Election Quotes

One of the reasons people hate politics is that truth is rarely a politician's objective. Election and power are.

Stay home on Election Day ... for the sake of the nation

Every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods.

Election' made zero money at the box office but it started my career.

A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman of the next generation.

Election' is a movie I'd give a leg to cross the director's name out and put mine in.

It is a paradox that far too few Americans participate in the wonderful ritual of democracy that we call Election Day.

Election Day now has become the last day to vote.

I never spoke about politics with the exception of Election Night.

The poll that matters is the one that happens on Election Day.

Any poll is a picture of an unfinished horse race except the Election Day polls.

Bars are closed on Election Day so people won't vote under the influence. Why are libraries closed?

I thought I was going to go back to Stanford and then I got Election. I loved being an actor.

Election is always to sanctification. Where there is no visible fruit of sanctification we may be sure there is no election.

Thank heaven Election Day is over. No more campaign ads no more mud-slinging no more candidates pretending they're straight. It's over!

Tomorrow is Election Day. That's the day we Americans wake up consider our options and then remember we didn't register to vote.

I loved Gwyneth Paltrow in 'The Royal Tenenbaums' and Reese Witherspoon in 'Election.' I love quirky films and characters like that.

The 2004 Election marks the first time in modern political history that Republican voter turnout matched Democratic turnout in a presidential election year.

A lot can happen in a week - just read any Bible .. On the seventh day Election Day unlike the Bible we can't rest.

Yesterday was Election Day. If we have any Democrats in the audience I'm sorry but you're going to have to give up your seats.

Republicans are relentless and they're smart too - they're not all dumb - and on Election Day they'll be up at five in the morning.

As is the case with that generation [Millennials] they look like they're interested and all fired up and ready to go and then Election Day comes.

Election victories are a harvest. You plant the seed. For months or years you water and tend them. In the election season you reap the harvest.

Back then before it became clear that democracy was best served by a drunken electorate the bars in New York City were required to close on Election Day.

We the people say it loud and clear every Election Day in high-crime periods as well as peaceful stretches - More of our population needs to be behind bars.

The ballot is stronger than the bullet.

If voting changed anything they'd make it illegal.

I voted for you during your last election.

Well Governor we also have fewer horses and bayonets.

If you've got a business - you didn't build that.

I will totally accept the results [of Election 2016] if I win.

Free election of masters does not abolish the masters or the slaves.

Leadership is not about the next election it's about the next generation.

Democracy substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few.

People never lie so much as after a hunt during a war or before an election.

President Obama once said he wants everybody in America to go to college. What a snob.

The people who cast the votes don't decide an election the people who count the votes do.

I can't let important policy decisions hinge on the fact that an election is coming up every 90 days.

Democracy is a form of government that substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few.

The Tories every election must have a bogy man. If you haven't got a programme a bogy man will do.

Apparently a democracy is a place where numerous elections are held at great cost without issues and with interchangeable candidates.

As lawmakers we must assure the people of America that our nation will not experience the nightmare of the 2000 presidential election.

Always vote for principle though you may vote alone and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.

An election is coming. Universal peace is declared and the foxes have a sincere interest in prolonging the lives of the poultry.

A citizen of America will cross the ocean to fight for democracy but won't cross the street to vote in a national election.

Natural gas is hemispheric. I like to call it hemispheric in nature because it is a product that we can find in our neighborhoods.

An election is a moral horror as bad as a battle except for the blood; a mud bath for every soul concerned in it.

It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.

Those who stay away from the election think that one vote will do no good. 'Tis but one step more to think one vote will do no harm.

It is important that the Iraqi people have confidence in the election results and that the voting process including the process for vote counting is free and fair.

If the United States of America or Britain is having elections they don't ask for observers from Africa or from Asia. But when we have elections they want observers.

Elections should be held on April 16th- the day after we pay our income taxes. That is one of the few things that might discourage politicians from being big spenders.

The American people are sick and tired of this 'lesser evil' garbage they get fed every election year. Both the Democrats and the Republicans do the same evils once they're in office.

I just received the following wire from my generous Daddy; Dear Jack Don't buy a single vote more than is necessary. I'll be damned if I'm going to pay for a landslide.

There never is a good time for tough decisions. There will always be an election or something else. You have to pick courage and do it. Governance is about taking tough even unpopular decisions.

Leadership can not be measured in a poll or even in the result of an election. It can only be truly seen with the benefit of time. From the perspective of 20 years not 20 days.

We are told there is not enough money for education but somehow there is enough money for people to raise billions of dollars to defeat somebody in an election? Oh! Okay! Does that make sense?

