that is important.

He who loves not wine women and song remains a fool his whole life long.

Be a life long or short its completeness depends on what it was lived for.

Life is not long at all never long enough but days are very long indeed.

So much of what holds us back in life are the long-held resentments stemming from childhood.

That is life. Just one long succession of misunderstandings and rash acts and what not. Absolutely.

Long life is denied us; therefore let us do something to show that we have lived.

Life doesn't take itself seriously for long. Joy leaves an imprint even in the hardest sorrow.

Looking back my life seems like one long obstacle race with me as the chief obstacle.

I've been saying for a long time that I'm hoping to find intelligent life in Washington.

People can have a long-term life plan only if they know their private property is secure.

Nobody as long as he moves about among the chaotic currents of life is without trouble.

I don't see anything wrong with technology as long as it doesn't interfere with your life.

Fights in real life between real people only last so long before someone gets seriously hurt.

Throughout this life you can never be certain of living long enough to take another breath.

Anything is possible in the life of a man if he lives long enough. Even maturity.

It doesn't matter what you do in particular so long as you have had your life.

As long as one can suffer one is and suffer until life is gone.

Life is not long for anybody and the problem is only to make something of it.

But that is the object of long living that man should cease to care about life.

If you truly believe in Jesus it is for life. Saving faith is a life-long act.

A life must be saved as long as it can be no matter whose it is.

All my life I've stayed at parties too long because I didn't know when to go.

Life is short but it's long enough to ruin any man who wants to be ruined.

Life is a long drawn out lie with a sniffling sigh at the end of it.

People always say life is too short for regrets. But the truth is it's too long.

Martial arts have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember.

There are few restrictions on your life with asthma as long as you take care of yourself.

Never ask the Gods for life set free from grief but ask for courage that endureth long.

We have found in a long life that one competitor is frequently enough to ruin a business.

Life is like a snowball. The important thing is finding wet snow and a really long hill.

I love sport as long as it's kept as an entertainment - not a meaning of life.

I have been drawing and creating visual works my entire life as long as I can remember.

Everybody should have true love and it should last at least as long as your life does.

We live in a time of renaissance ... cities are coming back to life after a long neglect.

Some folks think I painted Lincoln from life but I haven't been around that long. Not quite.

The life of man is long perhaps longer than necessary Or perhaps it is shorter than necessary?

For me the cooking life has been a long love affair with moments both sublime and ridiculous.

Life can unfold unlimitedly as long as we have a heart of appreciation and an undefeated mind.

A snapshot steals life that it cannot return. A long exposure [creates] a form that never existed.

A man must have grown old and lived long in order to see how short life is.

Give life long enough and it will solve all your problems including the one of being alive.

I did not succeed in life by intelligence. I succeeded because I have a long attention span.

It should be our care not so much to live a long life as a satisfactory one.

I love sport as long as its kept as an entertainment - not a meaning of life.

You cannot live a nonviolent life as long as you are consuming violence. Please consider going vegan.

Everyone should pursue whatever is original in oneself. That's the way for a long life in music.

Having a similar outlook on life is the central key for long-term sustainability in any love relationship.

Our span of life is brief but is long enough for us to live well and honestly.

One must so long as there is any life left back up the character of one's life.

Make your life exciting. Do what you have to do as long as you don't hurt people.

Live as long as you may the first twenty years are the longest half of your life.

I been in the blues all my life. I'm still delivering 'cause I got a long memory.

There are many things in life that become different if you take a long look at them.

Life's got to be lived no matter how long or short. You got to take what comes.

People would not long remain in social life if they were not the dupes of each other.

I have lived life long enough to thank God that all my prayers have not been answered

Your shame will be your torture and your torture will be your life. I wish it long.

A short life is better for mankind for a long life would deprive man of his optimism.

How are we to write The Russian novel in America As long as life goes so unterribly?

I sometimes feel like life is just one big test to see how long we can survive.

As long as I have the friendship of the sesasons life will never be a burden to me.

Life is only a long and bitter suicide and faith alone can transform this suicide into a sacrifice.

