Versions Quotes

Reality TV is really just based for sensationalism. So it's extreme versions and extreme caricatures of personalities.

Bill Gates is a very rich man today... and do you want to know why? The answer is one word: versions.

Comedians tend to find a comfort zone and stay there and do lamer versions of themselves for the rest of their career.

All novelists write in a different way but I always write in longhand and then do two versions of typescript on a computer.

Some versions of crab cakes are mostly crabmeat lightly bound with egg but I'm a firm believer that a crab cake should contain bread crumbs.

Mistresses' is about the lives of four women each going through different versions of infidelity. Their longtime friendship is what gets them through extremely challenging times.

Do freshman philosophy classes nowadays debate updated versions of the age-old questions? Like how could a merciful God allow AIDS childhood cancers tsunamis and Dick Cheney?

I don't want children cursing. I'm very strict on my nieces and my little brother. They have to listen to clean versions of music. Even my music.

The music industry isn't converging toward dance music. Dance music is dance music. It's been around since disco - and way before disco. But there's different versions of dance music.

I think it's a very firm part of human nature that if you surround yourself with like-minded people you'll end up thinking more extreme versions of what you thought before.

At Pixar we do a million versions of the movie and every one of them goes through their awkward teenage phase where it's terrible and doesn't make sense and we just keep working on it.

Building robot versions of people is very expensive.

We make versions and true versions make worlds.

There is no perfection only beautiful versions of brokenness.

The accepted versions of the Bible are all substantially correct.

The detective and his criminal wear versions of the same mask.

Our brains are like bonsai trees growing around our private versions of reality.

I tried on different versions of myself. I was so many different girls...

There's so many versions of 'Red Riding Hood.' It goes back 700 years.

There is only one religion though there are a hundred versions of it.

I have to play really loose versions of songs I've made on the computer.

I'm a big fan of 'The Office' both the British and the American versions.

Monogamy is a way of getting the versions of ourselves down to the minimum.

There are as many versions of God as there are people in the world.

There are so many different versions of "Tennessee Waltz" and they're all so good.

I think all versions of limited-overs cricket have attracted more people to the game.

I get inspired by the notion of transforming people into extraordinary versions of themselves.

It's always a thrill for me to see new versions of my pieces on YouTube.

Having done so many versions I never felt like an artist in 'Swan Lake.'

I went on iTunes and looked at versions of Christmas songs. Everyone has done them!

It always strikes me how almost unbelievably bad are the early versions of my novels.

There are so many versions of every story because every storyteller tells the story differently.

Everyone lives three versions of themselves; a public life a private life and a secret life.

I have only really gotten by with playing versions of myself as most young actors do.

Another thing that really excites me: I'd like to do multiple versions of the same film.

But you know as you say the original versions of my films are getting out there slowly.

I always revise when I publish in a book. So versions in magazines are sometimes slightly different.

We are all the best versions of ourselves when we have love and acceptance in our lives.

Lambruscos have been misrepresented by industrial versions that have the soda pop flavor they think Americans want.

Reality has become a parallel universe with photographers returning with different versions of what it truly looks like.

I would like to work with Pat [ Leonard] in any capacity. I would love to hear his versions.

I guess my guilty pleasure would be listening to the British audio versions of the 'Harry Potter' books.

children are not undeveloped versions of adult people: they are a different race of beings: they are children.

Some versions of patriotism come close to the tribal which we all want to surpass and some don't.

For each show we do maybe 15 versions before it goes on air. So I know every show microscopically.

If you do two versions of a film they should be identical. With the same frames and settings.

How easy it was to lie to strangers to create with strangers the versions of our lives we imagined.

One major cost of self-deception is that we use painful life experiences to justify being non-ideal versions of ourselves.

Because I believe that humans are computers I conjectured that computers like people can have left- and right-handed versions.

I had an all-Fear of Music iPod just versions of the 11 songs from the record. No other songs allowed.

Each of us will have to make the choices that allow us to be the largest versions of ourselves.

It always surprises me when I see the director's versions of films released separately long after the film's theatrical run.

The greatest of people that have ever been in society they were never versions of someone else. They were themselves.

I love doing six versions of any joke so if they'll give me six takes I'd love to do it.

I'm the most indecisive person in the world. I'll do three versions of a song then think "Is the demo better?

I wrote six versions of a 30-second tease for an NBA game. You never get it right on the first try.

