Gains Quotes

All men's gains are the fruit of venturing.

A rolling stone gathers no moss but it gains a certain polish.

Wars may be fought with weapons but they are won by men. It is the spirit of men who follow and of the man who leads that gains the victory.

Gains in corporate profits depend in large part on accelerating global economic growth.

Evil gains work their punishment.

Reason gains all people by compelling none.

On the ordinary view of each species having been independently created we gain no scientific explanation.

The greater the difficulty the more glory in surmounting it. Skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempests.

By sincerity a man gains physical mental and linguistic straightforwardness and harmonious tendency; that is congruence of speech and action.

Merchants have no country. The mere spot they stand on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which they draw their gains.

Every few seconds it changes - up an eighth down an eighth - it's like playing a slot machine. I lose $20 million I gain $20 million.

Throughout American history many of our social gains and much of our progress toward democracy were made possible by the active intervention of the federal government.

As for the expected boon to the Mexican economy we have seen none of these gains and instead we have seen NAFTA's detrimental impact on the Mexican workers.

There's a victory and defeat-the first and best of victories the lowest and worst of defeats-which each man gains or sustains at the hands not of another but of himself.

Of course with the increasing number of aeroplanes one gains increased opportunities for shooting down one's enemies but at the same time the possibility of being shot down one's self increases.

No one making less than $250 000 under Barack Obama's plan will see one single penny of their tax raised whether it's their capital gains tax their income tax investment tax any tax.

When you ask people 'What's the opposite of fragile? ' they tend to say robust resilient adaptable solid strong. That's not it. The opposite of fragile is something that gains from disorder.

The fact of the matter is this is a very dynamic economy we have and in this dynamic economy you have a lot of job gains but you also have job loss.

I have suffered my self to be politically sacrificed to save my country from ruin and disgrace and if I am never a gain elected I will have the gratification to know that I have done my duty.

No gains without pains.

Ill-gotten gains work evil.

Integrity gains strength by use.

He who gains time gains everything.

Declines are temporary gains are permanent.

There is no gains without pain.

Ill gotten gains will be ill spent.

No man gains credit for his cowardly courtesies.

Every accusation against a fallen man gains credence.

From a real antagonist one gains boundless courage.

He who faces no calamity gains no courage.

He alone who owns the youth gains the future.

The miser acquires yet fears to use his gains.

If one person gains spiritually the whole world gains

Woman's weakness not man's merit oftenest gains the suitor's victory.

He is truly wise who gains wisdom from another's mishap.

The unassuming youth seeking instruction with humility gains good fortune.

Social gains are never handed out. They must be seized.

You can achieve great economic gains by solving social problems.

I believe the tax on capital gains should be zero.

Whoever gains the palm by merit let him hold it.

A man is saved no faster than he gains knowledge

The opposite of fragile is something that gains from disorder.

Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity.

Laws always lose in energy what the government gains in extent.

He that gains well and spends well needs no count book.

Do not seek evil gains; evil gains are the equivalent of disaster

A note of music gains significance from the silence on either side.

A wise person does not fear failure but gains experience and wisdom.

The biggest gains come from associating with people u DONT agree with!

The scholar gains every day; the man of Tao loses every day.

My conviction gains infinitely the moment another soul will believe in it.

Courage is a self-inflicted quality that gains momentum every time you try it.

When you're appealing to people's fears and anxieties you can make some gains.

People are willing to get short-term gains at the risk of long-term choices...

One gains by losing self for others and not by hoarding for oneself.

By living in harmony with Nature one gains a healthy mind and body.

That which is denied gains power and seeks strange and unexpected forms of manifestation.

Force may subdue but love gains and he that forgives first wins the laurel.

Today society is sacrificing love values and dharma in its pursuit of materialistic gains.

The artist envies what the arties gains The bard the rival bard's successful strains.

If little labour little are our gains: Man's fortunes are according to his pains.

It is a pity that as one gradually gains experience one loses one's youth.

Temptation gains power by persistent solicitations that beget thoughts that make evil less serious

In a philosophical dispute he gains most who is defeated since he learns most.

The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of work.

Our merit gains us the esteem of the virtuous-our star that of the public.

A human life gains lustre and strength only when it is polished and tempered.

In my day job I worry non-stop about making wise investments for long-term gains.

The Rationalist case needs no straining of evidence and always gains by the severest self-criticism.

