Flash Quotes

Young black men had an opportunity to make money that they had never made before so why not be flashy? I'm not mad at the flash. It just needed to be balanced.

Mindfulness is like that"?it is the miracle which can call back in a flash our dispersed mind and restore it to wholeness so that we can live each minute of life.

Those who love friends and lovers know that love is not only a blinding flash but also a long and painful struggle in the darkness for the realization of definitive recognition and reconciliation.

cultivate in young minds an equal love of the good the beautiful and the absurd; most people's lives are too lead-colored to lose the smallest twinkle of light from a flash of nonsense.

I haven't experienced anything paranormal yet but I did see what I think was a meteor light up the sky in a flash of red for a few seconds. That was really cool.

I'll tell you I've seen the lightning flash. I've heard the thunder roll. I felt sin-breakers dashing trying to conquer my soul. But I heard the voice of Jesus saying still to fight on.

They astounded at the flash of the armor and the swiftness of the charge and attacked by showers of arrows and missiles half naked as they were never stopped to resist but gave way.

Thus shall ye think of all this fleeting world: As star at dawn a bubble in a stream A flash of lightning in a summer cloud A flickering lamp a phantom and a dream

People who can pull you in and take you on a journey as opposed to simply adding flash. Again that feels very clinical and I don't respond to that the way I used to

Now now you aren't afraid of monsters in the dark are you?" I caught a flash of her eyes winking wickedly at me. "No " I said shivering. After all I was one of them.

When you have that first flash of what you think is going to be a great idea-from the mouth from the hands-that's an amazing feeling. I don't think anything's quite as good as that.

It's not brave to do something that doesn't scare you. Performing in sex scenes that I direct exposing a flash of my weird puffy nipple those things don't fall into my zone of terror.

We live in a flash of light; evening comes and it is night forever. It's only a flash and we waste it. We waste it with our anxiety our worries our concerns our burdens.

I catch a flash of red-gold beneath the surface of the water and realize that there are koi in the pond massive serene and I wonder: are they dreams of fish or fish who dream?

I am one of the founders of Hip-Hop along with my brothers Kool DJ Herc and Grandmaster Flash.

Human life is as evanescent as the morning dew or a flash of lightning.

Everywhere across whatever sorrows of which our life is woven some radiant joy will gaily flash past.

The Dark Side of the Moon has flash - the true flash that comes from the excellence of a superb performance.

I thought it was all a flash in the pan. It wasn't until Broadway came along that I felt I had really made it.

Calendars and clocks exist to measure time but that signifies little because we all know that an hour can seem as eternity or pass in a flash according to how we spend it.

Give me romance. Flash. Give me denial.

Can you imagine Grandmaster Flash on a laptop?

Flash take the game off. I'll go out and do the work.

I grew up in the golden age of Flash Gordon and sci-fi.

The photographer in my head says: Give me peace. Flash. Give me release. Flash.

We want to start a 'Flash' band. Everyone can play an instrument and sing.

We'll have 130 million phone devices that have Flash by the end of the year.

The iPad needs to catch up with Flash before I put a hand on it.

On 'Flash ' you've never seen the last of anybody no matter what happens to them.

In this world [of Flash and Filigree] nothing is true and censure or outrage is simply irrelevant.

With 'The Flash' in existence there's no real compelling reason for us to do superpowers on 'Arrow.'

On Flash I thought of myself as a spice character; come in do a little dance and I go.

I thought of rap I thought of Grand Master Flash and I thought of about what they went through.

My romantically favorite era is 78 79 listening to Grandmaster Flash and the Furious 4 the live tapes echo chamber and break beats.

And I was in another band called Flash In The Pan which was soca Latin music down in Laguna Beach.

Flash content is the most prolific content on the web today; it is the way people express themselves on the Internet.

I hate to date myself but my earliest memories are Flash Gordon. I would love playing Flash Gordon in the neighborhood.

It's not about HTML 5 vs Flash. They're mutually beneficial. The more important question is the freedom of choice on the web.

I had my one guest star on The Flash and that became several guest stars and then they mentioned this new show.

Give me lust baby. Flash. Give me malice. Flash. Give me detached existentialist ennui. Flash. Give me rampant intellectualism as a coping mechanism. Flash.

The twilight is sad and cloudy The wind blows wild and free And like the wings of sea-birds Flash the white caps of the sea.

I tend to like writing long stories in comics. I worked on 'Flash ' 'Teen Titans' and 'JSA' for years. I always like diving into characters.

Flash turns up the optical volume so that whatever lies behind the lens - be it film or a digital sensor - is a little more receptive.

