I Love You Like Quotes

nothing says 'I love you' like reducing yourself to a smoldering pile of ashes

She wanted to say 'I love you like a thunderstorm like a lion like a helpless rage'...

Talk is cheap. If it wasn't people might not toss around 'I love you' like a marked-down phrase in a sales bin.

Now I am in to fat chains sex and techs fly new chicks new kicks I love you like a fat kid love cake.

Only half a page left now. Shall I fill it with 'I love you I love you'-- like father's page of cats on the mat? No. Even a broken heart doesn't warrant a waste of good paper.

Anything worth having is hard to keep I love you like my coffee so hot and so sweet. So let's stick it out so we never regret it I could forgive the past-but I never forget it.

Love is horrible. I mean when you're in love it's like a sickness. Such madness.

I love Saturday morning cartoons. What do you like to do on a Saturday morning?

I love to work. You want to talk about natural highs? There's nothing like it.

I love all kinds of movies. I'd especially like to make some you know violent crime drama.

I love you Elizabeth... and more than that I like you. I enjoy spending time with you.

I love it when the director says 'Rebel just do whatever you want.' I'm like 'Yes!

I do not like sports unless you consider treating all humankind with love and respect a sport.

If you make mistakes if you act like a human being- I will love you no matter.

I like to peel it and share it with friends. You can spread the love with an orange.

The birds of night peck at the first stars that flash like my soul when I love you.

I love dressing Nicole Kidman... And I like dressing regular people. You know why? They buy the clothes!

I love a nice hot pink. I like thick lipstick otherwise it doesn't look like you're wearing any.

I'm gonna love you like I've never been broken I'm gonna say it like it's never been spoken

Walking in the dark seeing lovers do their thing. That's the time I feel like making love to you.

I love being a performer. It's like a hole that never closes. It's something in you that never dies.

I look at you and wham I'm head over heals. I guess that love is like a banana peel.

I do my independent stuff where it's real acting if you like. Intense drama stuff. I love me actions.

You rang my heart like a church bell at midnight. Trembling I awoke to the sweet sound of love.

Some people never say the words â??I love you' for like a child they're longing to be told.

I've really learned a lot really learned a lot love is like a stove burns you when it's hot

You never knew this but I was in love. Okay infatuated but it felt like love at the time.

I think for something like law or medicine you really have to love it and I didn't love it.

I really love pets. They're like children. They know if you really love them or not. You can't fool them.

I love fried chips but they weren't good for you and I didn't like the healthy options like rice chips.

You have to just look at it like Titanic: I know the ship sinks but this is a love story

I love you. I love you but I'm turning to my verses and my heart is closing like a fist.

I love to create interesting textures with language. You can do it as long as it seems like a discovery.

But how will I know it's my destiny?' 'Like love it will possess you... You can't help but know.

I really love printmaking. Itâ??s like a mystery and youâ??re trying to figure out how to rein it in.

The time I burned my guitar it was like a sacrifice. You sacrifice the things you love. I love my guitar.

I do love video games. But after a while you feel like you really need to get up and do something.

Do you love me Hero?" His pale green eyes were full of torment. "Do you love me like I love you?

I like marriage. I feel very secure. It helps when you are in love with the person you are married to.

Burn my Flag and I will shoot you........but I'll shoot you with a lot of love like a good American

I love to watch my movies. You have no idea"¦I would watch my movies like over a hundred times"¦

I love driving but I like driving on a two lane road where you can drive for hours and not see anybody.

My love for you would blot out the sun like a cloud made out of yogurt. I hope you brought a spoon.

Iâ??ve told you before I love like a madman â? he said. â??Immoderate jealous possessive...Iâ??m absolutely intolerable.

My love is like the shape your mouth makes while you whistle. Would you mind if I accompanied you on my harmonica?

I like relationships and being in love but I also like being single - you have to embrace all those different things.

Clear. Cold. Empty. Like how I feel right now. Love is strange. One minute you're jungle fever. The next you're Artic winter.

You are a stranger I am a stranger we all remain strangers and nevertheless we can like or even love each other...

I love films like 'Deliverance' where you can watch it over and over again and decode all of its many different meanings.