A lost election can have the jolt of a drop through the gallows door leading to a dark night of the soul in which the future presses down like a cloud that will never lift.

People know that I am a very good author. But they would rather read what I have to say about the next election.

Vote in a national election.

It's been an unusual election [2016].

Leave us to our free election.

July does not a November election make.

This election ain't no stinkin' TV show.

Revolutions are frightening but election campaigns are disgusting.

If the evangelicals vote they determine the election.

Reagan was a pure liberation free-and-fair election American.

People are what this election is all about.

I never ever paid attention to any election.

Young people are the key to this election.

You cannot win an election without a fight

The media is trying to rig the election.

Win or lose we go shopping after the election.

Race is still the No. 1 determinant in every election.

Your damnation is your own election not Godâ??s.

The 2000 election exposed some ugly history in our country.

Can we pray for the re-election of George Bush?

In an election one needs both hope and audacity.

This election result has increased people's faith in democracy.

I don't have time. Come back after the election.

I am running for re-election no matter who runs.

An election is an opportunity for a new consensus.

Every election Mickey Mouse looks better and better as President.

During the 1960 election I saw Richard Nixon as the winner.

Every election I have to hold my nose to vote.

Congress can't take the year off election or no election.

I think religion played a huge part in Bush's re-election.

The election is not a time to discuss serious issues.

Every election is determined by the people who show up.

In a year of re-election he was desperate to impress.

The 2014 election was not a repudiation of government in general.

As we know the KGB is all over this election [2016].

Democracy's ceremonial its feast it's great function is the election.

Nobody likes a child to die or losing an election.

We will not lose this election for lack of money.

The election of Hoover...should result in continued prosperity for 1929.

Politicians promise you heaven before election and give you hell after

The election before us will be the Austerlitz of American politics.

You have no idea whether the hacking even influenced the election.

The 1860 election became a referendum on the southern way of life.

Nobody ever won an election by spitting at his political opponents.

I didn't have the base I needed to win the election

It is not my policy to hit voters during the election.

We can't win a war but we can win an election.

The right of election is the very essence of the constitution.

Issues of foreign policy have a place in every election for President.

George W. Bush loves golf because it's like the election--low score wins.

Diplomacy never stops and with or without an election it never stops.

Every four years in the presidential election some new precedent is broken.

The Labour Party's election manifesto is the longest suicide note in history.

An election is nothing more than the advanced auction of stolen goods.

A right election can only be made by those who have knowledge;

Faced with the election of a Catholic our culture is at stake.

This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.

Even Jesus Christ cannot conduct a free and fair election in Nigeria.

The only true allegiance a politician has is to his own re-election.

That 1983 general election contained the telltale seeds of eventual Scottish Tory self-destruction.

I think most Republicans would rather win this election than have transformation.

If I kissed my wife in public I'd lose the next election.

I would argue [Donald]Trump is the [Barack] Obama of this election cycle.

I am honored to be here as co-chair of President Obama's re-election campaign.

The election is another element of ambiguity .. and oil remains the crucial variable.

In my opinion people that go against the election are going against America.

I will avoid demonizing people who don't agree with me about this election.

Polling in a general election is pretty accurate because turnout is usually high.

You don't defend national sovereignty with flags cheap election rhetoric and advertising campaigns.

Everybody is looking for an election where they can do something and participate.

Here we will have possibly a bunch of tax dodgers deciding the election.

I will do what it takes to help Ed Miliband win general election

During an election campaign the air is full of speeches and vice versa.

Of course I base all my election promises and policies on opinion polls

I didn't really feel 100 percent comfortable until we started working on the 2004 election.

The boy knew that escaping school was the surest sign of his election.

Brexit and Trump's election are forcing countries to come up with new radical ideas.

He [Tim Kaine] just said whoever wins Loudoun wins the election. This is Loudoun.

One's right to life liberty and property depends on the outcome of no election.

That's the trouble with a politician's life-somebody is always interrupting it with an election.

The general election is not an organizational exercise - it's a mass media exercise.

Every American election summons the individual voter to weigh the past against the future.

Remember at the end of the day [election] campaigns are always about the candidates.

Every election is important and each election says it's more important than the last.

Remember we`re competing in a rigged election [2016]. This is a rigged election folks.

I remember Nazi election propaganda posters showing a hateful Jewish face with crooked nose.

Careerism: the self-centered philosophy of governing to win the next election above all else.

We always want the best man to win an election. Unfortunately he never runs.

