Bye Quotes

Until I got married when I used to go out my mother said good bye to me as though I was emigrating.

Bye bye! I'm from Colombia! I'm Sofia Vergara!

Bye Tess. haunt me if you like. I don't mind.

It's the emptiest and yet the fullest of all human messages: 'Good-bye.

Okay outside " the clerk said. "Conversation outside. Bye! Have a nice night!

There are no good-byes where ever you'll be you'll be in my heart.

Is it bad when you refer to all alcohol as "Pain Go Bye-Bye Juice"?

It's always easier to say good-bye when you know it's just a prelude to hello.

Bye-bye Elan. P.S. Next time you implicate someone falsely try to pick a pacifist.

After my last audition for 'Game of Thrones ' they said 'Congratulations princess.' I was like 'Bye-bye call centre.'

Bye-bye. I'm off on a journey to the real world. 'Cause within this meta-reality what's real is this - my death.

Good bye may seem forever. Farewell is like the end but in my heart is the memory and there you will always be.

I'm not stupid stupid. Leave this whole thing in my extremely capable and well-manicured hands. I'll call you later with an update. Bye!

I don't like catchphrases either. A current one would be "Bye Felicia." It's used so much that we don't even know the origin anymore.

The worst way of flying I think is standby. It never works. That's why they call it standby. You end up standing there going 'Bye!'

I'm always shy when I meet people I admire so I wouldn't be able to say anything rather than 'How do you do? Love you! Bye!'

Drinks like this tend to get called Traffic Lights or Rainbow's Revenge or in places where truth is more highly valued Hello and Good-Bye Mr. Brain Cell.

I wanted to have a go at a pop career. My first single 'Baby I Don't Care' was a hit and the second 'Bye Bye Boy' reached the Top 20.

You can take wonderfully talented actors wonderfully talented writers and producers and uh do a wonderful show!... but if it doesn't hit with the public in two minutes it's bye-bye.

Good-Bye is an easy word to say but try saying it to a friend. If I never knew you I'd be safe but half as real never knowing I could feel.

Lionel Richie love song OK thank you very much good-bye. And all of a sudden I realized that in my career what has made my career has always been the surprises.

Bye Bye Miss American Pie drove my chevy to the levy but the levy was dry. Good old boys drinking whiskey and rye singing this'll be the day that I die.

Thank heavens when the first single Bye Bye came off this album work started to pick up then I'm Alright has taken us across the world. Radio has been very good it has chosen to be kind to us.

You always feel pretty good after a bye after a couple of days off. Not having a game you freshen up a little.

I no longer care about the financial system. I gave them my roadmap. OK? Thanks bye. I've no idea what's going on. I'm disconnected. I'm totally disengaged.

Why should I have to say bye to one thing to do another? I can do lots of things at one time and as much as I love to do films I'd love to do ads as well!

Good-bye... why am I hemorrhaging ?

G'bye I'm going out to play!

here we were again always saying good-bye

Why did everything feel like saying good-bye?

All I was afraid of is saying good-bye.

It is never a mistake to say good-bye.

There are some things you never say good-bye to

I said hello unnoticed you said good-bye too soon.

There's no greater power than the power of good-bye.

Learn how to let go and say a good good-bye.

I've had a lot of fun. Good-bye and thank you.

Good-bye Graystripe. I love you. Take care of our kits.

Hello and good-bye are not as simple as everyone thinks.

Yeah you can have a word " said Harry savagely. "Good-bye.

Kiss those cuffs good-bye." Lula from "Hard Eight" By Janet Evonavich

Sometimes silence was easiest when the only word left was good-bye.

Wave bye-bye to your cash cow 'cause it's leaving the pasture.

Good-bye to the lies of the poets. [Lat. Valeant mendacia vatum.]

We all have to find our own ways to say good-bye.

Take your tongue out of my mouth I'm kissing you good-bye.

I never knew there were so many different ways to say good-bye.

I know too well howgood-bye can steal more than just the future.

They say money talks but all mine ever says is 'good-bye sucker.

The umpire signals a bye with the air of a weary stalk

It means thanks it means admiration it means good-bye to someone you love.

I say good-bye to hope but I also say good-bye to hope's disappointment.

I say good-bye to the part of myself that misses him so much.

Saying hello to something new means saying good-bye to something old and loved.

Self-depreciation is a disease. Once it gets a hold on us - good-bye!

His was the disease we couldn't cure. His was the good-bye that meant the most

Let's raise our glass and let the hammer fly yeah this is the long good-bye.

If you said good-bye to me tonight There would still be music left to write.

She didn't mean to be unkind why she even woke me up to say good-bye.

Like a lot of women I'm bisexual. Once I have sex with you - bye!

Come hell or water high you'll never see me cry this is our last good bye.

It all comes down to who you crucify you either kiss the past or future good-bye.

I don't really have a problem saying good-bye to things. All things come to an end.

Keep hoping to see the light in her eyes. Even knowing it'll mean she's saying good-bye.

Life was a series of greetings and farewells one was always saying good-bye to something to someone.

Good-bye Dr. Steve ' I said then climbed the stairs and went to the fifth floor to die.

