New Experience Quotes

This American Jewish music is a new experience for us at least consciously.

Every minute brings a new opportunity. Every minute brings new growth new experiences.

I was busy welcoming a new experience. I had never done a movie before.

I'm someone who is open-minded to new experiences because they teach you new things.

The more I do in my life the more I can write music about new experiences.

The obvious objective of video games is to entertain people by surprising them with new experiences.

Well you know writers just suck up new experiences - we're just like the vacuum cleaners of newness.

I like new ballets because they're totally new. As you get older new experiences are harder and harder to come by so it's pretty great to have a new experience.

Irrational judgements lead to new experience.

Every adversity brings new experiences and new lessons.

Every new experience brings its own maturity and a greater clarity of vision.

The new experience that has replaced dignified suffering is artificially prolonged opaque depersonalized maintenance.

Every new experience is unusual. The rest of life is just sleep and committee meetings.

At first trouble is a new experience - gradually you learn that - that it isn't fatal.

The best way for you to get that new experience is to change your response to what happens.

When you enter a new experience all that requires healing rushes to the surface . . . You have to pause.

I thought it peculiar how one new experience can alter your perspective on places you've known your whole life.

None are so eager to gain new experience as those who don't know how to make use of the old ones.

I think one's musical life should be free and open to new experience in order to keep expanding your mind and horizons.

With each new experience of letting God be in control we gain courage and reinforcement for daring to do it again and again.

A new experience can be extremely pleasurable or extremely irritating or somewhere in between and you never know until you try it out.

Often you will end up loving the new things you try and even if you don't love it you've given yourself a new experience.

I'm really more prolific than most stand-ups. My act changes. I do fold in new experiences new observations whatever you want to call it.

Excitement about things became a habit a part of my personality and the expectation that I should enjoy new experiences often engendered the enjoyment itself.

Knowing is not thinking. Knowing begins when thinking ceases having finished its work. Every new knowing is a joy for it is a new experience of unity.

I love entertaining Korean people with traditional songs from Ecuador . It has been an exceptional new experience for me to perform in Korea and I enjoyed so much.

I rejoice in what I have and I know that fresh new experiences are always ahead. I greet the new with open arms. I trust life to be wonderful.

Life is just a set of experiences. As long as there are new experiences for me in a corporate job I don't think I have to be an entrepreneur.

Advertisers and marketers should be looking to bring new experiences to different parts of the brain. It's a more profound idea than just dropping a billboard into a video game.

Be like a sponge when it comes to each new experience. If you want to be able to express it well you must first be able to absorb it well.

Making money is often more fun than spending it though I personally have never regretted money I've spent on friends new experiences saving time travel and causes I believe in.

Kids don't always stop to judge or analyze a new experience unless the adults around them react strongly. Otherwise they just take in the experience and move on to the next one.

Pointe shoes are torture devices. I mean ballerinas get used to it but it was definitely a new experience for me. They feel medieval. I was very happy to stop wearing them.

She will prolong her life by the length of her story even though time will wear on inexorably as she tells it thus depriving her of the chance to have a new experience.

I look at the human life like an experiment. Every new moment every new experience tragic or otherwise is an opportunity to gain a more accurate perspective and helps lead me to clarity.

YouTube is a new experience for me-someone threw a laptop in front of me and showed me Nic Cage going mad which has got to be the funniest thing on YouTube. He's so courageous.

All who remember their childhood remember the strange vague sense when some new experience came that everything else was going to be changed and that there would be no lapse into the old monotony.

On the first feature everything's new. No matter what you're doing it's a new experience and you don't really have control over it in a way because you just don't know how things work.

Be very very still and allow every new experience to take place in your life without any resistance whatsoever. You do not have to do anything you simply have to be and let things happen.

We sense that â??normalâ?? isnâ??t coming back that we are being born into a new normal: a new kind of society a new relationship to the earth a new experience of being human.

Acting is great. It's so much fun. It's a job where you literally get to do something that's a great experience and then you try a new experience and you take things from all of it.

Songs come alive every night and can be a new experience for someone. You might have someone in the audience who has never seen us before and hearing it for the first time. We are aware of that.

See any detour as an opportunity to experience new things.

I've had some lovely extraordinary experiences on New Year's Eve.

The head learns new things but the heart forever practices old experiences.

I feel like not knowing Joe Torre is a hole in my New York experience.

I've been traveling the world and experiencing different places and you always discover new things.

We experience new culture with every journey.

We experience a new life with divine encounter.

All calculations based on experience elsewhere fail in New Mexico.

New things have to experience difficulties and setbacks as they grow.

There's no default. Each emotional experience elicits a different possibly new response.

A bad love experience is no reason to fear a new love experience.

The Voice Chamber hatches a new and healthy experience of the vibrational universe

pain always feels brand new no matter how much experience you've had with it!

Imagination is the light by which we can penetrate new worlds of thought and experience.

My one thought is to get out of New York to experience something genuinely American.

To the creative individual all experience is seminal-all events are equidistant from new ideasand insights.

Even in slight things the experience of the new is rarely without some stirring of foreboding.

The thing I love about being an actor is the ability to travel and experience new cultures.

I think New Mexico was the greatest experience from the outside world that I have ever had.

The person who is willing to say yes to experience is the person who discovers new frontiers.

