Flow Quotes

It is in between your thoughts where you will discover your greatest FLOW from Spirit.

And soften'd sounds along the waters die: Smooth flow the waves the zephyrs gently play.

Let the natural flow of the universe course through your being and harmonize your soul.

Early practice is vital so that performances became totally ingrained and flow from the subconscious.

Ceaseless as the interminable voices of the bell-cricket all night till dawn my tears flow.

Accept these grateful tears...For thee they flow for thee... That ever felt another's woe.

Making more money will not solve your problems if cash flow management is your problem.

It's about being here in the moment accepting one another and allowing creativity to flow.

Money will always flow toward opportunity and there is an abundance of that in America.

I think there is always an ebb and flow in Hollywood about what is current.

I'm trying to just go with the flow and learn from the people around me.

If you become a helper of hearts springs of wisdom will flow from your heart.

I'm a cash flow guy. If it doesn't make me money today forget about it.

Though I may not flow where the wind guides me I won't become still water.

Music's exclusive function is to structure the flow of time and keep order in it.

Any land will flow with milk and honey if it is worked with honest hands!

Tears are God's gift to us. Our holy water. They heal us as they flow.

Never take your eyes off the cash flow because it's the life blood of business.

Its a wonderful feeling to be able to inspire back to keep that flow going.

God descends to the humble as waters flow down from the hills into the valleys.

We are that strange species that constructs artifacts intended to counter the natural flow of forgetting.

When you focus on gratitude positive things flow in more readily making you even more grateful.

If you act like the river you ultimately flow past all the rocks along the way.

Time has a certain current to it and it wants to flow in a certain direction.

That is how heavy a secret can become. It can make blood flow easier than ink.

I always work with text orally in the writing process saying passages aloud to measure flow.

Only by working within the laws that govern the flow of water will happiness be achieved.

I have enough...and I allow what I already have enough of to flow to me.

The tendency of mans nature to good is like the tendency of water to flow downward.

Guilt rarely results in positive behavior. But gratitude? Great things flow from a heart of gratitude.

Down the blue night the unending columns press In noiseless tumult break and wave and flow

I would like to explode flow crumble into dust and my disintegration would be my masterpiece.

I don't think it's something you can be prepared for. I'm just going with the flow.

I don't do all that well in the writerly world. I'm happier being outside the flow.

When you give you reveal a spiritual truth that the flow of life never runs dry.

Whate'er is well conceived is clearly said And the words to say it flow with ease.

I live my life on self-belief and I live it partly on going with the flow.

The rivers of Grace cannot flow uphill up the steep cliff of the proud man's heart.

There are those who attracted by grass flowers mountains and waters flow into the Buddha Way.

Life is not like water. Things in life don't necessarily flow over the shortest possible route.

The happiest hours of my life have been spent in the flow of affection among friends.

When from soft love proceeds the deep distress ah! why forbid the willing tears to flow?

The creative process is different from the traditional production and work-flow process. It is not so linear.

Let tears flow of their own accord; their flowing is not inconsistent with inward peace and harmony.

A flow of happiness and abundance will manifest when you have reached the deepest level of yourSelf.

Sleep's what we need. It produces an emptiness in us into which sooner or later energies flow.

Empathy is the greatest virtue. From it all virtues flow. Without it all virtues are an act.

She breathes all the political gases that flow around this but she never seems to inhale them.

Authority in science exists to be questioned since heresy is the spring from which new ideas flow.

I honestly really don't get aggravated at all. I just go with the flow. Whatever happens happens.

Once we recognize our shadow's existence we must resist the enticing step of going with its flow.

The reaction was immediate. The blood flow was in proportion to how much the painting was liked.

If there are problems with the subtle physical body it's very hard for the kundalini to flow.

Surrender is the simple but profound wisdom of yielding to rather than opposing the flow of life.

I always do my draft in long hand because even the ink is part of the flow.

