Vote For Me Quotes

If you agree with me on 9 out of 12 issues vote for me. If you agree with me on 12 out of 12 issues see a psychiatrist.

[Campaign sign when running for Congress in 1967:] Vote for me or I will hold my breath until I turn blue.

Arnold Schwarzenegger announced he's running for governor. He's got a great slogan - 'Vote for me or I'll make 'Kindergarten Cop II

You're not going to get a chance to vote for me on the ballot but you can actually vote for what I believe in.

Earlier today Arnold Schwarzenegger criticized the California school system calling it disastrous. Arnold says California's schools are so bad that its graduates are willing to vote for me.

I would not ask anyone to vote for me based on my last name. I am certainly not campaigning to be president because my last name is Clinton.

I read an article that said one in five Americans thinks Elvis is alive. I want to find those morons and get them registered to vote for me.

You live in a country that makes it harder to raise children than any other country in the world. You vote for me and I'll give you family values.

General Musharraf needs my participation to give credibility to the electoral process as well as to respect the fundamental right of all those who wish to vote for me.

The polls show that 10 percent of the public are ready to vote for me even though they don't know I'm running. We hope that figure won't drop when they learn I'm in the race.

I'm constantly meeting people who said that they cast their first vote for me or that they cut their eye teeth on the 1972 campaign or that they didn't vote for me but admire my positions.

I couldn't run for any office. I think that religion is bad weed is good and babies are disgusting; who would vote for me?

Democrats Republicans independents people across America. If you don't vote for me I still want to be your president.

I am for anyone that will give me lower taxes stop all this stupid spending. Whoever promises me that gets this chicken's vote.

Senator John McCain could never convince me to vote for him. Only Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama can cause me to vote for McCain.

I cannot bring myself to vote for a woman who has been voice-trained to speak to me as though my dog has just died.

I have always said in my own rise in the leadership please don't ever ask anybody to vote for me because I'm a woman.

For me a better democracy is a democracy where women do not only have the right to vote and to elect but to be elected.

Let me sum it up for ya: We got some people who work for a living and we got some people who vote for a living.

God does not rule by the consent of His subjects but by His sovereign authority. His reign extends over me whether I vote for Him or not.

The biggest story in all of politics are the millions of people that are coming out to vote for me in all fairness for the Republican Party.

My hope is that 10 years from now after I've been across the street at work for a while they'll all be glad they gave me that wonderful vote.

And they'll vote for me because I'm the best liar because I do it honestly with a certain finesse. They know that lies and truth are very close and that something beautiful rests between.

If you don't believe...Saddam Hussein is a threat with nuclear weapons then you shouldn't vote for me.