Vending Quotes

Vending Machine: "This product has no known nutritional value and may cause irritability or wakefulness in some individuals. Please enjoy your selection and your day." Eve: "Up yours.

We need to reform our school lunch programs. We need to get healthy items into the vending machines.

God is not a vending machine where if you put in enough prayer quarters we get a Reese's Pieces bag that pops out.

I want to get a vending machine with fun sized candy bars and the glass in front is a magnifying glass. You'll be mad but it will be too late.

My favorite machine at the gym is the vending machine.

I like vending machines because snacks are better when they fall.

One simply turns to the ideological vending machine and out comes the prepared formulae.

I want to make a vending machine that sells vending machines. It'd have to be real big.

Bragging that you had sex with a prostitute is like bragging that you got Doritos out of a vending machine.

I don't see the government as a beverage vending machine where anyone who happens to be thirsty can grab a drink.

Wait a minute words in the prompter script on my desk vending machine upstairs out of Funyuns... the writers are back!

It's safe to assume that by 2085 guns will be sold in vending machines but you won't be able to smoke anywhere in America.

Male sexual response is far brisker and more automatic. It is triggered easily by things - like putting a quarter in a vending machine.

We need election reform because our elections are being stolen. And these huge powerful voting machine vending companies have privatized the election process in our country.

We made love like two sand dollars in a vending machine. She said she wanted marriage and kids and I said all I wanted was a soda.

Have you ever tried thinking of God as a person instead of an all-powerful vending machine that never gives you the right amount of change? He has feelings too you know.

I turned around and headed back to the stairwell planning to go downstairs and buy a chocolate bar from the vending machine. Maybe it would fall on me and end my misery.

I like vending machines because snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at the store oftentimes I will drop it so that is achieves its maximum flavor potential.