Jurors Quotes

Jurors want courtroom lawyers to have some compassion and be nice.

Jurors should acquit even against the judge's instruction . . . if exercising their judgment with discretion and honesty they have a clear conviction the charge of the court is wrong.

The time has come for professional jurors.

It seems that in Baltimore one of the most violent cities in America jurors are far more reluctant to convict criminal defendants than in the suburban enclaves that ring the city.

May your wife and children get raped right in the ass. (to the jurors who convicted her)

Currently we're finding that about 75 percent of potential jurors have anger or deep-seated hatred toward anyone associated with Enron.

I now see that it is possible that I can receive a fair trial even with Americans as jurors

I am not in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes nor of qualifying them to hold office.

One point is certain that truth is one and immutable; until the jurors all agree they cannot all be right.

It would be an absurdity for jurors to be required to accept the judge's view of the law against their own opinion judgment and conscience.

[N]o American should retreat an inch on the right of jurors to acquit if they perceive the law or its administration to be unjust.

Physicians ought not to give their judgment of religion for the same reason that butchers are not admitted to be jurors upon life and death.

Students are not to read the Bible jurors are not to hear it prosecutors cannot quote from it and teachers are not to display it.

Because jurors have an extraordinary amount of power over the situation and of the people and the story in front of them they tend to pay pretty intense attention to what's happening.

The jury system has come to stand for all we mean by English justice. The scrutiny of 12 honest jurors provides defendants and plaintiffs alike a safeguard from arbitrary perversion of the law.