Disruption causes vast sums of money to flow from existing businesses and business models to new entrants.

If you can always be appreciative of the ebb and flow of the losses and the wins.

Bitterness and unforgiveness block the flow of God's blessing in your life and actually hinder your prayers.

My flow follows sometimes what's going on in the hip-hop industry even though I'm speaking Jamaican patois.

The Stone of Guilt in the River of the Mind the block in the flow of intelligence.

The tears of childhood fall fast and easily and evil be to him who makes them flow.

So life does flow but not from left to right on a time scale rather frominside out.

We must learn to let the flow manifest itself where it will.....not where we will it.

I'm far more ready to go with the flow now because I am more accepting of myself.

Who knows what the human body would expand and flow out to under a more genial heaven?

Do not focus on being happy focus on doing something useful; afterwards happiness will flow towards you!

The first principle of a free society is an untrammeled flow of words in an open forum.

We should not stop to reflect compare analyze possess but flow on and through endlessly like music.

Life is so much easier when I allow myself to be myself and go with the flow.

Perhaps man will rise ever higher as soon as he ceases to flow out into a god.

There is a way to flow and cooperate with universal laws which can be beautiful and kind.

When you move like a jellyfish rhythm is nothing. You go with the flow. You don't stop.

Lies will flow from my lips but there may perhaps be some truth mixed up with them ...

Indeed there has never been any explanation of the ebb and flow in our veins--of happiness and unhappiness.

Go boldly forth my simple lay Whose accents flow with artless ease Like orient pearls at random strung.

The flow of blessings in our life is directly related to our passing blessings along to someone else.

In matters of taste flow like the tide. In matters of principle stand like a rock. (Thomas Jefferson)

When we push life life pushes back. When we let go things begin to flow....direction unknown though !

Creation is a sentient and instinctual flow that determines where to go and what to change or omit.

Money flows to me freely copiously and endlessly. I AM tuned into the flow of prosperity and abundance!

I have this belief about things happening organically. I believe life has this organic flow in a way.

Everyone goes with the flow... but the one who goes against the flow becomes someone remarkable in life...

My rhymes are like shot clocks interstate cops and blood clots my point is your flow gets stopped.

You just got to out there and flow like Bruce Lee said you got to be like water.

With writing I can express myself really and share my ideas and just let my thoughts flow out.

The more in harmony you are with the flow of your own existence the more magical life becomes.

May your heart open.May joy emerge.May love flow through you.May you heal and help others.

I try to shut my brain down as much as possible. And let the melodies flow if possible.

Beauty is the moment of transition as if the form were just ready to flow into other forms.

Only the flow matters; live and let live love and let love. There is no point in love.

All streams flow to the sea because it is lower than they are. Humility gives it its power.

Dig inside. Inside is the fountain of good and it will forever flow if you will forever dig.

The bolder the action the greater the genius magic and power that is likely to flow from it.

The more you give yourself to others the more joy and peace will flow into your own life.

Sometimes I write with music on and if I'm in a good flow I don't even hear it.

Timeless so age don't count in the booth When your flow stay submerged in the fountain of youth

My prayers my God flow from what I am not; I think thy answers make me what I am.

Right now I'm on my God flow you know what I mean? I got Job 1:21 tattooed on my chest.

Move with the flow. Don't fight the current. Resist nothing. Let life carry you. Don't try to carry it.

The most important word in the world of money is cash flow. The second most important word is leverage.

I am not as concerned about choosing the right words as I am in letting the words flow naturally.

You go into flow when your highest strengths are deployed to meet the highest challenges that come your way.

The Stone of Guilt in the River of the Mind the block in the flow of intelligence.~ Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Cursed be the verse how well so e'er it flow That tends to make one worthy man my foe.

The mountain rill Seeks with no surer flow the far bright sea Than my unchang'd affections flow to thee.

Our work for God is to flow from loving God; thus we work with Him instead of for Him.

Mark what and how great blessings flow from a frugal diet; in the first place thou enjoyest good health.