To be or not to be; that is the bare bodkin That makes calamity of so long life;

God doesnâ??t need to punish us. He just grants us a long enough life to punish ourselves.

Life is made up of moments small pieces of glittering mica in a long stretch of gray cement.

Dread lord and cousin may the almighty preserve your reverence and lordship in long life and good fortune.

Life's barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.

I can only play the sport for so long I have mathematics for the rest of my life.

No one could say how long that life would last. Whatever has form can disappear in an instant.

Every man hath a good and a bad angel attending on him in particular all his life long.

If you take too long in deciding what to do with your life you'll find you've done it.

It doesn't matter who you fall in love with as long as you have love in your life.

As long as one accepts 'time' tacitly as such he is dreaming a drea not living a life.

My whole life long I have done nothing but interpret my dreams of ultimate masculinity and draw them.

It doesn't take a whole long life to realize that what we deserve to have we rarely get.

Prayer has been the saviour of my life. Without it I should have been a lunatic long ago.

Never shall I forget these things even if I am condemned to life as long as God himself

His life though none too long Was never dull: Of woman wine and song Bill had his full.

I often long to . . . give up my life to love of my neighbour. This is really a temptation.

One key to creating a meaningful life is choosing what we want to feel and for how long.

Yes life was very sweet and cosy with Scarlett - as long as she had her own way

I've long been really intrigued with what is the... proper role of faith and religion in public life.

I'll play for Rangers as long as I can then spend the rest of my life being depressed

Life is long and dumb and devastating. People should believe whatever they need to believe to get by.

[O]ur honeymoon will shine our life long: its beams will only fade over your grave or mine.

Life will give you what you ask of here if only you ask long enough and plainly enough.

The things we truly love stay with us always locked in our hearts as long as life remains.

Mountain hikes instilled in me a life-long urge to get to the top of any inviting summit or peak.

How long do you want to wait until you start enjoying life? When you're sixty-five you get social security.

As long as a journalist shows fairness and honesty in his or her work their private life shouldn't matter.

Nor love thy life nor hate; but what thou livest Live well; how long or short permit to Heaven.

A long healthy life is no accident. It begins with good genes but it also depends on good habits.

All my life my heart has sought a thing I cannot name. Remembered line from a long- forgotten poem

Poetry can keep life itself alive. You can endure almost anything as long as you can sing about it.

In itself a thought a slumbering thought is capable of years; and curdles a long life into one hour.

Real life is to most men a long second best a perpetual compromise between the ideal and the possible.

Character in the long run is the decisive factor in the life of an individual and of nations alike.

I can't imagine what my life was before. I can't imagine ever being without you for very long again.

Tomorrow will be better for as long as America keeps alive the ideals of freedom and a better life.

The average life spans of many bands are not that long up to five years if they are lucky.

Love is a risk. It always is. None of us is guaranteed a long life. But love takes courage.

Day-to-day life is as simple as it is routine - though my days are often long and very busy.

Every risk is worth taking as long as it's for a good cause and contributes to a good life.

It is better to have a meaningful life and make a difference than to merely have a long life.

Sirs I have tested your machine. It adds a new terror to life and makes death a long-felt want.

Long live the car crash hearts Cry on the couch all the poets come to life Fix me in 45

Life is a wheel and if you wait long enough it always comes back around to where it started.

We have a finite amount of time. Whether short or long it doesn't matter. Life is to be lived.

I grew up at 'All My Children;' I got married had a daughter and made life-long friends there!

A decent life even a short life will always be far better than an exceptionally long life lived in ruin.

The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon but that we wait so long to begin it.

The secret of long life is double careers. One to about age sixty then another for the next thirty years.

The man who actually knows just what he wants in life has already gone a long way toward attaining it.

So long as you are secure you will count many friends; if your life becomes clouded you will be alone.

Life has now taught me that love for things like all unrequited love takes its toll in the long run.

For in itself a thought a slumbering thought is capable of years and curdles a long life into one hour.

I doubt sometimes whether a quiet and unagitated life would have suited me - yet I sometimes long for it.

