Women Of God Quotes

Women of God can never be like women of the world.

God provides the men and women needed for each generation.

If God made anything better than women he kept it for himself.

God might have been either drunk or naughty when he was creating women.

Vegetables are something God invented to let women get even with their children.

God almighty made women and the Rockefeller gang of thieves made the ladies.

Why did God make women so beautiful and man with such a loving heart?

I rely on the promise God is kind to women fools and drunk people.

If God made anything better than women I think he kept it for himself.

I'm not denyin' the women are foolish. God Almighty made 'em to match the men.

Women give themselves to God when the devil wants nothing more to do with them.

If God wanted women to be treated equally to men he'd have given them penises.

If God had intended for women to wear slacks He would have constructed them differently.

In the 1920's it was legs. My God women hadn't shown their legs for 2000 years.

The frontiers of the kingdom of God were never advanced by men and women of caution.

I speak Spanish to God Italian to women French to men and German to my horse.

Saints are simply men and women who have fulfilled their natural obligation which is to approach God.

Everybody! This is my cousin right here and he just dethroned God's gift to Women - Griffin

God favors men and women who delight in being made worthy of happiness before the happiness itself.

Oh God if you want women to never again raise their voices then create an adult man!

Women and God are the two rocks on which a man must either anchor or be wrecked.

If God had wanted women to have giant fake boobs he'd be a lot like my brother.

How can women be in the image of God if God cannot be imaged in female form?

Thank God for such women who make no apologies for their oceanic depth and riptides of emotion.

God's grace turns out men and women with a strong family likeness to Jesus Christ not milksops.

God's great cosmic joke on the human race was requiring that men and women live together in marriage

I think Uma Thurman is one of God's creatures one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen.

In my mind when God made women he did an amazing job. I think girls are just perfect.

It is by letting the world go and coming unto Christ that we increasingly live as women of God.

80% of the women who were asked if they fake orgasms said yes. Actually they said Yes! Oh God Yes!

For God nothing is impossible. And if he wanted in the future women would give birth from their ears.

What is God looking for? He is looking for men and women whose hearts are completely His - completely.

Our calling is not primarily to be holy women but to work for God and for others with Him.

You women are daughters of God. You are precious. You are made in the image of our Heavenly Mother.

Women are delicate creatures. Fragile. Gentle. Made by God to be sheltered from the harshness of this world.. Morgan MacDonnell

...make dads the godly leaders [of the family] with the women in submission raising kids for the glory of God.

When Eve ate the apple her knowledge increased. But God liked dumb women so Paradise ceased. Gwen Goodnight. Her Work.

The prettiest women are almost always the most boring and that is why some people feel there is no God.

In this world all--men women and kings--must live for the present. We can only live for the future for God

We will never be the women God wants us to be if our hearts are continually chasing after human approval.

God gave women instinct and womanliness. Utilized appropriately the combo effortlessly disorders the mind of any man I've ever met.

God gave women intuition and femininity. Used properly the combination easily jumbles the brain of any man I've ever met.

God bless them pretty women I wish they was mine Their breath is as sweet The dew on the vine.

But there's so many things in life like women like children like God and family that transcends the world of hip-hop.

My only prayer for my time with you is "God I just want these men and women to long for you.

A cosmology that admits of only one male god limits womenâ??s capacity to envision their full potential as human beings.

I must be dreaming. Bring that sweet ass over here and I'll show you what God made women and well-hung Scotsmen for.

If we could all give our own definitions of God there would be as many definitions as there are men and women.

the gender of God God's presumed masculinity has functioned as the ultimate religious legitimization of the unjust social structures which victimize women.

Wherever women are true to their feminine natures and magnify their opportunities for loving service they are learning to become more like God.

I thank God for creating gay men. Because if it wasn't for them us fat women would have no one to dance with.

When we acknowledge God's supreme role in our life and set our mind on Him He enables us to be women of hope.

Women want a man who is sensitive but god forbid you can't get it up after being frightened by a small woodland animal.

If God had not intended that Women shou'd use their Reason He wou'd not have given them any 'for He does nothing in vain.

Judged by the normal standards of human affairs the lives of men and women of God may look overburdened with suffering and even inconclusive.

Men reach their sexual peak at eighteen. Women reach theirs at thirty-five. Do you get the feeling that God is playing a practical joke?

There is nothing Madison Avenue can give us that will make us more beautiful women. We are beautiful because God created us that way.

Those persons who know the deep peace of God the unfathomable peace that passeth all understanding are always men and women of much prayer.

I've looked on many women with lust. I've committed adultery in my heart many times. God knows I will do this and forgives me.

Most women seem to be required to pit themselves against men in dramatic situations and the men got to pit themselves against ideas or God.

Daughters of God know that it is the nurturing nature of women that can bring everlasting blessings and they live to cultivate this divine attribute.

Oh God who does not exist you hate women otherwise you'd have made them different. And Jesus who snubbed your mother you hate them more.

I shall earnestly and persistently continue to urge all women to the practical recognition of the old Revolutionary maxim. Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.

Women children Tyroleans and preachers want to create a new kingdom of God but the God of their kingdom looks like women children preachers and Tyrolians.

I always say God should have given women one extra decade at least especially if you want a family. You're trying to pack a lot in.

The best school of discipline is home. Family life is God's own method of training the young and homes are very much as women make them.

Look at Michelle Pfeiffer: My God she's 50 years old but she is still so sexy. If I were into women I would be totally into her.

If God is male then male is God. The divine patriarch castrates women as long as he is allowed to live on in the human imagination.

By God I may be old-fashioned in my ideas but women run around too much these days to suit me. They meet all kinds of crazy fish.

Women have had the power of naming stolen from us. We have not been free to use our own power to name ourselves the world or God.

If America is to survive we must elect more God-centered men and women to public office; individuals who will seek Divine guidance in the affairs of state.

[God in the Law given to Moses] having forbidden all unlawful marriage and all unseemly practice and the union of women with women and men with men.

women and girls begin to bare themselves behind and in front and there is nobody to punish and hold in check and besides God's word is mocked.

God of peace bring your peace to our violent world: peace in the hearts of all men and women and peace among the nations of the Earth.

Thank God you can flee can escape from that massy five-foot-thick maggot-cheesy solidarity which overlays the earth in which men and women in couples are ranked like ninepins.

I don't care for the music when they're talking bad about women because I think women are God's greatest gift to the planet - I just like music.

Teach him to live unto God and unto thee; and he will discover that women like the plants in woods derive their softness and tenderness from the shade.

Jesus Christ raised women above the condition of mere slaves mere ministers to the passions of the man raised them by His sympathy to be Ministers of God.

I do not know the needs of a god or of another world... I do know that women make shirts for seventy cents a dozen in this one.

Today's prime educational objective must be to form men-and-women-for-others who cannot even conceive of love of God which does not include love for the least of their neighbors.

What is the chief end of preaching? I like to think it is this: It is to give men and women a sense of God and His presence.

God hath prepared a little coronet or special reward (extraordinary and beside the great crown of all faithful souls) for those who have not defiled themselves with women.

Why then should women be denied the benefits of instruction? If knowledge and understanding had been useless additions to the sex God almighty would never have given them capacities.

Women of genius commonly have masculine faces figures and manners. In transplanting brains to an alien soil God leaves a little of the original earth clinging to the roots.

Because pornography is a tool of Satan that exploits and distorts our God-given sexuality women - especially Christian women - need to understand the increasing threat of online pornography.

Two women? God man. Well I'm still living. So clearly I must've gotten away with it when I did do it. But I don't think it's time to blow my cover now.