A woman has the right to run for election whether she's male or female!

In the next election I'm voting for your mom to be the next God.

The last election just laid the foundation of the next 500 years of Dark Ages.

The election result is not a victory that belongs to me or my party.

I'm afraid the election is going to be rigged I have to be honest.

I'm up for re-election in 2014 and yes I do plan to run for re-election.

I think it's important to realize that I was actually black before the election.

The Democratic Party is getting very angry and that came through clearly in this election.

I like the smell of a dunged field and the tumult of a popular election.

In any election it's important that the public perceives that the election is held fairly.

It seems to be impossible to hold a credible election without reforming the electoral system.

You see a lot of anger in the streets demonstrations every night since the election [2016].

I have never lost an election yet. I am a winner. Let's just say that.

Regardless of who wins an election should be a time for optimism and fresh approaches.

I don't think there is anything more bitter in American politics than a close election.

We're like a Third World country when it comes to some of our election practices.

This election is about who's going to be the next President of the United States!

Now [after election] where it goes into violence I have a zero tolerance for riots.

Paul Ryan was saying [on election 2016 "I don`t see any evidence of systemic fraud.

100 political parties put together can never defeat the Peoples Democratic Party PDP come 2015 presidential election.

The aftermath of this extraordinary election [2016] could be just as surprising as the race itself.

I'm into politics - I'm interested in the election and how pissed off people get.

Republican candidates have won whites with college degrees in every presidential election since polling began.

Politicians all too often think about the next election. Statesmen think about the next generation.

I lost my election because of my campaign not because of what anyone else did.

Remember the Islamist view of democracy is: one man one vote one election and that's it.

No influence so quickly converts a radical into a reactionary as does his election to power.

The pressure of the [election] campaign has a wonderful way of revealing your strengths and weaknesses.

Is there anything more dangerous to the cause of liberty than a politician fixated on re-election?

Politicians must let voters know what they think about issues before the election. Judges should not.

This is a frightening statistic. More people vote in 'American Idol' than in any US election.

You have to remember that in a state like Florida independent voters will decide the election.

The Palestinian election is something that was really a turning point. It's a mandate for peace.

I think 9/11 guaranteed that national security is going to be in the forefront of every election.

I think I will be doing very well during the election with evangelicals and with Christians.

I think we have reached such saturation levels the money at this point doesn't swing election.

The Republicans have their splits right after election and Democrats have theirs just before an election.

It's not clear in the U.S. at the moment either. We're going through another election.

We've got to be willing to lose the primary in order to win the general election.

It seems to me that election season is just a Petri dish for anger and cynicism.

I will accept the results when the election is free and clean. I cannot accept fraud.

President Obama was the first president not to abide by the limits in the general election.

Congressman [Mike] Pompeo said he believes the intelligence agencies' claims that Russia hacked the US election.

The election is not very far off when a candidate can recognize you across the street.

The only party which is going to increase taxes after the election is the Labor Party.

People never lie so much as before an election during a war or after a hunt.

I always lose the election in the polls and I always win it on election day.

What a glorious time they must have in that wilderness far from mankind and election day!

The alt-right is one of these Democrat manufactured groups of people and they do it every election.

Many people who voted for Mr. Obama in the last election did so based on skin color.

Donald Trump and his team have not provided any evidence of widespread fraud in this year's election.

I've been doing politics 30 years. I've never seen an election like this [in 2016]. This is entirely unpredictable.

When you have an election campaign it has to be simple and something everybody can relate to.

I was "Never Trump." But it turned out never republican was really the theme of this election.

I learned more about elections on election night 2000 than I ever did during my 16 years of schooling.

A national primary election would electrify the people and give them a larger stake in the outcome.

As we enter this election year let's not forget the most important decision anyone can make-choosing Christ.

I think we do want a front-runner from the Republican Party who can win the general election.

I know that the politics around trade can be very difficult - especially in an election year.

So for us any gain we had in election one vote that we got was a win.

Kink isn't a crime; conspiring with a foreign power to commit espionage fix election is. Stay focused.

A funny thing happened on the way to the election - I got to the Senate first.

Excessive taxation . . . will carry reason & reflection to every man's door and particularly in the hour of election.

I'll tell you the truth even in an election year and that's what people are ready for.

No matter whether the Constitution follows the flag or not the Supreme Court follows the election returns.

Ah political physics. Someone wins an election and poof they are a candidate for vice president. Ridiculous.

How one election has exposed the true dire straits of the Democrat Party. It really is profound.

The first election I remember was Dewey Truman in '48. I was I guess seven years old.

