Teresa Quotes

If there is a heaven Jane Austen is sitting in a small room with Mother Teresa and Princess Diana listening to Duran Duran forever. If there's a hell she's standing.

What if the church should be less concerned with creating saints than creating a world where we do not need saints? A world where people like Mother Teresa and MLK would have nothing to do.

I know many Catholics love God with all their heart. I have genuine respect for anyone who truly has given their life to Christ. We read about Mother Teresa and what a wonderful example she was.

When Mother Teresa received the Nobel Prize she was asked "What can we do to promote world peace?" She answered "Go home and love your family.

It was her. It was Teresa.

Adolf Hitler is simply the dark-side of Mother Teresa.

India has no reason to be grateful to Mother Teresa

I'm not Mother Teresa but I'm not Charles Manson either.

Mother Teresa had a mustache. Hitler had a mustache. Mother Teresa is Hitler.

Know the difference between success and fame. Success is Mother Teresa. Fame is Madonna.

Tuhan kata Bunda Teresa bersahabat dengan diam. Kembang tumbuh tanpa kata dan bulan bergerak tanpa berisik.(h.405)

The last person to be beatified by Pope John Paul II was Mother Teresa of Calcutta in 2003.

This is the philosophy of nonviolence that I have learned from Gandhi Bacha Khan and Mother Teresa.

Mother Teresa's numerical results were not her greatest contribution. Instead she made the world-and especially India-conscious of compassion.

Mother Teresa was the very embodiment of saintliness: white-clad sad-eyed ascetic and often photographed with the wretched of the earth.

Mother Teresa you could say many things about her but certainly you would not say she was macho. Anything but.

Nobody knows if Zidane is an angel or demon. He smiles like Saint Teresa and grimaces like a serial killer.

Mother Teresa the nun who in the last century dedicated her long life to helping the poor is now a saint.

I love Nudge Nudge is a great kid but that motormouth of hers could have turned Mother Teresa into an ax murderer

Everything everyone thinks they know about [Mother Teresa] is false. It must be the single most successful emotional con job of the twentieth century.

She knew that it was better to have a dream and pay a price for it than to be lukewarm. - regarding St. Teresa of Avila

Two of my favorite political philosophers Mao Zedong and Mother Teresa - not often coupled with each together but the two people that I turn to most.

Mother Teresa once said "Holy living consists in doing God's work with a smile." ... The last thing many believers need is to go to another Bible study.

I'd like to believe there's a little of Hitler and Napoleon in me. Even if I try I can't be as selfless as Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa.

Mother Teresa would seek no other pulpit than the hovels of the poor and no other sermon than her works of love performed for the unloved in God's name.

You don't have to become Mother Teresa to make an impact in the world. But nothing can be achieved if at the very least we are not talking about it.

Teresa Teresa. Have we taught you nothing?" Raffy says in an irritated voice. "It's war. You go in and you hunt him down until he realises that he's made a mistake.

Squeezing yourself to ooze out the last ounce of sex allure is terribly hard. I'd like to do roles like Julie in Bury the Dead Gretchen in Faust and Teresa in Cradle Song.

In 1984 my mom gave birth to my older sister Teresa. Due to a complicated delivery she needed a blood transfusion and at that moment my mom had HIV+ blood put into her body.

Nicole Kidman in particular seems to bring out the butt-kisser in the sassiest of hackettes as they ceaselessly strive to portray her as some sort of cross between Mother Teresa and Marilyn Monroe.

It's 'Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon except there's just one degree and Kevin Bacon is Hitler. Can I play? Let's see. Mother Teresa had a mustache. Hitler had a mustache. Mother Teresa is Hitler!

Henri Nouwen once asked Mother Teresa for spiritual direction. Spend one hour each day in adoration of your Lord she said and never do anything you know is wrong. Follow this and you'll be fine.

Mother Teresa was brilliant. She said "I will never attend an anti-war rally. If you have a peace rally invite me." She knew. She understood the secret. Look what she manifested in the world.

In France it was Joan of Arc; in the Crimea it was Florence Nightingale; in the deep south there was Rosa Parks; in India there was Mother Teresa and in Florida there was Katherine Harris.

Mother Teresa was asked what was the meaning of life and she said to help other people and I thought 'What a strange thing to say' - but maybe it's the right thing to say.

John Kerry went hunting today. He said he killed a goose. He didn't bring Teresa along because he was a little rusty and he was afraid he might kill the goose that laid the golden egg.

For every Mother Teresa there's a Jeffrey Dahmer.

Never eat at a Chinese restaurant named Mama Teresa's Trattoria.

St. Teresa of Avila described our life in this world as like a night at a second-class hotel.

For me writing something in the spirit of Halloween is like Mother Teresa writing on charity and sacrifice. It's just second nature to me.

My mother was kind and forgiving and would take in all the waifs and strays in our neighbourhood; we always compared her to Mother Teresa. She taught me a lot.