Having your husband at a party is like adding anchovies to a salad. I love anchovies but you can't taste anything else.

I'd love to break America like all artists do. It's a lot of work but you know it's got to be done!

If I had my own world I'd build you an empire from here to the far lands to spread love like violence!

Love is like sunshine. Sometimes you have to get burned to know you were there. I want to know that I'm here.

It's easy to say I love you with your mouth. But I like when people say I love you with their heart.

I like that you can open up any one of my books anywhere and immediately be lost. I just love them so much.

I love you much most beautiful darling more than anyone on the earth and I like you better than everything in the sky.

Guys like Will Ferrell Vince Vaughn Sacha Baron Cohen they do things you love to watch. I like to do the other half.

I love Goody's Spin Pins. They're super cheap and look like corkscrews. You just gather your hair and screw them into a bun.

I had more of a vocal range. If you wanted to play a keyboard song like "Love Walks In " I can do it.

Thank you for letting idiots like me come out and live this wonderful wonderful dream. I love you to death. Lets go home.

I love Australia. First of all everyone is so nice. The people are down to Earth and they like having fun with you.

I love Valentine's Day. When you're a kid everyone gets a Valentine. It's like 'TO TIM NICE PANTS LOVE SCOTT'. It's Valentines galore!

I love Lauryn Hill Tracy Chapman Fiona Apple. People like that. People you can really connect to on the most basic human level.

Sing for faith and hope are high- None so true as you and I- Sing the Lovers' Litany: "Love like ours can never die!

I love melodrama. I love the simple fact. When you read Euripides he's a page turner. It's like reading a Mexican comic book romance.

Thom Browne Michael Bastian... all these people that I love when I finally get to meet them I'm like 'You're a cool guy!'

I like to call the Department of Labor the Department of Opportunity and that means opportunity for everyone - no matter whom you love.

I'll love you till the ocean Is folded and hung up to dry And the seven stars go squawking Like geese about the sky.

I am what I am; you can like it or love it. It feels good to blow fifty grand and think nothing of it.

I love Las Vegas. I like that Las Vegas has everything. Everything and anything you want to do you can do in Las Vegas.

I loved the hood and still love the hood but I had to realize like Ra you a rapper now you're in the public eye.

I may not like everyone but love all. No one is worthy of occupying my heart. You scored a point so what? Congratulations. You're forgiven!

My love i would like even more; to be an ocean if you are the wave; to be a wave if you are the ocean.

Itâ??s one of the things I love about the sea the way you can see weather afar. Itâ??s like looking at the future.

I think love is like a learning process throughout your life. You learn how to be better at it and you learn more about it.

The truth is that I love Simon like I should love you and I wish that he was my brother and you weren't." - Clary

I'd love to retire somewhere like Winchester where you have one foot on the pavement but a sense of being in the country as well.

Girl they love me like I'm Prince like the new kid with the crown. Bunch of underground kings thought you knew how we get down.

Love and marriage love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage. This I tell ya brother you can't have one without the other.

I love that there's a beginning middle and end to a film and you can craft what the whole journey is going to look like.

I like to say there's certain things you can't take back: One of them is 'I love you ' and one of them is bullets.

I'd love to do a movie like 'The Machinist.' It's an extreme movie but it takes you to a place that is quite impressive.

If you like making love at midnight in the dunes of the cape you're the love that I've looked for come with me and escape.

Im just saying he's scared of standing up like Logan and saying fuck you all. This is who I love. Step up or step off.

The way I feel about you it's like I finally understand what Lionel Richie is singing about. I mean what we have it's like movie love.

I exercise a lot and I love it. I'm fine. But you know I'd like to be alive in ten years that'd be my first priority.

You smell that? Do you smell that? Napalm son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of napalm in the morning.

All young lovers whoever you are I hope your troubles are few. All my good wishes go with you tonight. I've been in love like you.

I most earnestly advise you again and again love honor and obey your parents. Friends like them you need not expect to find in this world.

I wish my nipples spiraled around and could play records. I could spin love songs while you made love to me like you were a DJ.