Come come thou bleak December wind And blow the dry leaves from the tree! Flash like a Love-thought thro'me Death And take a Life that wearies me.

My wife could give a rip about comic books but she loves 'Arrow ' and she loves 'The Flash ' and she likes them because of the characters.

Flashpoint' is a showcase to demonstrate why the Flash is a major character just like how we've done with Green Lantern. It's important that the Flash can hold his own.

I think it's very hard to talk about these characters in a closed-ended sort of non-sequel way especially characters like The Flash and Green Lantern which have such rich long histories.

[In the Flash my character] is not even CSI it's forensic talking about the stratum corneum...Yeah I was referring to my Latin book often to make sure I pronounce things correct.

Flash photography can be horrible. In the hands of an expert who knows how to bounce all that searing bright light in the right direction it may make an impossible picture workable.

Flash mobs' are reported on extensively because they're novel and can be used to stoke fears of young people and the Internet. The media of course have absolutely no clue what they're reporting on.

We feel confident that were Apple and Adobe to work together as we are with a number of other partners we could provide a terrific experience with Flash on the iPhone iPad and iPod Touch.

I've wanted to do it for years but every attempt at it has turned into another tune. We have actually taken a different approach we're doing a lot of sampling - we're even sampling bits of Flash!

I do think about The Flash often. I think that could be a really fun role to play at some point. That's right up my alley. I just want somebody to believe in me that I could be a Superhero.

I don't go for the flash and panache.

It is the flash which appears the thunderbolt will follow.

Genius unrefined resembles a flash of lightning but wisdom is like the sun.

One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching

Thought is only a flash between two long nights but this flash is everything.

We are not that flash me or the missus. In fact we are quite low-maintenance.

Ideas do not always come in a flash but by diligent trial-and-error experiments that take time and thought.

Wit is the appearance the external flash of imagination. Thus its divinity and the witty character of mysticism.

The only character I ever remember actually creating in a flash of inspiration was George Liquor. God planted that in my head in an instant.

I want in 40 years to still be acting and to more than anything have longevity and not just be this huge flash in the pan and then disappear.

When we go to play you flip around and flash around and everything and then they're not gonna see nothin' but what their eyes see. Forget about their ears.

When I got the paperwork for Superstars and I saw they asked what size swimsuit I wear I had a hot flash nearly broke into cold sweats and hired a trainer immediately.

Life is the flash in black heavens.

True love always happens in a flash.

Love is the sun desire - only flash.

Hot flush raging bluch. Ice flash instant crash.

Goodness is uneventful. It does not flash it glows.

We are all exposed to the flash bulb of death.

I'd rather be a flash than a slowly burning ember.

My Beloved One gleams like the lightning flash in the sky.

It was as hysterical as a woman having a hot flash.

I got my first flash of titties from a Venezuelan hooker.

Do you think I'm going to be one of those flash-in-the-pan actresses?

Kindred objects kindred thoughts inspire As summer clouds flash forth electric fire.

A smile happens in a flash but its memory can last a lifetime.

If you walk across my camera I will flash the world your story.

Sometimes you get a flash of what you look like to other people.

Like a flash of lightning between the clouds we live in the flicker.

The moment of recognizing your own lack of talent is a flash of genius.

We live in an age lit by lightnin'; after the flash we're blind again.

Where there is truth there is also light but don't confuse light with the flash.

Usually when I mention suspended animation people will flash me the Vulcan sign and laugh.

His kiss was like white lightning a flash that spread and spread again and stayed.

The Thieves of Eddis don't have breaking points. We have flash points instead like gunpowder.

Wealth if not a mere flash in the pan compels the wealthy to become wealthier.

News flash Bozo. Don't ever tell a girl to relax. It only makes us madder.

The idea came like a flash of lightning and in an instant the truth was revealed.

Ideas often flash across our minds more complete than we could make them after much labor.

I'm the last of the truly tacky women. I do trash with flash and sleaze with ease.

My daughter is not an object to flash around or a prized item to put on display.

The smile was so painfully swift and fleeting that it was like the flash of a knife.

A single idea - the sudden flash of a thought - may be worth a million dollars.

A pun like champagne loses its sparkle when too long drawn out. Its flash is its savor.

The big homie use a flash if you must. And I swear I aint askin for much.

All I see are ankles and wrists--and FYI you're pulling a Mileyfrickin'-Cyrus with that belly flash. Not attractive.

We're in a period where society seems very attracted to flash and that seeps into people's musical taste.

Content is a glimpse of something an encounter like a flash. It's very tiny - very tiny. Content.