The whole 'School of Rock' experience was really cool and just meeting new people from all over.

I am willing to move out of my comfort zone and experience life in a new way.

To me it's not about being anywhere but being able to change my perceptions and experience something new.

Sexism is discounting the female experience of powerlessness; the new sexism is discounting the male experience of powerlessness.

Experimental observations are only experience carefully planned in advance and designed to form a secure basis of new knowledge.

Train hard and try new things; everything you do outside of the cage counts as experience inside the cage.

...the incredulity of mankind who do not truly believe in anything new until they have had actual experience of it.

Literature overtakes history for literature gives you more than one life. It expands experience and opens new opportunities to readers.

Self-transformation is not just about changing yourself. It means shifting yourself to a completely new dimension of experience and perception.

The simplest and most familiar truth seems new and wonderful the instant we ourselves experience it for the first time.

Everything was new now Iâ??m a junkie I seem to need more severe doses of experience to feel anything.

However I think I managed to reach a new level with Koko and I will always be grateful for the experience.

I think I can make an entirely new game experience and if I can't do it some other game designer will.

We're delighted to be working with Apple to offer fans a new and innovative way to experience our wildly popular shows.

There is no such thing as death. We have all lived before and we are all going to experience new lives.

The moment you accept that there's a guidance system supporting you then you experience a new sense of freedom and peace.

Real frontier-busting math explores new worlds . . . . If you can communicate that experience somewhere between math and uncertainty life experience provides the balance.

A new idea comes suddenly and in a rather intuitive way but intuition is nothing but the outcome of earlier intellectual experience.

The desire to swim in deeper waters is what gives a greater experience. Nothing new comes out of being ordinary. Leaders take risks.

I don't think the women in the TV series are really like that. It's certainly not my personal experience of New York women.

We are volcanoes. When we women offer our experience as our truth as human truth all the maps change. There are new mountains.

When we open our minds to the unlimited creative power we will call forth abundance and see and experience a whole new world.

I personally feel the need to experience life and new music and ideas before I can sit down and start writing music again.

When something is new to us we treat it as an experience. We feel that our senses are awake and clear. We are alive.

I've found that often just when you think you've hit a wall you experience a breakthrough that takes you to new heights in accomplishment

The interviewer always learns something new from the interviewee. It opens up your mind to new ideas and the vast multiplicity of human experience.

Life's like that. As we grow and change some things we've experience before take on new meaning. It'll happen for the rest of your life.

An SF author who reads only SF will have little new to contribute but someone with a broader experience will bring more to the table.

Nothing is permanent " Magnus said. "I know this from experience. But you can get new things. You can meet new people. You can go on.

The meaning of experience is typically one generation behind the experience. The content of new situations both private and corporate is typically the preceding situation.

Men use a new lesson or experience later on as a ploughshare or perhaps also as a weapon; women at once make it into an ornament.

Cherish your friends stay true to your principles live passionately and fully and well. Experience new things. Love and be loved if you ever get the chance

There is no change - I'm as deep or as shallow as I ever was. What's new is on-the-job experience. This is what you gain with years.

I think Europeans have enough tradition and respect for the experience and body of work of an actress that they don't sell out to the new ones.

A new opinion counts as true just in proportion as it gratifies the individual's desire to assimilate the novel in his experience to his beliefs in stock

My background has been very helpful for this experience. But everyone was so accommodating because they knew it's not the most comfortable position to be the new kid.

I have witnessed how education opens doors and I know that when sound instruction takes place students experience the joys of new-found knowledge and the ability to excel.

Say your truth-kindly but fully and completely. Live your truth gently but totally and consistently. Change your truth easily and quickly when your experience brings you new clarity.

After an unequivocal experience of the inefficacy of the subsisting federal government you are called upon to deliberate on a new Constitution for the United States of America.

To see persons looking with children's eyes at any ordinary scenery is a proof that they possess the charming faculty of drawing new sensations from an old experience...

Despite my professional experience the fifteen-hour workdays and a successful new show that I had helped build MSNBC was still refusing to pay me what I was worth.

Every time my TweetDeck shoots a new tweet to my desktop I experience a little dopamine spritz that takes me away from... from... wait what was I saying?

Hot Plants enhance sexual experience. They increase sensitivity and make sex more urgent. Men get better erections. Women benefit too. Your orgasms are like Chinese New Year fireworks.

When a poet's mind is perfectly equipped for its work it is constantly amalgamating disparate experience ?in the mind of the poet these experiences are always forming new wholes.

But maybe those things are like background noise if you're from here. Maybe you have to experience this as a whole new place to appreciate it like I do.

Change. It has the power to uplift to heal to stimulate surprise open new doors bring fresh experience and create excitement in life. Certainly it is worth the risk.

I think driving in New York is a great experience. A lot more racing techniques go into it than anyplace else I've ever driven. There basically are no lanes.

Hits and flops will come and go. But what stays with you is the experience you had while shooting a film. I am happy learning something new each time.

In the weeks and months ahead my task is to show I have the new ideas the vision and the experience to earn the trust of the British people.

Because audiences all over the world can see an independent film almost anywhere and anytime these new distribution outlets have opened a door that is revolutionizing the movie-going experience.

The new spirituality is that it will produce an experience in human encounters in which we become a living demonstration of the basic spiritual teaching 'We are all one.'