Assets Quotes

If you count all your assets you always show a profit.

Never walk away from failure. On the contrary study it carefully and imaginatively for its hidden assets.

Assets put money in your pocket whether you work or not and liabilities take money from your pocket.

The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased; and not impaired in value.

Life is constantly providing us with new funds new resources even when we are reduced to immobility. In life's ledger there is no such thing as frozen assets.

Honesty and integrity are by far the most important assets of an entrepreneur.

Commercialization of assets off the planet would mutually reinforce the growth of interplanetary communication.

Every company's greatest assets are its customers because without customers there is no company.

One of the great responsibilities that I have is to manage my assets wisely so that they create value.

We tend to focus on assets and forget about debts. Financial security requires facing up to the big picture: assets minus debts.

EBay is a great company. There are a lot of good assets and good customers and the U.S. people love it.

Why not invest your assets in the companies you really like? As Mae West said 'Too much of a good thing can be wonderful'.

I was improvising before I was reading music. I was just trying to play things on the clarinet by ear. I think my ear is one of my greatest assets.

As costly as it was in the lives of our men and women in uniform in military assets and in esteem and pride Pearl Harbor was a watershed moment for America.

My bottom line is that monetary policy should react to rising prices for houses or other assets only insofar as they affect the central bank's goal variables - output employment and inflation.

The positive aspect of my negative view is essentially that you shouldn't own cash and government bonds but you should be in assets like real estate or equities or precious metals or in commodities.

Employees are your most valuable assets. They are the heart and guts of a company. This doesn't mean that from time to time you aren't going to do what is good for the company.

There is no law saying you have to die before your assets can be passed to loved ones. In fact gifting earlier can be a lovely way to witness how your money helps your family thrive.

I wish I was told to look after my teeth when I was younger. My smile is really important to me and one of my biggest assets so I'm very conscious that I need to keep it in top condition.

Groupon has some interesting assets.

Liabilities are just assets in hiding.

Self-reliance and self-learning are your greatest assets.

Our children are our most important assets.

Time is one of my most valuable assets.

Earnings can change dramatically. Usually assets change slowly.

Rich don't work for money. They work for assets.

In the real world illiquid assets carry a discount.

Leaders should leave behind them assets and a legacy.

I think Yahoo is a great company with great assets.

One of the greatest assets you have is your imagination.

Your will to succeed remains one of your greatest assets.

We have the right assets for a fast-growing digital business.

A woman's assets are her infectious smile and bulletproof love.

Entrepreneurs have two basic assets: their creativity and their relationships.

Try to buy assets at a discount than to buy earnings.

Our brains are either our greatest assets or our greatest liabilities.

A country's assets reside in the tinkerers the hobbyists and the risk-takers.

We believe in a strong dollar ... Chinese financial assets are very safe.

After all a bank without assets is hardly a bank at all.

Left untended knowledge and skill like all assets depreciate in value surprisingly quickly.

A good memory is one of the most precious assets of spiritual living.

Those who willfully conceal assets overseas undermine the playing field for all taxpayers.

The assets you want to buy are the ones people have to sell.

Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.

The best defence against mafia business is full declaration of assets and incomes.

An enterprise's most vital assets lie in its design and other creative capabilities.

A well-trained sensible doctor is one of the most valuable assets of a community.

The liabilities are always 100 percent good. It's the assets you have to worry about.

The shadow banking sector has played an important role in cleaning up toxic assets.

Most people are under exposed to global assets including foreign stocks bonds and currencies.

The government in Russia does not tell me what to do with my assets.

I don't think I have the assets to play the more traditional Bond Girl.

One of the greatest assets of a farm is the sheer ecstasy of life.

One of Lyle's best assets was also his biggest downfall--he was a big dick.

A duck call in the hands of the unskilled is one of conservation's greatest assets

Being properly prepared is one of the biggest assets in business and in athletic competition.

Human resources are the most valuable assets the world has. They are all needed desperately.

