Bounce Quotes

Flash photography can be horrible. In the hands of an expert who knows how to bounce all that searing bright light in the right direction it may make an impossible picture workable.

I just try to play as hard as I can every possession. If you're aware and you're high-energy the ball will eventually bounce your way and you'll be able to make plays.

I've been typed as a horror writer and I've always said to people "I don't care what you call me as long as the checks don't bounce and the family gets fed.

I was a kid who loved to play games. Any kind of game any kind of ball. Give me a baseball give me a basketball give me something I can bounce and throw.

I have a very thick skin. I take everything that comes and let it bounce right off me because I know the time will come when nobody will be able to speak falsely.

I'm never at my worst because even at my lowest its a learning experience. It's something that I'll bounce ideas off. I can take negatives and flip them to positives at all times.

Basketball for me has always been a matter of rhythm - what you do bouncing the ball how you bounce the ball how you run how you receive the ball to be in rhythm.

I think it's good for an actor to bounce between stuff on camera and stuff in theatre. If I could do half and half every year I would be a very very happy man.

I think its good for an actor to bounce between stuff on camera and stuff in theatre. If I could do half and half every year I would be a very very happy man.

So I'm in love. That crazy forget to eat float around in a daze talk on the phone all night and bounce out of bed every morning hoping to see him kind of love.

You have to keep a little bit extra fat on the body. The strength and conditioning guy is always all over me about it but it seems to make guys bounce off me better.

We manage to bounce ideas off one another. Every band fights but at the end of the day we're very positive about the way we fight. At least we come out with a result.

If you wrote something for which someone sent you a check if you cashed the check and it didn't bounce and if you then paid the light bill with the money I consider you talented.

If you bounce a tennis ball against a wall it will come back to you the same way every time. But if you shift the wall a few degrees it will come back another way.

Generally I think America is America. America has been through suffering like other countries but America will come up. I have no doubt. It's just going to bounce. You know you have ups and downs.

An acrobatic dunk will make it onto Sports Center. A simple unspectacular bounce pass in the rhythm of the offense will not. System basketball has been replaced by players who want to be the system.

Find a business mentor. Connect with others who are successful in other lines of business. Bounce ideas off them pick their brains. Maybe they can re-write a proposal for you.

If you go on with this nuclear arms race all you are going to do is make the rubble bounce.

Poetry and lyrics are very similar. Making words bounce off a page.

I listen to the audience and try and bounce with them. All audiences are different. But they are all homo sapiens.

It is always challenging bowling abroad - you don't get much spin bounce. You do get bounce but you don't get sideways spin. It is always drifting kind of spin you get.

Resilience isn't a single skill. It's a variety of skills and coping mechanisms. To bounce back from bumps in the road as well as failures you should focus on emphasizing the positive.

Our culture has kind of let the concept of the Renaissance Man die out. We don't really tell the kids that it's okay to bounce around the world work odd jobs and do six different things.

I've learned in most areas of my life to bounce heated choices off other people. Co-workers my agent my wife a sponsor etc. A majority of the time that keeps me on the right side of things.

I don't break; I bounce.

I always bounce my legs when I'm sitting.

Success is when the checks donâ??t bounce.

I want the last cheque I write to bounce.

It's great to have someone to bounce off of.

Parameters are the things you bounce off to create art.

Everyone deals with adversity. It's how you bounce back from it.

Children cannot bounce off the walls if we take away the walls.

I think when you are younger you bounce back quicker from knocks.

all my bounce has gone flat like soda with the top left off.

it's not how far you fall but how high you bounce that counts.

Hello I'm John Morrison and you can bounce a quarter off my abs.

The hole was playing downwind and I managed to get a good bounce.

I can bounce back from adversity and reinvent my life - it's possible

Well I'm lucky because you see I'll probably bounce back from this role.

Love will put a spring in your step and a bounce in your heart.

I'm rubber you're glue whatever you say bounce off me and sticks to you.

I really like working with drummers I like being able to bounce ideas off drummers.

The true measure of success is how many times you can bounce back from failure.

That's what I can't stand. I know I'll bounce back and that's what I can't stand.

Your gender identity is who you are. Sexual identity is who you bounce that off of.

It's nice for us to have a fresh face in the camp to bounce things off.

I could not bounce back from my divorce - emotionally - I just could not bounce back.

You have to bounce in life with joy. Your strength lies in your smiles and your songs.

Have you ever had a shock in life? It takes great hope faith and courage to bounce back.

A secret needs two faces to bounce between; a secret needs to see itself in another pair of eyes.