I just was not going to subject my record to the bleak prospects of a primary election.

When I get close to an election I look to 'Lamar Alexander's Little Plaid Book' for inspiration.

The English think they are free. They are free only during the election of members of parliament.

I have voted in every election that I have been qualified to vote in since I turned 18.

If everybody that voted in 2008 shows up in 2010 we will win this election. We will win this election.

I think what my father is saying is I want a fair election. I want a fair election.

And I'm very proud of the 50 000 poll workers and election officials who delivered a free and fair election.

Since all signs indicate that we shouldn't participate in this election participating in the election has no meaning.

Ohio you're too white too many white people to be in any way meaningful in a presidential election.

Part of my dogsbody job during the 1983 election was choosing Mum's missile-proof clothes. They had to be disposable.

With so much at stake in this election both Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan should 'go rogue.'

I will never contest election in Nigeria. Whenever my husband retires I will go back home with him.

Senator Arlen Specter hasn't really switched parties; he's simply realized he cannot win the Pennsylvania Republican primary election

I don't know much about Americanism but it's a damn good word with which to carry an election.

I am convinced that we as a body must conduct a formal and legitimate debate about election irregularities.

Sooner will a camel pass through a needle's eye than a great man be 'discovered' by an election.

And we have the most scrutinized election system in the United States and we have met every test.

I guess truth can hurt you worse in an election than about anything that can happen to you.

Folk who don't know why America is the Land of Promise should be here during an election campaign.

The current political tension is very serious. We have not yet ruled out a boycott of the election.

Since the majority is always wrong might we try one election day where all the losers take office?

Prior to my election young Cherokee girls would never have thought that they might grow up and become chief.

If you look at this election I feel like Donald Trump was speaking a different language to Hillary Clinton.

Our new election system will spur on all institutions and organizations and will force them to improve their work.

Everything a politician promises at election time has to be paid for either by higher taxation or by borrowing.

Others may make you promises once again and then election after election not deliver. We will not do this.

Oh despise not election! therein lies all your hope that there is a remnant who shall infallibly be saved.

[People] will be reminded of the integrity of our election systems and the confidence that they deserve to have.

Well just as the Supreme Court follows the election returns you can bet that the bureaucracy does as well.

I know how it feels when you're coming into a new situation that the other guys won the election.

I'm against Trans-Pacific Partnership now. I'll be against it after the election. I'll be against it when I'm president.

From tea parties to the election in Massachusetts we are witnessing the single greatest political pushback in American history.

The election of John F Kennedy will lead to the death of a free church and a free state.

This election could come down to just a handful of votes. It could come down to just one vote.

You have to be a political leader willing to lose an election if you want to do what's right.

It would have been a very very good thing if the next election after Margaret went we had lost.

The senate intelligence committee announced it would launch a bipartisan investigation into Russia`s alleged interference in the election.

To finalize the purpose of an election is to hear the will of the people not to fabricate votes.

It does no good to be a conservative if you can't sell a conservative message in a general election.

Women say that my election represents a cultural break with the past - a past of sexism of misogyny.

Democrats view elections as a means to an end while Republicans view an election as an end in itself.

Communism is a form of government under which every citizen at election time enjoys the privilege of voting Yes.

The secession of the Southern States individually or in the aggregate was the certain consequence of Mr. Lincoln's election.

Are you excited about the recall election? Arnold's campaign has a new slogan: 'Win one for the groper.'

Last month the Iraqi people went to the polls voting in their first free election in more than 50 years.

Things on the whole are much faster in America; people don't 'stand for election' they 'run for office.'

Maintain your rage and enthusiasm for the campaign for the election now to be held and until polling day.

If [Donald] Trump drags down a bunch of Senate Republicans the post-election GOP assessment will be much more pessimistic.

Is Stephen Harper using the imagined fear of widespread security threats to score political points before the next election?

If the World Series runs until election day the networks will run the first one-half inning and project the winner.

The secrecy that shrouded the vote counting by the special election committee cast doubts on the results and lacks transparency.

I commissioned two political experts to advise me about what I could do to oppose the re-election of President Bush.

Newt Gingrich called it [Donald] Trump`s biggest mistake since he won the election these crazy accusations about voter fraud.

The election of Senator Barack Obama brought jubilation across Africa where millions celebrated him as 'one of their own.'

Principles aren't of much account anyway except at election time. After that you hang them up to let them season.

Mandela's commitment to democracy was ratified not only by his election but by his willingness to step down from power

After my election there was talk of a postracial America. And such a vision however well intended was never realistic.