Get your assets working for you so that your "ass" isn't working for someone else.

The very first step toward giving to others is grateful recognition of our own assets.

The ability to understand people is one of the greatest assets anyone can ever have.

I learned about M&A and how to value assets and work with investment bankers.

Developing expertise or assets that are not easily copied is essential; otherwise you're just a middleman.

The value of assets often increases exponentially while the value of your labor only increases incrementally.

Your wardrobe should complement your skill set never detract - or distract - from your assets.

Infrastructure sector is all about building assets for the country. It is part of nation building.

It is interesting to note that the 200 richest people have more assets than the 2 billion poorest.

Our young people are assets to be cultivated and nurtured; let's begin treating them that way.

My sensitivity level is high but I think that's one of my assets as an actor.

Our trend in the privatization process and gradual withdrawal of the state from certain assets remains unchanged.

Overwinding happens when hedge funds destroy companies by attempting to leverage derivatives against otherwise productive long-term assets.

We're going to do everything we can to make sure workers are treated like assets not costs.

It's interesting that Swiss banks also hide their assets from the Swiss by using offshore bank structuring.

The essence of effective portfolio construction is the use of a large number of poorly correlated assets.

Take my assets - but leave me my organization and in five years I'll have it all back.

We should not allow wealthy people including corporate criminals to hide their assets and avoid paying their bills.

Many Buddhist temple priests regard their parishioners as possessions and fear their departure as a diminishing of assets.

San Francisco is a city with the assets of a metropolis without the disadvantages of size and industry.

When we are caught up in a destructive emotion we lose one of our greatest assets: our independence.

You'd be safe to hold 5% of your assets and savings in gold and silver. Insurance for the future.

It is my deepest conviction that the children should be seen and heard as our most treasured assets.

It was one thing to divide the major assets but how was it possible to divide the heart?

Remember that reputation and integrity are your most valuable assets - and can be lost in a heartbeat.

My pipe business I created from scratch; my media assets and bank I bought from the secondary market.

I have some assets that over time will be worth something. I've been in the process of selling others.

People with low financial literacy standards are often unable to take their ideas and create assets out of them.

Building your own business is the best way to become rich. Then you can begin investing in other assets.

You have to make sure that your assets and your back is protected before you make any big decisions.

Negatively correlated assets tend to work in harmony in a way that people are generally not used to seeing.

I always like to refer managers in corporate America as the renters of the corporate assets not the owners.

Overpaying the banks for their toxic assets could contribute capital but that may not be politically feasible or attractive.

More people are interested in trying to shuffle paper assets around than building lasting assets by producing real goods.

The Interros strategy toward various assets generally depends on the stage of their development and level of their maturity.

Bulgaria has been deindustrialized by interest groups who extracted state assets like oil states extract the oil in their ground.

Well I think they broke the mould when they made me and being humble is one of my great assets.

Colorado's majestic landscapes are one of our most valuable assets and it's important that we work to preserve these treasures.

I think Dodd-Frank has contributed to a concentration of banking assets in the hands of a small number of banks.

There is only one way to go: up. I like to find cheap assets with problems. It gives me power.

Many Enron employees lost 70 percent to 90 percent of their retirement assets after the company indicated that it would re-state profit reports

Fidelity surveyed a group with at least $1 million investment assets excluding real estate and retirement. 42% of them did not FEEL wealthy.

Most people... find a disorientating mismatch between the long-term nature of their liabilities and the increasingly short-term nature of their assets.

Some companies use off-balance-sheet partnerships to raise money or to buy assets without ever telling their shareholders in their financial statements.

I don't think that Chinese ownership of U.S. assets is so large as to put our country at risk economically.

Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone. G.B. Stern "If you count all your assets you always show a profit.

To gain profit is important but you must invest to build up assets that you can cash in in the future.

One of my assets is my fitness. My fitness around the net and my movement: that's my defense to the power.

