Uncompromising Quotes

It's a necessary quality of a diplomat or a politician that he will compromise. Uncompromising politicians or diplomats get you into the most terrible trouble.

New England is the home of all that is good and noble with all her sternness and uncompromising opinions.

Relativism is neither a method of fighting nor a method of creating for both of these are uncompromising and at times even ruthless; rather it is a method of cognition.

Uncompromising thought is the luxury of the closeted recluse.

I am the sworn eternal and uncompromising enemy of the liquor traffic.

In the first place Descartes stands for the most explicit and uncompromising dualism between mind and matter.

Power in defense of freedom is greater than power in behalf of tyranny and oppression because power real power comes from our conviction which produces action uncompromising action.

I will be as harsh as truth and uncompromising as justice... I am in earnest I will not equivocate I will not excuse I will not retreat a single inch and I will be heard.

My talent was the uncompromising ability to feel spite.

Art is uncompromising and life is full of compromises.

I will be as harsh as truth and as uncompromising as justice.

To make peace one must be an uncompromising leader. To make peace one must also embody compromise.

I have been uncompromising peppery intractable monomaniacal tactless volatile and oftentimes disagreeable... I suppose I'm larger than life.

A man is morally free when in full possession of his living humanity he judges the world and judges other men with uncompromising sincerity.

However much I may sympathise with and admire worthy motives I am an uncompromising opponent of violent methods even to serve the noblest of causes.

My character in 'Shame' is an outrageous person. Loud and uncompromising and I begged Steve McQueen to give me the job.

Uncompromising thought is the luxury of the closeted recluse. Untrammeled reasoning is the indulgence of the philosopher of the dreamer of sweet dreams.

I always believed in the music we did and that's why it was uncompromising.

Truth uncompromisingly told will always have its ragged edges.

And is it not sects bodies of definite uncompromising principles that lead us into revolutions?

Our primary goal in the consumer health service companies I back is helping them create an uncompromisingly great consumer experience.

You cannot build a dream on a foundation of sand. To weather the test of storms it must be cemented in the heart with uncompromising conviction.

I don't have to wear a three-piece suit to be a good person but I would like everything about me-even my clothes-to reflect a certain uncompromising integrity.

Being upright and uncompromising will lead to unemployment by themselves. But to be willfully ignorant of a calling in life as well that is the denial of a born alcoholic.

There is no rectitude whatsoever. There is no virtue. As a first rule of thumb therefore you can tell a true war story by its absolute and uncompromising allegiance to obscenity and evil.

The truth is uncompromising.

I have an uncompromising relationship with my goals.

I think having an uncompromising ideology eventually forces you out of the norm.

Only he who is uncompromising as to his rights maintains the sense of duty.

You are the architect of your own future so design your future with uncompromising sincerity.

I owe as much of my success to an uncompromising obstinacy as to any original ideas.

I'm really drawn to the uncompromising realness of natural process: It's unadorned. It's not very pretty.

[Y]ou can tell a true war story by its absolute and uncompromising allegiance to obscenity and evil.

If one could recover the uncompromising spirit of one's youth one's greatest indignation would be for what one has become.

Yet [Georgia O'Keeffe ] always stayed true to her vision and was at times uncompromising in following the path she saw for herself.

Though philosophical Hinduism has no other god but God it cannot be denied that practical Hinduism is not so emphatically uncompromising as Islam.

What we need is a rebirth of satire of dissent of irreverence of an uncompromising insistence that phoniness is phony and platitudes are platitudinous.

It will be easier for you to bring him around to where you want him more by gentleness and patience than by being too uncompromising.

Photography isolates the world via an aperture and gives the photographer the means to see differently to achieve a spontaneous vision that is direct and uncompromising.

Strenuous intellectual work and the study of God's Nature are the angels that will lead me through all the troubles of this life with consolation strength and uncompromising rigor.

Leaders will have to give clear and decisive leadership towards a world of tolerance and respect for difference and an uncompromising commitment to peaceful solutions of conflicts and disputes.

The goal is ecstasy but I don't want to make some sort of saccharine pop music. I want to make something that's completely uncompromising: the best possible music ever made.

Character is one factor that will guide all our actions and decisions. We invested in uncompromising integrity that helped us take difficult stands in some of the most difficult business situations.

Listen I'm not cool. Being cool is about keeping your blood pressure steady. So no. Don't be cool. Be passionate. Be dedicated. Be tenacious. Be uncompromising. Be pissed. Be happy. Be sad.

We can be satisfied with moderate confidence in ourselves and with a moderately good opinion of ourselves but the faith we have in a holy cause has to be extravagant and uncompromising.

One of the secrets a nation can unlock to have material wealth is having a leader who will take an uncompromising stand to establish truth and honesty as a rule of building the nation