There is force in the universe which if we permit it will flow through us and produce miraculous results.

To be a Christian you can't go with the flow. You have to go by the Word of God.

I understand that everything is connected that all roads meet and that all rivers flow into the same sea.

You must flow with the will of God in the service of God to obtain the power of God.

Be rightly related to God find your joy there and out of you will flow rivers of living water.

I prefer the pen. There is something elemental about the glide and flow of nib and ink on paper.

One who can learn to flow with the current as well as manage the current is the successful one.

The moment a man falls into sin divine life ceases to flow and his life becomes one of helplessness.

We must never forget that both good and evil flow from the Bible. It is therefore not above criticism.

If a queen bee were crossed with a Friesian bull would not the land flow with milk and honey?

We also have to stop the flow of precursor chemicals that meth cooks use to boil up this poison.

The wounds I carry she carries them too. The unshed tears in my head flow through her heart too .

I think of painting as possessed by a structure... but a structure born of the flow of color feeling.

Take your diamonds and throw em up like you're bulimic. Yeah the beat cold but the flow is anemic.

Time was a face on the water and like the great river before them it did nothing but flow.

A poem is a frozen moment melted by each reader for themselves to flow into the here and now.

When we allow the genius of simple nature to flow through us we become every genius who has ever lived.

We didn't use the shuttle robot arm before so this has been a training flow to get ready for that.

Don't hold it shouldn't stop it. Let it come let it flow. Let it reach the positivity bring the happiness

Literature is not a picture of life but is a separate experience with its own kind of flow and enhancement.

Let it flow while I pump it slow then I speed it up heat it up make it more nasty.

To reach our full potential we must first clear the mind and be present in the flow of life current.

A laugh to be joyous must flow from a joyous heart for without kindness there can be no true joy.

In the uncertain ebb and flow of time and emotions much of one's life history is etched in the senses.

Britain's an island; it's always had a constant ebb and flow of immigration - it makes it a better place.

It would be ideal if we could have an uncontrolled flow of information. But we realized you can't do that.

I am really laid back and kind of go-with-the-flow but I will never do anything that I don't believe in.

You don't have to learn to be wise. If you just flow you can be successful. Mother Nature will carry you.

I'm not sentimental about anything. Life flows by and you flow with it or you don't. Move on and move out.

Memory is funny. Once you hit a vein the problem is not how to remember but how to control the flow.

Brass is polished by ashes; copper is cleaned by tamarind; a woman by her menses; and a river by its flow.

My goal is to ensure the Northern Border is safe secure and allows for the free flow of travel and commerce.

When I was in Paris all of the German refugees began to flow in and it was a very sad time.

Presence is like a gap in the flow of history where all of [a] sudden it is not past and not future.

I enjoy being on my own. I feel like I have more room to stretch. I have to go with the flow.

You can make all the birth plans in the world but at the end of the day - go with the flow.

What do I want? is your question. And what you want is always changing with the flow. So go with the flow.

If you make the choice to just go with the flow that is a choice to make a difference in a negative way.

Life is outside the doors; keep the door open so that life can flow into you or you can flow into the life!

Cut him. Cut him while I stand here and watch. I want to see the blood flow. Don't make me tell you twice.

Isn't it so weird the day you wake up and you're just going with the flow? And you just suddenly are a mom.

...With stories even a page can take me hours but the truth seems to flow out as fast as I can get it down.

How do I not get so wrapped up in what I think needs to happen? Going with the flow is the way to do it.

Love is never lost. If not reciprocated it will flow back and soften and purify the heart.

Flow with change or be dragged.

Be like a river. Be open. Flow.

Flow is something the reader experiences not the writer.

Flow wine smile woman and the universe is consoled.

Flow down and down in always widening rings of being.

Selfishness Stops The Flow Of Blessings To You and Others

Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free.

Flow is hard to achieve without effort. Flow is not 'wasting time.

