Word-of-mouth Quotes

No movie becomes a hit without good reviews and word-of-mouth. No agency ever became a great brand by merely saying it was great - in advertising or by any other medium.

One of the things that is counterintuitive about BuzzFeed is that there's not a natural corollary to what we're doing because it isn't possible to distribute content through word-of-mouth in print.

Battlefield' was one of those slow-building songs the way 'Tattoo' was. It was kind of a word-of-mouth hit. The more people heard it the more they started requesting it on the radio.

If it's a good record or a good recording then word of mouth will build for that reason not before the fact not before anyone's heard it not because of MySpace or the label.

I'm hoping that word-of-mouth on the film - people seeing it and liking it - that that will drive more people to the theaters because I haven't seen the billboards or the posters or anything.

I heard you good with them soft lips.. Yeah you know word of mouth

If you do build a great experience customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful.

I think that when audiences find a movie that they don't expect to like it adds great word of mouth.

If you're not doing something that people will remark on then it's going to be hard to generate word of mouth.

Remember that it is not enough to abstain from lying by word of mouth; for the worst lies are often conveyed by a false look smile or act.

I have now attained the true art of letter-writing which we are always told is to express on paper exactly what one would say to the same person by word of mouth.

The history of the world as it is written and handed down by word of mouth often fails us completely; but man's intuitive capacity though it often misleads does lead does not ever abandon one.

We're living in an era where word-of-mouth is on steroids

I think we're going to have to forget about the radio and just go back to word of mouth.

Ensure your employees understand what your brand stands for so they can be your first line of word-of-mouth advertising.

You can't make money on advertising; you just have to seed the clouds. What you're after is word of mouth.

Content-based marketing gets repeated in social media and increases word-of-mouth mentions; it's the best way to gather buzz about a product.

Reviews are written by people who don't understand the process of sitcom. I don't read reviews of anything. I go by word of mouth.

Right from the first time we went to America in 1968 Led Zeppelin was a word-of-mouth thing. You can't really compare it to how it is today.

You know it's not the people in Hollywood who go to see movies that will make a movie successful; it's the people all around the country; it's word-of-mouth.

In order to have a lasting career you'll need to spend time performing live to build your own audience as it's not all about social media. Word of mouth still rules.

By creating conversation we let our customers spread our message by word of mouth.

Like all books that have that kind of momentum it starts from word of mouth.

More contact means more sharing of information gossiping exchanging engaging - in short more word of mouth.

Awkward Black Girl' is spreading to all the right people because of word of mouth and social networks. I'm so grateful.

Free publicity and word of mouth is probably the best and cheapest form of advertising. Learn to use it to your advantage.

There was a sense that there was a lot of word of mouth happening with 'The Memory Keeper's Daughter ' even in hardcover.

It's still word of mouth that is going to make or break a show and while critics can't help a show they can hurt it.

If you're considering word of mouth stability and lifetime value it's almost always true that the easier it is to get someone's attention the less it's worth.

It is much better to learn the elements of geology of botany or ornithology and astronomy by word of mouth from a companion than dully from a book.

People are social beings and want interaction and social learning is the primary form of learning just as word of mouth advertising is the highest form of advertising.

Business in Russia was not being done like in the West with contracts. In Russia hundreds of millions of dollars were going forward and backward by word of mouth.

What gets posted online is not short term and is open for easy misinterpretation. Messages and pictures spread faster through the Internet than they ever could by word of mouth.

Folklore used to be passed by word of mouth from one generation to the next; thats what makes it folklore as opposed to say history which is written down and stored in an archive.

Folklore used to be passed by word of mouth from one generation to the next; that's what makes it folklore as opposed to say history which is written down and stored in an archive.

To me the big thing in being a successful team is repetition of what you're doing either by word of mouth blackboard or specifically by work on the field. You repeat repeat repeat as a unit.

Viral word-of-mouth marketing for GoPro is massive. Video is really the conduit.

Word of mouth works now much more than ever. @-reply every single person.

Some women can't say the word lesbian... even when their mouth is full of one.

The Guardian's 'Word of Mouth' blog bridges the gap between blogging and serious food journalism.

Word-of-mouth marketing is a crucial component of organic growth for startups and one of the primary ways that Weebly has grown to over 15 million customers.

Word of mouth is the most effective means of communication.

Every word out of my mouth is a word that I've approved.

A team of horses cannot overtake a word that has left the mouth.

Research by the Keller Fay Group finds that only 7 percent of word-of-mouth happens online.

Word of mouth is the primary factor behind 20 percent to 50 percent of all purchasing decisions.

The very first word out of Jesus; mouth in is ministry in the New Testament is clear: repent.

Literature whether handed down by word or mouth or in print gives us a second handle on reality.

Jenna standing in the doorway with her mouth and hand full of shelled pistachios says '"Real' is a dirty word in this place'.

We shed blood to take the word `Grexit' away from the mouth of foreigners and Syriza is bringing this word back to their mouths

Fasting reminds us that we are sustained by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God (Matt. 4:4). Food does not sustain us; God sustains us.

By getting the Word deep into your spirit and speaking it boldly out your mouth you release spiritual power to change things in the natural circumstances.

Perhaps 'Big Bang' fans feel so protective of the show because it is despite being a hit show on a big network something of a word-of-mouth phenomenon.

Every time your faith is strengthened as you hear the Word release it through your mouth to receive your miracle for God's Word is out to prosper you!

The stupidity of gossips is that they become frightened when they see your face and a little word from your mouth makes them vibrate like an electrocuted criminal.