You canâ??t bounce off the walls If there are no walls: outdoor schools make kids happierâ??and smarter

A career is a progression of ups and downs how you deal with them and how you bounce back.

The ability to bounce back after a setback is the single most important trait an entrepreneurial venture can possess.

A good run adds a little bounce to my step. I get a certain amount of self-esteem from it.

The fun part about collaborating is that you naturally just bounce off each other's energy and learn off each other.

Good pitchers after a tough outing bounce back. Real good pitchers don't let too many poor games get in there.

College is great. It's the only time in life where you can write a check for 39 cents... and bounce it.

I like to see people who are survivors wearing my shoes. I am fascinated by people who can bounce back.

There is a bit of me if I'm pushed in one way I might bounce back and go the opposite.

Words bounce. Words if you let them will do what they want to do and what they have to do.

When in doubt parenthesize. At the very least it will let some poor schmuck bounce on the % key in vi.

The living has a great hope we have life to bounce back from any difficulty. The dead had no hope.

Niggas pray and pray on my downfall But every time I hit the ground I bounce up like round ball

When she would walk it was like rhythm. The guys' heads would bounce but I wouldn't look because I was married.

I bounce off four walls 24 hours a day seven days a week because I only sleep those four hours a day

What reaches the heart without going through the mind is likely to bounce back and put the mind out of business.

Because of my acting career I've had to bounce from city to city and get in the groove in the studio.

When you look back at your career there are moments that are levels that you hit and you bounce off them.

The day I notice a cyclist obey a stop sign is the day I'll stop enjoying watching them bounce off my hood.

The world will continue to be hit by natural disasters and hateful mass killings but communities bounce back stronger so keep going.

One must indeed test the strings to this life bounce the bow wet the mouthpiece prepare for the deeper music that follows.

I would take anything I love and throw it off the highest cliff you ever saw and not wait to hear it bounce.

Hockey on roller skates is like MMA in a bounce house: the elements are there but the medium makes the whole thing ridiculous.

I'm very much a relationship guy. I like to bounce ideas off the person that I love. I like having a real connection.

All men contain several men inside them and most of us bounce from one self to another without ever knowing who we are.

My hair dries straight naturally so I'm always trying to find anything to give it volume or give it a little bit of bounce.

I love getting to bounce around and explore so much. I love Scandinavia. I love Spain. It's so mystical and romantic yet it's gritty.

Long-term relationships are an everyday choice. It's harder to be in a marriage than it is to bounce from one relationship to the next.

You're just always looking for something new. That's why a lot of people bounce between TV and movies. You have the ability to try something else.

Trade and commerce if they were not made of Indian rubber would never manage to bounce over the obstacles which legislators are continually putting in their way.

Life ain't about how fast you run or how high you climb It's all about how good you bounce. A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.

I expect that our associates will walk with a little more bounce in their step and understand that this company is behind them and has respect for them.

A kangaroo would jump better if instead of legs it had a trampoline under its torso. And there would be no depression because it would bounce right back.

I am not like my image; I take my work so seriously. Everyone thinks I just bounce in but I study and everything has to be just right.

Only hidden and undetected oratory is really insidious. What reaches the heart without going through the mind is likely to bounce back and put the mind out of business.

Failure isn't a word I really use. I am a very resilient person; I bounce back extremely fast and I believe in myself and my talent as an artist.

My bounce-around life had taught me that dreams were dangerous things - they look solid in your mind but you just try to reach for them. It's like gathering clouds.

Then wear the gold hat if that will move her; If you can bounce high bounce for her too Till she cry "Lover gold-hatted high-bouncing lover I must have you!

It takes courage to live your dream and bounce back up when you have been knocked down. Your dreams give you the energy and inspiration to live a great life.

Any club is important. All Latin music movements are born in clubs. There is no better research than going to a club. If your music works it will bounce up.

In life you throw a ball. You hope it will reach a wall and bounce back so you can throw it again. You hope your friends will provide that wall.

Who could not be moved by the sight of that poor demoralized rabble outwitted outflanked outmanoeuvered by the U.S. military? Yet given time I think the press will bounce back.

The rules I go by are: Always keep your villains bad and keep the plot grounded and real. If you keep those stakes the comedy will bounce off that and work.

Some receivers are like sports cars: they have a lot of speed and flair. Me I'm like an old pickup truck. I just bounce around and try to get the job done.

I expect the Republicans will enjoy a large bounce out of their convention. They're here wrapping themselves in the 9/11 flag which I think is inappropriate in many ways but it's their choice.

Turbulence like many forms of trouble cannot always be seen. We bounce so hard my arms sail helplessly above my head. In evolution wing bones became arms and hands; perhaps I'm de-evolving.