Only Daughter Quotes

Katherine Sedley was the only daughter and heiress to the libertine poet Sir Charles Sedley and grew into a thoroughly scandalous lady in her own right.

Well I think it's because I'm an only daughter. I have four brothers a bunch of guy cousins and so it's like I was raised amongst men. So I've always gotten along really well with men.

The only truly anonymous donor is the guy who knocks up your daughter.

I can only hope that neither of my daughters was scarred by their upbringing.

My daughter is a preschooler but I have only known her for a while. She is adopted.

A fluent tongue is the only thing a mother don't like her daughter to resemble her in.

But Dad and I are the only father-and-daughter acts who have both had No. 1 songs in England.

I only have two rules for my newly born daughter: she will dress well and never have sex.

Landfill' by Daughter has calming rich tones that are only improved upon by the gorgeous voice of Daughter.

I only tour in short bursts I'm only ever away from my family and three daughters for a month or two.

I can only do something that my sister or my daughter if I have one could watch and feel positive about.

I lend my daughter beauty products but only as a treat. If she's going to a party I'll let her borrow a mascara or moisturizer.

I'm interested in art for all. I don't want it to be only the sons and daughters of Tory MPs who get to see my plays.

The anxiety of most parents in seeing their sons and daughters enlist does not lie only in the fear of the physical dangers they may encounter.

My grandmother made her home at Fox How under the shelter of the fells with her four daughters the youngest of whom was only eight when their father died.

My generation was not only maligned in book reviews and attacked in graduate school but we lived to see our adored and adorable daughters wonder why feminism had become a dirty word.

Only out of great vulnerability do you discover what strength you have. Having a daughter who I love with all my being has helped me mine the source of that strength to previously unknown depths.

I watched 'House of Cards' in three days - and only in three days because I had other responsibilities like my daughter. I couldn't just sit there and watch the entire season in just one sitting.

In life you either watch TV or you do TV. I told my daughters that the only way you're going to make it in this business is to get in the game. That's the biggest advice I can give them.

Truth was the only daughter of Time.

I always say it was great for God to send his only son but I'm waiting for him to send his only daughter. Then things will really be great.

You can hardly imagine that I and Lord Bracknell would dream of allowing our only daughter - a girl brought up with the utmost care - to marry into a cloak-room and form an alliance with a parcel?

You know I have had a terrible life. I married two men I really didn't like. My only daughter was killed in a car accident. My brother committed suicide. Has my life been a life for anyone to envy?

I am my mother's daughter ... I am her only novel.

There is no death daughter. People die only when we forget them.

Since my daughter is only half-Jewish could she go in the water up to her knees?

There is only one way to make money at writing and that is to marry a publisher's daughter.

It is the lesbian in us who is creative for the dutiful daughter of the fathers in us is only a hack.

On her daughter Melissa: The only time she really cried is when I sat her down and told her that she was not adopted.

The mother is only really the mistress of her daughter upon the condition of continually representing herself to her as a model of wisdom and type of perfection