Financially Quotes

The desire to be self-supporting and financially independent is a divine desire

I enjoy my life I love track I'm set for life financially.

Life at the top is financially rewarding spiritually draining physically exhausting and short.

Limitation of armaments in itself is economically and financially important quite apart from security.

Most people struggle financially because they take advice from sales people not rich people.

Many black men leave because they are financially responsible--not because they are emotionally irresponsible.

God wants to increase you financially by giving you promotions fresh ideas and creativity

My parents weren't extremely successful financially but they were happy people. They gave me confidence.

There are level-headed actors and outlandish actors and financially responsible actors and financially irresponsible actors.

Success financially is a measure of creative success it is the same in all arts.

Free enterprise cannot only make us better off financially it can make us better people.

The best decision I ever made was to invest in myself both financially and time-wise.

No matter how exceptional your product you won't benefit financially if you can't sell it.

If you're financially responsible your children have a much better chance to grow up financially responsible.

We emphasize our differences by nationality race and financially.It's our common humanity that defines us.

There are endless new variations on how to hurt a woman physically emotionally financially and socially

People do things with terrible motivations and those motivations are selfish and self-interested and financially driven.

I find value investing to be a stimulating intellectually challenging ever changing and financially rewarding discipline

Part of the reason some Japanese companies have underperformed financially was corporate governance and board structures.

Creating breathing room financially may lower your standard of living but raise your quality of life.

I'm more financially successful but it just means the shopping blunders I make are bigger now.

When God blesses you financially don't raise your STANDARD OF LIVING. raise your STANDARD OF GIVING.

Work is an activity that is financially-driven or one that you'd like to do less of.

Instead to be financially free we need to learn how to make mistakes and manage risk.

I took a route of acting rather than starmaking so it cost me a lot financially.

Careers are defined by four minutes on the ice and lives can change forever emotionally and financially.

It's nice to be financially secure. Apart from that I really don't care too much about money.

It's financially advantageous to make a picture in Berlin Germany. They have a very effective rebate system.

I was very very financially secure my whole life. I have been very lucky to say that.

Your most expensive advice is the free advice you receive from your financially struggling friends and relatives.

History is a compass that you locate yourself on the map of human geography politically culturally financially.

When people are financially invested they want a return. When people are emotionally invested they want to contribute.

If America is a ship it looks a lot like it's sinking - financially morally spiritually. It's frightening.

I've succeeded beyond my wildest dreams - financially and the amount of fun I have in my life.

I'm in the lucky position financially where I don't have to do things I don't want to do.

TV presenting isn't the hardest job in the world and I've done all right financially out of it.

Anything which is physically possible can always be made financially possible; money is a bugaboo of small minds.

Combining their operating business will make Volkswagen and Porsche even stronger - both financially and strategically - going forward.

Medicare and Social Security have created the healthiest and most financially secure generation of senior citizens in American history.

The by-product is that they more people you help the "richer" you become mentally emotionally spiritually and definitely financially.

America ladies and gentlemen has done more for me financially than Britain ever has or ever could have done.

The payroll tax increase was destructive financially it took what was a close call and made it a bad call

Relationships and the stress of the world going down it puts a lot of stress on people you know financially.

Nobody's safe. Health insurance? That didn't protect 1 million Americans who were financially ruined by illness or medical bills last year.

Unfortunately only a small number of patients with peptic ulcer are financially able to make a pet of an ulcer.

Banks will have to win the confidence of their customers through fair dealing making good loans and remaining financially healthy.

My life has changed financially and I have a name but I try to never forget people on my journey.

Becoming rich isn't as much about getting rich financially as about whom you become in character and mind to get rich.

Because students leave school without financial skills millions of educated people pursue their profession successfully but later find themselves struggling financially.

My perception of life is not to ask Francois Hollande who isn't the father of my children to support me financially.

Anybody who wants to make television has a tremendous problem because it's a financially restrictive media in this day and age.

Without significant reform the Social Security Administration will be legally and financially unable to pay full promised benefits within a generation.

The reason I've been able to be so financially successful is my focus has never ever for one minute been money.

Cry down materialism all you will surely one of the thoroughly satisfactory sensations of this world is to feel financially independent ...

It's a struggle every day to get people to invest financially in portrayals of women that aren't satisfying to straight white men.

When people don't want 'em when they profit from the division however be it politically or financially that's when I abhor it.

Eliminating or substantially lowering just one major monthly expense can give you enough cushion to move into a more comfortable place financially.

I'll help out in ways to inspire others and ways to get people together and bring about things to help people financially.

How you end something as profound and important as a marriage is a reflection of how you live your life--financially emotionally and spiritually.

[We need to ] select immigrants based on their likelihood of success in U.S. society and their ability to be financially self- sufficient.

Wealth is a monster. It takes a month to learn to control it financially. And many years to learn to control it psychologically.

There are people who design buildings that are not technically and financially good and there are those who do. Two categories - simple.

You can have all the knowledge and skills in the world but if your money "blueprint" isn't set for success you're financially doomed.