Everyone tends to remember the past with greater fervor as the present gains greater importance.

By unrighteousness man prospers gains what appears desirable conquer enemies but perishes a the root.

In general investors prefer companies to reward executives for producing recurring income not one-time gains.

A man who loses his money gains at the least experience and sometimes something better.

Hope puts up with modest gains realizing that the longest journey starts with one step.

The more elusive and ambiguous a symbol is the more it gains significance and power.

An economy open to new concepts and novel ventures is bound to generate unequal gains.

Success isn't always about 'greatness'. It's about consistency. Consistent hard work gains success. Greatness will come.

The company that consistently makes and implements decisions rapidly gains a tremendous often decisive competitive advantage.

In the midst of conflict there is absolutely nothing that produces gains as dramatically as listening.

I don't think countries engage with each other looking at immediate gains. It's building a partnership.

All that one gains by falsehood is not to be believed when he speaks the truth.

The professional soldier gains more and more power as the general courage of a community declines.

Doing nothing accomplishes nothing gains nothing changes nothing and wins nothing. You have to make a move.

Women are in general less shallow visually. If their man gains 10 20 pounds they don't care as much.

It is certain my belief gains quite infinitely the very moment I can convince another mind thereof

There is no greater dishonesty than man effecting his own private gains at the expense of others.

If the loss of your earthly fortune gains Christ for you it will be a beautiful loss.

Man like the generous vine supported lives; the strength he gains is from the embrace he gives.

Love sees clearly and seeing loves on. But infatuation is blind; when it gains sight it dies.

A man gains no possession better than a good woman nothing more horrible than a bad one.

No one gains from fair employment law and legislation if there is no employment to be had.

The moment Germany rises as a great power France gains a new importance as a cultural power.

If the gains from trade in commodities are substantial they are small compared to trade in ideas

It is by serving God and others that we store up heavenly treasures. Everyone gains; no one loses.

The grape gains its purple tinge by looking at another grape. [Lat. Uvaque conspecta livorem ducit ab uva.]

Once IBM gains control of a market sector they almost always stop innovation. They prevent innovation from happening.

One gains universal applause who mingles the useful with the agreeable at once delighting and instructing the reader.

The continuing shortages of housing inventory are driving the price gains. There is no evidence of bubbles popping.

Politicisation of terrorism for narrow gains is not good for society in general and the country in particular.

Applied properly it [logic] can overcome any lack of wisdom which one only gains through age and experience.

Political pundits are saying President George W. Bush has made gains in two key states: dazed and confused.

Concentrate on material gains. Whatever your opponent gives you take unless you see a good reason not to.

Index funds do not trade from security to security and thus they tend to avoid capital gains taxes.

Anybody can achieve gains in quality by slowing down production. That is not what we are talking about.

The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of setting goals and achieving them.

He who learns to be happy in nature gains an endless temple for happiness every time he needs!

Leaders are interested in gains. However they acknowledge that there is no gain without pain. They embrace the pain.

video games are the comic books of our time... It's a medium that gains no respect among the intelligentsia".

The gains from technology must be channeled to a broader base of the population than has benefited so far.

With training and self discipline; clear focus and confidence; problems can be overcome and even lead to unexpected gains

Personally I feel that it is the most contemptible thing for a politician to seek personal gains from politics.

He gains wisdom in a happy way who gains it by another's experience. [Lat. Feliciter sapit qui alieno periculo sapit.]

The presumption that any current opinion is not wholly false gains in strength according to the number of its adherents.

Happy the man who gains sagacity in youth but thrice happy he who retains the fervour of youth in age.

The business man who gains success at the expense of the poor and miserable gains nil respect from his peers.

He who gains a victory over other men is strong; but he who gains a victory over himself is all powerful.

Gradually the true Mason gains experience in using these working tools and can observe subtler and subtler indications of personal flaws.

And fame for a painter means sales gains fortune riches. And today as you know I am celebrated. I am rich.

I will eliminate capital-gains taxes for the small businesses and the startups that will create the high-wage high-tech jobs of tomorrow

Keep thy shop and thy shop will keep thee. Light gains make heavy purses. 'Tis good to be merry and wise.

Population growth and development place additional stress on the Nation's water infrastructure and its ability to sustain hard-won water quality gains.

The key to building wealth is to preserve capital and wait patiently for the right opportunity to make the extraordinary gains.

Once a person gains experience and a good reputation it takes less and less money to create bigger and bigger investments.