I mean what's better than having the person you love love you? That's pretty exciting. It's pretty amazing actually. It's like a miracle or somethingâ?¦

I love villains. You know I am a character actor and any chance to get to play a really outrageous villain. I like to play that.

I make love like my afternoon shadow is long. I'll bring the foreplay if you bring the guacamole. (Yes I know there is a 99-cent upcharge.)

Keeping love buried was a lot like jeeping anger pent up I'd learned. It just ate you up insides until you wanted to scream or kick something.

We get shy about saying things like I love you. Life is so short. It's crazy that we hesitate to express our true thoughts to each other.

I love early snow now though. Especially snow that happens when you least expect it and just sprinkles down for a while. It feels like a secret.

I try to write lyrics so that they won't age which sort of leaves you with the big subjects like death and love and sex and violence.

I love getting on You Tube to look at the old comics. I am in my element seeing guys like Jack Benny and Phil Silvers give interviews.

He rose like heroes and I rose like rows of red roses. Love grows wherever you plant it so I try to farm it wherever I go.

I thought "If I can make you feel what it's like for that first super-passionate love other people might like that too " and of course they did.

I'm one of the few adults lucky enough to love their job. And when you've got bills to pay you get on with it! I like challenges.

We all miss you so much. It just never ends. It feels like we were all wounded in your battle Caroline. I miss you. I love you.

I feel like I am alone when I am in the presence of those I love. It is so freeing and comfortable you become one with them.

Coming from the theater I love the adrenalin rush from working on 'NCIS.' You get home and you're exhausted but you feel like you've really worked.

I'd love to do another television series. I really love the writing process and as an actor I really like how much you get to examine in television.

I love cell phones. I see people so happy and proud walking around. Gesturing you know. I'm like Karl Marx I'm up for anything that makes people happy.

I learned quickly that trying to force Country Folk to love the Big City is like telling your gay cousin "You just haven't met the right girl yet.

I love that you can be laughing one minute and crying the next and then be shocked the next. I like things that provoke emotions to such extremes.

At this time I would like to encourage everyone to reach out to the ones you love. Let them have no doubt of what they mean to you.

Acting is one of these things that I can't really describe - it's just like why do you love your mum and dad? You know you just do.

Red is the great clarifier - bright and revealing. I can't imagine becoming bored with red - it would be like becoming bored with the person you love.

The reason I love the sea I cannot explain - it's physical. When you dive you begin to feel like an angel. It's a liberation of your weight.

That's what I love about running - I feel like we all celebrate each other. Even if you're racing somebody at the finish it's like you're in it together.

If you're an enthusiast and you love the world like I do it comes naturally. But I think charity must become more fun to give more interactive and imaginative.

Will: I've never seen anyone get so excited over books before. You'd think they were diamonds.Tessa: Well they are aren't they? Isn't there anything you love like that~?

I love plays. Even bad ones. I like the fact that actual live breathing people are standing before you in tense situations that you are not personally responsible for.

I think love and sex are separate and only vaguely similar. Like the word bear and the word bare. You can get in trouble mistaking one for the other.

If you like Texas and you like our economy I helped create all that and all those jobs and you will love it when David Dewhurst goes to Washington.

I'd love to play in like a 'Lord of the Rings ' or something like that or a James Bond or you know just something like with action shooting.

Girls when it says "I love you" - it's like a second baptism - It gives them a whole new heart - As at the end of the egg.

Ready for us to get it on aint got a love to call steady.. Hope it aint like that for long I'll be your friend if you let me

The world is like a mirror; if you smile at it it smiles at you. I love to smile and so in general I definitely receive smiles in return.

I love my squirrel and dumplings but you can make it with chicken and dumplings. I love making the dumplings. I think I just like to roll out dough.

I love your hands ' he sighed. 'You think I look like an angel? Well Kitten your hands are my heaven and your eyes are my home.'" (Bones)

I love running cross-country...You come up a hill and see two deer going 'What the hell is he doing?' On a track I feel like a hamster.

I bet on everything. Everything. It's just like 'I bet you I can spin my chair longer.' Everything I say 'I bet you.' I love to win.

I love the way people talk crap. I hear it all the time. 'Overrated.' 'You suck.' I'll just do something to shut them up like 'I'll show you.'