My dad loves what I do and I support my parents financially because they didn't have a job that gave them a pension.

Like I said I've got too much respect for women to marry them but that doesn't mean you can't support them emotionally and financially.

A woman should never never never be financially dependent to anyone especially a man because the minute you were dependent you could be abused.

Labor is the source of subsistence capital is the source of affluence. My idea is to make everyone a capitalist and therefore financially secure.

Maybe this is pathetic but I still dread producing a book that doesn't earn back its advance. I hate obligations that are financially foggy.

Divorce is one of the most financially traumatic things you can go through. Money spent on getting mad or getting even is money wasted.

You can't forget about luck. There is nothing in life that says if you're great and unique that you're going to have success financially.

Everyone wants to be financially secure the problem is most people focus on "getting by" when they need to be focused on "getting rich.

All too often lotteries only add to the problem of the financially disadvantaged by taking money from them and giving nothing of value in return.

I've never kept a record of anything. I gave away everything: all the posters the memorabilia that would have been helpful - and financially rewarding.

People clinging to job security savings retirement plans and other relics will be the ones financially-ravaged from 2010-2020 the most volatile world-changing decade in history.

You're able to make a real difference. If a woman's able to step away financially she's able to begin to do all the other work.

In a mature economy like India's which is becoming modern and a financially-oriented economy an independent central bank responsible central bank is really central to success.

It was a struggle for me as a kid and everyone knows struggle whether it's financially economically your dreams of becoming whatever you want to be.

I am a woman who you know I run my own business. I don't need a man financially for anything but just to be a companion.

I am not stopped by low funds physical exhaustion mental exhaustion or temptations to stop and work on some other production that would be more financially rewarding.

In the history of comics and movies and music too it's always when things are at their bottomed-out either creatively or financially there's more chance-taking going on.

I did have a bunch of goals I wanted to achieve when I was financially able to do so but they had nothing to do with fame.

I grew up in financially straitened circumstances and meat which was expensive was a rare thing at mealtimes. We ate meat about once a month if that.

We don't know where our food comes from. We don't know a lot of things about what is happening financially. This creates the "power over" kind of feeling.

The No. 1 reason women stay in abusive relationships - because they're not able to take care of themselves financially. It's also the No. 1 reason why women go back.

To be rich you have to know what it is to be poor. Getting financially literate is part of the price you have to pay to become rich

So it's hard to be an artist and be true to the reality of the world you want to create and also make it entertaining and successful financially.

Technically and financially it might still make sense to give up on Ares I and simply write off the money spent on it but politically that's probably impossible.

The reason that so few people are financially independent today is that they place many negative roadblocks in their heads. Becoming wealthy is in fact a mind game.

I've watched the world crash and burn in every sense. I've watched the record industry crash and burn; politically I've watched it crash and burn financially crash and burn.

If you want to be financially-free you need to become a different person than you are today and let go of whatever has held you back in the past.

In my career I learned that giving your services for free gives you a good return on your investment not just financially but morally. It supplements your personal integrity.

Live a life that will help others spiritually intellectually physically financially and relationally. Live a life that serves as a example of what an exceptional life can look like.

Anybody can claim to be a member of the ALF when rescuing animals destroying "tools of torture" (such as research equipment) or financially depleting a corporation that abuses animals.

Even the Congressional Budget Office and the Social Security trustees appointed by the president say that Social Security is financially sound without any changes for the next 40 to 50 years.

Working hard to earn more money and then giving it away in higher taxes isn't financially intelligent even if you do put some of it into a retirement account.

A lot of people wonder how you can tell if you're really in love. Just ask yourself this question: 'Would I mind being financially destroyed by this person?'

There are times I think it might be nice to have deep-pocketed limited partners to provide me with some cushion. But I enjoy having no responsibilities except to myself financially.

The result of my hard work is that I'm financially independent I have an amazing life and I can do whatever I want. I don't have to answer to anybody.

Successful men don't date up. They are intimidated by wealthy women unless they are blue bloods. Successful men want to always take care of their women and that means financially.

Studies show that children of divorced parents can have outcomes as positive as those coming from intact homes provided the father remains financially supportive and active in his children's lives.

I'm so much more famous than I am financially successful. I mean I live in a three-room apartment. I mostly make free videos on my couch. But I am fine.

A list of authors who have made themselves most beloved and therefore most comfortable financially shows that it is our national joy to mistake for the first-rate the fecund rate.

I have watched hundreds of Christians in my time become financially blessed then develop an acquisitive streak that in turn makes their souls as metallic as the coins they seek.

When you give people who are being financially responsible money you are enabling them to continue a bad habit. So you are actually helping by saying "Love you but no.

We've never been people that go around and confront people that have been financially successful and say 'We hate you. We envy you because of how well you're doing.'

Today in the west the word 'guru' has come to mean someone who leads a cult someone who deprives others of their intellectual or spiritual freedom and rips them off financially.

The private sector is growing so incredibly in India in every city you have industries for whom building a concert hall would be nothing financially. But they just don't do it.

