Visited Quotes

We have traveled through space and time. We have been many places. Visited many worlds. And there is good news: the acoustics everywhere are terrific.

I'd have to say Bali's my favorite place that I've visited.

No other offense has ever been visited with such severe penalties as seeking to help the oppressed.

Pope John Paul II not only visited Nigeria twice but stood by the country in its fight against dictatorship and injustice.

Perhaps we've never been visited by aliens because they have looked upon Earth and decided there's no sign of intelligent life.

On the road we're somebody else's guests - and we play in a way that they're not going to forget we visited them.

When donors visited the Black Panther Party they came and saw our real programs a real clinic with real doctors and medics giving service to people.

I always spend time exploring the customs and attitudes of the countries I'm using for locations and interviewing the people who live there. I've visited over 90 countries thus far.

I first visited Kurdistan in 2003. I arrived in the town of Sulaimaniyah courtesy of smugglers who drove me across the border from Iran. Sulaimaniyah was a small charming provincial Kurdish town.

The Helicon of too many poets is not a hill crowned with sunshine and visited by the Muses and the Graces but an old mouldering house full of gloom and haunted by ghosts.

In the past I've visited remote places - North Korea Ethiopia Easter Island - partly as a way to visit remote states of mind: remote parts of myself that I wouldn't ordinarily explore.

The day cold and fair with a high easterly wind: we were visited by two Indians who gave us an account of the country and people near the Rocky mountains where they had been.

During a trip to Iraq last fall I visited our theater hospital at Balad Air Force Base and witnessed these skilled medical professionals in action and met the brave soldiers whose lives they saved.

There's a Chaplain who never visited the front.

Cancun is the only place I've ever visited outside America

An angel visited the green earth and took a flower away.

I don't want to end up simply having visited this world.

Early in life I was visited by the bluebird of anxiety

I was a serious method actor until I visited this site.

Ah the outdoors ' Shallan said. 'I visited that mythical place once.

I have visited Japan several times and have always been shown wonderful hospitality.

People only go to the places they have visited first in their minds.

All cities we have visited are precincts in this metropolis of the mind.

History is rich knowledge. In your travel learn brief history of the place visited.

Artists are visited by the Muses or tormented by their own passions and demons.

President Obama is in China. Today he visited the kids who make our cellphones.

So I went and visited a doctor and he diagnosed me with reactive arthritis.

I say I'm an atheist but I wouldn't mind being visited by a ghost.

Persons visited by the angel quiver with a thrill unknown to the rest of mankind

Six days after 9/11 George W. Bush visited a mosque and said quote "Islam is peace.

It's been really nice to see different counties that I might never have visited before.

In your travel learn the brief history of the place visited. History is rich knowledge.

History is rich knowledge In your travel learn the brief history of the place visited. .

Every morning I'm visited by hummingbirds. I think it's nice but maybe they're planning an attack?

My sister and I visited Iceland in 2001 and I incorporated it into 'Pretty Little Liars.'

The Bluebird of Happiness long absent from his life Ned is visited by the Chicken of Depression.

I visited England immediately after I finished writing 'The Marrying Season ' before any editing or revisions.

I visited the Gymnasium in The Hague and passed my final examination (in the sciences section) in 1943.

I had learned something of Miami from people who had visited there so I knew what to expect.

I visited many places Some of them quite Exotic and far away But I always returned to myself.

A long project is like a secret houseguest hidden in your study waiting to be fed and visited.

I did two things on my seventy-fifth birthday. I visited my wife's grave. Then I joined the army.

An ordinary place turns into an extraordinary place when visited by a good music! Earthly place becomes celestial!

Ross Perot came and visited Apple several times and visited the Macintosh factory. Ross was a systems thinker.

When I visited Chechnya I was taken aback at first because people would regularly make jokes about kidnapping me.

Hunt looked like a man who had visited many woman's beds and knew exactly what to do in them.

Every man - at least once in his lifetime - has visited the silent and dark street of disappointment.

I have been taking my daily walk round the island and visited the sugar mill and the threshing mill again.