A fool who has a flash of wit creates astonishment and scandal like hack-horses setting out to gallop.

How rare and wonderful is that flash of a moment when we realize we have discovered a friend.

I was trying for years to woo people through humour but it seems flash cars are much easier.

Creative art is the power to be for a moment a flash of communication between God and man.

Life is a flash of lightning in the dark of night. It is a brief time of tremendous potential.

I don't think... one get a flash of happiness once and never again; it is there deep within you...

All truth has to be expressed in sentences... the type of sentence in nature is a flash of lightning.

It doesn't hurt. Nothing hurts except the small smiles and blushes that flash across the room like tiny sparrows.

I'm wondering if there's a spell to make lightning flash in the background whenever I make an ominous resolution.

There is the flash in the pan the sudden success. But continued success is dependent upon tremendous attention to detail.

Nothing in life is more exciting and rewarding than the sudden flash of insight that leaves you a changed person .

I had an occasional flash of understanding but then got selfishly wrapped up again in my own problems and pleasures.

A flash of harmless lightning A mist of rainbow dyes The burnished sunbeams brightening From flower to flower he flies.

Forget the idea that inspiration will come to you like a flash of lightning. It's much more about hard graft.

We need not just one flash of light and comfort but we need the continuing blessing of communication with God.

What exactly was your plan here Mr. Andrews? To just walk in and flash your little smile no questions asked?

Hers is a timeless life weaving through other longer lives like a flash of lightning in a clouded evening sky.

The key to great fried squid is 'flash-frying' in hot oil for only a few minutes which keeps it tender.

Death comes in a flash and that's the truth of it the person's gone in less than 24 frames of film.

Like a running blaze on a plain like a flash of lightning in the clouds. We live in the flicker.

Genius is a light which makes the darkness visible like the lightning's flash which perchance shatters the temple of knowledge itself.

I couldn't do 'The Ed Sullivan Show.' Ed said I was a flash in the pan and he was right.

New ideas come into this world somewhat like falling meteors with a flash and an explosion and perhaps somebody's castle-roof perforated.

Omigod ' I said on a sudden flash of sleep-deprived insight. 'You're the big bad wolf.' There are some similarities.

Its so real out here right now the only reason why you see anything is cuz I got the flash on.

You're barely even wearing a shirt! What are you going to do if a mugger jumps out at you flash them?

Like vanishing dew a passing apparition or the sudden flash of lightning -- already gone -- thus should one regard one's self.

We live in a world that pays attention to speed volume and flash. Subtlety has its own power in relation to that.

[A]s if life were a thunder-storm wherein you can see by a flash the horizon and then cannot see your hand....

In Russia one can be as pure as can be and still lose everything in a flash and end up in prison.

As one lamp serves to dispel a thousand years of darkness so one flash of wisdom destroys ten thousand years of ignorance.

My life was going to flash before my eyes but it decided to hide behind my eyes and quake with terror instead.

If China were to explode I'd want to be there in a flash. If there's a big story I want to be there.

Can that which has cost the artist days weeks months and even years of reflection be understood in a flash by a dilettante?

Life friends is boring. We must not say so. After all the sky flashes the great sea yearns we ourselves flash and yearn

Don't think. That is the wrong way to bring anything back. Let it go. Sooner or later it will flash into your mind.

Genius hath electric power; Which earth can never tame; Bright suns may scorch and dark clouds lower; Its flash is still the same.

John Kerry will be the Democratic nominee for president. Democrats finally found someone who is Al Gore without the flash and the sizzle.

Your days pass like rainbows like a flash of lightning like a star at dawn. Your life is short. How can you quarrel?

How come everybody cheers when chicks flash their T&A but when I pull out my D&Bs i'm a registered sex offender.

I don't look at myself in the mirror. I'll flash past a mirror in the morning to check how I'm dressed that's it.

The Adobe flash plug-in is non-free software and people should not install it or suggest installing it or even tell people it exists.

Being good isn't just about being dextrous and being flash. Being good is about being an all-round contributor in the great world of music.

... the blinding Hiroshima flash... literally photographed the shadow cast by beings and things so that every surface immediately became war's recording surface its film.

The best craftsmanship always leaves holes and gaps... so that something that is not in the poem can creep crawl flash or thunder in.

While in the process of executing an idea creativity happens not with one brilliant flash but in a chain reaction of many tiny sparks.

I was watching him crawl Back over the wall-! Then bang! Crash! And the lightning flash! And- well that's another story Never mind- Anyway...

The chain of events leading to man commenced suddenly and sharply at a definite moment in time in a flash of light and energy.