Our assets walk out of the door each evening. We have to make sure that they come back the next morning.

A trustee has a responsibility to guard the assets of others with a higher degree of care than he does his own.

But in my book it was basically bad taste to stare at someone's assets no matter how much on display they were.

Pension funds endowments and private investors trust Mitt Romney's former company Bain Capital enough to hand it billions of dollars in assets.

The way humanity manages or mismanages its nature-based assets including pollinators will in part define our collective future in the 21st century

A good father is one of the most unsung unpraised unnoticed and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society.

The best measure of how a democracy is functioning is how it allocates the goods of the land the public trust assets.

Never undervalue your most precious assets. Your parents can have not one dollar in their pockets and still be worth a billion.

I built a massive company a great company some of the greatest assets anywhere in the world worth many many billions of dollars.

Dreams are one of your greatest natural therapies and one of your most effective assets as connectors between the interior and exterior universes.

Presidents in the modern era who've had significant assets have usually put those into a blind trust with some kind of independent manager.

It's fair to say that for much of my lifetime New Zealand certainly was a property-owning democracy and working people ordinary people had assets.

We knew our strengths and played up our assets. But we couldn't see what made us unique enough for someone to really love us.

Resolution Trust Company was set up to liquidate a bunch of assets that the government had inherited because the savings and loans went broke.

Often the more money you make the more money you spend; that's why more money doesn't make you rich - assets make you rich.

It's not Utopian to believe that we can create a global registry of financial assets so we know who owns what in different countries.

The only thing that counts in life is solid material assets. It's no time for theories when everything is falling to pieces around us.

A lot of companies have lots of assets tied up in plant and equipment. Well is it old plant or is it new plant?

Furthermore a large portion of the assets of leading Russian figures is mixed meaning that it is not quite clear how to counter this development.

Two of an actress's greatest assets are love and pain. A great actress even a good actress must have plenty of both in her life.

Just as the financial crisis has created toxic assets and 'zombie' financial institutions so has it transformed conservatism into a movement of the living dead.

Currently not only are Americans taxed on what they earn but those assets are taxed again when they are passed on to a loved one.

You need to really scrub your investment portfolios because I guarantee you many of you are going to find them chock-full of subprime carbon assets.

One of my biggest assets is my ability to focus on something and go out and get it but it's one of my biggest weaknesses too.

Dogs are great assets to candidates and the feeling seems to be engendered that if a dog loves the candidate he can't be all that bad.

The number of one's possible fantasies is inversely proportional to the amount of one's liquid assets. For him who has everything dreams are no longer possible.

Your failures and misfortunes don't threaten other people. . .It's your assets and your successes that are problems for people who derive their self-esteem from being superior.

I certainly agree that capital is not a one-dimensional object and that the return on capital takes very different forms for different assets or different people.

Increasingly the Chinese will own a lot more of the world because they will be converting their dollar reserves and U.S. government bonds into real assets.

When I was young I thought banks were there to protect the assets of people who had justified concerns because of their experiences under communism for example.

At the World Bank we are already working with our clients in developing countries to improve their governance systems collect taxes fight corruption and recover stolen assets.

When the value of the company clearly has fallen below what its assets are worth having a shareholder who says 'Let's get a better board' can be helpful.

If financial assets no longer work for you at a rate far and above the rate of true wealth creation then you must work longer for your money.

We do not view the company itself as the ultimate owner of our business assets but instead view the company as a conduit through which our shareholders own assets.

Rs 6500 crore disclosed under compliance window of black money & foreign assets law. People fear the law that has now been created. Stringent provisions will not be diluted despite pressures.

You have hedge funds and people like that buying these assets to yield 15 or 20 percent I mean that's the buyer for these people that are trying to unload them.

The assets of the Jewish National Home must be created exclusively through our own work for only the product of the Hebrew labor can serve as the national estate.

Money flows into the US and inflates US assets and allows the US to have a monstrous trade deficit. That means we are consuming more than we are producing.