Founded in August 2003 MySpace would go on to be the most-visited social networking site in the world from 2005 until early 2008.

I wish I could write easily. I'm one of those guys who's visited by the muse when things are dire.

In the Bill Clinton years the foreign leader who visited the White House most often was Yasser Arafat - 13 times.

On the road we're somebody else's guests and we play in a way that they'renot going to forget we visited them.

Maybe this Watergate is like the Old Testament. It was visited upon us and maybe were going to benefit from it.

I started early took my dog And visited the sea; The mermaids in the basement Came out to look at me

At one school I visited everyone had read 'Halo ' and they were all dressed up as angels - with halos!

Over the course of my career which is about 40 years I've visited plenty of prisons and I know what they're like.

Tai Shimano visited Shunryu Suzuki. "How are you feeling these days?" Suzuki replied "They have a new name for me: Cancer!

Ms Rainn when was the last time you visited a library for the books and not the free Internet it offers?

It was the first time she had visited me here in upstate New York. It was the last time I saw her.

In all my activities as Armament Minister I never once visited a labor camp and cannot therefore give any information about them.

A street that you have never visited is a book that you have never read! You never know what you are missing!

Very little is known of the Canadian country since it is rarely visited by anyone but the Queen and illiterate sport fishermen.

Being in the pop group Eternal gave me the most wonderful opportunity to travel the world and I have visited some spectacular countries.

Objective evidence and certitude are doubtless very fine ideals to play with but where on this moonlit and dream-visited planet are they found?

If you can be heartless as the first man who visited the space then there will be nothing impossibe for you to achieve.

As a child we visited the San Juan Islands during the summer. Kayaking big family meals playing on the beach - great memories!

Never Googled myself. I use a computer for market quotes and news but I've never Googled myself. But I have visited their headquarters.

The injuries we do in kind are visited upon us often. In the science of the mind trying hard to move a shadow.

I really liked Yale although it was extremely intimidating. When I visited the campus I was hiding behind trees I felt so unworthy.

I purchased excellent and beautiful horses visited all such neighbors as I found in congenial spirits and was as happy as happy could be.

The poor must be wisely visited and liberally cared for so that mendicity shall not be tempted into mendacity nor want exasperated into crime.

The words emerge from her body without her realizing it as if she were being visited by the memory of a language long forsaken.

I have visited Tromsø and can personally say Tromsø is a beautiful city well equipped to be an excellent choice for the Chess Olympiad 2014.

I visited a scientist who had a helmet with magnetic fields controlled by computer sequences that could profoundly affect your mood and your perceptions.

Those who fail to learn from the brutal stompings visited on them in the past are doomed to be brutally stomped in the future.

I enjoy biographies and whatnot. I'm also a fan of presidential libraries. I've visited quite a few of them especially the more modern ones.

I was born in Columbia in 1954 the year the Supreme Court invalidated racial segregation in public schools. I visited frequently but did not live there.

Today Secretary of State John Kerry visited the small African nation of Djibouti. Or to use the official diplomatic term he made a Djibouti call.

Time is short your obligations are infinite. Are your houses regulated your children instructed the afflicted relieved the poor visited the work of piety accomplished?

As governor when I visited our troops in Kuwait and Iraq I served them Thanksgiving dinner. It was a small gesture compared to their sacrifice.

I have often supported Israel I have often visited the country and want the country to exist and at last find peace with its neighbours.

Principles are like a seed in the ground; they must continually be visited with heavenly influences or else your life will be a barren field.

I often visited a particular plant four or five miles distant half a dozen times within a fortnight that I might know exactly when it opened.

Every time I've flown an aircraft or visited a steelworks or watched a panel-beater at work I've learned something new that can be applied to buildings.

Most people I know don't even realize I'm an award-winning author but I have gotten many opportunities to travel to places I'd never have visited otherwise.

All great truths begin as blasphemy. Every single revolutionary idea that has ever been visited upon the human experience began as an idea which was rejected.

Are there no Moravians in the Moon that not a missionary has yet visited this poor pagan planet of ours to civilise civilisation and christianise Christendom?

