Wisdom And Age Quotes

Today there is no symbolic compensation for old age no recognition of a specific value: wisdom perceptiveness experience vision.

It's a fallacy to believe that age in itself brings wisdom but one thing it infallibly brings is experience.

In an active life is sown the seed of wisdom... And age if it has not esteem has nothing.

Young people you need the wisdom of age just as some of us older ones need your enthusiasm for life.

Most of our difficulties come from losing contact with our instincts with the age-old forgotten wisdom stored up in us.

One of the useful things about age is realizing conventional wisdom is often simply inertia with a candy coating of conformity.

Pleasure has its time; so too has wisdom. Make love in thy youth and in old age attend to thy salvation.

her age was that indeterminate mixture of everlasting youth and anticipated wisdom which is the glory and the curse of genius.

Age with his eyes in the back of his head thinks it wisdom to see the bogs through which he has floundered.

Sometimes the gift of an inquisitive nature to the young can be greater than that of the wisdom which comes of age.

Old age takes in part savoury wisdom for its food - see to that your old age will not lack in nourishment.

In the age of strategy advantage flowed from owning resources. In the age of wisdom it flows from seeding and connecting them.

With age comes wisdom and confidence and I don't feel like I'm seeking approval as much as I used to from other people.

Make wisdom your provision for the journey from youth to old age for it is a more certain support than all other possessions.

For there is assuredly nothing dearer to a man than wisdom and though age takes away all else it undoubtedly brings us that.

A wise and clear-eyed book Future Hype challenges the conventional wisdom about technological change and provides a fresh perspective on our so-called computer age.

Actually I feel I'm a better player; more mentally. I guess you get better with age people say. You have a lot more wisdom.

I am hoping that with the added wisdom of old age I can still look ahead for an improvement in tone line colour and composition.

Age does not bring wisdom... but it does give perspective... and the saddest sight of all is to see far behind you temptations you've resisted.

Man has boyhood adolescence youth middle age and senescence as stages of growth; there are also corresponding stages in the growth of wisdom in him.

It would not be worth your while to reach the age of seventy if all the wisdom of the world were to be foolishness before God.

Personally I like ageing. With age comes wisdom and I have said it before and I say it again I will take wisdom over youth any day.

We forget that Socrates was famed for wisdom not because he was omniscient but because he realized at the age of seventy that he still knew nothing.

It may be an information age but... It takes more work to earn more money to be overwhelmed by more information that does not equal knowledge or wisdom.

Let your old age be childlike and your childhood like old age; that is so that neither may your wisdom be with pride nor your humility without wisdom.

Age per se may claim tenderness and pity but not respect; that only comes when the years have brought humanity and wisdom and the experience that worketh hope.

In spite of every sage whom Greece can show Unerring wisdom never dwelt below; Folly in all of every age we see The only difference lies in the degree.

Do not dismiss the words of the old; they possess wisdom which comes only with age and often speak of things that the young are too immature to understand.

With age comes common sense and wisdom.

With age comes a greater wisdom an ease and comfort with oneself.

The wisdom of the wise and the experience of ages may be preserved by quotation.

The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages are perpetuated by quotations.

The philosophies of one age have become the absurdities of the next and the foolishness of yesterday has become the wisdom of tomorrow.

The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages is preserved into perpetuity by a nation's proverbs fables folk sayings and quotations.

I feel increasingly like age is very irrelevant. Quite often cynicism is confused with wisdom and my scorn is confused with a knowing which I don't have.

I'm very accepting with my age. It's like notches on your belt: experience wisdom and a different kind of beauty. There comes a day when you've become comfortable in your skin.

Observation not old age brings wisdom.

As an elder I mistrust the wisdom of age.

To a fool time brings only age not wisdom.

Age doesn't always bring wisdom. Sometimes age comes alone.

When did Youth ever thank Age for its wisdom?

Not by age but by capacity is wisdom acquired.

Wisdom comes with age but keep it to yourself.

Wisdom degenerates in governments as governments increase in age.

Age is frequently beautiful wisdom appearing like an aftermath.

With age comes wisdom but sometimes age comes alone.

Wisdom.... comes not from age but from education and learning.

Age does not bring you wisdom age brings you wrinkles.

Age is wisdom if one has lived ones life properly.

Age brings wisdom to some men and to others chess.

I actually think with age comes some level of wisdom.

Wisdom is the key to understanding the age creating the time.

Age is a hell of a price to pay for wisdom.

Understanding and love require a wisdom that comes only with age.

Old age deprives the intelligent man only of qualities useless to wisdom.

I am old so give me your peace. Wisdom comes with age.

Skills come with age but wisdom I doubt it very very much.

He has existed only not lived who lacks wisdom in old age.

age has its own glory beauty and wisdom that belong to it.

There is only one thing age can give you and that is wisdom.

The beauty of age is we grow we learn. We have more wisdom.

The wisdom of age is bitter when those you have failed have gone.

Much of the wisdom of one age is the folly of the next.

Modernity: we created youth without heroism age without wisdom and life without grandeur

Most of the wisdom of one age is the folly of the next.

Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.

Ours is an age that's often obsessed with knowledge at the expense of wisdom.

Youth is the time to study wisdom; old age is the time to practice it.

With age comes wisdom. You don't need big boobs to be feminine. Look at Liberace.

The older I grow the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom.

Morality comes with the sad wisdom of age when the sense of curiosity has withered.

Sexuality and femininity is an accumulation of age and wisdom and comfort in your own skin.

This age thinks better of a gilded fool Than of a threadbare saint in wisdom's school.

Wisdom is one of the few things in human life that does not diminish with age.

Wisdom is not guaranteed with age but is realized through one's sensitivity to humanity and the universe

Old age takes from the man of intellect no qualities save those that are useless to wisdom.

The years of wisdom in a man's age are where the true meanings of his life lie.

Applied properly it [logic] can overcome any lack of wisdom which one only gains through age and experience.

Denying the lines on our faces makes a comment about age and wisdom I don't care to make.

I love the inappropriateness of age-old wisdom in modern slang. These things are all so wonderful to me.

I've always believed with age comes wisdom. And I find salt and pepper hair to be very attractive.