The Great Inflation of the 1970s destroyed faith in paper assets because if you held a bond suddenly the bond was worth much less money than it was before.

Some people through luck and skill end up with a lot of assets. If you're good at kicking a ball writing software investing in stocks it pays extremely well.

To preserve what you have to keep your relationships alive and glowing give generously- give of your time you assets your attention your help and your love. Give of yourself.

I think it's so important just to have confidence in your body. Everyone knows that confidence is sexy and it's knowing your assets your strengths and just playing those up.

The value of a currency is ultimately what someone will give you for it - whether in food fuel assets or labor. And that's always and everywhere a subjective decision.

I sell my problems. I'm a woman with problems. I've had problems since the day I was born. And I have found a way to turn my problems into assets.

The state has no wealth it hasn't stolen and the state has no assets whatsoever except those which individuals have created in the first place and the state has taken.

We think of our land and water and human resources not as static and sterile possessions but as life giving assets to be directed by wise provisions for future days.

Place 5 percent to 10 percent of your total assets in gold bullion and selected gold and silver coins. No one knows with certainty whether the coming depression will be inflationary or deflationary.

And I gave this directive to them that if they free our assets in the United States that would be a sign of goodwill. I have the same idea this time.

So the fact that I'm me and no one else is one of my greatest assets. Emotional hurt is the price a person has to pay in order to be independent.

In response to the drop in wealth suffered as a consequence of the 2008 financial crisis homeowners and firms did attempt to increase savings in financial assets by reducing expenditure on durables.

Russia became a juicy chunk of the Third World with immense reserves of cheap labor a vast treasure of natural resources and industrial assets to be sold off at giveaway prices.

Money is not the thing that drives me. I like to develop assets to create value. No one cares how rich you are or what your ranking is in Forbes magazine.

At a time India was known as golden bird because of its huge amount of gold assets. Let's make India once again the same golden bird full of innovation and technology.

Whites have been the most subsidized group in the history of the United States and maybe the history of the world while Blacks were enslaved and were the assets of Whites.

A home is one of the most important assets that most people will ever buy. Homes are also where memories are made and you want to work with someone you can trust.

Who owns the assets of our Nation? Increasingly foreign interests own our assets and we owe them money. No wonder people think our country is headed in the wrong direction. It is.

If you want to retire young and retire rich it is very important that your money be like a bird dog going out every day and bringing home more and more assets.

[With] closet're paying a manager a fortune and he has 85% of his assets invested parallel to the indexes. If you have such a system you're being played for a sucker.

At the end of the day your relationships with the people in your life will be greater assets than any material things. Take time. Be present. You'll thank yourself for it later.

People should have an escape valve for their money their assets. If you have substantial financial assets the government is going to confiscate the purchasing power of those assets and spend it.

Instead of seeing these children for the blessings that they are we are measuring them only by the standard of whether they will be future deficits or assets for our nation's competitive needs.

The nature of competition is such that any number of people invariably have their eyes on the same prize you do. Recognize your assets and employ them to the best of your ability.

At some point the world is going to have to bite the bullet and accept a huge downsizing in its way of life to bring the assets-to-debt ratio back in touch with reality.

To finance this trade deficit the U.S. has to borrow from the rest of the world or sell American assets like stocks businesses and real estate to the rest of the world.

The rich buy assets. The poor only have expenses. The middle class buys liabilities they think are assets. The poor and the middle class work for money. The rich have money work for them.

There can be no life which does not contain something to be grateful for and the habit of gratitude is one of the most powerful assets of success and happiness which can be named.

The U.S. Treasury has got borrowing costs like nobody else has. They can borrow basically unlimited amounts. They can stay there for years and years. These assets will be worth more money over time.

One of AOL's biggest assets is its brand. For people over 30 and due to AOL Instant Messenger even a lot of people under 30 AOL was their first real interaction with technology in a positive way.