Obscenity Quotes

Obscenity is whatever happens to shock some elderly and ignorant magistrate.

Obscenity which is ever blasphemy against the divine beauty in life is a monster for which the corruption of society forever brings forth new food which it devours in secret.

Obscenity is a moral concept in the verbal arsenal of the establishment which abuses the term by applying it not to expressions of its own morality but to those of another.

Obscenity is our name for the uneasiness which upsets the physical state associated with self-possession with the possession of a recognized and stable individuality.

Obscenity is not a quality inherent in a book or picture but is solely and exclusively a contribution of the reading mind and hence cannot be defined in terms of the qualities of a book or picture.

Obscenity comes from grime.

Obscenity who really cares. Propaganda all is phony.

Obscenity is a cleansing process whereas pornography only adds to the murk.

It's true that obscenity is a matter of taste and in the eye of the beholder.

Obscenity is a notable enhancer of life and is suppressed at grave peril to the arts.

Obscenity only comes in when the mind despises and fears the body and the body hates and resists the mind.

I don't know how one actually would define obscenity. I'm sure the definition is different according to the age one is living in.

You have to show violence the way it is. If you don't show it realistically then that's immoral and harmful. If you don't upset people then that's obscenity.

The world today is so full of violence obscenity war the failure of political systems. I try to make movies that make people a bit more confident. But that doesn't mean being sugary.

What good is an obscenity trial except to popularize literature?

The sign of a Philistine age is the cry of immorality against art.

The justices have constitutionally protected obscenity in libraries filth over cable television and now unlimited internet pornography.

Slavery is an obscenity. It is not just stealing someone's labor; it is the theft of an entire life.

The violence and obscenity are left unadulterated as manifestation of the mystery and pain which ever accompanies the act of creation.

I had woven a tapestry of obscenity that as far as I know is still hanging in space over Lake Michigan.

Since obscenity is the truth of our passion today it is the only stuff of art - or almost the only stuff.

The Bible has noble poetry in it... and some good morals and a wealth of obscenity and upwards of a thousand lies.

The ultimate obscenity is not caring not doing something about what you feel not feeling! Just drawing back and drawing in becoming narcissistic.

Some of the comments on YouTube make you weep for the future of humanity just for the spelling alone never mind the obscenity and the naked hatred.

People are obscenities. Would rather be music than be a mass of tubes squeezing semisolids around itself for a few decades before becoming so dribblesome it'll no longer function.

Indecency vulgarity obscenity - these are strictly confined to man; he invented them. Among the higher animals there is no trace of them. They hide nothing. They are not ashamed.

Of all the strange 'crimes' that human beings have legislated out of nothing 'blasphemy' is the most amazing -- with 'obscenity' and 'indecent exposure' fighting it out for second and third place.

Commercial speech is like obscenity... we can't seem to define it but we know it when we see it.

In 1973 the Supreme Court ruled that individual communities should set obscenity standards. Whenever a case is tried it will be based on a community standard for that particular place.

Sex and obscenity are not synonymous.

What is obscenity? And to whom?

(The National Cancer Program is) a bunch of (obscenity).

Western people often see obscenity where there is only symbolism.

If you don't care for obscenity you don't care for the truth.

The definition of obscenity on the newsstands should be extended to many hunting magazines.

Parents just keep in mind that kids will always round off to the nearest obscenity..

History proves there is no better advertisement for a book than to condemn it for obscenity.

That which attempts to elevate the ugly to the level of beauty becomes neither; but an obscenity.

[Y]ou can tell a true war story by its absolute and uncompromising allegiance to obscenity and evil.

I am passionately opposed to the death penalty for anyone . . . I think myself that it is an obscenity . . .

profanity and obscenity entitle people who don't want unpleasant information to close their ears and eyes to you.

This [fundamentalism] is not religion. It is obscenity. These are lies the criminal use of religious power to misguide people.

There follows a little obscenity here a dash of philosophy there considerable whining overall and a modern satirical novel is born.

It showed a kind of obscenity you see only in nature an obscenity so extreme that it dissolves imperceptibly into beauty.

Justice precedes beauty. Without justice beauty is impossible an obscenity. And when beauty has gone what does a cameraman do with his eye?

The greatest issue is to raise the question of birth control out of the gutter of obscenity ... into the light of intelligence and human understanding.

I start at the beginning mentally screaming every obscenity I can in alphabetical order. Then I start setting them to the tune of "Row Row Row Your Boat

In other words [ H.P. Lovecraft] was areligious asexual neurasthenic he just didn't want to react to the world. Like Virginia Woolf who considered religion the ultimate obscenity.

Pornography and obscenity...work by specialism and fragmentation. They deal with a figure without a ground -- situations in which the human factor is suppressed in favor of sensations and kicks.

The daily lesson of slum life visualised reiterated of low standards vile living obscenity profanity impurity is bound tobe dwarfing and debasing to the children who are in the midst of it.

The whole problem with this idea of obscenity and indecency and all of these things - bad language and whatever - it's all caused by one basic thing and that is: religious superstition.

Where no paths exist a man strays only when he misses his destination. There is no crime no transgression no sin save foolishness or incompetence and no obscenity save the tyranny of custom.

There is no rectitude whatsoever. There is no virtue. As a first rule of thumb therefore you can tell a true war story by its absolute and uncompromising allegiance to obscenity and evil.

The function of the West is to turn bodies and minds into products. It cannot understand that the rest of the world holds this to be an obscenity a corruption of our nirvanic nature.

I don't want a moratorium on the death penalty. I want the abolition of it. I can't understand why a country [USA] that's so committed to human rights doesn't find the death penalty an obscenity.