I know there are going to be big challenges financially but I'm excited artistically. I think that if the experience is better artistically then we have more hope in the future.

Today we are raised with the notion that to be secure is to be financially autonomous. Amassing wealth is viewed as the primary rite of passage to a secure autonomous existence.

When women live rich in every sense of the word - financially emotionally physically and spiritually - everyone wins: you win your family wins your community wins and the world wins.

The architect Peter Arens who is the monstrous carbuncle architect not merely did his design which had won a public competition never get built but his practice suffered financially for some years.

I think the funds that have been pledged at Euro Summit combined with the outcome of the private sector involvement process should be sufficient in order to support financially the Greek Economy.

To be financially wealthy you must have a purpose for your life. In other words without purpose you'll never know when you have enough money and you can never be financially wealthy.

Change will not come from above it will come from below from the small and medium size businesspeople. They do dare to show their faces. They applaud us and help us financially.

I think there's really only been one successful video game adaptation and that was probably 'Tomb Raider.' Whether or not you thought it was a good movie it was successful financially.

A lot of the actors I knew threw in the towel when they became mothers. I couldn't do that financially and I didn't want to - but I was knackered all the time.

A big part of being strong financially is that you know where you are weak and take action to make sure you don't fall prey to the weakness. And we ALL are weak

I simply want you to give to yourself as much as you give of yourself. By taking care of yourself financially you will truly be able to take care of those you love.

It is an interesting balance in trying to find players to make your team really good and at the same time running a financially sound operation. That is the challenge for every team.

I'm not financially insecure anymore either so I don't have to sit there and get on the latest Poison tour just to make money which is what a lot of them are doing.

Today we live in a cash-for-trash world. Anyone can stand up and say anything unkind unfair or completely untrue about you and then they are rewarded financially for it ... because life is unfair.

Ted Turner is still a leader. And he sets a great example. His ability financially has been reduced but his influence and his example still is an important asset to the whole environmental movement.

The allure becomes "Can I make these rooms bigger?" Can I fill these 1 500-seat rooms? Then the allure is how much if we're being honest how much can I squeeze out of it financially?

Success is not just having all your heart desires you may be financially capable but you still reside in the apartment of failures if you don't give out some dough to those roaming the streets.

I didn't think that it's something that would happen. I didn't think I would be in the position emotionally or financially to be able to do that. But I've been lucky [to have big family].

One may not condemn a man for succeeding financially because he knows how. Neither may one with justice take away for a man what he has fairly earned to give to men of less ability.

Financially Im comfortable. But life has a lot more in store for me.

Financially I'm fine. But it's good to work. I'm not capable of doing nothing.

Financially I've lost money and made money but I know my way around financially.

I have more money than I am ever going to need. Financially I'm fine for the next couple of hundred years.

A lot of people look for you to change. Everything has stayed the same. Financially this is God's money and my wife and I are just stewards of it.

How should we provide for our families? Financially spatially (be near them) emotionally morally spiritually. ...I don't have what it takes to provide for my family spiritually; I need Jesus.

Financially it was very successful. Which is the most important thing. That is the only way you get to make another movie. It's very simple. The market will value you.

Let's say financially. Financially I personally believe that you should have enough to do the assignment that you feel is part of your life. And whatever that is to do you're going to need.

Financially I do not need to work unless I want to and whatever film I accept has to be right for me in the sense that it should justify the time I spend away from my husband and kids.

Catering is extremely demanding financially and physically. It's a business.

As long as people will accept crap it will be financially profitable to dispense it.

I don't fit into the mold of the NBA man and I think I've been punished financially for it.

God wants us to prosper financially to have plenty of money to fulfill the destiny He has laid out for us.

It's expensive to raise a child with special needs which people don't even think about. Emotionally it can be a struggle but financially it's really rough.

There are a lot of millionairess situations. I'm one of them. I've always dated down financially. And now I'm changing my tune on that one. Things are going to change for me.

I'm trying to set up opportunities for myself so that I don't only have one outlet to go through and rely upon as far as a support system financially emotionally and mentally.

I still love football though and I think cooking is like football. It's not a job it's a passion. When you become good at it it's a dream job and financially you need never to worry. Ever.

I'm financially ugly.

Be BLESSED-spirit soul body and financially.

Better to be screwed physically than financially.

A foreclosure does not define you financially.

You cannot be spiritually free and financially bound.

America is militarily overstretched politically polarized and financially indebted.

Men are likely to be quite generous especially financially.

For women especially its important to be financially independent.

For women especially it's important to be financially independent.

I like very strong guys. Successful guys. Not necessarily financially.

Woman must be financially independent to be free in love

So actually war is politically profitable financially profitable morally depraved.

You become financially free when your passive income exceeds your expenses.

You're financially independent if you have $15 000 coming in and $14 900 going out.

A man cannot be comfortable spiritually who is in bondage financially.

When your back is against the wall financially creative juices flow.

Once you succeed in tennis financially you become quite well off.

We have shown that solar-electrified villages can be technically and financially self-sufficient.

Capitalism as practiced is a financially profitable non-sustainable aberration in human development.