Solve the problem yourself or accept a fate you may not like... from this perspective the ethic of personal responsibility gains appeal.

Oil is once again robbing the industry of a return to profitability. Cost reductions and efficiency gains have never been more critical.

Panty Melter: an exceedingly rare species of man blessed with so many desirable attributes he effortlessly gains access into a girl's panties.

Our investments in data Internet and international have been particularly timely and have positioned the company to post industry-leading incremental revenue gains.

One should never forget that by actually perfecting one piece one gains and learns more than by starting or half-finishing a dozen.

A woman gains status when she refuses to see anything killed to be put on her back. Then sheâ??s truly beautiful.

And still the best of us build and reach monetary gains. Some of us kill but still most of us can change.

Loving someone is a loss of freedom -- but one doesn't think of it as loss because one gains so much else.

The man who is fortunate in his choice of son-in-law gains a son; the man unfortunate in his choice loses his daughter also.

I am strong against everything except against the death of those I love. He who dies gains; he who sees others die loses.

If a man who is born to a fortune cannot make himself easier and freer than those who are not he gains nothing.

One gains at least two to three times more experience grabbing the tiger by the tail than reading about it in a book.

The man who loves his wife above all else on earth gains the freedom and power to pursue other noble but lesser loves.

I think if you had a capital-gains system where the long patient capital would actually be rewarded nanosecond capital turning would not be.

It is one thing to be able to state the price the antagonist paid another to be able to count you own real gains.

Investors covet past improvements but also always believe pricing unimaginable future creativity and efficiency gains is Pollyannaish. And they're always wrong. Bet on it.

Today our air food water-all are polluted. If we do not stop exploiting nature for our temporary selfish gains we will destroy the world.

Doves oppose war on the grounds that the risks exceed the gains. War with Iraq could be very costly possibly degenerating into urban warfare.

What kind of economy grows for decades on end but doesn't allow most of the population to share in the gains from that growth?

What I have proposed would be paid for by raising taxes on the wealthy because they have made all the gains in the economy.

Employers able to work together with workers and sharing gains and profits will lead to a much better world getting away from income inequality.

The biggest - one of the biggest barriers to driving economic growth is the capital gains tax rate. I propose taking it to zero.

An athlete gains more & more strength by facing resistance. Similarly in life we only become stronger when we face the resistance of our struggles.

Make no mistake the point of cutting the personal income tax and the capital gains cut is to send an unmistakable message to business.

If workers struggle for higher wages this is hailed as "social gains" if businessmen struggle for higher profits this is damned as "selfish greed".

Society never advances. It recedes as fast on one side as it gains on the other. Society acquires new arts and loses old instincts.

I am also convinced that one gains the purest joy from spirited things only when they are not tied in with earning one's livelihood.

The ceiling on taxation of capital gains reflects the national belief that speculation is a more worthwhile way to make a living than work.

An act of renunciation is an act of union with God. The Divine Master looks lovingly upon a person who gains a victory over self.

There is something perfect to be found in the imperfect: the law keeps balance through the juxtaposition of beauty which gains perfection through nurtured imperfection.

To paraphrase the Bible what shall it profit a man (or a woman) who gains the whole world but loses his or her own family?

More apparent to Teamster members than any moral lapses were the tangible gains that had been steadily realized under Hoffa since his advent to power.

I fearthat both dictators [Hitler and Mussolini] think their present methods are succeeding because of the gains they have made in Albania Hungary and Yugoslavia.

The most amazing achievement of the computer software industry is its continuing cancellation of the steady and staggering gains made by the computer hardware industry.

You don't need to raise taxes on rich people because they create capitalization and investment. But you need to tax speculation - meaning capital gains.

It is not he who gains the exact point in dispute who scores most in controversy - but he who has shown the better temper.

It is by speech that many of our best gains are made. A large part of the good we receive comes to us in conversation.

Technology is probably the single biggest driver of productivity gains for the developed countries. For example I think it's much more important than free trade.

Woe to the youth whom Fancy gains Winning from Reason's hand the reins Pity and woe! for such a mind Is soft contemplative and kind.

There is something akin to freedom in having a lover who has no control over you except that which he gains by kindness and attachment.

We need to educate Americans about the real harms of marijuana if we want to sustain the gains we've made over the past three years.

No man [or woman] is free until he learns to do his own thinking and gains the courage to act on his own personal initiative.