Time slows down. Self vanishes. Action and Awareness merge. Welcome to Flow.

Open yourself and flow my friend. Flow in the total openness of the living moment.

Flow gently sweet Afton among thy green braes Flow gently I'll sing thee a song in thy praise.

Flow occurs in your life when your highest skills are matched to challenges that quite exactly meet them.

Flow is letting nothing obstruct the breath. Practice flow through a complete exhale in every way in your being.

Where I'm from is like 'Hustle Flow' versus '8 Mile.' It's that really grimy box-Chevy dope-boy working-class music.

Went from most hated to the Champion God Flow I guess that's a feelin' only me and LeBron know.

The river makes the water flow. That's how I live. I just let everything flow. Flow with the river.

Flow. Be adaptable. Be sensitive like water feel the other so you can attune and harmonize with your partner.

When The Goodwill Of Hearts Is With You Fountains Of Wisdom Will Begin To Flow From Within Your Own Being.

Man if they played the commercials for 'Murderball' as much as they do for 'Hustle & Flow ' 'Murderball' would blow up!

For the High Achievers Studying Gave Them The Pleasing Absorbing Challenge of Flow Percent of the Hours They Spent as It.

Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.

This is how memories are made... by going with the flow.

I love the written word so much I know it's gonna flow naturally.

Worldly pleasures such as flow from greatness riches honours and sensual gratifications are infinitely worse than none

To stop the flow of music would be like the stopping of time itself incredible and inconceivable.

I just go with the flow so any style can be in my music - that makes it exciting.

So this is how you swim inward. So this is how you flow outwards. So this is how you pray.

When you are grateful - when you can see what you have - you unlock blessings to flow in your life.

I know it may seem surprising to people but learning dialog that has a conversational flow to it is not that difficult.

Oh I am very weary Though tears no longer flow; My eyes are tired of weeping My heart is sick of woe.

And though all streams flow from a single course to cleanse the blood from polluted hand they hasten on their course in vain.

There is a single thread of attitude a single direction of flow that joins our present time to its early burgeoning in Mediterranean civilization.

Public relations is at best promotion or manipulation at worst evasion and outright deception. What it is never about is a free flow of information.

Our greatest lack is not money for any undertaking but rather ideas If the ideas are good cash will somehow flow to where it is needed.

Life is made up of a series of judgments on insufficient data and if we waited to run down all our doubts it would flow past us.

It is not possible for civilization to flow backwards while there is youth in the world. Youth may be headstrong but it will advance it allotted length.

Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.

Information flow is what the Internet is about. Information sharing is power. If you don't share your ideas smart people can't do anything about them and you'll remain anonymous and powerless.

It is my fondest wish that the gift of song that God has given me will flow from my soul to yours and help ease any burden that might weigh upon you.

Seek not to know what must not be reveal for joy only flows where fate is most concealed. A busy person would find their sorrows much more; if future fortunes were known before!

Normally I work out a general summary of what I mean to do then start writing and the details can be different from my anticipation. So there is considerable flow but always within channels.

Going by my past journey I am not certain where life will take me what turns and twists will happen; nobody knows where they will end up. As life changes direction I'll flow with it.

Even with the quality of players that we have they're an extremely hard side to break down and once they get on top of you you find it difficult to stem the flow of attacks.

I think that that's why artists make art - it is difficult to put into words unless you are a poet. What it takes is being open to the flow of universal creativity. The Zen artists knew this.

The river is everywhere.

Where grace flows mercy thrives

Captivity ends when creativity begins

the best ideas flow at night

Spring brings warmth and blossom of flowers.

Spring time is nature at its best.

...what the social environment told them to want...

Do not get lost in the flow of reality.

Water flows but never changes. It's always H2O.

Pain and pleasure occur in consciousness and exist only there

Don't force it if there isn't flow let it go.

Time flows smoother when you are with people you love.

Spend more time doing things that make you forget about the time.