We have seven months before the election. Our top priority as fiscal conservatives is to make sure President Obama retires.

It's time we stopped ignoring the environment. Let's not let another election go by without making this a high priority.

I worry about what Trump will inspire in Canada especially given incidents that have already occurred here since the election.

None can know their election but by their conformity to Christ; for all who are chosen are chosen to sanctification.

If we would learn what the human race really is at bottom we need only observe it in election times.

If women had never been given the right to vote then Labour would have won every election after the war.

I can say with total conviction that it was the Holy Spirit that chose guided the election of Pope Francis.

politics can be an ugly game and in a national election the stakes get higher while the tactics get lower.

When you win an election you are always inclined to believe you won for the reasons you wanted to win.

We have a presidential election coming up. And I think the big problem of course is that someone will win.

It's time to put country ahead of party. It's time to put the next generation ahead of the next election.

Certainly I think the election of John Kennedy and all he stood for was one that really was an inspiration.

The important things that in a campaign we talk about let us not forget that once the election is over.

I will never forget the will of the people who believed in me wherever I went during the election campaign.

Even at the end of a presidential election campaign we have no way to know what Mitt Romney really believes.

I've voted in every election - not always for the same political party and never with any degree of enthusiasm.

Most election analysts in the U.S. habitually confuse the sound of money talking with the voice of the people.

US needs to fix up it's election system so that votes are fairly counted and the Electoral College is removed.

I'll be glad to reply to or dodge your questions depending on what I think will help our election most.

I am an immigrant with a Green Card and therefore I am not eligible to vote in a federal election.

As I get close to my election I want to spend more time in my district and focus on my reelection.

I do not comment on politics but I see computerization of the election process as good for stability and social harmony.

Since my dear soul was mistress of her choice And could of men distinguish her election Sh'ath sealed thee for herself.

If we want to kill Obamacare and we want to end socialized medicine it must be done in the next election!

In the past the Republican Party has depended on unified support at election time from Evangelical Christians. But times are changing!

The Labour Party can go into the next election united behind the most radical manifesto on which we have ever campaigned.

Like I said in my election manifesto - why don't they legalise the whole thing and let people like me work?

I did not lose this election or had a bad result compared with what we might have got because of Islam.

People didn't vote left or right in the election. They voted for putting an end to all the primitive political history.

We can only undo the election if the behavior meets the constitutional standard of subverting and threatening our system of government.

In every election in American history both parties have their cliches. The party that has the cliches that ring true wins.

I've noticed that in the U.S. when the president hits the three-year mark in office he goes into re-election campaigning.

My publicist told me not to talk about politics but yes I think we have a president who stole the election.

If the Labour manifesto is a pale shade of austerity then I believe Labour will be defeated at the next election

I hope you have read the election programme of the Labour Party...this is not socialism. It is Bolshevism run mad.

This is an election of hope. It is bringing a new trust. These elections will give new strength to the nation.

There is a very long list of parties in this year's election some of the parties I have never heard of.

That might be between BJP and Kejriwal. So far as Congress party is concerned we are fighting this election to win.

To my mind the election was stolen by George Bush and we have been suffering ever since under this man's leadership.

This is not an election where we hand out gifts. It is an election where we ask everyone to contribute more.

Why you won an election and why you didn't is a subject of you know books that get written 20 years later.

As one [Jeb] Bush supporter told Politico you might as well light all of this money [for election compaign] on fire.

Anyone that says the housing crisis can be resolved with one magic bullet or by the next election isn't being honest.

The security intended to the general liberty consists in the frequent election and in the rotation of the members of Congress.

Ohioans know that he inherited a mess and created a surplus. So on election day John [Kasich] will prevail in Ohio.

It took us 50 months in Germany post World War II to go from the end of the war to a national election.

Texas has a lot of electrical votes. [During an election campaign after George Bush stated that Texas was important to the election]

Narendra Modi is a bubble. After elevation in his party his first test was the Karnataka election. He failed miserably in that.

If there are further steps to European integration the people should have their say at a general election or in a referendum.

It is good to see two women from Britain's minority ethnic communities fighting in seats that Labour won at the last election.

While 2013 will not see a major national election we can be sure that most Republicans will obstruct and some Democrats will appease.

Mark in what order: first our calling; then our election; not beginning with our election first. By our calling arguing our election.

In the American political system you're only allowed to have real ideas if it's absolutely guaranteed that you can't win an election

It just seemed the timing of it was a little bit of pandering to the public at a time of an election.