President Obama can talk about having no grand schemes and making no big gains but the reality is he can't get anything of significance through Congress.

People who know what they want and why they want it and have the skills to communicate that to others in a way that gains support

In the 20 years before Greece end up with the Euro efforts to improve competitiveness through exchange rate and adjustments resulted only in temporary gains of competitiveness.

When the individuality of the artist begins to express itself what the artist gains in the way of liberty he loses in the way of order.

I'd like to give zero out capital gains tax and zero out the dividends tax zero out alternative minimum tax and zero out the death tax.

I think that Governor Romney operates on the capital gains tax his investments what he lives off of instead of doing it off of his income.

If people want capital gains taxed more like the highest rate on income that's a good discussion. Maybe that's the way to help close the deficit.

I will promote savings and investment by maintaining the 15% rate on capital gains and dividends. I will eliminate the tax entirely for those with annual income below $200 000.

No Child Left Behind's fourth-grade gains aren't learning gains they're testing gains. That's why they don't last. The law is a distraction from things that really count.

I know I've made huge gains in my confidence and knowing more about my racing and myself as a person. That has made me a better athlete

So far as business and money are concerned a country gains nothing by a successful war even though that war involves the acquisition of immense new provinces.

The greatest gains and values are farthest from being appreciated. We easily come to doubt if they exist. We soon forget them. They are the highest reality.

Income earned by the sweat of your brow should be taxed at the lowest rates not the highest. Capital gains should be taxed at a higher rate.

So long as an opinion is strongly rooted in the feelings it gains rather than loses in stability by having a preponderating weight of argument against it.

Luck?" Drizzt replied. "Perhaps. But more often I dare to say luck is simply the advantage a true warrior gains in excuting the correct course of action.

The gains made by better management and technology are still being outpaced by the environmental impacts of population and economic growth. We are on an unsustainable course.

I think it's been unfortunate but it's happened that since the Great Recession the gains have all gone to the top. And we need to reverse that.

Meditation is sticking to one thought. That single thought keeps away other thoughts; distraction of mind is a sign of its weakness; by constant meditation it gains strength.

There is a native baseness in the ambition which seeks beyond its desert that never shows more conspicuously than when no matter how it temporarily gains its object.

Being open to the concept that globalisation is only 10-20% complete leaves room for some expectation that there might be more gains to be achieved from further integration.

If the expansion of a global legal regime for communication technologies gains traction the effects to the global economy as well as our individual liberties will be severe.

Actually in the moment in which the idea has life when it's listened to read engaged with acted on stage it gains another dimension it becomes three dimensional.

Mitt Romney privatizes the gains from his enterprises but spreads the costs to the rest of us. Seems that 'free stuff' is in the eye of the beholder.

It's grossly unfair to judge Walter Payton solely on the yards he gains. He is a complete football player better than Jim Brown better than O.J. Simpson.

Calmly contemplating these dimensions and bringing them into the service of compassion and kindness is the right way to make rapid gains in meditation as well as in life.

But man as a person the same man gains mastery over egocentric self-confinement by disclosing a universe in himself...Personality is a universe it is filled with universal content.

If we are to create a new agenda for family/work policies employers and employees have to take a seat at the same table and recognize their mutual gains.

Decades of providing technology in growing volume and at decreasing costs have driven great gains for developing nations communities and people worldwide but there is still much to do.

Pick up a grain a day and add to your heap. You will soon learn by happy experience the power of littles as applied to intellectual processes and gains.

If the criminal will not keep his gains for ever and his victim will not always suffer want surely man passes like a shadow and troubles himself in vain.

Anything you make forbidden gains sexual attractiveness. Would you be particularly interested in women's breasts if you lived in a society in which they were displayed at all times?

Tax laws favor capital over labor giving capital gains a lower rate than ordinary income. The rich get humongous mortgage interest deductions while renters get no deduction at all.

The cunning waste their pains;The wise men vex their brains;But the simpleton who seeks no gains With belly full he wanders freeAs drifting boat upon the sea.

Thought is a key to all treasures; the miser's gains are ours without his cares. Thus I have soared above this world where my enjoyment have been intellectual joys.

The elevation of appearance over substance of celebrity over character of short term gains over lasting achievement displays a poverty of ambition. It distracts you from what's truly important.

The gains in education are never really lost. Books may be burned and cities sacked but truth like the yearning for freedom lives in the hearts of humble men.

