Luminous Quotes

Arithmetic! Algebra! Geometry! Grandiose trinity! Luminous triangle! Whoever has not known you is without sense!

Luminous beings are we not this crude matter.

Luminous unfearful; high-priestesses our fervour shall banish all evil.

The dancer's body is simply the luminous manifestation of the soul.

Direct observation of the luminous essence of nature is for me indispensable

The great actors are the luminous ones. They are the great conductors of the stage.

To me life for all its privations is a luminous thing. You have to risk it.

To ancient Chinese fancy the Milky Way was a luminous river - the River of Heaven - the Silver Stream.

Religion must completely encircle the spirit of ethical man like his element and this luminous chaos of divine thoughts and feelings is called enthusiasm.

Strange to say the luminous world is the invisible world; the luminous world is that which we do not see. Our eyes of flesh see only night.

I'm more to my family than a wonderful luminous cook. I'm also a wonderful luminous butler and a wonderful luminous chauffer. And checkbook. I'm a luminous checkbook too.

A colour is a physical object as soon as we consider its dependence for instance upon its luminous source upon other colours upon temperatures upon spaces and so forth.

A beam of luminous hydrogen canal rays has owing to its velocity exactly the same direction as that of the electric field in which it may be made to move.

You have been called to be who you are - the whole luminous light. No one can dim your light when you are fully present to the depth and breadth of it.

I idolize Gene Hackman. He is not a natural star not an incandescent personality like Jack Nicholson but he makes luminous the problems of being an ordinary man in an extraordinary situation.

No one with a body full of aliments can have a luminous soul and other intellectual faculties. It is necessary to care for the body if we wish the spirit to function normally.

I think about my mother every day. But usually the thoughts are fleeting - she crosses my mind like a spring cardinal that flies past the edge of your eye: startling luminous lovely... gone.

I am luminous with age.

A book should be luminous not voluminous.

At sunrise everything is luminous but not clear.

PICTURE OF LIGHT is luminous and genuinely transcendent...

Keep going; never stop; sit tight; Read something luminous at night.

Prayer like radium is a luminous and self-generating form of energy.

Life is a luminous pause between two mysteries that are yet one.

Who can believe that there is no soul behind those luminous eyes!

You yourself may not be luminous but you are a conductor of light.

If suffering brought wisdom the dentist's office would be full of luminous ideas.

Words become luminous when the poet's finger has passed over them its phosphorescence.

Merge your consciousness with that of a luminous being ... and then from there to eternity.

We are luminous beings. Beneath our transient physical bodies we are made of intelligent light.

O Come O Come Emmanuel come forth from deep within me with Christmas luminous beauty.

A luminous body will appear more brilliant in proportion as it is surrounded by deeper shadow.

and her skin shone luminous and impossibly pale as if it drank light from the moon.

The mind is pure and luminous by nature. It is defiled only by adventitious thoughts and emotions

The future will be gorgeous and reckless and words those luminous charms will set us free again.

The practice of listening is one of the most mysterious luminous and challenging art forms on Earth.

Confidence is the willingness to be as ridiculous luminous intelligent and kind as you really are without embarrassment.

I shot through my twenties like a luminous thread through a dark needle blazing toward my destination: Nowhere.

Are you the one with the blue eyes?" "Actually my eyes are usually described as golden...and luminous.

Ah! from the soul itself must issue forth A light a glory a fair luminous cloud Enveloping the Earth.

Our dreams are luminous a cast fire upon the world. Morning arrives and that's it. Sunlight darkens the earth.

Avoid the ecstatic adjectives that occupy such disproportionate space in every critic's quiver - words like "enthralling" and "luminous.

I guess I could Debra Winger in any number of things. She's so luminous - it's a birth defect.

We come from a dark abyss we end in a dark abyss and we call the luminous interval life.

Never forget your real identity. You are a luminous conscious stardust being forged in the crucible of cosmic fire.

Maid of the luminous grey-eyes Mistress of honey and marble implacable white thighs and Goddess chaste daughter of Zeus.

My goal is never to copy. Create a new style clear luminous colors and feel the elegance of the models.

The same inexpressible Truth is experienced in two ways: as Self-luminous Silence or as the Eternal Play of the One.