I mean Donald Trump is a legitimate president. He won fair and square. He didn't win the election because of Russian interference.

Governing is one thing campaigning is another - and the latter becomes far more pronounced in an election-year State of the Union.

The circus doesn't stop. A federal appeals court has postponed the recall election. How stupid are we? Even our recalls get recalled.

I'm not going to say to Putin that he'll get more flexibility after the election. After the election he'll get more backbone.

So you [Nicholas Kristof] have got this new column out 12 steps for people who say are traumatized by the [ Donald Trump] election.

In the end that's what this election is about. Do we participate in a politics of cynicism or a politics of hope?

If the primary ends up being a hard hitting bloody battle well so be it. Let's get ready for the general election

One of the things we must be able to agree to is to lose an election and not take to the streets.

The election of the Jewish people is the result of God's falling in love with Abraham and founding a family with him.

For those suggesting criticisms of drone kills should wait until the election: that'd be reasonable if he stops killing until the election.

If an election is simply a one-day snapshot of transient mass delusions then this is not a very noble form of government.

One of the most repellent spectacles at election times is the pretense of piety on the part of people running for office.

I don't think it's really good once you've lost an election to sit around watch your former opponent and swipe at them.

The election process is a total fraud. If voters believe the process is secret they will vote. If not they will not.

I think that what I'm doing is right. And election-year politics which intensifies everything is not going to drive me off that course.

Obviously we're really upset about the state of the election. It's horrifying as everybody knows that we could have a totally fascist president.

After [Tomas] Jefferson's defeat of [John] Adams in the presidential election of 1800 they didn't communicate with one another for more than a decade.

The election is in full-swing. Republicans have taken out round-the-clock ads promoting George Bush. Don't we already have that? It's called Fox News.

You have the Republican establishment that is moving into Hillary's [Clinton] camp. What's happening in this election is sort of proof of principle.

The reason so many problems do not get solved in Washington is that solving those problems is not the No. 1 priority: Re-election is.

Tony Blair will be remembered as a great friend to Wales because it was his landslide election victory in 1997 that led to devolution.

For many celebrities securing the publics votes can prove even more reassuring than winning an election by members of the Motion Picture Academy.

Our party supports decriminalisation of cannabis. It's not a priority for this election campaign but it has been a long-standing policy of ours.

A nation that still needs to distinguish between stealing an election and stealing a new pair of shoes is not completely civilized yet.

The only truly shocking thing about last Tuesday's election is that the Democrats didn't do far worse or as badly as they deserved.

The lead singer of Creed says he won't endorse President Obama. Well that settles it -- Obama will not win the 1998 presidential election.

Forgot to live-tweet the election last night so I'm post-tweeting today. I'll start as soon as my fingers unclench from their rage fists.

Democrats believe they can win at the ballot box by obstructing and they would rather win the next election than move America forward.

In the midterm elections a 102-year-old woman voted for the first time in a U.S. election. Unfortunately she voted for Woodrow Wilson.

[Hillary Clinton chose to make her marriage work. That is just outrageous.]It speaks of the sexism and the misogyny in this election [2016].

There is only one opinion poll that I am interested in and that is the one that will take place on election day.

I vote in every general election but I'm not a party member or an ideologue. I've never told anyone who I've voted for.

If a leader comes to office in a seemingly fair election and tolerates dissent he or she qualifies for our seal of approval.

Jewish status is defined by the divine election of Israel and his descendants. One does not become a Jew by one's own volition.

Winning the election is a good-news bad-news kind of thing. Okay now you're the mayor. The bad news is now you're the mayor.

Look at politics; they're always in competition over an election who wants to win. It's just who we are it's what we do.

When the shadow of the Presidential and Congressional election is lifted we shall I hope to be in a better temper to legislate.

Every election is about the future which by definition means it's more about the future of young people than it is about me.

It is very difficult for any dictator or any incumbent to falsify the results of an election and just get away with it.

The general election's taking place today in Iraq so I guess that means we're one step closer to being there for another 10 years.

Back in the '40's Lyndon Johnson could still steal a Senate election in South Texas with the help of the big patrons.

DNI director [James] Clapper said as much many many times that there is no evidence that any outcome of the election was changed.

This is America. We don't call an election before we know who won. That after all is the job of the Supreme Court.

I'm old enough I remember when Richard Nixon had the election stolen in 1960. And no serious historian doubts that Illinois and Texas were stolen.

The Labour Party in 2011 was in an exceptionally bad place. We'd been hammered in an election. We didn't see the scale of it coming.

Every newly discovered truth judges the world separates the good from the evil and calls on faithful souls to make sure of their election.