Life is a dance between heaven and earth the ebb and flow of life.

All the drain leads to the ocean...So chill out and enjoy the motion!

Make your decisions like a rock & live your life like a flow of water

We keep moving. And as we do the things around us well they disappear.

Your life has a natural motion. Surrendering reveals how flowing this life could be.

My heart only grows more powerful the more my flowing love goes unabsorbed unobserved and unappreciated.

Just as the bird needs wings to fly a leader needs useful information to flow. Leaders learn.

You don't have to understand everything. Some things don't make sense. Go with the flow. Move on.

The task is to learn how to enjoy everyday life without diminishing other people's chances to enjoy theirs.

Any self-prompt that reminds you to focus on flow not ebb contributes to your greater sense of abundance. (53)

The perfect orchestration of the symphony of life is one of the Creator's greatest and most beautiful miracles.

Perfection is an illusion. Allow yourself room to make mistakes and permission to be happy regardless of outcome.

During moments of strife and 'dis-ease' check your flow and redirect your focus to that which is naturally good.

Decision is the wing that makes dreams to go and grow and flow and fly. No decision no fulfilled destiny!

Our prayers for others flow more easily than those for ourselves. This shows we are made to live by charity.

But anyone who has experienced flow knows that the deep enjoyment it provieds requires an equal degree of disciplined concentration.

Happiness is achieved by flowing with the known and the unknown within you being in a state of simplified simplicity.

Enjoyment appears at the boundary between boredom and anxiety when the challenges are just balanced with the person's capacity to act.

But religions are only temporarily successful attempts to cope with the lack of meaning in life; they are not permanent answers.

If we do not judge flow of life by the limited human understanding we will flow through life calmly and effortlessly.

The essence of socialization is to make people dependent on social controls to have them respond predictably to rewards and punishments.

The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it move with it and join the dance.

But it is impossible to enjoy a tennis game a book or a conversation unless attention is fully concentrated on the activity.

When you go against the flow of nature and betray the spiritual laws existing within there will always be a negative reaction.

Fire wants to burn Water wants to flow Air wants to rise Earth wants to bindChaos wants to devourCal wants to live

May what I do flow from me like a river no forcing and no holding back the way it is with children.

Why we love with close heartsWhy we love with souls apart Let the love flow from hearts to souls Let the world glow

let my heart always belike it is...this very momentready to explode...with lovea violent rainstorm...with no streamno ocean vast enoughto flow into.

Oil may run out liquidity may dry up but as long as ink flows freely the next chapter of Life will continue to be written.

Take the broken pieces of your life bake a master cake out of it. Don't stand still like a lake; keep flowing like a stream!

In life one has a choice to take one of two paths: to wait for some special day - or to celebrate each special day.

It is always easy to flow with the river and to run with the wind! But glory and honour are often not found in easy things!

People will ask you the question 'how is life treating you?' But my question is 'how are you treating life?' On that your happiness rests

I am the coffee and God is The Barista. Through me he may awaken your soul. But the coffee knows not what flows through the mind of The Barista.

While he mused on the effect of the flowing sands he was seized from time to time by hallucinations in which he himself began to move with the flow.

Grateful attitude Thank God for one specific thing daily and write it in a journal. You will be amazed at abundance of blessings which will flow in your life.

If you have a good idea use it so that you will not only accomplish something but so that you can make room for new ones to flow into you.

She wants to teach me to dance but how do you instruct water to flow? I'm so fluid all you can do is swim in my moves and drink my essence.

I want to be the founder of a #startup app called Quid Pro Squid. No idea what it will do but if I can get enough users VC money will flow.

In the lobby of every business incubator there needs to be a bathtub to get the ideas flowing. But to make it funktional it needs to be used as a fish tank.

Wealth status and power have become in our culture all too powerful symbols of happiness. ... And we assume that if only we could acquire some of those same symbols we would be nuch happier.

