Complains Quotes

The sea complains upon a thousand shores.

No great man ever complains of want of opportunity.

A fool bolts pleasure then complains of moral indigestion.

No one ever complains about a speech being too short!

Just because nobody complains doesn't mean all parachutes are perfect.

Everyone complains of his memory and nobody complains of his judgment.

The man who complains about the way the ball bounces is likely the one who dropped it.

When a young man complains that a young lady has no heart it's pretty certain that she has his.

It is always a bit hypocritical when a defender who spends the whole game kicking you complains of being kicked.

I want to be more like Pixie Lott. She works really hard but always manages to keep smiling. She never complains.

I was brought up in the great tradition of the late nineteenth century: that a writer never complains never explains and never disdains.

It is only imperfection that complains of what is imperfect. The more perfect we are the more gentle and quiet we become towards the defects of others.

The blessing of my mother is that she is so interested she is so bright she never complains - the joy of the Lord just bubbles out of her. Anybody who's in her presence is blessed to be there.

He who complains sins.

A pessimist is somebody who complains about the noise when opportunity knocks.

A good man complains of no one; he does not look to faults.

Every one complains of a poor memory no one of a weak judgment.

He who complains of the weather complains of the God who ordained the weather!

Author complains about "the further submergence of irrecoverable history into a perpetually churned present.

Patience is the virtue of an ass who treads beneath his burden and complains not.

Everybody complains that people are so flaky in LA. I'd rather be flaky than mean.

Great Pompey's shade complains that we are slow And Scipio's ghost walks unaveng'd amongst us!

A poor teacher complains an average teacher explains a good teacher teaches a great teacher inspires.

Nature suffers the most but never complains. Flowers never forget to bloom and beautify the world.

The silly when deceived exclaim loudly; the fool complains; the honest man walks away and is silent.

No one complains of being a prisoner of love who has ever been a prisoner of loneliness.

The left understands the media. The left wields it and the right sits on the sidelines and complains.

When a soldier complains of his hard life (or a labourer etc.) try giving him nothing to do.

The Atheist complains about the wind. The Christian prays for it to change. The Satanist adjusts his sails.

Every time some spoiled European soccer millionaire complains about the blaring vuvuzelas I want them to blare louder.

Marriage is a lot like the army everyone complains but you'd be surprise at the large number that re-enlist.

A person who complains that his children don´t treat him well should recall how he brought them up.

Sometimes I think it is a great mistake to have matter that can think and feel. It complains so.

When a general complains of the morale of his troops the time has come to look at his own.

I'm not one of those spoiled rock stars who complains about how tedious it is to perform my old hits.

Every old man complains of the growing depravity of the world of the petulance and insolence of the rising generation.

When a father complains that his son has taken to evil ways what should he do? Love him more than ever.

I've wanted one thing in my life. I don't want to be that girl that gets that one thing then complains.

my cousin Shirley who never complains screamed and screamed when she was having her baby. True this was just during conception.

The pessimistic coach complains about the play. The optimistic coach expects it to change. The realistic coach adjusts what he can control.

My neighbor complains every time my girlfriend and I have sex. We're not even that loud. But he used to date my girlfriend.

He whines he complains he ducks out of the most obvious responsibility. He is vain petty and maddening but he doesn't ever quit.

No one can manipulate anyone else. In any relationship both parties know what they're doing. even if one complains later on that they were used.

If someone complains about Europe from Monday to Saturday then nobody is going to believe him on Sunday when he says he is a convinced European.

An unaspiring person always complaints. There is no end to his complaints. He bitterly complains even when the blessings of opportunity knock at his very door.

I've wanted one thing for me whole life and I'm not going to be that girl who wants one thing her whole life then gets it and complains.

Nothing worse than someone who goes to the dance is excited to dance dances all night and then complains all the next day about his feet being sore.

So next time someone complains that you have made a mistake tell him that may be a good thing. Because without imperfection neither you nor I would exist

My mom always complains about my lack of a boyfriend. Well next time she asks I'm going to tell her I'm dating two different guys-Mr Duracell and Mr Energizer.

He that reads and grows no wiser seldom suspects his own deficiency but complains of hard words and obscure sentences and asks why books are written which cannot be understood.

God abandons only those who abandon themselves and whoever has the courage to shut up his sorrow within his own heart is stronger to fight against it than he who complains.

Political corruption is to Rhode Islanders as smog is to people who live in Los Angeles: nobody complains of its absence but when it rolls around everyone feels right at home.