I am not at all a politician. I don't think I'm cut out for politics. I am certainly not going to stand for election.

This is my first week as an American citizen. It's amazing. Now I can vote in the general election - and for American Idol.

House majority leader Kevin McCarthy slammed [Donald's] Trump`s wild claims about election fraud saying quote "The election is over let`s move on.

Conservatives have a different view of a lot of issues versus our friends on the other side. The election determines how that shakes out.

Any politician who starts shouting election-year demagoguery about the rich and the poor should be asked "What about the other 90 percent of the people?

I actually prepared Vice President Biden for his debate in the last election. I played Sarah Palin. It's a little tough debating a woman.

There are potential policy consequences to a president who doesn`t believe in our election system and believes that there`s rampant voter fraud.

Always beware of people offering you one-time money. That only works in an election year. How are you going to permanently pay for education?

In my wildest dreams I never would have thought we'd come to the point where were talking about the re-election of a black president.

I would love us to bring back our Juedo-Christian values and begin to teach those things at a time other than a political election.

What was this big sound bite though at the time? It was "Will Donald Trump and his supporters accept the election results." He won.

I try not to tune in to politics until it's two or three months before the election. Till then it's like watching preseason football.

My goal is always to keep support for Israel a bi-partisan issue and never make a national election any kind of referendum on Israel.

The Republicans have a habit of having three bad years and one good one and the good one always happens to be election years.

You can always spot a fool for he is a man who will tell you he knows who is going to win an election.

In my wildest dreams I never would have thought wed come to the point where were talking about the re-election of a black president.

The central question in this election [2016] is really what kind of country we want to be and what kind of future we'll build together.

Political nature abhors a vacuum which is what often exists for a year or two in a party after it loses a presidential election.

If I would do another 'Terminator' movie I would have Terminator travel back in time and tell Arnold not to have a special election.

Donald Trumps' senior advisor said on CNN that the US Presidential election was the ultimate reality TV show! Appeal to those you want to reach!

After Barack Obama won the 2008 presidential election I was heartened to see him issue an Open Government Initiative on his first full day in office.

Media does not get everything they want all the time. The Democrats certainly don't. They don't win every election and they don't win every battle.

When you lose an election you don't blink you don't turn away. You look it right in the eye and say why did we lose?

You will expect me to discuss the late election. Well as nearly as I can learn we did not have enough votes on our side

Man ... feels that he is a participator in the government of affairs not merely at an election one day in the year but every day.

The only thing that would keep me from winning the election is to be caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy

CNN stands to make a hundred million dollars more than it's expected lift for the election cycle due to the phenomenon that is Donald Trump.

I will not say the fact that there are no European Union observers at an election means that it will not be fair and free.

The idea of an election is much more interesting to me than the election itself...The act of voting is in itself the defining moment.

Such will be a great lesson of peace: teaching men that what they cannot take by an election neither can they take it by war.

We need a fearless fighter in the White House - not just to win this election but also to restore the character of our nation.

When you win an election what you really win is a chance to go to work for working families who need a voice in Minnesota.

Ultimately you change the culture in Washington only one way and it's one election at a time with the character of the people you send.

A society is not 'free' merely because the freedoms the people are doing away with are those they voted at the last election to do without.

This election [2016] and I believe this is our last chance to secure the border stop illegal immigration and reform our laws to make your life better.

God has called us to be His representatives in our nation and in our world. Select candidates who represent your views and work for their election.

I think we can all agree this is a very important election [2016]. We don't want to see Hillary Clinton become the president of the United States.

Whether or not the President is sleeping well won't be a factor in his re-election. That will depend on what he does while he is awake.

During the 2008 election I made clear to the Obama campaign that I don't think it's wise for me to force my personal political agenda on anyone.

The election of a man committed to the cause of freedom and the renewal of America's strength has given encouragement to all those who love liberty.

What is key for winning the election is to be able to put forth a vision for our future and how this election affects people's lives.

One of the oddities of this election is the man that [Donald] Trump chose as his vice-president Mike Pence is one of the Kochs' favourite politicians.

I will not contest my parliamentary seat in a sad election that will not produce a Parliament capable of endorsing a realistic reform agenda for Greece.

God help this country if we're now prepared to vote for someone we don't trust. But every election cycle we do things we never dreamed of.

I'm just am amazed that he seems to think the Iraqi government and our allies and everybody else launched the attack on Mosul for this election [2016].

In view of our public pledges we public officials can never again go before the public merely promising election reform. The time for promises is past.

