Children Having Children Quotes

Many children's writers don't have children of their own.

I would just like to have children. Lots of children.

Not having children is one less worry. Children are a worry!

I have wanted to have children. I do want to have children.

Some children I have met are very beautiful. Some children are imbeciles vulgar terrible.

It is easier for a father to have children than for children to have a real father.

We have guidance counselors that have caseloads of 500 to 600 children. We don't have enough to help the children.

Why should I marry? One marries to have children but I already have children! My nieces and nephews are my children.

Expectation is a statistical fiction like having 2.5 children.

Marriages are not normally made to avoid having children.

Having children is what a woman is born for really.

Children are God's way of punishing us for having sex.

Nothing prepares a family for having multiple children at once.

Having children is exciting. Life puts the past into perspective.

Not having children makes less work-but it makes a quiet house.

I dedicated almost 12 years to the music industry before having children.

Having children is like having a bowling alley installed in your brain.

I highly recommend getting your career established first and then having children.

Gardening is apart from having children the most rewarding thing in life

Having children just puts the whole world into perspective. Everything else just disappears.

The very idea of having children brings out this deep revulsion in me.

After having children life becomes about living beyond yourself; about being bigger and better.

Even little children repeat that oftentimes people are hanged for having told the truth.

I haven't done the milestoney things - getting married buying a house having children.

About age 30 most women think about having children most men think about dating them.

We want better reasons for having children than not knowing how to prevent them.

The subject and the reality of having children came at the height of my career.

I'm having a lot of fun enjoying my life and trying to raise my children.

Having my animals or my children with me exorcises that feeling of not being wanted.

We want far better reasons for having children than not knowing how to prevent them.

If you have fewer teenagers having children they could focus more on their vocational development.

I worry about children not having a sense of any direct connection to the past.

I regret not having more children. I would have loved to have had a bigger family.

Having children is one of the most passionate and involving bits of business in human life.

I am a better mother for having something in my life and not just my children.

Owning stocks is like having children - don't get involved with more than you can handle.

Having children is fab. They keep me young and make me get up in the morning.

Having children makes you no more a parent than having a piano makes you a pianist.

Other people's children's birthday parties are the most joyful events you will ever resent having to attend.

When I'm with my friends' teenage children I always say 'Are your friends having sex yet?'

The crisis of children having children has been eclipsed by the greater crisis of children killing children.

I planned on having one husband and seven children but it turned out the other way around.

I'm done with the whole idea of having my own children. It doesn't seem like any fun.

Having five children in six years is the best training in the world for Speaker of the House.

I see lots of women having beautiful children later in life. And if not just freeze your eggs!

So if you can manage it you shouldn't touch your partner except for the sake of having children.

Literature is mostly about having sex and not much about having children. Life is the other way round.

STRANGELOVE REPRODUCTION: Having children to make up for the fact that one no longer believes in the future.

There's really no point in having children if you're not going to be home enough to father them.

Children have rights outside their mother's womb without having to be victim's of Domestic Violence inside their mother's womb.

I am determined that my children should have no financial security. It ruins people not having to earn money

This is the pain-pleasure of having newly adult children; they're innocent and ruthless in forgetting their sweet old dependence.

What is our freedom fight about? Is it about the liberation of children or just having sex with them?

I know from having had a child and from having been a child myself that children will copy you.

I am so longing to be domestic cooking stew gardening hopefully having some children painting sitting still in one place.

When you have kids you do grow up. I have just started realising it now-it changes the world having children.

I think we will work our way towards a position that says that having more than two children is irresponsible.

We must neither behave as children by resisting honesty nor allow ourselves to be treated as children by having honesty withheld.

One of the very best reasons for having children is to be reminded of the incomparable joys of a snow day.

You always hear people say that having kids changes everything but you can't fully realize it until you have children yourself.

She wondered if this was true of every parent: if prior to having children they all used to be someone else.

As complicated as joint custody is it allows the delicious contradiction of having children and maintaining the intimacy of life-before-kid s.

One of the unseen benefits of having children is that they deliver you from your own selfishness. There's no going back.

Having no children had been a kind of choice up to the moment when from a choice it became a sadness.

Having a loving relationship with our spouse or with our children is what leads to the long-term happiness we all seek.

In Russia a man is called reactionary if he objects to having his property stolen and his wife and children murdered.

Having children is like living in a frat house - nobody sleeps everything's broken and there's a lot of throwing up.