The reordering of the luminous fibers is a very sophisticated art. It's not something anyone should ever undertake without supervision.

Our god's name is Abraxas and he is God and Satan and he contains both the luminous and the dark world.

Down to the present day the luminous image of democracy has often served as a pretext for the most undemocratic actions.

I am held by the creator of the world. I am opening I am unbounded I am luminous I am powerful.

A great man need not be virtuous nor his opinions right but he must have a firm mind a distinctive luminous character.

Strive each day to make your life purer richer and more luminous. You will subtly and imperceptibly lead all of creation heavenward.

Religious bigotry is a dull fire - hot enough to roast an ox but with no lambent luminous flame shooting up from it.

In the art of design color is to form what verse is to prose --a more harmonious and luminous vehicle of the thought.

We became astronomers thinking we were studying the universe and now we learn that we are just studying the 5 or 10 percent that is luminous.

He was the most ordinary man in all the world and yet in her memory he'd become luminous like the prince in a fairy tale.

Learn to overcome the imprinting that you now have and gain a new and higher imprinting that will lead you into the luminous spheres of awareness.

What of the souls already released from their bodies? We believe that they are overwhelmed in that vast sea of eternal light and of luminous eternity

The sensitive plate the gas which is ionised the fluorescent screen are in reality receivers into another kind of energy chemical energy ionic energy... luminous energy.

Perhaps sunlight had always been luminous and doorways signs of greater passage than that of one room to another. But sheâ??d not noticed it until now.

I want to write poems that are natural luminous deep spare. I dream of an art so transparent that you can look through and see the world.

Melissa Pritchard's prose that darkly lyrical firmament is brightened by the dizzy luminous arrangement of her stars and satellites her great gifts to us: humor irony kindness brilliance.

What I do the teacher of the nagual is open up the bubble of your luminosity and allow the luminous being to take short excursions into the unknown.

A novel is not a summary of its plot but a collection of instances of luminous specific details that take us in the direction of the unsaid and unseen.

I am a Jew but I am enthralled by the luminous figure of the Nazareneâ?¦.No one can read the Gospels without feeling the actual presence of Jesus.

As we go deeper and deeper into the world of meditation we are able to travel along the luminous bands just like you travel along a highway or road.

I'm interested in producing truncated shapes in proportion to the frame and composition shapes that are preferably luminous. I'm not interested in the full-figure. I want to abstract forms.

You look at a star for two reasons because it is luminous and because it is impenetrable. You have beside you a sweeter radiance and a greater mystery woman.

Be happy and free. Be able to see psychically and understand what is going on in the universe what your luminosity is about and how to reorder your luminous fibers.

I am at the Continental Divide with the astral beings. They're most beautiful. They're most luminous. They have many shapes and sometimes their shape changes constantly All kinds of colors.

The religions of the world are luminous in their individuality and they have valuable social and soulmaking functions. Surely someday we will quit killing each other over their different strategies.

The American Indians the ancient Indians would say the metaphysical ones would say: "Power binds us together." Power for a while makes us what we are perceivers luminous perceivers of reality.

I rarely let the word NO escape from my mouth because it is so plain to my soul that God has shouted Yes! Yes! Yes! To every luminous movement in existence.

And I want to rise up throw my arms open for a vast embrace address an ample luminous discourse to the invisible crowds. I would start like this: "O rainbow-colored gods. . .

I really was never any more than what I was -a folk musician who gazed into the gray mist with tear-blinded eyes and made up songs that floated in a luminous haze.

The subtle physical body is made up of strands of luminous energy and the energies are flowing through them constantly in the etheric plane. Above the subtle body is the causal body.

As we gradually open that bubble and allow the luminous being inside to come out your second attention will develop and you'll begin to see deal with and become the totality of yourself.

Against the background of this luminous and sparkling stage Bond stood in the sunshine and felt his mission to be incongruous and remote and his dark profession an affront to his fellow actors.

There are two worlds the world of desire and the world of enlightenment. The world of enlightenment doesn't go anywhere. It is endless luminous perfection. The world of desire leads to more desire.

There is no royal road to science and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits. (Preface to the French edition).

But where do they find these lines in nature? I can only see luminous or obscure masses planes that advance or planes that recede reliefs or background. My eye never catches lines or details.