Popularity should be no scale for the election of politicians. If it would depend on popularity Donald Duck and The Muppets would take seats in senate.

Our timing is right... The election results are still fresh in the minds of my Republican colleagues and they don't want to go through this again.

Soon after the 1997 election I argued that there was no inverse law of political gravity which said that everything which went down had to come back up.

Any time you have loose ballots you have to worry about shenanigans. It's a shame such a hard-fought election has to come down to something like this.

You believe that you can win the nomination of your party and then you believe that you're the strongest candidate to win the election for your party.

[Hackers] did not stop. They - they came after us absolutely every day until the end of the election. They tried to hack into our system repeatedly.

It was kind of interesting: [People] didn't really want to talk about it too much. And then after the election it's kind of like they've been unleashed.

I think win the election big if she can win it I`d like to see Hillary Clinton 54 55 percent because I want her to rule the country.

We have rigged the latest election. 93.5 per cent have voted for Lukashenko. But they say it is not a European outcome. We have made it 86 per cent.

Well so be it. Nothing's perfect in life so you have an election that's not quite perfect. Is it better than not having an election? You bet.

We are in the target hairs in this election [2016]. We are all asking whether we are going to have a world at all or not going forward.

If you stand at an election and put a manifesto in front of people saying you're going to improve health care you have to stick by that.

I think it is its time for the leaders of Africa to say to President Mugabe that the people of Zimbabwe deserve a free and fair election.

I proposed a law that every country where the U.S. has a military base - those people should be allowed to vote in the American election.

In the next election can we vote to ban those ribbon things that kind of keep clothing on hangers but really just hang out of your armpits?

I think the election of Donald Trump if you want to call it an election was unimaginable to most people which is part of how it happened.

George McGovern - and I campaigned very hard for his election - was not in the summer of 1971 a strong feminist ally. But he did come around.

My goal is not to win a straw poll that doesn't mean something. It's to win the election that means everything for the future of the country.

I come from election I come from the people. I owe gratitude to our people. I do everything for the good of the country and the people.

Hillary Clinton [Democrats] say leads the popular vote by two million and a shift of a few votes in a few states would have won the election.

It is also asserted that the election settled the matters of the war and the torture of prisoners. These are dead issues that no longer need be addressed.

Both sides know the last election was just the beginning of the next election. It's clear there has been no attempt to have any kind of getting along.

I was looking at a photograph of the 1997 election campaign yesterday and I thought: 'My God. Did I really have that hairstyle? And that Tory blue suit?'

I really think I am a nice person. [But] this is not going to be an election on niceness. This is going to be an election on competence.

We will see at the end of the day. I don't like to speculate. Our goal in this election is to do better than in the last one.

If you look at polls Hillary Clinton is considered the toughest in a field of men. That`s no small victory for her going towards a general election.

I think George Bush is going to win in a walk. I really believe I'm hearing from the Lord it's going to be like a blowout election in 2004.

I intend to vote for President George W. Bush in the next election because in my view he is best able to wage the war against international terrorism.

Certainly we know from our own experience how very difficult it is when you've lost an election that perhaps a lot of people were expecting you to win.

I think I present an overwhelming case that these five justices were up to no good and they deliberately set out to hand the election to George Bush.

LOSS n. Privation of that which we had or had not. Thus in the latter sense it is said of a defeated candidate that he "lost his election".

When I first came into parliament there was on average a by-election every three months - due not to MPs bailing out but because of the death rate.

On 'Meet the Press' yesterday President Bush was asked what he would do if he lost the election and Bush said ''Phhh you mean like last time?'

I do not know what the Democratic Party spent in toto on the 2004 election but what they seem to have gotten for it is Barack Obama. Let us savor.

No politician is perfect. But in every election in your life there will be one choice that is better than the others. Go out and vote for that one.

If it's a close election then it's better for the Supreme Court to pick the president whether or not he won the election. It's just insane on its face.

I don't want to jump the gun. I don't want to talk about that. There's a lot of dirty pool played at the election meaning the election is rigged.

I was born on Nov. 4 which is election day ... my birthday has made more men and sent more back to honest work than any other days in the year.

George W. Bush bought the election - period. End of story. There is no argument. You can try to come up with any argument you can but there is none.

There's a lot of work to be done if you're going to run for president or if you're going to run for re-election in a state as big as Florida.

Whatever may be said about the doctrine of election it is written in the Word of God as with an iron pen and there is no getting rid of it.

I think the main thing we can do whether you agree or not I don't think that's the real issue the real issue is this November and there's an election.