This life of separateness may be compared to a dream a phantasm a bubble a shadow a drop of dew a flash of lightning.

In life's rich beauty pageant we put children on a stage said flash your soft white belly child but just don't act your age.

I'm sort of focused on my long-term goal of carving out a career that's for life rather than being a flash in the pan.

Your life can end in a flash before you even have time to know it's over. There is no safe. There is no control.

This is a pretty shitty flash mob. It's in my living room only my family showed up and they're just telling me to stop drinking.

Death hides within every religion. And at any time it can flash forth-not with healing in its wings but with poison with that which wounds.

I feel a flash of grief so intense it almost makes me cry out: not for what I lost but for the chances I missed.

Precisely the least the softest lightest a lizard's rustling a breath a flash a moment - a little makes the way of the best happiness.

My guess is that he remembers some of me some of us together and the rest rolled off him like topsoil in a flash flood.

It would be for me mere pointless pleasure an illusion of order for this one frail foolish flicker-flash in the long dull fall of eternity.

Tories never actually talk about getting rid of their leader then suddenly there us a flash of steel betweent he shoulder-blades and rigormortis sets in.

Surely it is a sin to reject the few gifts we are given. Be happy in the flash of time granted to us or hurt forever.

For oft when on my couch I lie in vacant or in pensive mood they flash upon that inward eye which is the bliss of solitude

Silly trends don't last long. A lot of this nonsense that pops up I don't even really pay attention because it'll be gone in a flash.

Often my very first flash of colour recognition before it has been processed by the rest of the information in my brain is the right one.

I'm learning how to have a healthy form of love how to make it lasting rather than just have it be a flash in the pan.

When we had the 'flash crash' in 2010 where the price of some stocks briefly fell to zero high-frequency trading played a big role in that event.

They were the flash of light in a stormy sky the fleeting darkness before dawn. Never have they existed before nor shall they ever exist again.

What analysis is all about is for one hour a week you sit and hope that for a flash of a moment you will experience connectedness.

Basal Ganglia casts an unsettling spell but one that in its aphoristic intensity and lightning-flash insights into human loneliness and connection achieves a genuine empathic wisdom.

Out of the darkness comes light like a flash You think you can you think you can Sometimes that is the problem Dream little darling dream

Today I suddenly experienced an absurd but quite valid sensation. I realized in an intimate lightning flash that I am no one. No one absolutely no one.

It would be something that another person had written down without understanding its significance; just a sentence or two that would be like a flash of light.

Throw back the shoulders let the heart sing let the eyes flash let the mind be lifted up look upward and say to yourself ... nothing is impossible!

Television news is like a lightning flash. It makes a loud noise lights up everything around it leaves everything else in darkness and then is suddenly gone.

Skill sheets workbooks basal reader flash cards are not enough. To convey meaning you need someone sharing the meaning and flavor of real stories with the student.

Satori is a brief flash. Suddenly the light breaks through. For a short timeless time we experience eternity in its unmanifest form. It's comparable to salvikalpa samadhi.

That's the thing about December: it goes by you in a flash. If you just close your eyes it's gone. And it's like you were never there.

It's the fire in my eyes And the flash of my teeth The swing in my waist And the joy in my feet. I'm a woman Phenomenally.

You are only young once. At the time it seems endless and is gone in a flash; and then for a very long time you are old.

The world I feel within the realm of art is more genuine than the wrorld of matter. Artistic feeling is not tape measures spectrographs or flash camera lens.

Accelerated Rehabilitation had a scientific sound as if Pierre would rehabilitate faster and faster in an elliptical path until evaporating in a blue flash of pure mental health.

One minute the teacher was talking about the Civil War. And the next minute he was gone. There. Gone. No 'poof.' No flash of light. No explosion.

when you think you've got hold of a genius ... you can't be sure whether it's a spark of the divine fire or a mere flash in the pan.

A bright man of conviction and action is a beacon to his country but a flash light to the scurrying of inaction ego and insecurity of lesser men.

My books come to me in images and sometimes the image is at the beginning of the book and sometimes it's simply a flash somewhere in the middle.

The rattling thunderbolt hath but his clap the lightning but his flash and as they both come in a moment so do they both end in a minute.

And no photographs taken with the aid of flash light either if only out of respect for the actual light - even when there isn't any of it.

Don't hang out in your old neighborhood with your new cars and flash it to guys who don't have that. The only thing you're doing is making 'em hate.

The sudden hunch the creative leap of mind that "sees" in a flash how to solve a problem in a simple way is something quite different from general intelligence.