There are different versions of Islam... it is meaningless to claim to speak in the name of a â??real' Islam.

I think that for the developing world there are many versions of capitalism and countries have to choose one that's appropriate.

Somebody like a Piggy or a Kermit there needs to be several versions and so there will be several of them.

If Martin Luther King were here he'd be very surprised at some of the sugar-coated versions of American history presented today.

Releasing Linux versions has always been a matter of higher code quality good software architecture and technical interest for the platform.

One function of the imagination in autobiographical writing is to allow the writer to try out different versions of the self.

People didn't get to see how other towns interpreted the underground ethos and so they developed their own unique versions of it.

I think the greatest of people that have ever been in society they were never versions of someone else. They were themselves.

With a chuckle Jack mumbled under his breath to Nick. 'It's like watching the preppy well-bred versions of you and me trash-talking.

I think you can get a sort of intensity and an edginess offering nine stories in a book. Competing versions of things.

The surfeit of bad trends pushes me to set my stories in worlds which are often diminished versions of our own present.

There are a few other things that I built when I was at Harvard that were kind of smaller versions of Facebook.

'Revolution' . There were two versions of that song but the underground left only picked up on the one that said 'count me out'.

I think it's a universal thing in every family that people have their own specific versions of pivotal events or even small memories

Popular films are so powerful and compelling that it's often easier to accept their versions of history than the much more complicated true stories.

Socialists have always spent much of their time seeking new titles for their beliefs because the old versions so quickly become outdated and discredited.

If there's a seminal discovery in oncology in the last 20 years it's that idea that cancer genes are often mutated versions of normal genes.

The division yin and yang pervades all culture history economics nature itself; modern Western versions of sex discrimination are only the most recent layer.

If you look at 'Blade Runner ' it's been cut sixteen ways from Sunday and there are all kinds of different versions of it.

I'm a smart enough person to know that I don't want everyone to be cookie-cutter versions of the nine guys who wear Converse sneakers.

I like to go to old versions and find out what effect beats and scales have on your body how they can transport you.

If we can just try every day to be the best versions of ourselves we are offering to the world the best addition to society.

As an actor you most often play relatively average parts so to get to play extreme versions of anything those are the most exciting parts.

You can embark on new and steeper versions of your old sins you know and cry tears while doing it that are genuine as any.

The theoretical casting part of movies is the funnest part. You really can imagine so many different versions of a story based on who's embodying it.

When I was working with David Cassidy at the Rio I made an album of updated versions of some 1970s disco tunes. I had a blast.

I've been lucky because people have done such great versions of my songs and I've worked with the best singers ever and I'm lucky that way.

A man who tells secrets or stories must think of who is hearing or reading for a story has as many versions as it has readers.

Wal-Mart went on a rampage years ago insisting all music they carry be censored of all profanity and 'clean' versions be made for them to carry.

I don't endorse deism or interventionist theism. My point is just that evolutionary biology is logically compatible with the former and with some versions of the latter.

The theatrical versions are the definitive versions. I regard the extended cuts as being a novelty for the fans that really want to see the extra material.

I saw so many radically different versions of Iraq. It would have been difficult for me to come back and think 'This is the Iraq experience.'

Every aspect of our lives plays out in two versions: one conscious which we are constantly aware of and the other unconscious which remains hidden from us.

I make unpopular versions of popular things. I make a horror film and it's not a horror film. None of my genre movies function as genre movies.

But are there really good people? Good people through and through? Or are we all just varying versions of bad people some trying harder to be good?

One of the reasons so many kids bought 'Famous Monsters' was that it gave them ability to order 8mm and Super-8 versions of their favorite monster movies.

Don't be intimidated by Caesar's Hollywood fake versions of religiosity. If life has a meaning for you beyond the TV-studio game you are religious! Spell it out!

Marriage is what you make of it and God has many versions of what that looks like based on what different souls need in order to grow.

In addition to transitioning to the cloud our customers continue to invest in premium versions of our on-prem server products like Window Server System Center and SQL Server.

Rather than being taught to ask ourselves who we are we are schooled to ask others. We are in effect trained to listen to others' versions of ourselves.

Even though I believe a superlative translation can achieve timelessness that doesn't mean I think other translators shouldn't attempt other versions. The more the better in the end.

