Kids Books Quotes

I do screen work adult books kids books and comic stuff which gives me a pretty full plate. The problem is usually choosing which one I want to work on next.

My books are just pure escapism for kids.

My kids' books all have a darkness to them.

I have an obsession with books about kids with Asperger's syndrome.

I don't think any of my kids' books talk down to kids.

I think kids will read more good books than we can possibly produce.

I've raised three kids. I'm a lawyer. I've written books on the Constitution.

I love making books for children. Big kids little kids old kids and new.

My post-child period resulted in one instant change: I write shorter books for kids.

Jeff Kinney's 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid' series and Stephenie Meyer's 'Twilight' books got 49 323 701 kids reading.

Kids think books are cool especially when they see that people they think books are cool are reading.

My first four books were not published because nobody wanted them. They were adult books not kids' books.

I read very very little fiction as a kid. All the books I can remember are junior science books.

I still love comic books. When you have a kid that's an excuse to keep reading all the comic books.

I don't read books. I like to read newspapers and magazines but I've never learnt to enjoy books or novels.

Books don't harm kids; they arm them.

Kids books Grownup books That's just marketing. Books are books

Books that kids read should be about what is going on in the world.

If we expose kids to books and art nothing but good can come from it.

To come out and meet kids who have my books in their hands is kind of amazing.

I love book signings: kids waiting in line for you to scribble on their new books haha!

I believe that kids as well as adults are entitled to books of no socially redeeming value.

I wanted to write honest books for kids because I didn't have those when I was a kid.

I am inspired by positive people who have overcome difficult obstacles motivational/spiritual books nature and my kids.

Kids don't even read comic books anymore. They've got more important things to do - like video games.

What kids are exposed to on television is more frightening and horrifying than what they see in my books.

No one thinks that young adults read hooks for YOUNG ADULTS books for young adults are read by kids.

I find that the history books that we teach our kids with are not fully truthful in my opinion.

That is the greatest gift my books have given me; what it means and has done for the kids.

It's our job - as parents grandparents aunts uncles - to find books our kids are going to like.

For 10 or 11 years I had my kids I wrote four or five books and I was working all the damn time.

I like to buy books for the kids in my family. I guess that's why they call me the 'mean' aunt.

I liked baseball and sports and Garbage Pail Kids and comic books. I know what its like to really adore something.

I liked baseball and sports and Garbage Pail Kids and comic books. I know what it's like to really adore something.

People in their forties fifties and onward enjoy the whole world of books in a different way than the Internet-age kids do.

I write books for all age groups - young kids teenagers and adults - because I get a range of different ideas.

If you don't remember childhood and you idealize it you can't write books for kids because they're not real. Kids pick that up.

I've nothing against kids reading anything they please but I do have a problem with pink books for girls and black books for boys.

There's no such thing as a kid who hates reading. There are kids who love reading and kids who are reading the wrong books.

I haven't been very enthusiastic about the commercialization of children's literature. Kids should borrow books from the library and not necessarily be buying them.

I hate the idea of sheltering kids from challenging books. It's just another form of conservative fear that promotes ignorance more than anything else.

I feel like I own all the kids in the world because since I've never grown up myself all my books are automatically for children.

It's the best - combining the mediums of television documentary and books to give you this transmedia experience for kids for families and for teachers.

I understand why parents worry about books - they're worried about their kids. They want to keep their kids safe. But parents aren't always realistic.

The best way to get kids reading more is to give them books that they'll gobble up - and that will make them ask for another.

Books are easy to find and easy to buy. A paperback these days only costs six or seven dollars. You can borrow that from your kids!

As a writer you should care about reluctant readers. You want these kids to feel like books are amazing and cool and that they're an escape.

I want children to be glued to interactive books that encourage singing and dancing. I feel when kids work together it brings about a different energy.

Dark books do appeal to kids because they have nice sheltered lives - and they also appeal to children who are going through pretty hard times themselves.

It seems to me that not only the writing in most children's books condescends to kids but so does the art. I don't want to do that.

I resisted children's writing for a long time. I saw myself as a writer of literary fiction. But I had so much more fun writing kids' books.

My best ideas come to me at unexpected moments like when I'm reading children's books to my kids (the pictures inspire me) shopping driving somewhere seeing different things.

When I'm not writing or working on books as a publisher I'm doing things that make me happy. One is skiing with my kids and husband. I love sports.

I've conducted an experiment on my kids. Instead of denying them access to media I've encouraged it. They read comic books play Nintendo and watch way too much TV.

I watch some kids ask the cafeteria ladies to sign their books. What do they write: "Hope your chicken patties never bleed?" Or maybe "May your Jell-O always wiggle?