And part of that is what is the point of having children if you don't have the privilege of bringing them up?

The foetus is the property of the entire society.Anyone having children is a deserter who abandons the laws of national continuity.

Having children made me go down a road of serious introspection and self-examination. I think it's informed and hopefully enhanced my creativity.

That's one thing I find about having children - it does unlock a door that separates you from other women who've had children.

We take our children everywhere we go. I don't believe in having them and then leaving them to someone else to bring up.

The traditional rules for having children are long gone. Some days I feel like the harder choice is to not have a kid.

I'm the same weight now as I've always been-even before having children-but I have to say there's been a redistribution of the flesh!

To me writing is not a profession. You might as well call living a profession. Or having children. Anything you can't help doing.

No one I know is actually so rude as to tell me I've become duller since having children. But I'm sure they think it.

There's no better way to unplug than having children. Changing diapers is one of the most leveling things that has ever happened to me.

I believe in making the world safe for our children but not our children's children because I don't think children should be having sex.

And children? 'I don't have any regrets about not having had children. What's the point? It's just something else to beat yourself up over.

But it's amazing how many people think that gay men should slink off into the shadows when it comes to having friendships with children.

It is safest to shut up and pay which is what I shall eventually do though I shall hate having to sell the children.

My mum's always on at me to have children and blames 'that stupid stage thing you do' for me not already having a family.

I would have liked having children to some degree but frankly I haven't got the time to take the kids to the goddamn ballgame.

Men rise through the ranks because of potential but women have to prove themselves - while trying to have children and having no family leave.

For my part I try to do my bit to make people's lives more bearable in particular children across the globe who are having problems.

Through [my children] patience they're showing me how much they support what's going on because I'm having to do a lot of work right now.

Having children is a huge responsibility and I just don't want to hand them off to a nanny or my mom to take care of them.

I'm just not one of those people who thought having biological children was that important to me it was more about wanting to raise a child.

When you get married and have children and you start having hits and success and your business starts growing there's less and less time for songwriting.

It's like having children. You give birth but then they take on a life of their own. That's what actors do for characters. It's pretty amazing.

Being in a marriage and having children is the greatest pleasure but it is certainly not the easiest pleasure. It is not like eating ice cream.

Unless everyone grasps the importance of having only two children per couple wars won't be over just oil anymore they will be over water and food.

The reason most of the children are having problems in any inner-city neighborhood is because they don't see enough positive role models in their own environment.

When the ordinary thought of a highly cultivated people begins to regard 'having children' as a question of pro's and con's the great turning point has come.

[Steven Sebring] presence was also nice for my children who having just lost their father quite naturally craved warm male attention. They gravitated to him right away.

I've never got into debt and I've always been in control of my taxes and VAT but having four children costs a lot. They are my weakness.

Adults who enter into public life implicitly consent to having less privacy but their families - especially their children - should not be treated callously or thoughtlessly.

Why did children seem to be so often spontaneous joy-filled and concentrated while adults seemed controlled anxiety-filled and diffused? It was the Goddam sense of having a self.

Having children can be such a gift but it can be a crushing experience for a certain kind of mom. And I am that certain kind of mom.

I've never regretted not having children. My mindset in that regard has been constant. I objected to being born and I refuse to impose life on someone else.

Having and raising children is doing something with your life! ... And I have to say that having your kids is one of the greatest things you can do.

I don't want to be romantic but one of the most important things is to have happy buildings... it's like having a family with a lot of children.

I think a lot of mothers are doing as I am: starting up their own ventures as their children grow older and having a kind of second blooming.

I got my dad a great father's Day present. He called to say: 'Ach. Zis present is so good I now think it vas almost vorth having children.

There are all these things I want to do when I don't have to finish a book. But I have to keep writing because I keep having children.

My children without a doubt are my greatest accomplishment. If I did nothing else I would feel just having and raising them would be enough. The rest is icing.

The commonest fallacy among women is that simply having children makes them a mother - which is as absurd as believing that having a piano makes one a musician.

I was a wonderful parent before I had children. I was an expert on why everyone else was having problems with theirs. Then I had three of my own.

A century that began with children having virtually no rights is ending with children having the most powerful legal instrument that not only recognizes but protects their human rights.

I just can't think how I would go on without children having lost Edith already... It's too upsetting for me to write about them. Naturally I still hope and wait wait wait.

I am not only uninterested in having children. I am opposed to having children. Having a purebred human baby is like having a purebred dog; it is nothing but vanity human vanity.