Good-bye is always hello to something else. Good-bye/hello good-bye/hello like the sound of a rocking chair.

Say good-bye to the Affordable Care Act. That means 20 million people who lose their health insurance just like that.

It hurts when it don't last no easy way saying bye. So I'mma spread my wings and head for the sky.

Good night sweetheart " he says. "Good bye sweetheart " I say. And it's so casual so innocent that he doesn't suspect a thing.

Baby bye Here's a fly Let us watch him. you and I How he crawls Up the walls Yet he never falls.

You [meaning mothers] said good-bye a little every day -- from the minute they left your body until they left your home.

No one teaches you how to walk away from someone who you know loves you. NO one teaches you how to say good-bye.

Oh! Moon of Alabama We now must say good-bye We've lost our good old mama And must have whiskey Oh you know why!

If I'm at a party where I'm not enjoying myself I will put some cookies in my jacket pocket and leave without saying good-bye.

Crashing into the trembling void Stretching my hand to you Losing myself to frigid regret Is this fragile love A way To say Good-bye

And though you want to last forever You know you never will You know you never will And the good-bye makes the journey harder still.

Iâ??ve lost so many people. Some I left on purpose and never looked back. Some were taken from me and I never said good-bye.

Don't forget to wish your husband good-morning when he sets off to the office. He will feel the lack of your good-bye kiss all day.

[H]e lay awake dreading the dawn when he would have to say good-bye to the small universe he had built for himself over the years.

Now I know why they tell you to put your head between your knees on crash landings. You think you're going to kiss your ass good-bye.

I saw three shrimp in the water two were old and gray. I swam a little closer and I heard the third one say good-bye Mama.

Sorry! I don't want any adventures thank you. Not Today. Good morning! But please come to tea -any time you like! Why not tomorrow? Good bye!

in thoughts one keeps a reserve of hope in spite of everything. You cannot say good-bye in imagination. That is something you can only do in actuality ...

I'm feeling pretty good right now but I hope we can just win the whole thing and I can run off into the sunset and say good-bye.

You left me." Not realizing until I've said my final good-bye and closed the door behind me that he's not referring to the past. He's prophesying our future.

It says on the back of the Nyquil box 'May cause drowsiness.' It should say 'Don't make any plans OK? Kiss your family and friends good-bye.'

But I'd long ago learned not to be picky in farewells. They weren't guaranteed or promised. You were lucky more than blessed if you got a good-bye at all.

I love you all. But it's time to say good-bye for now. be careful with the world or the next time we meet it might get ugly. -Tally Youngblood

We learn to face the reality and the pain of our loss to say good-bye to the dead loved one to restore ourselves and to reinvest in life once again.

When the end comes dark and hungry I'll be alone love When the end comes black and starving I'll say good-bye love.-from Golden Tongue: The Poems of Steven Slaughter

And he left. I watched him walk out "? he didn't say good-bye he didn't even look back. It scared me how easy it was for him to do that.

Goodbye Darcy goodbye Jean goodbye stone cottage scratchy towels fields of wildflowers; good bye gorgeous Peak District ... OK English People for your own good get off the roads here we come!

...even saying good-bye isn't enough. There's always one more thing you should have had the time to say or do or ask. There's always going to be that one missing piece.

I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet When far away an interrupted cry Came over houses from another street But not to call me back or say good-bye;

Okay this was kissing. Serious kissing. Not just a kiss before moving out not a good-bye this was Hello sexy and wow she'd never even suspected that it could feel this way.

I am one of those irritating people who hang on to the door-knob after they say good-bye and will neither come back nor go always remembering something else which must be said ...

I already tried that. Something heavy metal like. And sunglasses. But it didn't work; I went to the gas station and when I left the guy at the counter said 'bye Mr Schumacher

Though ye loue not to bye the pyg in the poke Yet snatche ye at the poke that the pyg is in Not for the poke but the pyg good chepe to wyn.

Curran struck at my wrist. His fingers were cat-quick but I had spent my life honing my reflexes and he missed. "Well look at that." I studied my free wrist. "Denied. Good-bye

It is to be doubted whether anybody who said good-bye to Bert had any faith or interest whatsoever in the life everlasting. This life had some of them thought been quite bad enough.

There's nothing here to say good-bye to. There's no dancing girl. No mischievous smile. She's gone off with her sisters broken free escaped. And if she were here now she would say "Go.

Buenos dias " she said in response to Hernandez's soft greeting. They had a pact to speak only Spanish to each other with the result that their conversation never got beyond hello and good-bye.

I won't let this be my good-bye. I've folded one thousand paper crane memories of me and Grace and I've made my wish. I will find a cure. And then I will find Grace.

I have fooled life and life has fooled me. We are quits. I say good-bye. Think sometimes in the hour of happiness of your poor comical fool who loved you truly and so well.

Discipline yourself to be a disciple of great works and to do that excellently you have to wave "bye-bye" to some things and then switch off your inner person not to go near them again!

Good-bye Clarice. Will you let me know if ever the lambs stop screaming?" "Yes." Pembry was taking her arm. It was go or fight him. "Yes " she said. "I'll tell you." "Do you promise?""Yes.