We push time from us and we wish him back; * * * * * * Life we think long and short; death seek and shun.

I don't feel I'll live a long life. That's why I have to get what I can from every day.

When a man's life is at stake no delay is too long. [Lat. Nulla unquam de morte cunctatio longa est.]

I have been on a life-long search of how to stay in shape without putting any effort into it whatsoever.

So live your life of obedience and of war! What matter about long life! What warrior wisheth to be spared!

I count myself lucky having long ago won a lottery paid to me in seven sunrises a week for life.

Life is not long and too much of it must not pass in idle deliberation how it shall be spent.

I will always have enough money to last the rest of my long as I don't buy anything.

So good news/bad news: good news that I'm progressing; bad news that life is short and art is long.

Every man plays the fool once in his live but to marry is playing the fool all one's life long.

Human life has meaning only to that degree and as long as it is lived in the service of humanity.

Life will go on as long as there is someone to sing to dance to tell stories and to listen.

So long as men can breathe or eyes can see So long lives this and this gives life to thee.

As I look back on my life I see it as one long obstacle course with myself as the main obstacle.

Out of the long list of nature's gifts to man none is perhaps so utterly essential to human life as soil.

And apparently things like a Vindaloo curry are out for the rest of my life or at least a long time.

I've been so lonely for long periods of my life that if a rat walked in I would have welcomed it.

As long as I can wear a wig I can be any character and in real life I can be myself.

Mother Teresa the nun who in the last century dedicated her long life to helping the poor is now a saint.

Anyone who has owned many cats in long succession can define his or her life as a series of furry episodes.

However long I serve in public life I'll stand on that basic liberty of the right to keep and bear arms.

As a child I watched 'Dallas' and that was my vision for my life for as long as I could remember.

When you have solved all the mysteries of life you long for death for it is but another mystery of life.

Even if a woman is abused a very long time ago it comes out in her life in a negative way.

Tips for a long life - Keep Sweet Keep Friendly Keep Loving if ye would... keep Y O U N G

I thought I was so ugly for so long and I wasted so much of my life on this dumb notion.

For even if the allotted space of life be short it is long enough in which to live honorably and well.

How long could you love a woman who didn't love you Cecil? A woman who didn't love me? Oh all my life!

Hair is a huge part of who I am and what I obsess over - I've had long hair my entire life.

People often ask me how long it takes me to write a play and I tell them 'all of my life.'

I've loved you for as long as I can remember and I'm going to love you for the rest of my life.

The life of a rock & roll band will last as long as you can look down into the audience and see yourself.

It's taken me a long time to realize that my own life is far more interesting than any part I'll ever play.

When I lost my way and When the road was too long I was muttering to myself. Life is just that way...

If the way of heaven be narrow it is not long; and if the gate be straight it opens into endless life.

He did not need a long life for us to measure. It was rather we who needed his life to be longer.

I have lived long enough to be battered by the realities of life and not too long to be downed by them.

The most important thing is to live a fabulous life. As long as it's fabulous I don't care how long it is.

A successful life depends less on how long you live than on how much you can pack into the time you have.

The life of every river sings its own song but in most the song is long marred by the discords of misuse.

One can fool life for a long time but in the end it always makes us what we were intended to be.

You only have to do a very few things right in your life so long as you don't do too many things wrong.

The cost of a thing is what I call life which has to be exchanged for it immediately or in the long run.

I was a young kid from Long Island who wanted to do something large with her life so I can relate to that.

You were made perfectly to be loved - and surely I have loved you in the idea of you my whole life long.

What I still ask for daily-for life as long as I have work to do and work as long as I have life.

You know I have found out in the course of a long public life that the things I did not say never hurt me.

The last few years of my life have been a little like a long ride in a Poop de Ville with the bottom down.

Football is my job not my life but it's a job I'm going to give my all for as long as I'm in it.

I just want to use all of myself for the rest of my life in every facet of my life as long as I live.

A woman's life in the orchestra is not as long as a man's; she is just not as good at 60 as a man is at 60.