There are ultimately two choices in life: to fight it or to embrace it. If you fight it you will lose - if you embrace it you become one with it and you'll be lived.

We are always getting to live as Ralph Waldo Emerson used to say but never living. Or as poor Frances learned in the children's story it is always bread and jam tomorrow never brad and jam today.

Affluence = abundant flow.

Grow within the flow.

Insanity makes the rivers flow.

All things flow nothing abides.

Our greatest evils flow from ourselves.

I am rooted but I flow.

I trust the flow of life.

Hands have not tears to flow.

We all flow from one fountain.

instinct leads me to another flow

Life is a flow of love.

Tactics flow from a superior position

From salad dressings all blessings flow.

One thing that blocks flow is self-consciousness.

Baby let's cruise let's flow let's glide.

Caffeine restricts blood flow to the brain.

Great it passes on (in constant flow).

Over prepare then go with the flow.

Happiness is a good flow of life

Respect recognition and reward flow out of performance.

Know from the bounteous heaven all riches flow.

The deepest rivers flow with the least sound.

Going with the flow is soothing but risky.

Do not go with the flow. Be the flow.

Don't ever go with the flow. Be the flow.

Let your love flow out on all living things.

Let love flow so that it cleanses the world.

The flow of the anointing oil provokes intense worship

On the other side of resistance is the flow.

Competition is an easy way to get into flow.

I am learning to flow with rhythm of nature.

Not everything was lost in the flow of time

I don't really make decisions I go with the flow.

Happiness doesn't just flow from success; it actually causes it.

Chanting opens the heart and makes love flow within us.

Straightaway the ideas flow in upon me directly from God.

During the '90s the flow of misinformation was established.

Love is like water. If it doesn't flow it stagnates.

A flow of words is a sure sign of duplicity.

Language etches the grooves through which your thoughts must flow.

Any desire to grow is following the flow of love

The future is built on the flow of new ideas.

And though I ebb in worth I'll flow in thanks.

Go with the flow but pray God keeps you afloat.

The joys of the evil flow away like a torrent.

I gotta pound the keys for the ideas to flow.

Ideas can no more flow backward than can a river.

Sweet intercourse of looks and smiles; for smiles from reason flow.

Surrender to life today. Don't fight anything. Just enjoy the flow.

The Divine flow that wants to move through me requires stillness.

Struggle to sketch the flow that already exists intact in mind.

Ever-newer waters flow on those who step into the same rivers.

Management is nature's way of removing idiots from the productive flow.

Life is a flow of love only your participation is requested.

Activity and creativity almost always flow to the least regulated arena.

Be still like a mountain and flow like a great river.

Lonely people keep up a ceaseless flow of commentary on themselves.

Good will cannot flow toward you unless it flows from you.

A great life is to be able to ebb and flow.

Creativity is harnessing universality and making it flow through your eyes.

Our heart is like a reservoir from which our lives flow.

When my legs begin to move the thoughts begin to flow.

I try to play within the flow of the team's offense.

I can control the flow of paint: there is no accident.

Water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend.

I guess I'm just in the flow and riding the wave

She never lets ideas interrupt the easy flow of her conversation.

There is an enlightened way to flow with in and through conflict.

Let your creative juices flow and don't be afraid to take chances!

The notion that we can control the flow of information is obsolete.

When adversities flow then love ebbs; but friendship standeth stiffly in storms.

I'm in this whole flow of doing certain art pieces without commerce.

Forgiveness is the only way to reverse the irreversible flow of history.

Whatever we well understand we express clearly and words flow with ease.

Love is a positive symbiotic reciprocal flow between two or more entities.

The sensations of dismemberment flow through the forceps like an electric current.

We must curtail the flow of illegal immigrants across the Mexican border.

Requests give direction to love but demands stop the flow of love.

It's not like I wake up and songs flow out of me.

The quality of the imagination is to flow and not to freeze.

The pressure of the hands causes the springs of life to flow.

Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force.

With the super duper flow I created that one word rhyme style.

