Viability Quotes

I do believe in the viability of Indian spiritualism.

Sometimes being a musician has little to do with viability and everything to do with survivability. Many musicians start out great and they wind up out of the business in 10 years.

Economists are coming to acknowledge that measures of national wealth and poverty in terms strictly of average income tell you little that is significant of the health or viability of a society.

There's another issue here - and I have some limits as to what I can say - but there's some real question as to the viability of the chemical masks the protective gear used by our soldiers.

It is our action that determines the viability of our dream.

One corpse in a well destroys the viability of the well.

Good design successfully manages the tensions between user needs technology feasibility and business viability.

Within every little dream seed is the potential viability of sprouting to becoming a great forest.

Intimate relationships cannot substitute for a life plan. But to have any meaning or viability at all a life plan must include intimate relationships.

Trust your intuition and be resilient. If you have real breakout ideas even your friends will laugh at you secretly until you can prove their viability.

Because we believe that somewhere in the nest of paradigms contained in the phrase "missional church" lies nothing less that the future viability of Western Christianity.

At the constitutional level what we of course have assured is that women have the ability to make these reproductive decisions up to the point of viability.

The world of the 20th century if it is to come to life in any viability of health and vigor must be to a significant degree an American century.

The digital premium business content model is broken and we should all be taking appropriate steps now to ensure the viability of this business is preserved by other means.

Someone tells me: this kind of love is not viable. But how can you evaluate viability? Why is the viable a Good Thing? Why is it better to last than to burn?

The whole [scientific] process resembles biological evolution. A problem is like an ecological niche and a theory is like a gene or a species which is being tested for viability in that niche.