I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomenon is real.

When President Jiang Zemin visited India in 1996 the two sides decided that they would jointly build a constructive partnership of cooperation oriented towards the 21st century.

Paris certainly needs to promote itself. Although still the most visited city in the world it has fallen behind London and Berlin in terms of cool.

The last time I was in Japan as President of Russia was 11 years ago if memory serves. I later visited in my capacity as Prime Minister.

I think it must somewhere be written that the virtues of mothers shall be visited on their children as well as the sins of their fathers.

Seated in my library at night and looking on the silent faces of my books I am occasionally visited by a strange sense of the supernatural.

I'm interested in Russian language culture history... and I lived there for four years as a reporter for the Washington Post and have visited many times since.

Complex rules restricting our labour markets are not some naturally occurring phenomenon. Just as excessive regulation is not some external plague that's been visited on our businesses.

Angelophany is the visible or otherwise tangible manifestation of angels to human beings. Abraham Lincoln frequently mentioned that he was visited by angels at the White House....

It is impossible to be among the woods animals on their own ground without a feeling of expanding one's own world as when any foreign country is visited.

I don't know about Heaven or Hell but I do know that we are visited all the time by the spirits of those who affected us in life.

When I visited Ireland with my father and heard the people on the farm talking I couldn't believe the gift of language they had. I felt very untalented.

[Imagination] must be visited constantly or else it begins to become restless and emit strange bellows at embarrassing moments; ignoring it only makes it grow larger and noisier.

I was a lawyer for 10 years and several of my clients had the misfortune through no fault of my own of going to prison. I visited them occasionally.

I shall omit former particulars and begin with informing the Reader that in 1792 I was strangely visited by day and night concerning what was coming upon the whole earth.

In general the churches visited by me often on weekdays... bore for me the same relation to God that billboards did to Coca-Cola; they promoted thirst without quenching it.

Last week I stated this woman was the ugliest woman I had ever seen. I have since been visited by her sister and now wish to withdraw that statement.

A very few lonely pioneers make their way to high places never before visited . . . they create the living conditions of mankind and the majority are living on their work.

Today Mitt Romney visited a firehouse here in New York City. Of course he was disappointed when he learned that the firehouse is not where you get to fire people.

When we visited with legislative counsel they told us that the only way to effectively accomplish what we were trying to do was to put the words in the legislation.

When corruption is visited upon the cities of men the mountains and the deserts await him. The cities are for money but the high-up hills are purely for the soul.

I'm a Catholic by background. I was raised in Goa a part of India that was visited by Portuguese missionaries a few hundred years ago which explains my last name.

Today in Sri Lanka Pope Francis visited a Buddhist temple. When asked why the Pope said 'Just keeping my options open. It's a dicey job market. You never know.'

The most valuable book we can read about countries we have visited is that which recalls to us something that we did notice but did not notice that we noticed.

As I told the students every time I visited a campus you are the director of your own movie and if you aren't enjoying what you are doing change it.

Those to whom worshiping is a window to open but also to shut have not yet visited the house of their souls whose windows are open from dawn to dawn.

I visited my father for the full ten years that he was in prison so we already had a deep and loving relationship and remembered our mother at those times.

I am fully conscious that a complete presentation of the regions visited is a task beyond my power. All I can strive to do is convey an illusion-my own illusion

When [Ralph Waldo] Emerson visited Thoreau in jail and asked 'What are you doing in there?' it was reported that Thoreau replied 'What are you doing out there?'

So how many women have you visited in their dreams? (Geary) Is this one of those questions that if I don't answer it correctly you get angry at me? (Arik)

The parents' job is to be there for their kids not the other way round. Troubles between parents need to be talked through with friends and not visited on the children.

Death is such a strange thing. One minute you're here and then just gone. You'd think there would be an anteroom a place where you could be visited before you go.

Every time I have visited the U.S. I have been asked to let loose my hair and remove the hair pins. Each time I have put up a defiant face.

I have observed too that the people of the many countries that I have visited are showing an ever increasing interest in the classical and traditional music of their own cultures.