For me the form the stanzaic shape is an endorsement proof that I'm engaged with the Latin or Greek at an original level that my versions are explorations.

There are times when American politics seems like little more than two groups in a fever to prevent each other from trespassing upon their respective soothing versions of unreality

Take three different Thai writers and ask them to extrapolate their county's future and one hopes that you'll get three very different - but all deeply honest - versions.

I'd been working on the [Bridget Jones's Baby: The Diaries material] for years first in the Independent newspaper columns and then in the various versions of the movie scripts.

I also found that for myself since I've had no religious education it was so interesting to see the different versions of heaven and what life on earth means.

What I'm trying to do in [Winter Journal] is to tell the story of a man's life from birth but there are different versions of him four different versions.

One of the reasons why there are so many versions of Chekhov is that translations date in a way that the original doesn't; translations seem to be of their time.

I love picture books - with picture books you can use words and pictures as a double act even tell two different versions of a story at the same time.

We leave such a trail of bodies through our teens and twenties that it's hard to tell which one is us. How many versions do we abandon over the years

My favourite shows of the year are House of Cards the Scandinavian versions of The Killing and The Bridge and my guilty pleasure is everything MMA. Ultimate Fighter is amazing.

When Depeche Mode put out a single you knew that a week later you could go and buy the 12" and it would have six versions and they were all better.

I want to create amazing art and content that inspires people to want to be the best versions of themselves everyday and never let anyone (even themselves) hold them back.

It taught that there are three versions of things: the one I see in my mind and the one that carries onto the paper and then what it ultimately becomes.

More and more of my audio fans are asking for audiobook versions - files without the intro/outro/etc that go into the podcasts. More and more want them from Audible.

Most artists I run into aren't that thrilled with what they do anyway. They are glad to have different versions out there to see which one the audience likes the best.

Jesus came to establish the kingdom of God as a radical alternative to all versions of the kingdom of the world whether they declare themselves to be "under God" or not.

Every invention creates new needs but the biggest needs are not for new and more advanced versions of the last invention but for solutions to the social problems the last invention created.

Stuff like photos and events and groups - we've built pretty basic versions of those apps to start but they ended up being so much more used because of their social integrations.

The most consistent versions of materialism deny the reality of anything beyond matter - no soul no spirit no will no mind. This is called reductionism: Humans are reduced to biochemical machines.

I'm not sure if I'm most happy when I'm comfortable and content or when I'm pushing myself to the limits. There are such different versions of happy and I really appreciate both.

I had a dream about you last night. Eons ago we created a Universe then sat back and watched miniature versions of ourselves try to make all the same mistakes we did.

The woods always look different at if the daytime trees and flowers and stones had gone to bed and sent slightly more ominous versions of themselves to take their places.

Tech is not looking for inclusion per se but they're looking for assimilation. They're looking for Blacks and Latinos and women but they are looking for these groups as versions of themselves.

I don't think most books can be justifiably translated on screen. The film versions can't convey the right emotion fuel your imagination or allow you to visualise every line the way books do.

It might be said that a great unstated reason for travel is to find places that exemplify where one has been happiest. Looking for idealised versions of home-indeed looking for the perfect memory.

The long version of the play is actually an easier version to follow. In all of the cut versions the intense speeches are cut too close together for the audience and the actors.

Their devotion showed me there were no versions of love there was only... Love. That it had no equal and that it was worth searching for even if that search took a lifetime.

There have been 14 versions that I can find of Burke & Hare movies. They have all been horror films and all the movies have taken place in Victorian times which doesn't make any sense.

If there is enough space on radio for Busted and McFly who are basically the same band or for 50 000 versions of Stereophonics and Coldplay there must be enough room for all of us.

Living in the West you see how there's only two versions of how Asian men are supposed to be. Either they're very nice yuppie husbands with children in ads or they're IT geeks.

I often can't remember which scenes are and aren't in the final product because I saw so many different versions of the Lemony Snicket that I forget which ended up on the cutting-room floor.

I've always been a mythology lover and so I took a great deal of inspiration from the tales of various dark gods and popular versions of Hell from the Greeks and the Norse stories.

I think the role of science fiction is not at all to prophesy. I think it is to tell interesting vivid strange stories that at their best are dreamlike intense versions and visions of today.

I love having played Walter because I suppose any actor brings a certain aspect of their own personality to their work and I had a fairly broad canvas to paint on with the different versions.