God will give to you what He knows will flow through you.

Opposing the free flow of goods or people is a bad idea.

Read a thousand books and your words will flow like a river.

I will let my body flow like water over the gentle cushions.

You know you've been in flow when time seems to have disappeared.

Be happy healthy and let all that love flow through your heart.

Writing should be testimony to the vast flow of life through us.

God is as it were the sewer into which all contradictions flow.

Like a graceful vase a cat even when motionless seems to flow.

Science literacy is the artery through which the solutions of tomorrow's problems flow.

He was in the flow of time now. He was in a story.

I do it for the love. Bunk bed flow always one level above.

Passion is like waves; it comes and goes. Compassion is the constant flow.

It's not about money. The money will flow. It's about power and influence.

Thinking involves not only the flow of thoughts but their arrest as well.

Pleasures are like poppies spread: You seize the flow'r its bloom is shed.

There is one common flow one common breathing all things are in sympathy.

Most of those evils we poor mortals know From doctors and imagination flow.

Accuracy of signal and free flow of information define sanity in my epistemology.

Because knowledge changes so rapidly knowledge flow is more important than knowledge stock.

Peace is letting it be. Letting life flow letting emotions flow through you.

The three most dreaded words in the English language are 'negative cash flow'.

When we are aligned everything can flow and life and yoga becomes effortless.

Is it better to go with the flow or let the flow go?

There is a garden in her eyes where roses and white lilies flow.

Like two rivers flow to the sea someday we'll reunite for all eternity.

We all flow from one fountain- Soul. All are expressions of one love.

Differences of humanity like rivers flow as one in the ocean of dance.

Days and rivers are the same; they both flow to the unknown oceans!

A woman should be like water able to flow over and around anything.

Rights that do not flow from duty well performed are not worth having.

I don't write poems and put them to music. Just let things flow.

I go with the flow. Whatever music you play for me I'll dance.

May my life flow like a river ever surprised by its own unfolding.

Smiles from reason flow To brute deny'd and are of love the food.

Here I go deep type flow Jacques Cousteau could never get this low.

Men must reap the things they sow Force from force must ever flow.

The whole world is simply nothing more than a flow chart for capital.

The amazing feeling that triggers the fountain of words that flow in my belly.

I'm a great believer in letting lyrics just flow out wherever they come from.

Never let haters 'still' your flow. They can only do so with your permission.

Refusal to accept the flow of the world is the root of all misery.

Thanksgiving opens up the windows of the opportunity for ideas to flow your way.

In deep meditation the flow of concentration is continuous like the flow of oil.

Because there is no ego God can flow through you; great creativity becomes possible.

The fountains of sacred rivers flow upwards (i.e. everything is turned topsy turvy.)

What we think out for ourselves forms channels in which other thoughts will flow.

It is impossible to add the stock of money to the flow of saving.

Forcing the muse to let thoughts flow; equals to pushing a child into labor.

When he moves a streetlight stabs him and the words flow out like blood.

Wherever arms flow violence follows. Bullets replace ballots as the solution to political disputes.

Methinks that the moment my legs began to move my thoughts began to flow.

You get older and more mature ... you just kind of go with the flow.

Life has to flow. But if you start worrying about it you block time.

We change and it's uncomfortable. We flow for a time and then it's awkward.

The most effective way to live in the flow of the timeless is meditation.

Just let your love flow like a mountain stream And let your love grow.

Experiencing flow helps a person remember that they are unique. ... Just like everyone else.

Drunkenness had this to be said for it it stopped the flow of inspirations.

How small these rescued tides appear! Earthly delights flow in torrents. Each object offers paradise.

Most artists have retired too absolutely; they grow rusty inflexible to the flow of currents.

Entering into the flow of abundance begins when exceeding expectations becomes a way of life.

Your priorities passions goals and fears are shown clearly in the flow of your money.

Faith simply tunes into and turns on the divine flow that has always been present.