Olusegun Obasanjo Quotes

When I left office in 1979 I was about the only one who had really left public office on my own.

I don't see why anybody should worry

My joy knows no bounds... I will devote all my energy and all the powers available to me to the service of Nigeria and humanity.

Yet there comes a time in the life of a patriot when abdication would amount to a betrayal if not outright treachery.

Fighting corruption is not a one-night affair.

At the same time African aims to intensify cooperation with China in the fields of trade investment and agriculture.

The givers of most of the corruption in Africa are from outside Africa.

I want to take this opportunity to acknowledge that our foreign friends are welcome to join in our endeavor to develop the resources of our country.

What the oil producer gets paid is about 16 percent. The majority of it is tax which in fairness to the government of this country they have accepted and admitted.

If I am not above the law nobody in this country can then claim to be above the law.

There is no part of the world where corruption is absolutely eliminated.

Corruption the greatest single bane of our society today.

We regard America and Europe as old friends. We keep old friends but we make new friends in Japan India and China.

Even Jesus Christ cannot conduct a free and fair election in Nigeria.

Pope John Paul II not only visited Nigeria twice but stood by the country in its fight against dictatorship and injustice.

I will not say the fact that there are no European Union observers at an election means that it will not be fair and free.

We will work to bring an element of stability to the price of oil.

We will as soon as possible reexamine our laws and policies and eliminate all obstacles to genuine investment.

Nigeria has no business with poverty. With our human and material resources we shall strive to eradicate poverty from our country.

My gut feelings and my faith tell me that until God shuts a door no human can shut it.

To feed our people we must first feed our soil

Let me make a solemn pledge before all of you before the whole world and before God that I will devote all my energy and all I possess in my power to serve the people of Nigeria and humanity.

I believe God knew what he was doing when he put oil under our ground. It should be a means to an end.

School is not meant for the poor only for the rich.

Democracy should be nurtured and sustained in Nigeria and in our part of the world

Femi Fani Kayode is my boy. Provide him food he will eat and then sing for you. Heâ??s a smart boy