My capacity for invention is flash hot stark I thought. Sucker sunshade. Disembodied radar-reconnaissance. Not to mention Bitter Chocolate Death and Killer Zebras. Pity about the rest of me.

I want to be around for a long time I don't want to be a flash in the pan. I hope I'll be 50 years old and still making music.

But when the flash flood crosses your path when the lion leaps at you from the grasses advanced self-awareness is an unaffordable indulgence. The brain stem does its best.

If you could call the thing a horse. If it hadn't shown a flash of speed in the straight it would have got mixed up with the next race.

My dear sister I hope when God Almighty in his righteous providence shall take me out of time into eternity that it will be by a flash of lightning.

Your body is like a dew-drop on the morning grass your life is as brief as a flash of lightning. Momentary and vain it is lost in a moment.

There's no way to release yourself from a memory. It ends when it wants to end whether it's in a flash or long after you've begged it to stop.

The motion of the stars over our heads is as much an illusion as that of the cows trees and churches that flash past the windows of our train.

I love people. And when you love people that much that you're disappointed in them every day that love can turn to hate in a flash of a second.

But if you don't understand that story is character and not just idea you will not be able to breathe life into even the most intriguing flash of inspiration.

Man surrounded by facts permitting himself no surprise no intuitive flash no great hypothesis no risk is in a locked cell. Ignorance cannot seal the mind and imagination more securely.

Wisdom flashes like lightening amidst the clouds of the inner sky; one has to foster the flash and preserve the light. That is the true sign of the 'educated' person.

The healing power of even the most microscopic exchange with someone who knows in a flash precisely what you're talking about because she experienced that thing too cannot be overestimated.

To give herself a measure of credible autonomy she had decided to invent a husband. Then in a subsequent flash of inspiration she had just as quickly killed him off.

My struggle is to preserve that abstract flash - like something you caught out of the corner of your eye but in the picture you can look at it directly.

The greatest products of architecture are less the works of individuals than of society; rather the offspring of a nation's effort than the inspired flash of a man of genius...

Might the peasant expect the Almighty to stay the thunder storm which clears the air of a nation from pestilence lest the lightning bold should in its flash kill his cow?

In every life there is a perfect moment like a flash of sun. We can shape our days by that if we will - before by faith and afterward by memory.

Is it really so difficult to tell a good action from a bad one? I think one usually knows right away or a moment afterward in a horrid flash of regret.

There could be whole antiworlds and antipeople made out of antiparticles. However if you ever meet your antiself don't shake hands! You would both vanish in a great flash of light.

I get ideas from everything. A big color the sound of water and wind or a flash of something cool. Playing is like life. Either you feel it or you don't.

Positive wish: 'The sun will come out tomorrow.' Negative reality: 'Yeah and it will flash brand-new daylight on the same old mess unless something is done to clean it up.

Light precedes every transition. Whether at the end of a tunnel through a crack in the door or the flash of an idea it is always there heralding a new beginning.

Pop music was supposed to be a flash in the pan but here we are 50 years later and it means something to us and it always will do. It's incredibly important.

I eat breakfast 300 yards from 4000 Cubans who are trained to kill me so don't think for one second that you can come down here flash your badge and make me nervous.

For most persons the mystical kundalini energy is easier to initially perceive unless you're extremely sensitive. It's more of a rush a flash. There's an electric quality to it a burning heat.

Ani saw herself clearly in that moment as a face in darkness gains sudden dimensions in a flash of lightning - a young girl a silly thing a lapdog a broken mare.

The human mind works at low efficiency. Twenty percent is the figure usually given. When momentarily there is a flash of greater power it is termed a hunch or insight or intuition.

People said if [I] was at a party it gave it prestige. I would let people know I'd arrived by letting off my flash... You could feel the temperature rise right away.

Not a few patients however suffering from certain forms of mental disorder regain a high degree of insight into their mental condition in what might be termed a flash of divine enlightenment.

It's a big flash of all these things and whatever you take out of that statement's one statement one mind one statement one act one show and all the songs are one.

And this I know; whether the one True Light Kindle to Love or Wrath consume me quite One flash of it within the Tavern caught Better than in the temple lost outright.

Your body is like a dew-drop on the morning grass your life is as brief as a flash of lightning. Momentary and vain it is lost in a moment. (From 'Fukan zazengi')

The Earth is God's pinball machine and each quake tidal wave flash flood and volcanic eruption is the result of a TILT that occurs when God cheating tries to win free games.

You've been thinking about something without willing to for a long time...Then all of a sudden the problem is opened to you in a flash and you suddenly see the answer.