Money nowadays is money; money brings office; money gains friends; everywhere the poor man is down. [Lat. In pretio pretium nunc est; dat census honores Census amicitias; pauper ubique jacet.]

Politics is changing and as the demographics of different constituencies change so we need to be awake to the possibility of making gains where we have not traditionally done so.

The body becomes stronger as its members become healthier. The whole church of God gains when the members that compose it begin to seek a better and a higher life.

A man known to us only as a celebrity in politics or in trade gains largely in our esteem if we discover that he has some intellectual taste or skill.

The need for challenge the need to burst through the constrictions of tasks and situations already seen and mastered can affect anyone even those enjoying the greatest gains from success.

Cheerfulness is among the most laudable virtues. It gains you the good will and friendship of others. It blesses those who practice it and those upon whom it is bestowed.

The businessman is only tolerable so long as his gains can be held to bear some relation to what roughly and in some sense his activities have contributed to society.

The past few decades of widening inequality can be summed up as significant income and wealth gains for those at the very top and stagnant living standards for the majority

Who does not feel that Nansen's account of his search for the Pole rather loses than gains in ideal satisfaction by the pretense of a few trifling acquisitions for science?

Repeating moves in an ending can be very useful. Apart from the obvious gain of time on the clock one notices that the side with the advantage gains psychological benefit.

Doing good for others should not be a pre-calculated motive driven by an agenda for future gains; it should be a natural response out of the basic need at hand.

Imagine his delight after it 'leaked' that he will propose raising taxes on the wealthy by $320 billion over the next 10 years including increases to the capital gains and inheritance taxes.

Whoever has known the love of God loves the whole world and never murmurs against his fate for the burden of sorrow for the sake of God gains eternal joy.

I had made what I believe was one of the more valuable decisions of my business life. This was to confine all efforts solely to making major gains in the long-run.

There are gains for all our losses There are balms for all our pain: But when youth the dream departs It takes something from our hearts And it never comes again.

I propose to create a Civilian Conservation Corps to be used in simple work...More important however than the material gains will be the moral and spiritual value of such work.

People are at their most mindful when they are at play. If we find ways of enjoying our work blurring the lines between work and play the gains will be greater.

Temptation gains power where we see it prevail in others we know and we express neither shock or hatred of them and their ways nor pity and prayer for their deliverance.

Ani saw herself clearly in that moment as a face in darkness gains sudden dimensions in a flash of lightning - a young girl a silly thing a lapdog a broken mare.

We must beware of trying to build a society in which nobody counts for anything except a politician or an official a society where enterprise gains no reward and thrift no privileges

Celebrate Earth Day! A time to recognize the gains we have made. A time to create new actions to accelerate environmental progress. Protect our planet not only on Earth Day but everyday!

Lampis the ship owner on being asked how he acquired his great wealth replied My great wealth was acquired with no difficulty but my small wealth my first gains with much labor.

Modern man thinks he loses something - time - when he does not do things quickly. Yet he does not know what to do with the time he gains except kill it.

Yosemite Park is a place of rest a refuge from the roar and dust and weary nervous wasting work of the lowlands in which one gains the advantages of both solitude and society...

Religion in a magistrate strengthens his authority because it procures veneration and gains a reputation to it. In all the affairs of this world so much reputation is in reality so much power.

Today we're seeing fundamental conflicts within political Islam with the fundamentalists on the one side and the moderates on the other. Who gains the upper hand means a great deal to the world.

That is not quite enough to make one happy if one spends eight hours a day in something which in itself has no meaning and interest except that one gains money from it.

Once you see a child's self-image begin to improve you will see significant gains in achievement areas but even more important you will see a child who is beginning to enjoy life more.

The truth I discovered is a tree that grows as a man gains access to experience. A child sees the acorn of his daily life but a man looks back on the oak.

a caring that gains only when losing; an obsessed desire to be bound for love in jail ; a capitulation to the one you've conquered yourself; a devotion to your own assassin every single day.

From powerful causes spring the empiric's gains Man's love of life his weakness and his pains; These first induce him the vile trash to try Then lend his name that other men may buy.

If we should deal out justice only in this world who would escape? No it is better to be generous and in the end more profitable for it gains gratitude for us and love.

If we allow terrorism to undermine our freedom of action we could reverse at least part of the palpable gains achieved by postwar globalization. It is incumbent upon us not to allow that to happen.