Natsuo Kirino Quotes

In Japan full-time homemakers have no economic power of their own and they socially lead a faceless anonymous existence.

I'm this superphilosophical kind of person. Stuck in a prison of abstract ideas and overpowering emotions I have this personality that makes it really hard to survive.

And what if in order to keep on living I have to continue to accept myself?

I don't know if foreigners will take to my novels or not. It may be that my books appeal only to a particular gender or age group rather than convey a more universal appeal.

Friends are a weird thing. It seems like they know all about you but then they don't understand you at all.

My talent was the uncompromising ability to feel spite.

A woman who does not know herself has no choice other than to live with other people's evaluations. But no one can adapt perfectly to public opinion. And herein lies the source of their destruction.

Bye-bye. I'm off on a journey to the real world. 'Cause within this meta-reality what's real is this - my death.

I suppose I'm the one responsible for destroying myself.

Out' was my real breakthrough the novel that became a hit in Japan and sold a lot of books so it was sort of an obvious choice for being the first book to be translated into English.

If people can't stand being alone they have no choice but to die

I'm still afraid of being totally honest. I'm more afraid of this than dying.

It's a very confusing experience living as a woman in Japan. If your husband is white-collar the wife is blue. Even if you marry a person of status the wife inevitably remains a rung below.

A crime is like a crack in reality and it is the author's role to explore those cracks. As a writer I like to see how they impinge on people.

It wasn't so much that I was afraid of the place itself but I was afraid of the creatures who masqueraded as people.

The thing I don't like about detective stories is looking for criminals.

I was in a self-induced depression. Welcome to me Real World.

In order to induce the process of decay water is necessary. I think that in the case of women men are the water.

I decided then and there I was never going to have kids.

Kids lose their trust in the parents they love but still accept them so they end up not trusting themselves anymore.

One of my books 'Rain Falling on My Face ' earned me the 39th Edogawa Ranpo prize. It's a very prestigious literary prize in Japan mostly for mysteries and thrillers.

Let's face it: the world is twisted. And rotten.

A women who does not know herself has no choice other than to live with other people's evaluations.