Undiscovered Quotes

Hiking in undiscovered places is a lot of fun.

The undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveler returns.

It makes the heart to tremble when you open an undiscovered tomb.

Thousands of geniuses live and die undiscovered - either by themselves or by others.

The idea of love as a mysterious undiscovered world has come to have no place in our innermost imagination.

Capacity never lacks opportunity. It cannot remain undiscovered because it is sought by too many anxious to use it.

Clearly no one knows what leadership has gone undiscovered in women of all races and in black and other minority men.

By and large talent is in such short supply that mediocrity can be taken for brilliance rather more than genius can go undiscovered.

Community cannot for long feed on itself; it can only flourish with the coming of others from beyond their unknown and undiscovered brothers.

I am interested in the gap between what people say and what they think - the undiscovered world of people's lives. Lives of quiet desperation.

From quiet homes and first beginning out to the undiscovered ends there's nothing worth the wear of winning but laughter and the love of friends.

I predict that there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of undiscovered ancient sites across the globe. The only way to map them and locate them quickly is from satellites.

The genius of America is that we are still a land of undiscovered shores and we are at our best when we open our hearts and allow the night winds to bring renewed visions of great deeds.

Unexplored paths lead to undiscovered treasures

What is love but an undiscovered disease?

Stories are relics part of an undiscovered pre-existing world.

A quiet fool can go undiscovered for a long time.

The great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.

We are so much more undiscovered than we are discovered.

a wild dedication of yourselves To undiscovered waters undreamed shores.

The closeups of pornography make human genitals look like undiscovered prehistoric animals.

How many geniuses die undiscovered not only by others but more sadly by themselves?

Without patience magic would be undiscovered - in rushing everything we would never hear its whisper inside.

Writing will be like a journey every word a footstep that takes me further into undiscovered land.

Each destination you reach only opens out into wider horizons new and undiscovered countries for you to explore.

I do feel in my dreamings and yearnings so undiscovered by those who are able to help me.

The truly scary thing about undiscovered lies is that they have a greater capacity to diminish us than exposed ones.

To myself I am only a child playing on the beach while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me

I don't care for remakes. There's soooo much undiscovered material out there; old and new. I want to be original.

... the estranged self hidden with its inexhaustible potential lies undiscovered by many people who die without even knowing that it exists.

We run to undo the damage we've done to body and spirit. We run to find some part of ourselves yet undiscovered.

Maybe there is another who sees life not as a flickering candle but as a torch that can illuminate an undiscovered world.

Of bird and prophet and his light shall lead On through the darkness to eventual light To undiscovered wealth to newer need . . .

Direct your eye inward and you'll find / A thousand regions in your mind / Yet undiscovered. Travel them and be / Expert in home-cosmography

Each of us is great insofar as we perceive and act on the infinite possibilities which lie undiscovered and unrecognized about us.

I wanted people to believe that there could still be this little undiscovered piece of the world that survives still on Skull Island.

the night of trouble is at times so dark that the interwoven gold with which Providence relieves the woof of calamity remains undiscovered.

It is not at all incredible that a book which has been so long in the possession of mankind should contain many truths as yet undiscovered.

TO A CHILD BEHELD IN SUMMER RAIMENTLittle girl one lesser garmentwill suffice to clothe your crotch Hide that undiscovered cavernWhere old Time will wind his watch.

There are insights that can be born only of your own pain and they are the most precious. Seek [within] the undiscovered part of yourself. (emphasis added)

The woman's personal identity is a vast undiscovered country -- with which Society has yet to acquaint itself and by which it is yet to be revolutionized.

As we rise to meet the challenges that are a natural part of living we awaken to our many undiscovered gifts to our inner power and our purpose.

A good test case is a test case that has a high probability of detecting an undiscovered error not a test case that show that the program works correctly.

The sweetest hunts are stolen. To steal a hunt either go far into the wilderness where no one has been or else find some undiscovered place under everybody's nose

You're beautiful because when you were born undiscovered planets lined up to peep over the rim of your cradle and lay gifts of gravity and light at your miniature feet

One of the great undiscovered joys of life comes from doing everything one attempts to the best of one's ability. The smallest task well done becomes a miracle of achievement.

...I realized that there was a thrilling undiscovered country to be explored in the mechanisms of the mammalian nervous system. Through it one might approach the mystery of the mind...

I see the human being is an incredible machine totally undiscovered in many ways. Every one of us has a hidden tank of energy that comes out when it is needed.

I am driven out of fatherlands and motherlands. Thus I now love only my children's land yet undiscovered in the farthest sea; for this I bid my sails search and search.

You may abuse your energy when you do not know what it is meant to help you carry. An undiscovered self is an easy way to rob the world of leadership impacts.

Because she deserved my tears if anyone on earth ever did. I could feel the tears within me undiscovered and untouched in their inland sea. Those tears had been with me always.

A wise writer will feel that the ends of study and composition are best answered by announcing undiscovered regions of thought and so communicating through hope new activity to the torpid spirit.

If you have done well in whatever business you are in it is your duty to send the elevator back down and try to help bring up the next generation of undiscovered talent.

It still amazes me how many millions goes to discovering another star in the galaxies when for all we know we are still sitting on top of another undiscovered world beneath out feet

More often than not in order to find truth a wise man must suffer the ravings of the insane. There is no undiscovered truth to be found in the minds of the reasonable and rational.

The reason I love teaching it's like being a miner. I find all these undiscovered jewels and with the right motivation they're amazed at what they can do. I have to show them their capability.