We sought out and visited all the Indians hereabouts that we could meet with in number about twenty. They were chiefly in one place about a mile from where we lodged.

I pride myself in being an aficionado of the British seaside. Throughout my career I have visited and worked in many of the famous British resorts from Great Yarmouth to Largs.

Interestingly enough after diving to 235 feet in Saba I visited the Virgin Islands. There as a pure Karmic coincidence I met the inventor of the snowboard Steve Sanders Mr. Burton's brother.

Springtime is a season we tend to forget as we grow older and yet far back in our memories like the landscape of a country visited long ago it's always there.

Our friends - how distant how mute how seldom visited and little known. AndI too am dim to my friends and unknown; a phantom sometimes seen oftennot. Life is a dream surely.

I read some and then visited with people involved in this curious exciting and somewhat misunderstood sub-culture. I met with a fang maker who offered to fit me for an exquisite pair.

I have been able to travel all over the country and see many places that I probably never would have visited. I have also participated in many charity events for worthy causes.

I got hooked on espresso when I visited Italy at 18 but these days I prefer a 'flat white.' It's like a small latte with less milk - they're popular in Australia.

I visited Eduardo Miura's ranch in Seville where he raised bulls for bullfighting and I was so impressed that by the time I got home I had already selected my future emblem.

When the Special Theory of Relativity began to germinate in me I was visited by all sorts of nervous conflicts... I used to go away for weeks in a state of confusion.

On two or three book tours I have visited bookstores in the Mall of America and signed copies of my books and introduced myself to store employees who I hope will sell them.

It was with a homosexual I was barely 14 years old. But let's be fair I wasn't the only one who did it. He was a man in Bauru that all our team visited.

Perhaps every writer who thoroughly creates a fictional world will inevitably create a mirror of his own time and yet also create a world that no one else but him has ever visited...

Death is so important that God visited death upon his own son thereby helping us learn right from wrong well enough that we may escape death forever and live eternally in God's grace.

In the past Ive visited remote places - North Korea Ethiopia Easter Island - partly as a way to visit remote states of mind: remote parts of myself that I wouldnt ordinarily explore.

[T]he most viciously intolerant campus I ever visited as a lecturer was Brown where the humanities program has been gutted by a jejune brand of feminist theory and cultural and media studies.

I visited the Chinese side last year. The Chinese are in a constant state of military readiness. They have all their nuclear weapons in the area presumably trained on targets across the border.

There's a fascinating statistic: One out of every four people in America has visited New York since 9/11. It is astounding. Now I don't know how you count it; it's some people coming multiple times.

Near the foot of the mountain we visited a yogi who dwelled in a hollow tunneled beneath a boulder. He pondered our notion of climbing Shivling and said: 'First travel then struggle finally calm'.

When I visited concentration camps I was more interested in how people responded to the camps than in the actual places. I watched kids picnicking on the ovens and other people stricken with grief.

I've been a musician since I was nine. I think a ghost or goblin visited me in the night. Maybe aliens abducted me or a divine figure sent me a spiritual memo. Who knows.

Asking â??Am I choosing from my divinity or am I choosing from my humanity? â?? opens the door for us to experience realms of reality that we may never have visited before.

Our friends - how distant how mute how seldom visited and little known. And I too am dim to my friends and unknown; a phantom sometimes seen often not. Life is a dream surely.

One of my most laughable moments was when we visited the monkeys in Ubud - they really seemed to like me and at one point I had three males on my head and shoulders.

As I visited the various neighborhoods in the campaign I learned fast that it's a mistake to think that all of the wisdom and possible solutions to our problems are available only in this building.

You say "Something important really happened here. I really had hold of something I was visited by the muse." And that's enough to make you continue the months and years to finish the whole book.

The laws all true wanderers obey are these: 'Thou shalt not eat nor drink more than thy share ' 'Thou shalt not lie about the places thou hast visited or the distances thou hast traversed.

We spoke French at home and I didn't know any English until I went to school. My mother was French and met my father when he visited France as a student on a teaching placement.